Lightsaber colors

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Lightsaber colors

Post by Karza »

A few things I've idly wondered about for a while now.

Why is it that Jedi lightsabers always have a blue or green blade, whereas Sith sabers are always red-bladed? Do those colors have some kind of symbolic meaning?

Do the Jedi pick their color to reflect some sort of personal worldviews or some such (like in KoTOR, where different saber colors signified different approaches to using the force)? Or is it just a matter of picking your favorite color :)?

On that note, why do the Sith always have a red blade? Does it simply signify the dark side?

What about yellow, orange and purple blades? Do those exist at all in the canon universe, or are they just computer game stuff?
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Post by Stofsk »

Purple exists in the canon; you may thank Samual L Jackson for that.

As to why Sith blades are red, I guess because the colour red is closely associated with the emotions the Sith represent: primarily, anger (at the most basic level, red symbolises excitement or action, anger is just another facet of this - you 'see' red with anger, for example). Blue, which seems to be a typical Jedi colour, is almost the antithesis: whereas red symbolises action and emotion, and rage, blue symbolises calm, serenity, and introspection.

That's as far as the symbols go until they fall apart. What does green represent? Purple? Yellow? etc. KOTOR's explanation is ok, I guess, but seems to work only within it's own setting. There is no yellow saber in AOTC and we see an entire arena full of Jedi. So what does that mean, that the Jedi Sentinel is no longer a particular Jedi class or rank?
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Post by Karza »

The extinction of the sentinels would make sense, since that class truly sucked :).

And how the hell could I forget mr. Jackson? Oh well...
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Post by Stofsk »

Karza wrote:The extinction of the sentinels would make sense, since that class truly sucked :).
They do not! :x You take that back! Sentinels are a challenge for gameplay. I played a soldier/guardian and rolled my eyes at the insane level of damage. Sentinels at least have the pretence of being somewhat flexible. :)
And how the hell could I forget mr. Jackson? Oh well...
Well to be fair, Mace wasn't much of a character in the PT to begin with. It takes him two movies to even pull out a lightsaber and go to work. What a lazy cunt.
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Post by Karza »

Stofsk wrote:They do not! :x You take that back! Sentinels are a challenge for gameplay. I played a soldier/guardian and rolled my eyes at the insane level of damage. Sentinels at least have the pretence of being somewhat flexible. :)
Hey, I don't deny that. However, my theory is that they have become extinct because they just are no match for the munchkin guardians and consulars! :D

Natural selection applies to the Jedi as well. :D
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Post by neoolong »

I figured that the color represented some sort of allegience or philosophy. Red for Sith, blue for mainstream (living force) Jedi, and green for the more rebellious (unifying force) Jedi like Qui-gon.

Mace had a purple saber, which is just a mix of blue and red. So he's a Jedi, but with some Sith leanings, since his saber style is closer to the dark side than others'.

Or maybe they just like to color coordinate like Yoda with his green saber.

Then again you have to consider that in the arena, Obi-wan and Anakin are just tossed some sabers, though that might just be temporary until they can get new ones. Or that Ki Adi Mundi's light saber actually switches color during the fight. Or that Mace Windu's saber from Ep. 1 was someone else's that he was using unil he gave it back and got his new one.
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Post by Panzer Grenadier »

According to Lucas, the saber color among the Jedi was originally meant to represent rank. With blue denoting an apprentice and green representing the master. This is true with all the master apprentice combos during the arena battle, and this is why luke built a green saber at the beggining of ROTJ. Samuel L Jackson kinda screwed up the whole system with his special request, but perhaps this means that Council members can choose any color they want.
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Post by Drooling Iguana »

Perhaps the lightsabre-building components on the planets the Sith had access to throughout most of their history only allowed them to build red sabres, while blue and green slightsabres were easier for early Jedi to build, and after a few centuries it just became tradition.
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Post by wolveraptor »

as far as i know, sith use artificially made crystals for their lightsabres. perhaps red sabres cannot be made with natural components.
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Post by Comosicus »

I remember reading somewhere about the fact that the Jedi use natural cristals for their sabers, while the Sith use artificial ones. The Sith were also supposed to embue their cristals with dark energy during their creation. Unfortunately I can't remember the source of this material anymore.
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Post by Freeman's Trigger-Finger »

The rank system seems to present forth the best suited explanation in the context of things, but the green/blue/master/apprentice connection seems to be it's limit, with the red and purple lightsabers being the crux of a possible resolution.

Perhaps that when a Jedi reaches the peak of his neccasary training, lending to him a green lightsaber, they have the option to customise their weapon as they see fit? In Windus case, he decided to convert his one to one of purple color, for either symoblic or interpersonal reasons is any one's guees.

The red lightsabers origins could have just been a perversion of this practise, by the Sith, which is proably one of the reason's why very few Jedi are seen with 'non-conformist' lightsabers in the Geonosis battle in AOTC, because Jedi frown on such meddling with their weapons as a result of the Sith and their symbolic use of the color 'red'.
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Post by McC »

Interestingly, in terms of light, purple is the opposite of green (RGB: 255,0,255 for purple vs. RGB: 0, 255, 0 for green). Perhaps that could be ret-conned into some kind of significance as to why Windu's is purple.
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Post by Stofsk »

Panzer Grenadier wrote:According to Lucas, the saber color among the Jedi was originally meant to represent rank. With blue denoting an apprentice and green representing the master. This is true with all the master apprentice combos during the arena battle, and this is why luke built a green saber at the beggining of ROTJ. Samuel L Jackson kinda screwed up the whole system with his special request, but perhaps this means that Council members can choose any color they want.
Freeman's Trigger-Finger wrote:The rank system seems to present forth the best suited explanation in the context of things, but the green/blue/master/apprentice connection seems to be it's limit, with the red and purple lightsabers being the crux of a possible resolution.
The theory falls apart when you watch ANH, and realise that according to this theory a Jedi Master wielded an apprentice-rank colour. Does that strike you as odd? Why would he choose blue?
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Post by Drooling Iguana »

Perhaps using an apprentice sabre made it easier for him to hide during the Purges for some reason.

