Admiral Piett wrote:Well,living in one of those countries you supposedly rebuilt I probably have a better appreciation.The US help played an important role supplying for example food during some shortages,some funds,after having however screwed up the financial system by printing an insane amount of money during the occupation, and some various items.However the rebuilt phase was largely local.The US did not rebuild damaged infrastructures or governed the country for much or did anything of significant to promote democracy.
That's because they were all already constitutional monarchies or Republics and Germany was encouraged to stay away from extremism. There was a lot of actions taken in Japan to discourage old attitudes and ways of doing things.
I realize that.But since apparently everyone (and not only Azeron) here seems convinced that prosperity and democracy arise everywhere the US put their boot so I wanted to clearify the matter.There are others examples like the Philippines,just in case.
Irrelevent to the point one whether the U.S. should occupy Iraq.
I should check but if I recall correctly Iraq became relatively prosperous UNDER Saddam rule.
Nitpick, red herring. Does that matter? He is responsible for the economy now and making his nation an international pariah. Also responsible for the gassing of civilians and the invasion of Kuwait and the development of nuclear weapons.
Granted,no official civil war.Only warlords quarreling with each others and anarchy outside Kabul.Not occupying the country is smart.However this means that the country cannot be pacified.And if cannot be pacified it will not become prosperous.
The hell? What would "not anarchy" outside Kabul be? How much "order" do you have over tribesmen? Money supplied to Kabul government will allow it to eventually begin expanding its control and competing and usurping local systems of power. This is like expecting post-war Japan to recover in less than a year. This will take 10, 20 years before the nation is unified and functional again.
Breaking company cartels in Germany? That may have well been the plan at the beginning.
Nitpick. And it largely worked in some cases and Nazi leaders were usurped from control of most of the civil infrastructure and the gov't post-war. Though I was refering to the aristocratic business control that existed in Japan.
No one seriously expect that you can rebuild Afghanistan in a short amount of time.However you have not even started.The country is not receiving more help that any nation in similar conditions would.You are not interested in rebuilding the country, period.
Over 7 billion dollars were raised within 5 months of the Bonn Agreement. The U.N. estimates that it will take 20-25 billion and 10-15 years to restore Afghanistan to reasonable functionality. As you can see, a reasonable percentage of that has already been raised. Furthermore, the U.S. has no obligation to Afghanistan. We never colonized the place. Their nation, they fucked it up. We just helped them overthrow the yoke of Soviet domination, they didn't ask us to stay, and we did not either. They harbored terrorists, we crushed them and the regime that harbored them with nearly no change in the Afghan situation. Our only significant influence on day-to-day life of the Afghan nation was helping them expell the Soviets. Many times the requested amount for reconstruction is sent to Africa by the U.S. alone and wasted every year. Blank checks don't work anyway because the infrastructure to properly use it is non-existant. The European powers should reestablish protectorates/agreements with their former colonies and work on helping the nations they screwed up. The U.S. didn't screw up Afghanistan. The Soviets and then the Afghans themselves screwed it up. Where's the evidence for your claims? Oh yeah...none.
Considered that the US is planning to place it under and US military governor, and that the operation will be mainly an US show I find quite unlikely that the US will accept an international occupation.
Bullshit. The more internation help, the less the U.S. has to spend, and the better and more "multilateral" the operation will look. And you know the American administration is itching for that legitimacy if they can have it, since Bush has been wheeling and dealing with the UN.
You are not going to invest large amounts of your money in the country,the most will be taken from the oil revenues.So you are not going to be a large source of money.Protection? Against who? We in Europe were afraid of the Soviet Union so we let you stay here.Iraq is not under a similar threat.They could defend well by themselves.If anything the opposite is true,since the surronding countries are scared by Iraq.They could handle their defense by themselves.So there is no justification for the US staying in the eyes of the average Iraqi, like instead was the case for the average european.They could rebuild enough military capabilities to keep their neighbours at the bay in few years.
They're going to be more open and have more money then the other nations. The point is to make Iraq compatively more Western, democratic, and wealthy. Not make a Great Britian or Japan in the middle of the Middle East. That's not the point. So stop warping things into a strawman while you're quoting me. Others may believe that, I'm not that niave.
Iraq still has animosity with the Iranians for years. The government will likely suffer initial coup attempts by internal factions, and the Syrians are also a hostile nation. The other nations are afraid of Iraq? You think we'll leave their military intact during the occupation? Are you dense?
Bah, there's little reason for the Japanese to want us around anymore but they only whine occasionally. Their not going to order us off when we're feeding them.
Exactly,you will soon install some puppet that will not make Iraq the beacon of democracy and prosperity of the ME.Better than now but certainly not enough to make the surrounding countries die of envy.
We'll set it up similar to Arabia. That'll have impact on the xenophobic and backward Iran.
Which would mean calling the europeans.As yourself have stated above you are not willing to spare money beyon the minimum necessary.
Did I ever claim otherwise?
I doubt that they will get a "decent" deal.Occupied countries are not in a strong position to negotiate

The US oil companies and related investments will go there,but this will not make the country more prosperous than others oil countries of the same league.
Which is a hell of a lot more wealthy then Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and the others.
The point is to make them more liberal, free, wealthy, and Western
comparitively. No one's going to set up a G7 nation in Iraq.