40K/Inquisitor RPG. The Line of Damnation.

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Post by Petrosjko »

Prius rose, a savage glint in his eye. "Understood, Inquisitor Gix. They will give us the answers we require."

He kept glancing at Pater's new 'companions'. Every time he started to respect the inquisitor on a personal level, some matter like this came up. It was disturbing to him. Why did Pater find it necessary to surround himself with such creatures? He wasn't even sure of what diseased breed of animal this pair was, but they clearly had no place in a human structure.

He feared that Pater was damning his soul in increments with this behavior.

But that was not his concern at the moment. Prying answers out of the arbites was. He would kill the liaison officer first, as an example.

"If you'll excuse me, then," he nodded to the inquisitors in turn, then limped out of the room, hand resting on the grip of his plasma pistol.

Adivan looked at Gix after he left. "Crude, but effective. I suspect there'll be a number of openings in the local arbites command structure soon."
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

"I should have killed Xerxes days ago," says Gix ruefully. I was so close. "I should have burned him down. Too much walking softly from undercover work. You would think Chaos uprisings and Traitor Legionaires would make these measures unnecessary."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by Petrosjko »

Adivan shook his head. "It was a mistake on all our parts, Jolan. Do not take it entirely on yourself. We do need to inform the arbites that Ristani is on his way and bearing the full weight of our authority, though. Otherwise, they might resist, and I wouldn't know which way to bet on the outcome of that confrontation, but the loss of either Ristani or the entire command structure of the arbites would be counterproductive to our work here."
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

"You're right. Duty first. Recriminations later. This is Inquisitor Jolan Gix. Commissar-Colonel Prius Ristani is coming on an investigation bearing Inquisititional Authority. Obey and cooperate or be declared hereticus excumicatus."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by Petrosjko »

Prius limped into the offices of the Arbites. In the fashion of the Imperium, the offices were appropriately grim and foreboding, a reminder of the Emperor's stern justice. The skulls of capital offenders rested on hooks along the walls, above plaques detailing their offenses. On the star fort they couldn't have quite the majestic scale that was typical of planetside establishments, but the hallway was extravagantly large for the station, narrowing down to a defensible chokepoint before the actual entrance to the office.

He clomped up to the guards. "Colonel-Commissar Prius Ristani, here on the business of the Most Holy Inquisition and in the name of the God-Emperor. You will let me pass."

His plasma pistol was in his augmetic hand, dangling by his side. He glared at the guards, daring either of them to dispute his right to be here.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Severa's auspex. Data runes flicked through data pads. One set of them was from Hethor. Is was succinct in Hethor's style. Watch the Captain and her pet bitch. Well, if he didn't expect it to be obvious, he would have said more. Time to pay the captain a visit.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by Petrosjko »

Uschi and Sannove were sitting in the captain's office when Severa arrived. Both of them rose when she entered.
Last edited by Petrosjko on 2004-12-17 11:05am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

As Prius entered he was confronted by another two judges. "In the Emperor's name halt. This is the Courthouse of the Arbites and Temple to his law. Submit to His authority." The elder judge was heavy, with streaks of grey in his hair. A sure sign of a soft berth. The younger was leaner. Both wore carapace over their armoured uniforms.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by Petrosjko »

He raised the plasma pistol and fired a shot into the face of the older judge. It was the damnable overcompensation of that augmetic arm... he'd been aiming for the chest. The gun tracked to the left to aim at the other judge, overtracked, then came back in line.

"For the record, I represent the authority of the Most Holy Inquisition, the highest voice of His Law in the Imperium. When speaking to me, you will bear this in mind. Do you understand?"

One very good part to having an augmetic arm was that once he got it pointed where it needed to be pointed, it didn't wobble at all, even under the heavy weight of the pistol. The unwavering muzzle pointed directly at the younger judge.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Severa entered the room and coldly evaluated the women that Hethor had set up to die. The captain might be a business woman, but the other . . . Severa saw women like her every time she passed a mirror. That one would hold grudges.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by Petrosjko »

Uschi didn't speak. She waited to be spoken to, conceding the authority on her vessel to this Imperial tool.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

"Y-y-yes commissar-colonel," the younger judge quivered. Of course, as he distracted the commissar with his stammering, he drew his bolt pistol with remarkable speed and steadiness.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by Petrosjko »

Prius pulled the trigger again, blessing the quick recharge rate of these newfangled plasma pistols again. He was really getting to like these toys that the Lord Inquisitor had provided for them.