Or maybe he felt that he was no longer worthy of a green sabre after Anakin went Dark Side.

Or maybe it's because the whole green/blue thing originated when the people doing rotoscoping for RotJ realised that the blue colour that they were using for Luke's sabre wasn't showing up very well against the blue sky of Tatooine during the sail barge fight. Of course, that explanation violates SoD.
Last edited by Drooling Iguana on 2005-01-02 08:59pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stofsk »

Drooling Iguana wrote:Perhaps using an apprentice sabre made it easier for him to hide during the Purges for some reason.
He was using a blue coloured saber during AOTC you know. And it doesn't matter if his saber was blue or whatever when he's hiding. Simply using a lightsaber, regardless of colour, runs the risk of his discovery at the hands of the ISB.
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Post by Drooling Iguana »

Stofsk wrote:
Drooling Iguana wrote:Perhaps using an apprentice sabre made it easier for him to hide during the Purges for some reason.
He was using a blue coloured saber during AOTC you know. And it doesn't matter if his saber was blue or whatever when he's hiding. Simply using a lightsaber, regardless of colour, runs the risk of his discovery at the hands of the ISB.
I was just throwing some ideas out there. I guess you're right about this one.

Maybe it's a personal decision, and the younger Jedis and Padawans choose blue sabres because it's considered "hip" and "with it" for some reason. Obi-Wan's use of a blue sabre during ANH would be the equivalent of a middle-aged guy buying a Porsche in order to convince himself that he's not so old.
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Post by Howedar »

That doesn't in any way fit his character circa ANH.
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Post by wolveraptor »

hell with it. its probably all just random. maybe obi likes his lightsabres to match his eyes. :)
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Post by Stofsk »

unbeataBULL wrote:hell with it. its probably all just random. maybe obi likes his lightsabres to match his eyes. :)
This is probably true, which is a shame, since I like KOTOR's explanation that the different colours correspond with different 'classes' or Jedi 'ranks'. Consulars use green, guardians use blue, sentinels use yellow.

But aesthetically, tastes differ. I myself prefer blue and green. Yellow and purple just don't seem nice to my eyes.
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Post by Solauren »

Saber-colors are caused by the color of the crystal.

The Sith made there own crystals artificially, and they came out Red.
The same appears to be true with Dark Jedi.
It's also possible red-lightsaber blades work better with the Dark Side, so Dark Siders and Sith go that route

Case in point: Jedi Academy Series. There saber colors were determined by the focus crystals in there lightsabers.

Pre-Empire, It's entirely possible that the Jedi Order supplied the crystals to Padawans building sabers (that would make sense after all) and it was the rare exception, like Mace Windu, that picked up a usable crystal elsewhere that had a difference lightsaber color.
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Post by Petrosjko »

I didn't really care for KotoR's class system. I realize it's D20 derivative, but it feels like it was shoehorning Jedi into the system unnecessarily. Especially because I hadn't seen any other references to particular Jedi classes... I don't have the complete Sith Wars graphic novel set, so I might've missed them.
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Post by Stark »

Jedi classes? WEG crystal malarky? How'd I miss this thread??? :)

Functionally the colours don't mean anything; one is not more powerful than another. Why can't it just be meaningless? I like blue cars, my mates like black and red cars. So what?

The Sith thing is easy, since their 'training' is wholly based on evil and domination of the apprentice and anger and ambition. Mace does what he likes and fuck the man. Blue, red and green are obviously the most common: maybe they're just easier to build or something. Don't get me STARTED on crystals :) Both Sith and Jedi are entrenched, unimaginative indoctrinated religious zealots. Who KNOWS what drives their colour choices, or if they even remember the reasons anymore.
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Post by Lord of the Farce »

Just my theory (considering film canon only): For some reason, lightsabre blade colours other than the three key colours of light - red, green and blue - are difficult (if not almost impossible) to produce. As they did not want to associate with the "aggressive" colour of red, Jedi traditions "dictates" that members of the order must choose from the two remaining, while the Sith and Dark Jedi choose red in defiance of the Jedi Order (and because it's sexier).
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Post by Lord Pounder »

IIRC in Shadows of the Empire Luke had a bitch of a time getting the cut of the gem for his new Saber just right. Perhaps whatever focusing crystals used in the Blue and Green sabers are just that wee bit easier to shape?

Another theory is that the blue and green crystals are cheaper and since the Rebublic is footing the bill for the Jedi the Republic stuck them with the cheapest going.
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Post by Coyote »

What about the old thing of lightsaber colors indicated one's position within the Force? It always seemed to me that the "goodest" good guys got deeper in th eblue spectrum, and green always showed up in the hands of the more "neutral" types.

There was a yellow lightsaber wielded by a Dathomir witch, wasn't there? I have not read that particular book for a long time, but I Recall LUke thinking of a "rainbow" of lightsaber colors in a dark alley, or some such...
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