Moderator: Thanas
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
- Posts: 3466
- Joined: 2004-04-10 06:05am
- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
August Confederation of Illustrious Nations - Pseudo Major Power
The ACIN is comprised of three small nations brought together by the seeming benevolent Blue Order. Under their guidance and even, perhaps, leadership, the ACIN has the combined force greater than any of the local, regional powers. This new confederation has disturbed the local balance of power and ended the bloody border wars that have been raging for centuries.
Powers within the ACIN
The Darterian Republic: The Darterian Republic has long existed at the forefront of the ACIN, being the largest of the three powers, it represents a considerable source of finance and resources. Darteria is enjoys boutiful trade and vast resources, and as such the population on a whole enjoy an extremely high standard of living. The drawback to this is a certain level of complacency which has developed, Darterian citizens would rather enjoy their wealth rather than broaden their borders. Since the creation of the ACIN the Darterian Navy has become more of an escort power, patrolling trade lanes and watching over colony worlds. The Darterian Navy continues to support the other nations when war is afoot, but on the whole it is resources which the Darterian Republic provides to the ACIN which is most beneficial.
Darterians are humans are, on the whole, more intellectual than most (though this is more situational than genetic), and the Darterian Republic is the only nation in the ACIN whose technological level could be considered on par with the major star nations of the galaxy.
Major Worlds of the Darterian Republic-
Dateria - Capital World (Also capital of the ACIN in general)
New Camelot
New Verona
Principality of the Sheridan Family - The Sheridan family has long held claim to a number of systems in the region and has seen more than its fair share of wars. The holding of the Sheridan family represent the smallest portion of the ACIN, and while they are known for the competency is war, they are often lacking in resources to wage it properly. The history of the Sheridan Family is full of great conflicts bringing them to the brink of destruction, yet good tactics, superior crews and above all a great proclivity for war have seen them through it all with favorable results. Of the three nations, the Sheridan Family gains the most from this alliance, benefiting from the superior resources and technology of the Darterians and industrial might of the TDPA.
Citizens under the Principality of the Sheridan Family are more hardened folk than most, both psychologically and genetically. Sheridan society is highly stratified with a large working population, a modest merchant class and a small aristocracy. For commoners social mobility is only possible through superior military service. This feudal system is defiantly antiquated, but has worked for the Sheridan Family for many centuries, and on the whole Sheridan citizens and fighting men are extremely loyal.
Sheridans are a somewhat sturdier form of humanity. Of the three nations the Sheridans are the least technologically advanced, fortunately this no longer affects the quality of the warships and outfits of their soldiers. Their planetary defenses are roughly 20% poorer than the galactic standard, and their industry is 10% poorer.
Major Worlds of the Principality of the Sheridan Family –
Sharon Prime – Capital World
New Bombay
New Cheyenne
Numidia Prime
Taurus Delphi Prime Authority – The TDPA is another minor nation of some repute which was coerced into joining the ACIN by the Blue Order. The TDPA was once a local warlord, selling protection to nearby systems and eventually assimilating them (or conquering them). It has grown into a substantial industrial power in the region. Controlled jointly by ruling family and a parliament of representatives it represents a significant percentage of the ACIN’s industrial capacity. The TDPA also maintains a significant standing army.
Citizens of the TDPA are a fairly diverse bunch, but on the whole are average. They are not as sturdy and loyal as Sheridan’s, but not as complacent as their Darterian allies; Industrious would be the best way to describe them. Despite their somewhat backwater location and lack of modern technology the TDPA has always found ways of keeping its industrial capacity up to par with that of the Galactic Standard. Thanks to their Darterian Allies, however, modern TDPA factories are output 10% faster than the galactic standard.
Major Worlds of the Taurus Delphi Prime Authority–
Taurus Delphi Prime – Capital World
Sygnus Major
New Barbosa
San Tasado
New Patagonia
Iota Proxima Prime
New Harvard
The Blue Order – The Blue Order is, on the whole, a very helpful organization which has been improving societies throughout the galaxy for centuries. They maintain conclaves on many worlds and are well known predominantly for their charity and kindness. Two centuries ago when Reverend Mother Beatrice Sharon was named The Very Revered the order began to undergo some radical philosophical changes. The Very Revered: Mother Beatrice Sharon had a vision of helping the galaxy by doing more than just providing local charity. To truly help people, she said, they must gain influence over the governance of people. To this end the Blue Order has been working diligently for generations to “undermine” local backwater governments. Some generations ago the first step in their Grand Scheme came to fruition when the successfully created the ACIN.
The Blue Order maintains a significant number of ships devoted to providing relief and charity to all parts of the galaxy. The Very Revered: Mother Alextrasza Valmora has maintained the Mother’s Grace a massive, and ancient super dreadnaught, along with a small number of modern escorts.
The Spirit of Charity – On their hidden training base of Shormiak the Blue Order teaches are unique form of martial arts which teaches complete bodily control. In other fiction it is known as the “Weirding Way”, and it gives Reverend Mothers of the blue order a wide variety of “powers” which are, on the whole, undetectable.
Weapons of the ACIN
Turbolasers: The "meat and potatos" of all ships in the region. These are fairly powerful weapons effective at all ranges to some degree or another. They range from capital to escort and can be spinal or turret mounted depending on the size of the ship you put it on. While they can be used as "flak", it is a bit of a waste. In addition Capital Turrets and even some Cruiser Turrets may have their own power plant, which can power the turret (with less effect of course) even when the ship itself is effectively disabled, or even derelict.
Railguns: Older weapons which are not very common, they are mostly short range high damage weapons, doing immense damage, though they suffer from slow reload times. They can come in both turret and spinal mounted form.
Torpedo Tubes: Far more common than railguns, these are common high damage weapons. Again ranging in size from Escort to Capital, they can fire a whole host of munitions. They are useful at all ranges against all targets. At great distances they add throw weight large missile volleys, at short range they can close with their target and detonate before getting shot down. Against other missile and fighters there are a number of options, including various EMP, multi-warhead, and decoy warheads. The torpedoes come both shielded and unshielded, and some even have microwarp drives that allow them, even in the presence of interdiction to close with their targets exceptionally fast. Of course, even shielded torpedoes can be knocked out without significant difficulty from PD fire, and are affected by ECM. In addition they are ideal for planetary fire support and bombardment.
PD Beam Emitters: Exceptional point defense weapons, they fire continous particle beams with great accuracy, allowing them to easy take down both tactical craft and munitions alike, though even en masse they are ineffective against anything of significant size. ships or missiles flying in tight formations are especially vulnerable as a single burst can take down multiple targets.
Scatter Lasers: Mainly PD weapons. Unlike normal turbolasers these fire weaker shots, but with a significantly higher rate of fire. When used as flak it is excellent at knocking out large volumes of missles and damaging tactical craft, while firing normally will easily destroy fighters if hit (though hits are far less likely, moreso with munitions). In addition working togather these weapons can pose a threat to escort sized ships, though they are, more or less, PD weapons. Working closely with PDBEs they have serious PD power, not to mention more reach than PDBEs.
The United Fleets of the ACIN –
Capital: 40
Cruiser: 90
Escort: 690
People’s Navy of Darteria:
Capital - 6
Cruiser – 24
Escort – 300
4 - Defender of Freedom class – Battleship
This old Darterian design is based primarily around Missle and Torpedo throw weight. Though it does have a pair of capital batteries, it's main strength lies in it's 7 Silos and 5 Tubes. At 4km it's a fairly compact ship.
Length: 4.4km
1 Capital Railgun Battery
1 Capital Turbolaser Battery
5 Capital Torpedo Tubes
7 Missile Pod Silos
10 PD Beam Emitters
12 Scatter Lasers
2 - Voice of the People class- Carrier
The Darterian Fleet Carrier is poorly armed and not the fastest of it's type, but what it lacks in weapons and engines it makes up for it in tactical craft. Carries 350 Strike Craft and 225 Interceptors.
Length: 6km
4 Cruiser Turbolaser Batteries
12 PD Beam Emitters
15 Scatter Lasers
12 - Might of the Worker class – Heavy Cruiser (2x)
Wall of Battle auxiliary, somewhat more durable than most ships it's size.
Length: 3km
2 Capital Railgun Batteries
2 Missile Silo Pods
6 Cruiser Turoblaser Batteries
4 Cruiser Torpedo Tubes
10 PD Beam Emitters
10 Scatter Lasers
50 - Guardian of Independence class – Destroyer (4x)
Pride of the Darterian shipwrights, these powerful escorts are designed with firepower in mind, though their PD is somewhat lacking.
Length: 1.25km
1 Cruiser Turbolaser Battery
6 Escort Turbolaser Batteries
3 Escort Torpedo Tubes
3 PD Beam Emitters
2 Scatter Laser
100 - Protector of Rights class – Escort Frigate
The most common escort in the ACIN, these combine potent PD with effective firepower.
Length: 250m
1 Escort Turbolaser turret
2 Spinal Mounted Turoblasers
2 PD Beam Emitters
1 Scatter Laser
Sheridan Family Naval Assets:
Capital – 24
Cruiser – 35
Escort – 200
1 – Sheridan One – Super Dreadnaught (4.5x)
A "toy" built by the Sheridans in the early days of the Confederacy. The project absorbed the majority of the Sheridan shipyards for almost three years , which temporarily eased military tensions among the other ACIN members while the Blue Order worked to overcome serious diplomatic and political problems that threatened the existance of the ACIN itself.