He looked around for somebody else to speak to, raising his pistol offline slightly as he limped further into the compound.

Obviously this place was in need of a serious cleansing, if respect for the Most Holy Inquisition ran so shallow. There would be a host of new skulls to hang on the hallway outside.
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Post by Typhonis 1 »

Nathan swore as he walked through the station.Somehow the fan had gotten buried and there was a shit storm brewing. Prius was investigating the local arbites with his usual fervor and apparently they needed it.

The other thing that had gone wrong was his gear was missing , not the stuff he had on him but his two bags of equipment and items .Alll could be replaced but well a few would be considered most holy relics and he knew for a fact no one, not even Lena or Prius ,had seen his picrture of the emperor.

He was also going to see how Lillith was doing .He headed for where he knew where Gix was locatd when he heard an authoritative voice speak up.

"Hold citizen what business do you have here? Speak quickly now"

He turned to spot three Arbites looking him over , a Seargeant and two troopers armed with a Bolter and shotguns respectively.
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Post by consequences »

As the three Daemons started to move, Chapel's guns opened up, firing so quickly that their single shots could easily be mistaken for machine-gun fire. The monsters were staggered, not having had time to build up any momentum, but they weren't critically harmed. Chapel knew he could have dispatched one of the beasts if he concentrated fire, and probably taken a second one at point-blank range, but only at the cost of letting the third cut him in half.

Even as the last round left his weapons, he was sprinting for the door. The Bloodletters eagerly followed, their wounds closing as they chased after his apparently panicked flight. Beings not in the throws of bloodlust might have noted that the path he took cut across remaining cultist resistance. Entities not hungering for the blood of their prey could have perceived that the way he continuously pounded them with fire even as he ran straight away from them was not normal. Being pure manifestations of Khorne's philosophy, they cared not for these things, and eagerly gave chase.

This chase continued for more than a minute, with the daemons continuing to close, even though they were constantly being shot. Finally, Chapel found what he had been looking for, an intact emergency bulkhead. As he cleared it, his right hand gun tracked to the emergency release panel, firing a single round into the activation rune. The daemons, even in the grip of madness noted this, and summoned unearthly reserves of energy to close with their prey before he escaped them. The first two cleared the door with no problem, but the third was transfixed by Chapel's fire, cutting across its legs.
Normally, the damage would be healed within seconds, possibly aided by the abomination eating its prey's legs to regain its strength. However, this supposed that tonnes of metal alloy weren't already closing around the beast. The third hellspawn was ground to paste in a fraction of a second, its sword falling to the deck before evaporating.

A moment later, Chapel recieived a single buzz over the commlink. Upon hearing that, rather than dive through the door headfirst as he had done so many times previously, he changed his direction at the last moment, running up the wall just beside the portal. The second demon bellowed with rage as it charged past him through the opening, pausing momentarily as some form of weighted wire wrapped around his body. Looking down, it began to flex its muscles to break the pitiful binding, only at the last moment to note the exact means used to weigh down the weapon.

At least half a dozen grenades went off simultaneously, right against the monstrosity's skin. Amazingly, the thing stumbled out of the cloud of shrapnel and fire, only to have its face meet Skorn's axe as he charged headlong into the explosions.

The third Bloodletter had been momentarily blinded as the not so pitiful human fired into its face from midair. Its eyes regrew, even while more gunfire hammered it, and it regained its senses to find the insolent pest practically touching it, moving in a strange pattern as he continued to pound his foe's flesh. Instinctively, it tried to use its sword to cleave the insect, only to find him inside its reach. It then attempted to crush him with its bare arms, as the pain and damage mounted, but the mortal moved with its attacks, robbing them of their force. Finally, it managed to club the human to the ground, only to have him spin and pump armorpiercing and Hellfire rounds into its crotch, driving up the length of its body to its head. The Daemon had a brief moment to flail in agony and regret its dark lord's decision to give it functioning genitals, before it came aprt in a shower of gore, that dissolved before hitting the deck.

