White Haven wrote:"I'm afraid there's a storm front coming in from the east...if you'll just follow me, we'll take this indoors before it gets here." the admiral holding the baton ventures, gesturing towards a fast-moving cluster of black clouds growing larger against the pale sky. The marines stand at post as the Navy admirals lead the bizarre entourage into the lift. All four remain on the landing pad, as the lift itself is already home to another pair of soot-black suits. As the lift doors slide shut, the wind is already starting to pick up, unfurling the flag bearing the sigil of the Sixth.
Shortly, the lift doors open again, directly into a large conference room, the table hosting far more chairs than the room now contains warm bodies. Admiral Alwin has apparently passed off control of the party to his slightly younger subordinate, moving to take a seat on the far end of the table. Meanwhile, Vice Admiral Rankin gestures towards the vacant chairs, "Please, take a seat. For obvious reasons, we were unprepared for your arrival, so the drummers and pipes are on the far side of the planet. I trust you can make do?" That's as close to a rebuke as the Foreign Outreach Office will deliver to the unannounced guests, but even at their most diplomatic, a certain bluntness creeps into their phrasing as a matter of course.
"I do apologize for our unnanounced arrival, and drummers and pipes are hardly necessary, my regalia is required by my religion, and I dont expect it of you. Unfortunatly, we couldnt contact you directly without first establishing face to face contact, unless we wanted to broadcast all across known space.. something neither of us want. "
He looked around before taking a seat, graciously, he then produced four copies of a Dossiert(sp) on the Federation. One in Earth English, one in written Basic, and the other in old Latin, just to make sure it could be translated. The other was in data crystal format, but it was not sure that they could use it with ther computers(this contains the expanded version of my OOB with detailed history, lists of government officias, sans the military details. Though it does have sillouette data and transponder codes)
"These documents, are in several languages and thus you should be able to use them in whatever written form your spoken language takes. They are otherwise identical. But I suppose I should tell you about us before you look inside that dossiert."
He gave a quick smile beofre continuing, having been through a few first contacts, he knew what the immediate impression people had of his culture was
"Before you get it set in your heads, we are not barbarians by any means. On the ther hand, I am sure your culture has legends of powerful users of a force called "magic", beings capable of altering local reality on their whims? Yes?"
He waited a second for them to nod(this is a safe assumption as well, every culture has these)
"Well, some of them are not far off the mark. The Federation fo Thaumaturgists is a nation populated and ruled by those that wield magic in one way or the other. Some, such as my robed friend Jalith here, wield it through the force of will, and his own study of its inner workings. Others such as myself, are granted the ability to use it by higher powers, gods. THe spells are different, but the power is the same. The ability to modify our corner of existance."
He paused for questions