Length: 12km
50 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
20 Capital Torpedo Tubes
10 Missile Pod Silos
45 PD Beam Emitters
50 Scatter Lasers
10 - Rebirth class – Dreadnaught (1.5x)
The ACIN's only true ship of the line, the Blue Order favored this ship as the DN of choice for the Confederacy.
Length: 6km
10 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
4 Capital Railguns
4 Capital Torpedo Tubes
3 Missile Pod Silos
10 PD Beam Emitters
18 Scatter Lasers
3 - Heirloom class – Battle Carrier (1.5x)
The Heirloom is a brand new design created after the last of the old Sheridan Battlecarriers were mothballed. They are armed for the wall of battle, but often find themselves heading up escort fleets during various frontier wars. 200 Strikecraft 150 Interceptors
Length: 5.5km
4 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
2 Capital Torpedo Tubes
2 Missile Pod Silos
15 PD Beam Emitters
15 Scatter Lasers
10 - Harsh Justice class – Strike Cruiser (2x)
An extrodinarily fast and compact cruiser, such ships are designed to exploit breaks in capital lines, crush isolated warships, and even get behind the enemy line and destroy it's vulnerable carriers, interdiction platforms and supply ships.
Length: 2.5km
4 Capital Railgun Batteries
1 Capital Trubolaser Battery
2 Capital Torpedo Tubes
4 Cruiser Trubolasers
8 PD Beam Emitters
8 Scatter Lasers
15 - Loyal class –Missile Cruiser
Sheridan capital ships do not carry many missile silos, thus they rely on the Loyal class to provide the bulk of their missile throw weight in line battles. Once the opening missile waves have concluded they will generally pull back to a supply vessel to be rearmed. While not a long process, it is more useful when conducting sieges or extended bombardments. Depending on circumstances, they migth remain with the fleet as added point defense.
Length: 2.8km
6 Missile Pods
4 Cruiser Tubes
6 PD Beam Emitters
6 Scatter Lasers
25 - Midnight Watch class – Destroyer (3x)
More of a cruiser auxiliary, the Midnight Watch is a serious escort killer, and in numbers can down cruisers. In addition, they have a remarkable PD array for their size.
Length: 850m
2 Cruiser Turbolaser Batteries
3 Escort Torpedo Tubes
6 PD Beam Emitters
6 Scatter Lasers
70 -Lord’s Fist class – Missile Frigate
Like the Loyal class, the Lord's Fist is designed to give a fleet more missiles in an opening engagement. Like it's cruiser cousin, its PD is somewhat substandard, coupled with it's ability to reload it's silos very fast, it will often pull back to supply ships to be re-armed. It is not unknown for these ships to unload two full payloads in combat.
Length: 350m
1 Missile Pod Silo
2 Escort Torpedo Tubes
1 PD Beam Emitter
1 Scatter Laser
55 - Militia class – Escort Frigate
A powerful PD platform and effective escort.
Length: 200meters
1 Escort Turbolaser urret
2 Escort tubes
3 PD Beam Emitters
2 Scatter Lasers
Capital – 10
Cruiser – 31
Escort – 190
6 - Valient class – Battleship
Designed around almost a dozen silos, this BB adds serious weight to any missile strike.
Length: 5km
2 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
3 Capital Torpedo Tubes
10 Missile Silo Pods
8 PD Beam Emitters
15 Scatter Laser Batteries
4 - Ionica class – Carrier
In an effort to compliment Daterian carriers, the Ionica carries more interceptors than strike craft. In addition it has extensive resupply facilities for the fleet. 200 Strike craft, 300 Interceptors
3 Cruiser Turbolasers
12 PD Beam Emitters
12 Scatter Laser Batteries
4 – Stalwart class – Battle Cruiser (4x)
Fast and well armed, it can outrun most cruisers without trouble and outgun them without problem. The four of them act as the heavy warships in frontier wars, they make excellent comerce raiders.
Length: 3.4km
2 Missile Silo Pods
4 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
2 Capital Railgun Batteries
2 Capital Torpedo Tubes
8 Cruiser Trubolaser batteries
4 Cruiser Torpedo Tubes
12 PD Beam Emitters
10 Scatter Lasers
15 – Abundance class – Cruiser
The meat and potatoes cruiser, it is versitile and cheap.
Length: 2km
1 Capital Turbolaser Battery
3 Cruiser Turbolaser Batteries
2 Cruiser Torpedo Tubes
1 Missile Silo Pod
10 PD Beam Emitters
10 Scatter Lasers
30 – Missile Destroyer (3x)
Length: 1km
3 Missile Silo Pods
2 Escort Turbolasers
2 Escort Torpedo Tubes
2 PD Beam Emitters
2 Scatter Lasers
20 - Escort Carrier (5x)
100 Strike Craft, 80 Interceptors
Lenght: 1.5km
3 PD Beam Emitters
3 Scatter Lasers
Protectors of the Blue Order –
Capital: 5
Cruiser: 10
Escort: 60
1 – Mother’s Guardian – Super Dreadnaught (x5)
Length: 10km
65 Capital Turbolasers
25 Capital Torpedo Tubes
75 PD Beam Emitters
75 Scatter Lasers
2 – Mother’s Vice Class – Pocket Battleship (x5)
Length: 3.5km
6 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
3 Capital Torpedo Tubes
10 Cruiser Turbolasers
15 PD Beam Emitters
15 Scatter Lasers
10 – Muse of Charity class – Heavy Destroyer (6x)
Includes Hanger Bay for maximum of 21 Tactical Craft and 3 Shuttles
Length: 1.25 km
1 Missile Silo Pod
2 Escort Torpedo Tubes
1 Cruiser Turbolaser
6 Escort Turbolasers
4 PD beams
4 Scatter Lasers
The ACIN is comprised of three small nations brought together by the seeming benevolent Blue Order. Under their guidance and even, perhaps, leadership, the ACIN has the combined force greater than any of the local, regional powers. This new confederation has disturbed the local balance of power and ended the bloody border wars that have been raging for centuries.
Powers within the ACIN
The Darterian Republic: The Darterian Republic has long existed at the forefront of the ACIN, being the largest of the three powers, it represents a considerable source of finance and resources. Darteria is enjoys boutiful trade and vast resources, and as such the population on a whole enjoy an extremely high standard of living. The drawback to this is a certain level of complacency which has developed, Darterian citizens would rather enjoy their wealth rather than broaden their borders. Since the creation of the ACIN the Darterian Navy has become more of an escort power, patrolling trade lanes and watching over colony worlds. The Darterian Navy continues to support the other nations when war is afoot, but on the whole it is resources which the Darterian Republic provides to the ACIN which is most beneficial.
Darterians are humans are, on the whole, more intellectual than most (though this is more situational than genetic), and the Darterian Republic is the only nation in the ACIN whose technological level could be considered on par with the major star nations of the galaxy.
Major Worlds of the Darterian Republic-
Dateria - Capital World (Also capital of the ACIN in general)
New Camelot
New Verona
Principality of the Sheridan Family - The Sheridan family has long held claim to a number of systems in the region and has seen more than its fair share of wars. The holding of the Sheridan family represent the smallest portion of the ACIN, and while they are known for the competency is war, they are often lacking in resources to wage it properly. The history of the Sheridan Family is full of great conflicts bringing them to the brink of destruction, yet good tactics, superior crews and above all a great proclivity for war have seen them through it all with favorable results. Of the three nations, the Sheridan Family gains the most from this alliance, benefiting from the superior resources and technology of the Darterians and industrial might of the TDPA.
Citizens under the Principality of the Sheridan Family are more hardened folk than most, both psychologically and genetically. Sheridan society is highly stratified with a large working population, a modest merchant class and a small aristocracy. For commoners social mobility is only possible through superior military service. This feudal system is defiantly antiquated, but has worked for the Sheridan Family for many centuries, and on the whole Sheridan citizens and fighting men are extremely loyal.
Sheridans are a somewhat sturdier form of humanity. Of the three nations the Sheridans are the least technologically advanced, fortunately this no longer affects the quality of the warships and outfits of their soldiers. Their planetary defenses are roughly 20% poorer than the galactic standard, and their industry is 10% poorer.
Major Worlds of the Principality of the Sheridan Family –
Sharon Prime – Capital World
New Bombay
New Cheyenne
Numidia Prime
Taurus Delphi Prime Authority – The TDPA is another minor nation of some repute which was coerced into joining the ACIN by the Blue Order. The TDPA was once a local warlord, selling protection to nearby systems and eventually assimilating them (or conquering them). It has grown into a substantial industrial power in the region. Controlled jointly by ruling family and a parliament of representatives it represents a significant percentage of the ACIN’s industrial capacity. The TDPA also maintains a significant standing army.
Citizens of the TDPA are a fairly diverse bunch, but on the whole are average. They are not as sturdy and loyal as Sheridan’s, but not as complacent as their Darterian allies; Industrious would be the best way to describe them. Despite their somewhat backwater location and lack of modern technology the TDPA has always found ways of keeping its industrial capacity up to par with that of the Galactic Standard. Thanks to their Darterian Allies, however, modern TDPA factories are output 10% faster than the galactic standard.
Major Worlds of the Taurus Delphi Prime Authority–
Taurus Delphi Prime – Capital World
Sygnus Major
New Barbosa
San Tasado
New Patagonia
Iota Proxima Prime
New Harvard
The Blue Order – The Blue Order is, on the whole, a very helpful organization which has been improving societies throughout the galaxy for centuries. They maintain conclaves on many worlds and are well known predominantly for their charity and kindness. Two centuries ago when Reverend Mother Beatrice Sharon was named The Very Revered the order began to undergo some radical philosophical changes. The Very Revered: Mother Beatrice Sharon had a vision of helping the galaxy by doing more than just providing local charity. To truly help people, she said, they must gain influence over the governance of people. To this end the Blue Order has been working diligently for generations to “undermine” local backwater governments. Some generations ago the first step in their Grand Scheme came to fruition when the successfully created the ACIN.