Soon after, reports came in of mass cultist suicides, out of despair, rather than desire to summon more foul things. The battle for the station was effectively over, at least in this area.
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Post by GeneralTacticus »

After Prius left, the other Inquisitors stood in silence for a few moments, thinking. Adivan was the first to speak, his eyes seeming to stare off through the walls into infinity, and his voice distracted, as though he was listening to a voice no-one else could hear.

"So, how much does Xerxes know? He was present for part of our meeting aboard Pater's ship, just before the Black Legion attacked... he knows of the existence of the archaeotech, for certain, and, if he was listening outside before he entered, he may know something of what it can do... but he could not have learned precisely what it was from that. We must also assume he knows about the improved weapons it makes available. Was he present for any of our other discussions?"
"The bird let out a slow chicken cackle. It sounded like a chicken, but in her heart she knew it wasn't. In that instant, she completely understood the concept of a chicken that was not a chicken. This looked like a chicken, like most of the Mud People's chickens. But this was no chicken.

"This was evil manifest."

- Terry "Not a fantasy author, honest" Goodkind, bringing unintentional comedy to a bookshop near you since 1994.
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Post by Pcm979 »

"He also knows that we worked out Chaos' plan for creating a new eye of terror, and what we were going to do about it."
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Post by GeneralTacticus »

"If indeed they have such a plan; as I recall, it was no more than Nathan speculating about what could be done using the archaeotech. Of course, if he has been turned or captured, Chaos will soon learn of that possibility anyway. And did we even have a plan for dealing with it, aside from keeping the archaeotech out of their hands?"
"The bird let out a slow chicken cackle. It sounded like a chicken, but in her heart she knew it wasn't. In that instant, she completely understood the concept of a chicken that was not a chicken. This looked like a chicken, like most of the Mud People's chickens. But this was no chicken.

"This was evil manifest."

- Terry "Not a fantasy author, honest" Goodkind, bringing unintentional comedy to a bookshop near you since 1994.
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Post by Pcm979 »

"I don't think we got that far before we were up to our necks in Traitor Marines."
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Post by GeneralTacticus »

"I didn't think so, either. Fortunately, that means that any countermeasures we may devise will not be known to him, and thus he will be unable to betray them, even if he wants to."
"The bird let out a slow chicken cackle. It sounded like a chicken, but in her heart she knew it wasn't. In that instant, she completely understood the concept of a chicken that was not a chicken. This looked like a chicken, like most of the Mud People's chickens. But this was no chicken.

"This was evil manifest."

- Terry "Not a fantasy author, honest" Goodkind, bringing unintentional comedy to a bookshop near you since 1994.
Rabid Monkey
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Post by Pcm979 »

A civillian flunky who was walking past saw the bodies, and Prius looking murderous, and screamed; Several Arbites, only half-armoured but carrying their deadly shotguns none the less, rushed out.
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Post by Petrosjko »

"I am Colonel-Commissar Prius Ristani, acting on behalf of His Most Holy Inquisition. You will stand down or face Hereticus Excommunicatus!" he snarled at them, his psyk-oratory flowing from his words.

It might at least make them hesitate before opening fire, long enough for him to dive for cover.
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Post by Pcm979 »

It would have worked, too, if it wasn't for the wierd shit that had been going down on the Station lately. They opened fire, not very accurately.
Sith Acolyte
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Post by Petrosjko »

He dived to the side, taking cover behind a long horizontal monument of tribute to some famous Judge or another from centuries before. One shot grazed his hip, pellets digging into flesh but missing the bone... one advantage to some of the recent enforced bed rest, he'd gone back to putting on the weight that plagued him whenever he couldn't get in his usual rigorous exercise.

He focused the pain away, feeling his regeneration already kicking in as he reached out with his senses, locating them. Six targets, already spreading out to envelope his position. He quickly rose and fired, taking one in the chest, then ducked down again.

They know not what they do, Emperor. Ignorance is no excuse, and I deliver unto them your wrath.
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Post by Pcm979 »

Prius could just make out what they were saying.
"Flush him out."

A flashbang grenade landed next to him.