Batman wrote:Hardy wrote:Batman wrote:
During the trench run. Invalidated by all other visuals of X-Wings moving across the DS, which show speeds wildly incompatible with that,
If the Death Star had a surface gravity equal to Earth's,
Which is so far unproven.
It is possible to get an estimation of the gravity by knowing the time it takes for objects like downed starfighters to hit the surface from an estimated altitude. It would be thrown off since they are travelling on a curved surface, though. But you could use the same type of calculations you use for ICBM trajectories.
Yes there is, namely the fact that going as fast as they could would crash them into the Trench walls within fractions of a second. Those fighters are capable of thousands of g's of accelleration, remember?
The trench is a virtually straight path. There'd be no risk of crashing into a wall unless you deviate. The fighters were travelling in a straight line relative to the trench.
Garbage. You're assuming they would behave like unpowered objects in orbit, which is patently untrue. As long as I have the engine power I can maintain any orbit at completely arbitraryvelocities , and that's presupposing there's enough gravity to require them to do so in the first place.
Yes. During the dogfights above the trench, this would be so since they are clearly moving at less than 900 m/s.
But why bother with your engines when you can go on a ballistic path down the trench?
During the trench run. You already conceeded they propably DIDN'T elsewhere so that theory goes right out the window.
I conceeded to the argument that outside the trench, they weren't always in orbit. I still do argue that they were orbiting inside the trench.
leave alone NEVER show them 'orbiting'.
Define "orbit". I want to know if we're talking about the same thing.
As I understand it (which, I will admit, might be 100% completely wrong as I positively suck at math) to maintain orbit requires a vehicle to maintain a given combination of altitude/velocity to stay in orbit. The X-Wings DON'T. They're flitting all over the place.
Well, you kinda-sorta have Kepler's second law down which effectively guarantees that the lower you go, the faster you need to go.
But orbits don't need to be completely straight paths. You can change inclination, velocity and altitude, mind you.
The X-wings in the
trench are not "flitting all over the place", however.
Both of which are during the Trench Run and contradicted by the other scenes.
I am(and was initially) referring to the Trench Run itself, now. Not the other scenes. Note the title of the thread.
Except there is no reason to assume the X-Wings need to maintain orbit, nor is there a reason to assume the (artificial, I might add) gravity INSIDE the DS extends so much as a millimetre beyond its surface.
Downed fighters fell to the surface of the station despite originally moving away from its surface. Some force had to bring them down.
The simplest force that I can think of would be the gravity of the interior levels pulling them down.
Throwing your calculations off by a rather large margin, I'm afraid.
Not nescesarily. Remember that I used the 1E21 kg to compare my results with. It doesn't directly have any bearing on it.
On a side note, the Death Star didn't seem to have the gravity of a gas giant, so the gravity of the fuel must've been shielded against or it refuels after every shot.
Nonetheless, we did observe Earthlike gravity in the interior of the station. Even without knowing the mass of the DS, we can infer that the fighters were subject to Earthlike gravity since they weren't too far from the surface.
Garbage. Artificial gravity is a known quantity in Wars. The gravity apparent within the station is completely irrelevant to deciding it's mass. By your reasoning, since the
Millenium Falcon apparently had Earth-like gravity, it should therefore have the mass to go with it.[/quote]
Didn't I just say "Even without knowing the masss of the DS..."?
If I know the surface gravity why do I need to know the mass just to know the surface gravity?
You may ignore the arguments if you may and prepare for a concession.