The Blue Order maintains a significant number of ships devoted to providing relief and charity to all parts of the galaxy. The Very Revered: Mother Alextrasza Valmora has maintained the Mother’s Grace a massive, and ancient super dreadnaught, along with a small number of modern escorts.
The Spirit of Charity – On their hidden training base of Shormiak the Blue Order teaches are unique form of martial arts which teaches complete bodily control. In other fiction it is known as the “Weirding Way”, and it gives Reverend Mothers of the blue order a wide variety of “powers” which are, on the whole, undetectable.
Weapons of the ACIN
Turbolasers: The "meat and potatos" of all ships in the region. These are fairly powerful weapons effective at all ranges to some degree or another. They range from capital to escort and can be spinal or turret mounted depending on the size of the ship you put it on. While they can be used as "flak", it is a bit of a waste. In addition Capital Turrets and even some Cruiser Turrets may have their own power plant, which can power the turret (with less effect of course) even when the ship itself is effectively disabled, or even derelict.
Railguns: Older weapons which are not very common, they are mostly short range high damage weapons, doing immense damage, though they suffer from slow reload times. They can come in both turret and spinal mounted form.
Torpedo Tubes: Far more common than railguns, these are common high damage weapons. Again ranging in size from Escort to Capital, they can fire a whole host of munitions. They are useful at all ranges against all targets. At great distances they add throw weight large missile volleys, at short range they can close with their target and detonate before getting shot down. Against other missile and fighters there are a number of options, including various EMP, multi-warhead, and decoy warheads. The torpedoes come both shielded and unshielded, and some even have microwarp drives that allow them, even in the presence of interdiction to close with their targets exceptionally fast. Of course, even shielded torpedoes can be knocked out without significant difficulty from PD fire, and are affected by ECM. In addition they are ideal for planetary fire support and bombardment.
PD Beam Emitters: Exceptional point defense weapons, they fire continous particle beams with great accuracy, allowing them to easy take down both tactical craft and munitions alike, though even en masse they are ineffective against anything of significant size. ships or missiles flying in tight formations are especially vulnerable as a single burst can take down multiple targets.
Scatter Lasers: Mainly PD weapons. Unlike normal turbolasers these fire weaker shots, but with a significantly higher rate of fire. When used as flak it is excellent at knocking out large volumes of missles and damaging tactical craft, while firing normally will easily destroy fighters if hit (though hits are far less likely, moreso with munitions). In addition working togather these weapons can pose a threat to escort sized ships, though they are, more or less, PD weapons. Working closely with PDBEs they have serious PD power, not to mention more reach than PDBEs.
The United Fleets of the ACIN –
Capital: 40
Cruiser: 90
Escort: 690
People’s Navy of Darteria:
Capital - 6
Cruiser – 24
Escort – 300
4 - Defender of Freedom class – Battleship
This old Darterian design is based primarily around Missle and Torpedo throw weight. Though it does have a pair of capital batteries, it's main strength lies in it's 7 Silos and 5 Tubes. At 4km it's a fairly compact ship.
Length: 4.4km
1 Capital Railgun Battery
1 Capital Turbolaser Battery
5 Capital Torpedo Tubes
7 Missile Pod Silos
10 PD Beam Emitters
12 Scatter Lasers
2 - Voice of the People class- Carrier
The Darterian Fleet Carrier is poorly armed and not the fastest of it's type, but what it lacks in weapons and engines it makes up for it in tactical craft. Carries 350 Strike Craft and 225 Interceptors.
Length: 6km
4 Cruiser Turbolaser Batteries
12 PD Beam Emitters
15 Scatter Lasers
12 - Might of the Worker class – Heavy Cruiser (2x)
Wall of Battle auxiliary, somewhat more durable than most ships it's size.
Length: 3km
2 Capital Railgun Batteries
2 Missile Silo Pods
6 Cruiser Turoblaser Batteries
4 Cruiser Torpedo Tubes
10 PD Beam Emitters
10 Scatter Lasers
50 - Guardian of Independence class – Destroyer (4x)
Pride of the Darterian shipwrights, these powerful escorts are designed with firepower in mind, though their PD is somewhat lacking.
Length: 1.25km
1 Cruiser Turbolaser Battery
6 Escort Turbolaser Batteries
3 Escort Torpedo Tubes
3 PD Beam Emitters
2 Scatter Laser
100 - Protector of Rights class – Escort Frigate
The most common escort in the ACIN, these combine potent PD with effective firepower.
Length: 250m
1 Escort Turbolaser turret
2 Spinal Mounted Turoblasers
2 PD Beam Emitters
1 Scatter Laser
Sheridan Family Naval Assets:
Capital – 24
Cruiser – 35
Escort – 200
1 – Sheridan One – Super Dreadnaught (4.5x)
A "toy" built by the Sheridans in the early days of the Confederacy. The project absorbed the majority of the Sheridan shipyards for almost three years , which temporarily eased military tensions among the other ACIN members while the Blue Order worked to overcome serious diplomatic and political problems that threatened the existance of the ACIN itself.
Length: 12km
50 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
20 Capital Torpedo Tubes
10 Missile Pod Silos
45 PD Beam Emitters
50 Scatter Lasers
10 - Rebirth class – Dreadnaught (1.5x)
The ACIN's only true ship of the line, the Blue Order favored this ship as the DN of choice for the Confederacy.
Length: 6km
10 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
4 Capital Railguns
4 Capital Torpedo Tubes
3 Missile Pod Silos
10 PD Beam Emitters
18 Scatter Lasers
3 - Heirloom class – Battle Carrier (1.5x)
The Heirloom is a brand new design created after the last of the old Sheridan Battlecarriers were mothballed. They are armed for the wall of battle, but often find themselves heading up escort fleets during various frontier wars. 200 Strikecraft 150 Interceptors
Length: 5.5km
4 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
2 Capital Torpedo Tubes
2 Missile Pod Silos
15 PD Beam Emitters
15 Scatter Lasers
10 - Harsh Justice class – Strike Cruiser (2x)
An extrodinarily fast and compact cruiser, such ships are designed to exploit breaks in capital lines, crush isolated warships, and even get behind the enemy line and destroy it's vulnerable carriers, interdiction platforms and supply ships.
Length: 2.5km
4 Capital Railgun Batteries
1 Capital Trubolaser Battery
2 Capital Torpedo Tubes
4 Cruiser Trubolasers
8 PD Beam Emitters
8 Scatter Lasers
15 - Loyal class –Missile Cruiser
Sheridan capital ships do not carry many missile silos, thus they rely on the Loyal class to provide the bulk of their missile throw weight in line battles. Once the opening missile waves have concluded they will generally pull back to a supply vessel to be rearmed. While not a long process, it is more useful when conducting sieges or extended bombardments. Depending on circumstances, they migth remain with the fleet as added point defense.
Length: 2.8km
6 Missile Pods
4 Cruiser Tubes
6 PD Beam Emitters
6 Scatter Lasers
25 - Midnight Watch class – Destroyer (3x)
More of a cruiser auxiliary, the Midnight Watch is a serious escort killer, and in numbers can down cruisers. In addition, they have a remarkable PD array for their size.
Length: 850m
2 Cruiser Turbolaser Batteries
3 Escort Torpedo Tubes
6 PD Beam Emitters
6 Scatter Lasers
70 -Lord’s Fist class – Missile Frigate
Like the Loyal class, the Lord's Fist is designed to give a fleet more missiles in an opening engagement. Like it's cruiser cousin, its PD is somewhat substandard, coupled with it's ability to reload it's silos very fast, it will often pull back to supply ships to be re-armed. It is not unknown for these ships to unload two full payloads in combat.
Length: 350m
1 Missile Pod Silo
2 Escort Torpedo Tubes
1 PD Beam Emitter
1 Scatter Laser
55 - Militia class – Escort Frigate
A powerful PD platform and effective escort.
Length: 200meters
1 Escort Turbolaser urret
2 Escort tubes
3 PD Beam Emitters
2 Scatter Lasers
Capital – 10
Cruiser – 31
Escort – 190
6 - Valient class – Battleship
Designed around almost a dozen silos, this BB adds serious weight to any missile strike.
Length: 5km
2 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
3 Capital Torpedo Tubes
10 Missile Silo Pods
8 PD Beam Emitters
15 Scatter Laser Batteries
4 - Ionica class – Carrier
In an effort to compliment Daterian carriers, the Ionica carries more interceptors than strike craft. In addition it has extensive resupply facilities for the fleet. 200 Strike craft, 300 Interceptors
3 Cruiser Turbolasers
12 PD Beam Emitters
12 Scatter Laser Batteries
4 – Stalwart class – Battle Cruiser (4x)
Fast and well armed, it can outrun most cruisers without trouble and outgun them without problem. The four of them act as the heavy warships in frontier wars, they make excellent comerce raiders.
Length: 3.4km
2 Missile Silo Pods
4 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
2 Capital Railgun Batteries
2 Capital Torpedo Tubes
8 Cruiser Trubolaser batteries
4 Cruiser Torpedo Tubes
12 PD Beam Emitters
10 Scatter Lasers
15 – Abundance class – Cruiser
The meat and potatoes cruiser, it is versitile and cheap.
