Keevan_Colton wrote:I want guns! I want guns!
Guns make me safe!
Guns are good!
I want guns! I want guns!
Concealed carry, what a wonderfully retarded idea that is too...lets carry hidden guns about with us...incase we see a crime so we can execute the perp on the spot.
Every single fucking argument for "self defense" with handguns always turns out to be really "summary execution" rather than self defense.
Bullshit. Quite often the display of the weapon serves to deter the would-be perpetrator from the commission of their crime.
Y'know what? It's not really much of an issue for me personally. I'm a big guy, and I don't look like an easy mark. But I have known plenty of women who aren't so large, who have had real-life problems and carry for that very reason, and people like you would rather see them disarmed and made into easy victims for scumbags. It's sickening.
The argument for concealed carry isn't about a guy like say, me, wandering about and suddenly spotting a crime in action and going "Oh! I'll be a hero and save the day!" BANG BANG BANG.
In fact, most concealed carry instructors I have met teach specifically the opposite... you don't come in shooting because you don't know the fucking situation. It was a point of goddamned emphasis at the class I took, for damn sure.
It's so the first person on the damned scene has a fighting chance against a predator who has the advantage of picking their prey, usually on the basis of said prey being smaller and isolated.
And the majority of gunowners I know would go to great lengths to avoid having to kill somebody if at all possibly. We're not all bloodthirsty, triggerhappy lunatics lusting after a chance to kill people, so you can spare us the generalization.