Stofsk wrote:
Un-fucking-believable. You quoted me, so it must mean you actually READ what I wrote. But it's clear you didn't.
Hey genius, what did I write in the second sentence? "Even if you FORGET ABOUT SCALING AND GOING BY THE MOVIES..." The 8 KM figure doesn't matter to me all THAT much. I was attacking it for calling the Super Star Destroyer a 'super-class' vessel, when anyone could have researched it and called it an Executor-class vessel.
The 8 KM figure didn't figure more than a SENTENCE in my criticism.
Doesn't really change the point of his argument. You're singling out the X-wing novels for a mistake that has occured repeatedly through canon. Its something that goes back to WEG, not the author. Furthermore, you go on to assume that the author somehow has absolute creative control over his work and would
not be forced to change or alter his conclusions based on the suggestions or demands of censors, editors, continuity people, etc.
This is that same inane bullshit where Luceno got blamed for naming the Executor a "STar Dreadnought" without proof.
So? This thread is ABOUT the X-wing series, not about the rest of the EU or even the NJO. What the hell about this is so absurd? What kind of rebuttal is "The rest of the EU does this stupid shit too."?
And so what the fuck is the problem about Alyeska's statement, then? Is there some sort of moratorium in bringing up the OTHER Star Wars novels, especialyl when there aer others that are justafiably worse?
Or does that somehow detract from this little bitchfest you apparently seem determined on having?
Admiral Trigit was called dishonourable by Lara Notsil, an Imperial agent.
Because he was selfishly abandoning his ship and his crew to save his own skin. He didn't even tell them to abandon ship.
Corran's nemesis in the RS books was a treacherous snake, who only died because Isard was a bigger treacherous snake.
So? In the canon radio dramas, Motti is a treacherous snake who attempted to persuade Tarkin into rebelling against the Emperor. Lord Tion ended up giving away the existence of the Top Secret Death Star project because he couldn't keep his fucking pants on. Your point being?
Zsinj has a man executed for being a proficient pilot.
Was this in "Iron Fist"? If so, then it was because he was flying simulator missions while on duty. IE not doing what he was supposed to, even though he was ordered at least ONE time prior not to do that. Dereliction of duty
and disobeying orders? Vader's executed people for
far less. And there was nothing suggestive about the ensign actually being a proficient pilot.
The ISD captain who goes insane in the battle in Bacta War (please read Poe's comments).
Already commented on this.
The interdictor captain commits treason.
Which one? The Black Asp/Corusca Rainbow? (the one with the female captain?) Heaven forbid! Some Imperial officer defected to the Rebellion! We've
never seen that happen before...
These are all off the top of my head.
Doesn't really speak well for the quality of your memory, then.
Haven't read Solo Command, not sure I want to now. But all the examples I showed just now are Imperial commanders, admirals, and intelligence agents that show no morals or integrity.
Hello? Your examples have to be both
accurate and
relevant to have any point. Frankly, I found the way Allston portrayed Zsinj and Melvar to be far superior to how he was portrayed in the WEG materials
AND Courtship of Princess Leia. Zsinj in the X-wing novels was a very likable character, even for an Imperial.
And the books are being told from the Rebel side, so some anti-imperial bias is expected.
Actually thats only one of the SoD-inspired rationalizations for some of the apparent inconsistencies or oddities in the EU novelizations (or in other words, ,an excuse to ignore it on the basis of bias.)
However, not to the levels in which the X-wing books manage to make unreadable.
Even Stackpole's work, which I tend to dislike grreatly, is far more readable compared to say,
Traitor, which I read in a day mostly by skimming through nearly 2/3 of the book out of sheer boredom.
The part where Lara Notsil decides the Rebels are fine people of upstanding moral character compared to the Imperials, who have a culture of fear going on, makes it unreadable.
Or, maybe you're just a disgrunteld Empire-wanker/apologist. Frankly, I'm not sure what the deal is, but you have a real axe to grind with the X-wing novels. Maybe its just another "Lets bash the EU cuz everyone does so" wankfest.
Vader executed two people: an Admiral that fucked up, and a Captain that fucked up. The EU mentions that the former was an idiot to begin with. But those two are the only summarily executed subordinates under Vader's command.
At least two. There are others. In fact, Vader's flagship is known as a fast-track to promotion because of the attrition rate among its officers.
There was also Admiral Greelanx who was executed by Vader in "Hutt Gambit" for simply following what he believed to be orders.
And Zsinj killed the crewman NOT for being incompetent, which may have resulted in the failure at Hoth, or letting Solo escape, but for practicing PILOT MOVES. Granted, he should have been disciplined for doing it the wrong way - but the guy was shown to be proficient at piloting, and Zsinj made it sure that he would be given full testing to see if he was, and THEN executed for disobeying orders. Sorry, but this is just idiotic and wasteful. Either kill the fuck head or promote him to flight crew, but don't waste training - it's expensive.
REad above. And the person he killed was a fucking ENSIGN. A guy who commands an entire Oversector and a substantial portion of the galaxy can afford to lose a single Ensign/pilot. He can't afford to have someone get away with disobeying an order or ignoring his other duties.
Where the hell did I say that her plan lacked merit?
I was pointing out how the villains are arseholes and megalomaniacs. It's a repetitive theme throughout the X-wing novels. I want something else.
You apparently want an excuse to carry on with your popularity-enhancing EU bashing. I find it amusing that some people will in one breath criticize the EU as a whole (or even in part) but if someone else (say Darkstar) does it, they throw a fit.
Yes, its a fact that the EU is riddled with errors, and yes, they have to be rationalized and/or dismissed when neccessary. I fail to see where "bitching about it incessantly" fits in, though.
"Blind statements" huh?
Sure. I can be as snide and backhanded as you and say that you're an Allston fanwhore, but that wouldn't be fair, would it?
Gee, by your definition, I must be an Allston fanwhore too. In such a case, you can go take your Empire-wanking and go fuck yourself.
And I did mention Corran Horn, incidentally, he figured into my point about the series having superheros instead of grunts. But going after Corran Horn is a fucking cheap shot.
Corran Horn IS an annoying and rather shitty character. Not only does nothing ever truly
bad happen to him, but what few flaws he does have tend to be superficial and quickly corrected. About the only time Corran Horn is NOT an annoying character is when Stackpole is NOT writing him (IE, "Star by Star")