Length: 2km
1 Capital Turbolaser Battery
3 Cruiser Turbolaser Batteries
2 Cruiser Torpedo Tubes
1 Missile Silo Pod
10 PD Beam Emitters
10 Scatter Lasers
30 – Missile Destroyer (3x)
Length: 1km
3 Missile Silo Pods
2 Escort Turbolasers
2 Escort Torpedo Tubes
2 PD Beam Emitters
2 Scatter Lasers
20 - Escort Carrier (5x)
100 Strike Craft, 80 Interceptors
Lenght: 1.5km
3 PD Beam Emitters
3 Scatter Lasers
Protectors of the Blue Order –
Capital: 5
Cruiser: 10
Escort: 60
1 – Mother’s Guardian – Super Dreadnaught (x5)
Length: 10km
65 Capital Turbolasers
25 Capital Torpedo Tubes
75 PD Beam Emitters
75 Scatter Lasers
2 – Mother’s Vice Class – Pocket Battleship (x5)
Length: 3.5km
6 Capital Turbolaser Batteries
3 Capital Torpedo Tubes
10 Cruiser Turbolasers
15 PD Beam Emitters
15 Scatter Lasers
10 – Muse of Charity class – Heavy Destroyer (6x)
Includes Hanger Bay for maximum of 21 Tactical Craft and 3 Shuttles
Length: 1.25 km
1 Missile Silo Pod
2 Escort Torpedo Tubes
1 Cruiser Turbolaser
6 Escort Turbolasers
4 PD beams
4 Scatter Lasers
Last edited by InnocentBystander on 2005-02-11 12:58pm, edited 9 times in total.
- Pablo Sanchez
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- Joined: 2002-07-03 05:41pm
- Location: The Wasteland
The Triad
Though the rule of the Patriarch is iron-clad, the policy of governance for the slave populations is distant and benevolent. Any suggestion of dissent or anti-Kzin sentiment is dealt with swiftly and harshly, and the slave-worlds must immediately obey the demands of the Kzin, but a considerable degree of autonomy is allowed them. The human worlds of the Patriarchy, located in what was once the heart of the Hephaestus Corporation's industrial regions, are heavily populated and most productive, and indeed loyalty to the Kzin is repaid with wealth and security.
The population of the human systems are largely derived from the mainland Asian populations of the old Earth, and they brought with them the traditions of their lost homelands. The secret society of the Triad is the most powerful organization of Taoist sorcerors and magicians in the Patriarchy. They are led by the mysterious Triad head, a secretive man of immense powers, and the organization boasts control of most of the organized criminal enterprise in the Patriarchy. Most recently they are engaged in a struggle with the SKS's Zodiac Organization for command of that nation's underground economy.
Though the rule of the Patriarch is iron-clad, the policy of governance for the slave populations is distant and benevolent. Any suggestion of dissent or anti-Kzin sentiment is dealt with swiftly and harshly, and the slave-worlds must immediately obey the demands of the Kzin, but a considerable degree of autonomy is allowed them. The human worlds of the Patriarchy, located in what was once the heart of the Hephaestus Corporation's industrial regions, are heavily populated and most productive, and indeed loyalty to the Kzin is repaid with wealth and security.
The population of the human systems are largely derived from the mainland Asian populations of the old Earth, and they brought with them the traditions of their lost homelands. The secret society of the Triad is the most powerful organization of Taoist sorcerors and magicians in the Patriarchy. They are led by the mysterious Triad head, a secretive man of immense powers, and the organization boasts control of most of the organized criminal enterprise in the Patriarchy. Most recently they are engaged in a struggle with the SKS's Zodiac Organization for command of that nation's underground economy.

"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
--The Lord Humungus
- Rogue 9
- Scrapping TIEs since 1997
- Posts: 18689
- Joined: 2003-11-12 01:10pm
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Republic of Nashtar
The Republic, as it is commonly known, began with colonists departing old Earth almost two millennia in the past. They settled the planet Nashtar in the star cluster of the same name, building their colonial system. Before long they left the rule of Earth peacefully, more as a matter of the impracticality of rule over such a distance than any particular animosity. In its early years the Republic fought many smaller wars, mostly with raiders or for humanitarian reasons.
The First Fall came 1800 years ago, in an abrupt reversal of fortunes following a period of expansion and growth. A series of betrayals accompanied by the utter destruction of two of Nashtar’s strongest allies led to the Republic’s dissolution and occupation by neighboring empires. An ongoing insurrection lasted for many years, lasting longest on Zambar, but was ultimately doomed to failure without outside assistance due to the iron-fisted grip of the occupiers. A second betrayal, this time within the coalition that destroyed the Republic and her allies, lightened the Imperial fist as occupation forces were drawn off to combat the treacherous mercenaries that had, as mercenaries are wont to do, turned on their employers for the right price. With her Space Command all but wiped out, however, the Republic was not able to take advantage and reunify for several centuries. After 500 years the Republic was back on its feet, the occupying powers too weakened to hold onto the star cluster. This was not to last.
The Second Fall came about from numerous factors, including raiders and natural disasters that rendered Marince, Praetor, Maeglos, and Korrigal uninhabitable before the Nashtari could strengthen their second government. The various worlds fell apart into powers of one and two systems, remaining that way for nearly a thousand years.
The last reunification came about five hundred years before the present day, but the Republic was relegated to the role of small, out of the way backwater, a far cry from her glory days. This all changed with the shattering of many of the grand powers several years back. Seizing her chance, Nashtar began a massive technological buildup and militarization program and reclaimed most of her old colonies. She does not intend to fall a third time.
Population: 500,000,000,000
The Republic holds seven main worlds and five colonies. All the main settled planets are within the Nashtar star cluster, while the colonies lie outside it. Each of the core worlds has planetary shielding. The names and purposes of the planets follow.
Core Worlds
Nashtar: Capital planet and cultural center for the Republic, this planet’s concerns besides government mainly revolve around commerce. It is the second planet in its system. A good portion of the Republic’s ordinary citizens make their homes here. First Fleet is based here, holding its main operations from the primary moon. Magnetic accelerator cannon emplacements are scattered in orbit for point defense should an unexpected attack occur. They are not expected to last forever, but just long enough for the fleet to scramble. The planet has two moons, one large primary and a second, far smaller one.
Orodan: This planet is highly industrialized and oriented towards heavy manufacturing. It is the third planet in its system. The government maintains one continent for military manufacturing, and the main shipyards, both military and civilian, are in orbit. (The governmental continent, as its called, is not even close to fully in use; most of the land is untouched, not built upon, and reserved for when it is needed, if ever. No one expects it to ever be fully built over.) The area around Orodan bears a strong resemblance to Kuat Drive Yards in it’s expanse of shipyard structures. The remaining landmasses are open for private use, with clusters of factories mostly along the coasts; factory workers live in towns nearby. The Republic has made great strides in clean manufacturing, so this planet is not as heavily polluted as some suppose when they hear of an industrial world. Elements of Second Fleet are based here, and the shipyard structures are armed. The planet has no moons.
Oromos: This world is almost entirely given over to mining. It is in the same system as Orodan, and is the fourth planet. It is a very old planet, so old that its mantle is mostly solidified. This in combination with its three rather large moons makes it prone to violent earthquakes upon occasion. Advanced seismographic analysis equipment provides plenty of early warning for the miners, who have shuttles ready for quick liftoff when necessary. The remainder of Second Fleet is stationed here. Ore haulers move back and forth between Oromos and Orodan in a steady stream, taking raw materials to the factories. The planet’s atmosphere is very thin, and breath masks are necessary for humans and other creatures not used to thin air. Orbital defense is not so heavy here, since the population is small and nothing of vital importance exists here other than the planet itself.
Mintar: This planet is the main agrarian planet responsible for ensuring that the others are well stocked with consumables. It is the third planet in its system, and is almost entirely given over to farmland. While the other planets all have some measure of agriculture, agriculture is almost all this planet does. Gigantic farming machines roam slowly over the fields, planting or harvesting as the crop and season dictates. There is a fighter base on the single moon.
Pinnacle: Pinnacle is one of the Republic’s main military worlds. It is positioned on the sixth planet of a system sitting on one of the few safe routes into the relatively tight-packed star cluster. The whole of Fifth Fleet is housed there, along with many, many fighters attached to the planet itself rather than the fleet. It is the base of the Republican Marines. Pinnacle has no large moons, but it does have a relatively stable and sparse planetary ring. The larger asteroids of this ring have weapons emplacements on them. Pinnacle is meant as a fortress world first and foremost, and it performs this function admirably.
Zambar: Considered backwater compared to the other core worlds, Zambar is home to both humans and a native race, who call themselves the Zambarim. The Zambarim and humans are ruled as equals and most humans native to the planet consider the Zambarim just ordinary people, though they may encounter some racism on a few of the other worlds. Zambarim are bipedal, covered in short, fine black fur, and possess four arms, two where a human’s are located and a second, somewhat smaller pair right below. Their heads are vaguely triangular, and their mouths point downwards when they stand in a natural posture. Their eyes are large and black. Zambar is the fourth planet in its system and has a mostly agrarian economy, though it doesn’t export to nearly the degree of Mintar.
Ronogho: Home to the alien Ronoghan race, Ronogho is an industrial and commercial center. There is a civilian shipyard complex in orbit, though nowhere near as large as that over Orodan.
Krentos IV: Krentos IV is a world located in a system outside the Nashtar Cluster, but has line of travel to Pinnacle. It houses a small colony and military outpost. A small battle group from Sixth Fleet is housed here. There is an army outpost at the colony, housing one armored division. Besides the army personnel, the colony is home to approximately 2,000 colonists.
Joyous Gard: Named for the castle of Sir Launcelot of the Arthurian legends, this is a forward military base. Several MAC emplacements orbit the planet. A medium sized moon orbits the planet, and as with most moons in the Republic, it houses a fighter base.
Barrier: Named for the three separate asteroid belts that make navigation of the system along the planetary plane hazardous, Barrier is home to about 1,000 colonists, most employed in light manufacturing or asteroid mining.
Verling Station: Situated on the fourth planet of a system in line to Pinnacle’s navigation route into the star cluster, Verling Station is a trading post. Merchants come to Verling to sell their goods and save the precious shipment time required to make the multiple jumps required within the cluster to get between some of the planets without plowing through a star, leaving that to the shippers at the station. A light cruiser, light carrier, three destroyers, and several picket ships run by Customs are usually at Verling Station. The post has about 1500 inhabitants.
Farpoint: A small military listening post on the ninth planet of a red star’s system, this small outpost is manned by military personnel and armed with highly sensitive electronic monitoring arrays. The system is situated slightly “above” the galactic plane. A single destroyer orbits the planet, under strict radio silence unless an imminent threat is reported by the post or detected by the destroyer, at which point the planned course of action is to load the post’s 53 crew members on and leave as quickly as possible. This hasn’t happened yet, and to the Republic Space Command’s knowledge the post’s security is uncompromised.
Politics and Government
Nashtar is a federal republic, set up much like the United States. Each core planet receives ten representatives in the Senate and representatives in the House according to population. Each colony gets one senator and one representative, except Farpoint and Joyous Gard. A President is elected once every six years and each President has a two term limit. The court system is very much like that of the U.S. All citizens of the Republic of 18 years of age or older may vote in the general elections.
The Republic’s military is focused mainly on naval tactics. In the star cluster the Republic Space Command (RSC) can use the restrictions on most FTL navigation to its advantage. The RSC is highly focused on fighters. Half of its heavy warships are dedicated carriers and it supports many light carriers as well.
Energy weapons are not in common use in the Republic. In place of beam weapons the RSC uses magnetic accelerator cannons (MACs). These are essentially gigantic railguns, used for their reliability and high damage to energy expended ratio.
Infantry is mostly mechanized, and the Republic Army is generous with the armor. Tanks and APCs are the order of the day in most units. Their infantry corps is not large, however, and a sustained ground war is not something the Republic would relish, despite how well trained their troops are. The Republic’s tactics revolve around getting as many troops back as possible in addition to destroying the enemy.
Naval Forces
Halcyon class heavy battleship (5 capital points each, 2 in service)
Dimensions: 7.2 km long
Power Plant: 8 heavy fusion reactors driving 2 oversized thrust engines and four heavy thrust engines
1 spinal mount SMAC
144 turreted heavy MACs
500 Archer missile launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
6 meters Titanium-A/neutronium alloy armor plate
Massive internal bracing
10 heavy shield generators
Carrier Wing:
36 C709 Longsword fighter/bombers
48 D77 Pelican drop ships
Dauntless class battleship (2 capital points each, 8 in service)
Dimensions: 5 km long
Power Plant: 6 heavy fusion reactors driving 8 heavy thrust engines
100 turreted heavy MACs
400 Archer missile launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
5 meters Titanium-A/neutronium alloy armor plate
Massive internal bracing
8 heavy shield generators
Intrepid class fleet carrier (2 capital points each, 5 in service)
Dimensions: 5.8 km long
Power Plant: 6 heavy fusion reactors driving 8 heavy thrust engines
12 turreted heavy MACs
Comprehensive CIWS
4 meters Titanium-A/neutronium alloy armor plate
8 heavy shield generators
Carrier Wing:
96 C709 Longsword fighter/bombers
96 A603 Talon strike fighters
48 B564 Hammer long range heavy bombers
48 C687 Osprey interceptors
6 E750 sensor surveillance craft
12 E645 jamming craft
84 D77 Pelican drop ships
Kensington class heavy cruiser (2 cruiser points each, 15 in service)
Dimensions: 2.8 km long
Power Plant: 4 heavy fusion reactors driving 6 heavy thrust engines
56 turreted heavy MACs
250 Archer missile launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
4.5 meters Titanium-A/neutronium alloy armor plate
Massive internal bracing
6 heavy shield generators
Galahad class attack carrier (2 cruiser points each, 15 in service)
Dimensions: 3.2 km long
Power Plant: 4 heavy fusion reactors driving 6 heavy thrust engines
10 turreted medium MACs
Comprehensive CIWS
3 meters Titanium-A/neutronium alloy armor plate
4 heavy shield generators
Carrier Wing:
60 C709 Longsword fighter/bombers
48 A603 Talon strike fighters
12 B564 Hammer long range heavy bombers
36 C687 Osprey interceptors
3 E750 sensor surveillance craft
6 E645 jamming craft
48 D77 Pelican drop ships
Guardian class light cruiser (1 cruiser point each, 20 in service)
Dimensions: 2.2 km long
Power Plant: 3 heavy fusion reactors driving 4 heavy thrust engines
44 turreted medium MACs
200 Archer missile launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
3 meters Titanium-A armor plate
Massive internal bracing
4 heavy shield generators
Polaris class destroyer (2 escort points each, 110 in service)
Dimensions: 1.5 km long
Power Plant: 4 medium fusion reactors driving 4 medium thrust engines
10 turreted medium MACs
20 turreted light MACs
150 Archer missile launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
2.5 meters Titanium-A armor plate
Internal bracing
2 heavy shield generators
Sunburst class escort carrier (2 escort points each, 60 in service)
Dimensions: 1.8 km long
Power Plant: 4 medium fusion reactors driving 4 heavy thrust engines
10 turreted light MACs
Comprehensive CIWS
2 meters Titanium-A armor plate
2 heavy shield generators
Carrier Wing:
36 C709 Longsword fighter/bombers
18 A603 Talon strike fighters
24 C687 Osprey interceptors
2 E750 sensor surveillance craft
4 E645 jamming craft
36 D77 Pelican drop ships
Bandit class frigate (1 escort point each, 135 in service)
Dimensions: 1.2 km long
Power Plant: 3 medium fusion reactors driving 4 medium thrust engines
8 turreted medium MACs
16 turreted light MACs
100 Archer missile launchers
4 heavy torpedo launchers
2 minelayers
Comprehensive CIWS
1.5 meters Titanium-A armor plate
Internal bracing
2 shield generators
Shadow class frigate (1.5 escort points each, 26 in service)
Dimensions: 1.2 km long
Power Plant: 3 medium fusion reactors driving 4 medium thrust engines
8 turreted medium MACs
16 turreted light MACs
100 Archer missile launchers
4 heavy torpedo launchers
2 minelayers
Comprehensive CIWS
1.5 meters Titanium-A armor plate
Internal bracing
2 shield generators
Cloaking device
Praetor class planetary assault ship (1 escort point each, 120 in service)
Dimensions: 1 km long
Power Plant: 2 medium fusion reactors driving 3 medium thrust engines
4 turreted medium MACs
16 turreted light MACs
50 Archer missile launchers
50 ventral Gauss cannon emplacements
30 ventral AGM launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
1 meter Titanium-A armor plate
Internal bracing
2 shield generators
Carrier Wing:
36 C709 Longsword fighter/bombers
18 F320 Skyhawk atmospheric fighters
48 D77 Pelican drop ships
200 ODST drop pods
C709 Longsword multirole fighter
Dimensions: Wingspan 13 meters, length 20 meters
Power plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 2 Pratt & Whitney space fighter engines; slipspace drive
Armament, Standard Loadout:
1 110 mm chain gun, 2,000 AP rounds
6 medium range anti-fighter radar guided missiles
4 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
Armament, antishipping:
1 110 mm magnetic chain gun, 2,000 AP rounds
8 AGSM-10 antishipping/AGM missiles
2 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
Armament, heavy strike:
1 110mm magnetic chain gun, 2,000 AP rounds
2 Shiva heavy missiles
2 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
Medium combat shields
This large heavy fighter is designed for multirole versatility. It carries up to ten missiles or bombs/bomb clusters on external hardpoints. Shielding and a hardened fuselage make this one of the toughest fighters in service with any navy. The Longsword is equipped with a slipspace drive and is capable of independent strike missions. They are equipped with an advanced ejection system. The pilot wears a vacuum suit and has enough air to survive for an hour. The seat has limited maneuvering thrusters.
A603 Talon strike fighter
Dimensions: Wingspan 13.5 meters, length 21 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 2 Republic Systems heavy-duty small craft engines; slipspace drive
Armament, standard loadout:
2 120mm magnetic chain guns, 2,500 AP explosive rounds each
1 dorsal mounted 120mm gun turret, 360 degree rotation
2 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
12 AGSM-10 anti-ship/air-to-ground missiles
4 large gravity bombs
Heavy combat shields
This ungainly strike fighter is designed for anti-ship and air-to-ground operations in atmosphere. The fighter carries a crew of three; pilot, navigator/bombardier, and turret gunner. It is armored and can take several lighter hits (though a heavy cannon or railgun hit will still kill it). Its shape is decidedly unaerodynamic, making it clumsy in atmosphere, though it is still capable of atmospheric flight and combat. It shares the same ejection system as the C709.
B564 Hammer long range heavy bomber
Dimensions: Wingspan 30 meters, length 45 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 2 Pratt & Whitney heavy thrust small craft engines; slipspace drive
6 wing mounted Shiva-tipped heavy rockets
Bomb bay with 40 heavy gravity bombs or 20 more rockets or torpedoes
Heavy combat shields
These bombers fill the RSC’s heavy strike role. They are designed to bomb ground targets or punch holes in capital ships. They are equipped with slipspace drives to assist in long-range striking without the need for a carrier. When in this role, they are usually escorted by C709s. Each of the 4 crew members has an ejection seat.
C687 Osprey interceptor
Dimensions: Wingspan 10 meters, length 18 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 2 Pratt & Whitney space fighter engines
Armament, standard loadout:
1 1000 mm chain gun, 1500 AP rounds
4 medium range anti-fighter radar guided missiles
4 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
Light combat shields
This sleek interceptor is blazingly fast at the expense of size and armament. They are designed to get out and engage a threat quickly, allowing time for heavier fighters to arrive. The interceptor's single pilot has the standard ejection system.
E750 sensor surveillance craft
Dimensions: Wingspan 30 meters, length 45 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 4 Pratt & Whitney medium thrust small craft engines; slipspace drive
Light combat shields
This small craft is basically a flying sensor platform. It sports a large sensor dish on its dorsal surface. It also carries excellent communications equipment and datalinking capabilities. It can transmit its sensor information to fighters it is in contact with and also acts as flight coordinator.
E645 jamming craft
Dimensions: Wingspan 20 meters, length 30 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 4 Pratt & Whitney medium thrust small craft engines; slipspace drive
Light combat shields
These craft are dedicated jammers. They have a variety of transmitters across all frequencies dedicated to making enemy sensor screens show white snow. They are frequency-agile and if it appears that the enemy is getting his sensor capabilities back they immediately begin searching for a new way to block.
D77-TC Pelican drop ships
Dimensions: Wingspan 15 meters, length 25 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving multiple variable direction thrust engines
70mm magnetic autocannon
Optional twin light rocket pods, not always fitted
Light combat shields
Think the Pelican transports from Halo. These ships are designed to drop troops into hot landing zones quickly and get out. These ships are heavily armored, since they have to turn off their shields while at their most vulnerable to drop off troops. They carry 10 ground troops and one LRV or one APC or tank.
Fleet Composition:
First and Fifth Fleets:
1 Halcyon class heavy battleship
1 Dauntless class battleship
1 Intrepid class carrier
3 Kensington class heavy cruisers
2 Launcelot class carriers
3 Guardian class light cruisers
16 Starlight class destroyers
8 Sun Striker class carriers
18 Bandit class frigates
3 Shadow class frigates
6 Praetor class assault ships
Second, Third, and Fourth Fleets:
1 Dauntless class battleship
1 Intrepid class carrier
3 Kensington class heavy cruisers
2 Launcelot class carriers
3 Guardian class light cruisers
16 Starlight class destroyers
8 Sun Striker class carriers
18 Bandit class frigates
3 Shadow class frigates
6 Praetor class assault ships
Sixth Fleet:
5 Guardian class cruisers
20 Polaris class destroyers
10 Sunburst class carriers
30 Bandit class frigates
9 Shadow class frigates
6 Praetor class assault ships
Ground Forces
The Republican Marines are a (relatively) small and elite force, dedicated to spearheading planetary assault landings, fighting shipboard actions on ships of the RSC, boarding enemy craft, and more rarely to commando missions. Marines also guard Nashtari embassies in other nations. The Republican Marine Corps is primarily made up of light infantry, though mechanized infantry and some armored units are also in the roster.
A standard Marine division is made up of roughly 15,000 men, divided into three brigades of 5,000 soldiers each. The brigades are further divided into five 1,000 man battalions. Eight 125 man companies comprise each battalion, further broken down into platoons of roughly forty men each. Four ten-man squads round out the organization, and are the smallest Marine units. A typical combat infantry squad is composed of two grenadiers, two heavy machine gunners, a communications specialist, and five riflemen.
Each Marine infantry squad is assigned to a D77 drop ship during combat operations. The drop ship will land the platoon during an assault, move the troops around the combat area as necessary, bring supplies from orbit or land-based supply depots, and if necessary will support combat operations with its weapons, though combat attack craft such as the A603 or Skyhawks normally handle this duty.
The Republican Marine Corps is composed of 3250 combat divisions, 450 of them light/airborne assault infantry, 75 mechanized infantry, 6 artillery, 35 combat airlift divisions, 30 armored divisions, and 30 fighter/bomber divisions. All the infantry divisions are airborne and/or air mobile. The air wings of the Marines consist mainly of A603s and C709s. The total personnel count in the Corps is approximately 50 million, including command staff and other non-combat personnel.
The main fighting arm of the Nashtari military, the Nashtari Army is highly trained and well equipped, though not so large as the ground militaries of some other nations. Comprising nearly 220 million personnel all told, the Army has more manpower than any other military branch in the Republic. The Army of the Republic is heavy on armored divisions, and the majority of its infantry divisions are mechanized.
The Army is similar to the Marine Corps in its command structure, with the addition of larger command units at the top, since the Army is generally deployed in far greater numbers at one location than the Marines. A corps consists of three divisions, and an army is composed of three or more corps. Beyond that, unit breakdowns are as given in the Marine entry.
While the Army makes use of D77s in a similar fashion to the Marines, they are not so dependent upon them in all stages of combat. Most Army divisions use large, freighter-like landing craft for their primary landings once a landing zone has been secured; initial assaults are usually carried out by D77 drops with heavy air support.
The combat ORBAT of the Army of the Republic is composed of 5500 armored divisions equipped with M808 main battle tanks, 8300 mechanized infantry divisions equipped with M805 armored personnel carriers, 550 light infantry divisions, 200 airborne divisions, 30 air mobile divisions, 60 air assault divisions, 50 engineering divisions, 40 specialist divisional groups (communications, demolitions, etc.), and 25 divisions of special forces units, officially Army units but actually permanently detached to Special Forces Command. This force is meant to both defend the worlds of the Republic from invasion and to mount invasions of enemy planets if necessary. There are also multiple non-combat personnel in the Army.
Ground Equipment & Weapons
M808B Main Battle Tank
Dimensions: 5 meters long, 3 meters wide, large top-mounted turret
Power Plant: Two redundant engines running four track wheels (treads)
One 130 mm main cannon, capable of firing several ammunition types
One coaxial 20 mm chain gun
Four heavy machine guns
Description: The M808 is the Republic’s primary battle tank. It requires a crew of four to operate. The tank is covered in 50 cm of composite armor. The M808 has a top speed of 90 km/hr, though they do not usually move that quickly. A multitude of IR and other sensor systems give the vehicle excellent sensor coverage, and a cross linking information system allows the transmission of an individual tank’s information to the rest of the battalion and to other Nashtari combat vehicles working with the tank unit.
M805 Armored Personnel Carrier
Dimensions: 6 meters long, 3 meters wide, top-mounted turret
Power Plant: Two redundant engines running four track wheels (treads)
One 30 mm chain gun
Twin anti-armor missile launchers
Three heavy machine guns
Description: The M805 is the primary APC of the Army. The transport has a crew of three and carries a ten man infantry squad. 40 cm of armor protect the vehicle and its occupants. The M805 can make a top speed of 100 km/hr. It shares the same sensor and data link capabilities as the M808.
M12 Light Reconnaissance Vehicle
Dimensions: 2.5 meters long, 1 meter wide, rear mounted chain gun turret, Gauss cannon, or rocket launcher depending on model
Power plant: One large vehicle engine running 4 drive wheels, 4 wheel steering
One 20mm turreted chain gun OR one 50mm Gauss cannon OR triple 102mm rocket launchers
Description: The Warthog from Halo. 12 cm armor plating cover the engine block and sides of the vehicle. The LRV has a crew of three; one driver, one gunner, and one spotter/sensor operator. The spotter is typically armed with an AR-57 assault rifle as well as high-powered binoculars, and also operates the sensors and data link. The LRV is not meant for main combat, and the typical response of a standard M12 to meeting an enemy armored column is to drive away at top sustainable speed (140-150 km/hr over flat ground) while sending data to the units it is supporting. The LRV is death on light infantry, however, and its rapid-firing Gatling type gun can mow down unprotected ground troops.
MA5B assault rifle
7.62mm rapid-firing assault rifle, 60 round clip. Standard infantry weapon.
CAR-43 carbine
7.62mm rapid-firing carbine, 60 round clip. Smaller version of the AR-57. Commonly used by Marines and Special Forces.
M6B 12.7mm automatic pistol
9 mm automatic pistol, 12 round clip. Standard military sidearm.
MG-98 squad automatic weapon
7.62 mm belt fed heavy machine gun. Standard squad heavy weapon.
BR55 battle rifle
9.5mm single shot or 3 round burst rifle, 36 round clip. Standard SPARTAN and ODST weapon.
M90 combat shotgun
8 gauge pump action shotgun, 12 round capacity. Used for close quarters fighting and on boarding actions.
M19 SSM rocket launcher
Man portable shoulder fired rocket launcher, holds two 102mm homing rockets. Standard infantry anti-vehicle weapon. Can lock onto low-flying, slow-moving aircraft, though its relatively short range makes it more suited for attacking land vehicles.
SRS99C sniper rifle
14.5mm single shot sniper rifle, 4 round clip. Uses fin-stabilized sabot rounds for greater accuracy. Standard sniper weapon across all services.
Aerospace Force
The Nashtari Aerospace Force (NAF) uses many of the same combat aerospace fighters and bombers as RSC naval aviation. With hundreds of planet and moon based fighter wings fielding well over a hundred squadrons at every core world, the NAF provides quite an effective backup for the RSC in defending Nashtari air and space. Additionally, the NAF fields many wings of slipspace-capable C709s, A603s, and B564s for independent strike missions.
The NAF’s combat squadrons include 200 squadrons of C709s, 300 squadrons of A603s, 100 squadrons of B564s, 300 squadrons of C687s, 50 squadrons of E750s, 30 squadrons of E645s, and 500 squadrons of F320s. In addition, the Aerospace Lift Command, the cargo hauling division, consists of many groups of D77s, C645s (non-combat airlift haulers), and other cargo aerospace craft.
C709 Longsword multirole fighter
See entry in naval fighters
A603 Talon strike fighter
See entry in naval fighters
B564 Hammer long range heavy bomber
See entry in naval fighters
C687 Osprey interceptor
See entry in naval fighters
E750 sensor surveillance craft
See entry in naval fighters
E645 jamming craft
See entry in naval fighters
F320 Skyhawk atmospheric fighter
Dimensions: Wingspan 13 meters, length 20 meters
Power plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 4 VTOL jet banks
Armament, air to air:
4 50mm chain guns, 2,000 AP rounds each
6 medium range anti-fighter radar guided missiles
4 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
Armament, air to ground:
4 50mm chain guns, 2,000 AP rounds each
6 AGM-30 Scorpion AGM missiles
4 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
The Skyhawk is a purely atmospheric VTOL fighter/bomber, designed to gain and maintain control of the skies as well as support ground operations through airstrikes and CAS. Thanks both to the airplane's VTOL variable-direction engines and its carefully engineered aerodynamic design, the F320 is supremely agile and can outperform space-based fighters that enter the atmosphere. The single pilot has an ejection seat.
Special Operations Command
SOCOM handles special, usually secret, missions for Nashtar. The troopers under the command of SOCOM are drawn from the best in the Marines and Army. All are twice volunteers, once for joining the military and a second time to opt into Special Ops. For most missions they become three time volunteers, as it is standard practice to only take those willing on the most dangerous and/or secret combat missions, and extremely hazardous and secret missions are all that SOCOM does.
SOCOM units operate mostly on the squad level. Some ops require as much as a platoon. Company deployments are rare, and battalion or larger formations composed entirely of special operations troops are nearly unheard of. SOCOM units are armed with standard infantry weapons, with additional mission-specific gear added in accordance with the unit’s mission. SOCOM troopers each have a specialty, whether it be urban warfare, demolitions, wilderness fighting, or almost any other conceivable combat situation that a SOCOM squad may find itself in. All troopers are also cross-trained in general combat techniques outside their specialty.
Silencers are common on covert missions, both for the carbines and pistols. Combat gear also commonly includes stealthsuits, underwater approach gear for SEAL style insertions, plastic explosives, tracking devices, sensor target designators, and a wide variety of other goodies.
The most widely used special operations units are the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers. Equipped with full-body sealed armor with full NBC and vacuum protection and limited power assist and trained to the highest standards of infantry combat, the primary mission of the ODSTs is much like that of paratroopers in Earth's militaries in the 20th century. Dropped to their objectives from orbit in single-man drop pods, they quickly accomplish their objective, which is most frequently to secure a landing zone for following Marines. A relatively new development, at present there are only eight companies, each assigned to a Praetor class assault ship. More companies are in training, and will be assigned to assault ships as they are qualified.
The SPARTAN program is the pride of Nashtari SOCOM. The program involves gene enhancement, intensive training, and the best power armor that Nashtar can produce, though the SPARTAN armor is too prohibitively expensive to mass-produce for the Army and Marines. Presently there are only three, but their excellent performance has led to the acceleration of the program, and 200 are due to enter service within the year. The SPARTANs are not often deployed in large numbers, moving in large groups only to meet the most dangerous of missions.
8 escort points to ODST program. 2 more added in first build cycle.
4 cruiser points assigned to the SPARTAN program in first build cycle.
The Republic, as it is commonly known, began with colonists departing old Earth almost two millennia in the past. They settled the planet Nashtar in the star cluster of the same name, building their colonial system. Before long they left the rule of Earth peacefully, more as a matter of the impracticality of rule over such a distance than any particular animosity. In its early years the Republic fought many smaller wars, mostly with raiders or for humanitarian reasons.
The First Fall came 1800 years ago, in an abrupt reversal of fortunes following a period of expansion and growth. A series of betrayals accompanied by the utter destruction of two of Nashtar’s strongest allies led to the Republic’s dissolution and occupation by neighboring empires. An ongoing insurrection lasted for many years, lasting longest on Zambar, but was ultimately doomed to failure without outside assistance due to the iron-fisted grip of the occupiers. A second betrayal, this time within the coalition that destroyed the Republic and her allies, lightened the Imperial fist as occupation forces were drawn off to combat the treacherous mercenaries that had, as mercenaries are wont to do, turned on their employers for the right price. With her Space Command all but wiped out, however, the Republic was not able to take advantage and reunify for several centuries. After 500 years the Republic was back on its feet, the occupying powers too weakened to hold onto the star cluster. This was not to last.
The Second Fall came about from numerous factors, including raiders and natural disasters that rendered Marince, Praetor, Maeglos, and Korrigal uninhabitable before the Nashtari could strengthen their second government. The various worlds fell apart into powers of one and two systems, remaining that way for nearly a thousand years.
The last reunification came about five hundred years before the present day, but the Republic was relegated to the role of small, out of the way backwater, a far cry from her glory days. This all changed with the shattering of many of the grand powers several years back. Seizing her chance, Nashtar began a massive technological buildup and militarization program and reclaimed most of her old colonies. She does not intend to fall a third time.
Population: 500,000,000,000
The Republic holds seven main worlds and five colonies. All the main settled planets are within the Nashtar star cluster, while the colonies lie outside it. Each of the core worlds has planetary shielding. The names and purposes of the planets follow.
Core Worlds
Nashtar: Capital planet and cultural center for the Republic, this planet’s concerns besides government mainly revolve around commerce. It is the second planet in its system. A good portion of the Republic’s ordinary citizens make their homes here. First Fleet is based here, holding its main operations from the primary moon. Magnetic accelerator cannon emplacements are scattered in orbit for point defense should an unexpected attack occur. They are not expected to last forever, but just long enough for the fleet to scramble. The planet has two moons, one large primary and a second, far smaller one.
Orodan: This planet is highly industrialized and oriented towards heavy manufacturing. It is the third planet in its system. The government maintains one continent for military manufacturing, and the main shipyards, both military and civilian, are in orbit. (The governmental continent, as its called, is not even close to fully in use; most of the land is untouched, not built upon, and reserved for when it is needed, if ever. No one expects it to ever be fully built over.) The area around Orodan bears a strong resemblance to Kuat Drive Yards in it’s expanse of shipyard structures. The remaining landmasses are open for private use, with clusters of factories mostly along the coasts; factory workers live in towns nearby. The Republic has made great strides in clean manufacturing, so this planet is not as heavily polluted as some suppose when they hear of an industrial world. Elements of Second Fleet are based here, and the shipyard structures are armed. The planet has no moons.
Oromos: This world is almost entirely given over to mining. It is in the same system as Orodan, and is the fourth planet. It is a very old planet, so old that its mantle is mostly solidified. This in combination with its three rather large moons makes it prone to violent earthquakes upon occasion. Advanced seismographic analysis equipment provides plenty of early warning for the miners, who have shuttles ready for quick liftoff when necessary. The remainder of Second Fleet is stationed here. Ore haulers move back and forth between Oromos and Orodan in a steady stream, taking raw materials to the factories. The planet’s atmosphere is very thin, and breath masks are necessary for humans and other creatures not used to thin air. Orbital defense is not so heavy here, since the population is small and nothing of vital importance exists here other than the planet itself.
Mintar: This planet is the main agrarian planet responsible for ensuring that the others are well stocked with consumables. It is the third planet in its system, and is almost entirely given over to farmland. While the other planets all have some measure of agriculture, agriculture is almost all this planet does. Gigantic farming machines roam slowly over the fields, planting or harvesting as the crop and season dictates. There is a fighter base on the single moon.
Pinnacle: Pinnacle is one of the Republic’s main military worlds. It is positioned on the sixth planet of a system sitting on one of the few safe routes into the relatively tight-packed star cluster. The whole of Fifth Fleet is housed there, along with many, many fighters attached to the planet itself rather than the fleet. It is the base of the Republican Marines. Pinnacle has no large moons, but it does have a relatively stable and sparse planetary ring. The larger asteroids of this ring have weapons emplacements on them. Pinnacle is meant as a fortress world first and foremost, and it performs this function admirably.
Zambar: Considered backwater compared to the other core worlds, Zambar is home to both humans and a native race, who call themselves the Zambarim. The Zambarim and humans are ruled as equals and most humans native to the planet consider the Zambarim just ordinary people, though they may encounter some racism on a few of the other worlds. Zambarim are bipedal, covered in short, fine black fur, and possess four arms, two where a human’s are located and a second, somewhat smaller pair right below. Their heads are vaguely triangular, and their mouths point downwards when they stand in a natural posture. Their eyes are large and black. Zambar is the fourth planet in its system and has a mostly agrarian economy, though it doesn’t export to nearly the degree of Mintar.
Ronogho: Home to the alien Ronoghan race, Ronogho is an industrial and commercial center. There is a civilian shipyard complex in orbit, though nowhere near as large as that over Orodan.
Krentos IV: Krentos IV is a world located in a system outside the Nashtar Cluster, but has line of travel to Pinnacle. It houses a small colony and military outpost. A small battle group from Sixth Fleet is housed here. There is an army outpost at the colony, housing one armored division. Besides the army personnel, the colony is home to approximately 2,000 colonists.
Joyous Gard: Named for the castle of Sir Launcelot of the Arthurian legends, this is a forward military base. Several MAC emplacements orbit the planet. A medium sized moon orbits the planet, and as with most moons in the Republic, it houses a fighter base.
Barrier: Named for the three separate asteroid belts that make navigation of the system along the planetary plane hazardous, Barrier is home to about 1,000 colonists, most employed in light manufacturing or asteroid mining.
Verling Station: Situated on the fourth planet of a system in line to Pinnacle’s navigation route into the star cluster, Verling Station is a trading post. Merchants come to Verling to sell their goods and save the precious shipment time required to make the multiple jumps required within the cluster to get between some of the planets without plowing through a star, leaving that to the shippers at the station. A light cruiser, light carrier, three destroyers, and several picket ships run by Customs are usually at Verling Station. The post has about 1500 inhabitants.
Farpoint: A small military listening post on the ninth planet of a red star’s system, this small outpost is manned by military personnel and armed with highly sensitive electronic monitoring arrays. The system is situated slightly “above” the galactic plane. A single destroyer orbits the planet, under strict radio silence unless an imminent threat is reported by the post or detected by the destroyer, at which point the planned course of action is to load the post’s 53 crew members on and leave as quickly as possible. This hasn’t happened yet, and to the Republic Space Command’s knowledge the post’s security is uncompromised.
Politics and Government
Nashtar is a federal republic, set up much like the United States. Each core planet receives ten representatives in the Senate and representatives in the House according to population. Each colony gets one senator and one representative, except Farpoint and Joyous Gard. A President is elected once every six years and each President has a two term limit. The court system is very much like that of the U.S. All citizens of the Republic of 18 years of age or older may vote in the general elections.
The Republic’s military is focused mainly on naval tactics. In the star cluster the Republic Space Command (RSC) can use the restrictions on most FTL navigation to its advantage. The RSC is highly focused on fighters. Half of its heavy warships are dedicated carriers and it supports many light carriers as well.
Energy weapons are not in common use in the Republic. In place of beam weapons the RSC uses magnetic accelerator cannons (MACs). These are essentially gigantic railguns, used for their reliability and high damage to energy expended ratio.
Infantry is mostly mechanized, and the Republic Army is generous with the armor. Tanks and APCs are the order of the day in most units. Their infantry corps is not large, however, and a sustained ground war is not something the Republic would relish, despite how well trained their troops are. The Republic’s tactics revolve around getting as many troops back as possible in addition to destroying the enemy.
Naval Forces
Halcyon class heavy battleship (5 capital points each, 2 in service)
Dimensions: 7.2 km long
Power Plant: 8 heavy fusion reactors driving 2 oversized thrust engines and four heavy thrust engines
1 spinal mount SMAC
144 turreted heavy MACs
500 Archer missile launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
6 meters Titanium-A/neutronium alloy armor plate
Massive internal bracing
10 heavy shield generators
Carrier Wing:
36 C709 Longsword fighter/bombers
48 D77 Pelican drop ships
Dauntless class battleship (2 capital points each, 8 in service)
Dimensions: 5 km long
Power Plant: 6 heavy fusion reactors driving 8 heavy thrust engines
100 turreted heavy MACs
400 Archer missile launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
5 meters Titanium-A/neutronium alloy armor plate
Massive internal bracing
8 heavy shield generators
Intrepid class fleet carrier (2 capital points each, 5 in service)
Dimensions: 5.8 km long
Power Plant: 6 heavy fusion reactors driving 8 heavy thrust engines
12 turreted heavy MACs
Comprehensive CIWS
4 meters Titanium-A/neutronium alloy armor plate
8 heavy shield generators
Carrier Wing:
96 C709 Longsword fighter/bombers
96 A603 Talon strike fighters
48 B564 Hammer long range heavy bombers
48 C687 Osprey interceptors
6 E750 sensor surveillance craft
12 E645 jamming craft
84 D77 Pelican drop ships
Kensington class heavy cruiser (2 cruiser points each, 15 in service)
Dimensions: 2.8 km long
Power Plant: 4 heavy fusion reactors driving 6 heavy thrust engines
56 turreted heavy MACs
250 Archer missile launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
4.5 meters Titanium-A/neutronium alloy armor plate
Massive internal bracing
6 heavy shield generators
Galahad class attack carrier (2 cruiser points each, 15 in service)
Dimensions: 3.2 km long
Power Plant: 4 heavy fusion reactors driving 6 heavy thrust engines
10 turreted medium MACs
Comprehensive CIWS
3 meters Titanium-A/neutronium alloy armor plate
4 heavy shield generators
Carrier Wing:
60 C709 Longsword fighter/bombers
48 A603 Talon strike fighters
12 B564 Hammer long range heavy bombers
36 C687 Osprey interceptors
3 E750 sensor surveillance craft
6 E645 jamming craft
48 D77 Pelican drop ships
Guardian class light cruiser (1 cruiser point each, 20 in service)
Dimensions: 2.2 km long
Power Plant: 3 heavy fusion reactors driving 4 heavy thrust engines
44 turreted medium MACs
200 Archer missile launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
3 meters Titanium-A armor plate
Massive internal bracing
4 heavy shield generators
Polaris class destroyer (2 escort points each, 110 in service)
Dimensions: 1.5 km long
Power Plant: 4 medium fusion reactors driving 4 medium thrust engines
10 turreted medium MACs
20 turreted light MACs
150 Archer missile launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
2.5 meters Titanium-A armor plate
Internal bracing
2 heavy shield generators
Sunburst class escort carrier (2 escort points each, 60 in service)
Dimensions: 1.8 km long
Power Plant: 4 medium fusion reactors driving 4 heavy thrust engines
10 turreted light MACs
Comprehensive CIWS
2 meters Titanium-A armor plate
2 heavy shield generators
Carrier Wing:
36 C709 Longsword fighter/bombers
18 A603 Talon strike fighters
24 C687 Osprey interceptors
2 E750 sensor surveillance craft
4 E645 jamming craft
36 D77 Pelican drop ships
Bandit class frigate (1 escort point each, 135 in service)
Dimensions: 1.2 km long
Power Plant: 3 medium fusion reactors driving 4 medium thrust engines
8 turreted medium MACs
16 turreted light MACs
100 Archer missile launchers
4 heavy torpedo launchers
2 minelayers
Comprehensive CIWS
1.5 meters Titanium-A armor plate
Internal bracing
2 shield generators
Shadow class frigate (1.5 escort points each, 26 in service)
Dimensions: 1.2 km long
Power Plant: 3 medium fusion reactors driving 4 medium thrust engines
8 turreted medium MACs
16 turreted light MACs
100 Archer missile launchers
4 heavy torpedo launchers
2 minelayers
Comprehensive CIWS
1.5 meters Titanium-A armor plate
Internal bracing
2 shield generators
Cloaking device
Praetor class planetary assault ship (1 escort point each, 120 in service)
Dimensions: 1 km long
Power Plant: 2 medium fusion reactors driving 3 medium thrust engines
4 turreted medium MACs
16 turreted light MACs
50 Archer missile launchers
50 ventral Gauss cannon emplacements
30 ventral AGM launchers
Comprehensive CIWS
1 meter Titanium-A armor plate
Internal bracing
2 shield generators
Carrier Wing:
36 C709 Longsword fighter/bombers
18 F320 Skyhawk atmospheric fighters
48 D77 Pelican drop ships
200 ODST drop pods
C709 Longsword multirole fighter
Dimensions: Wingspan 13 meters, length 20 meters
Power plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 2 Pratt & Whitney space fighter engines; slipspace drive
Armament, Standard Loadout:
1 110 mm chain gun, 2,000 AP rounds
6 medium range anti-fighter radar guided missiles
4 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
Armament, antishipping:
1 110 mm magnetic chain gun, 2,000 AP rounds
8 AGSM-10 antishipping/AGM missiles
2 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
Armament, heavy strike:
1 110mm magnetic chain gun, 2,000 AP rounds
2 Shiva heavy missiles
2 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
Medium combat shields
This large heavy fighter is designed for multirole versatility. It carries up to ten missiles or bombs/bomb clusters on external hardpoints. Shielding and a hardened fuselage make this one of the toughest fighters in service with any navy. The Longsword is equipped with a slipspace drive and is capable of independent strike missions. They are equipped with an advanced ejection system. The pilot wears a vacuum suit and has enough air to survive for an hour. The seat has limited maneuvering thrusters.
A603 Talon strike fighter
Dimensions: Wingspan 13.5 meters, length 21 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 2 Republic Systems heavy-duty small craft engines; slipspace drive
Armament, standard loadout:
2 120mm magnetic chain guns, 2,500 AP explosive rounds each
1 dorsal mounted 120mm gun turret, 360 degree rotation
2 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
12 AGSM-10 anti-ship/air-to-ground missiles
4 large gravity bombs
Heavy combat shields
This ungainly strike fighter is designed for anti-ship and air-to-ground operations in atmosphere. The fighter carries a crew of three; pilot, navigator/bombardier, and turret gunner. It is armored and can take several lighter hits (though a heavy cannon or railgun hit will still kill it). Its shape is decidedly unaerodynamic, making it clumsy in atmosphere, though it is still capable of atmospheric flight and combat. It shares the same ejection system as the C709.
B564 Hammer long range heavy bomber
Dimensions: Wingspan 30 meters, length 45 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 2 Pratt & Whitney heavy thrust small craft engines; slipspace drive
6 wing mounted Shiva-tipped heavy rockets
Bomb bay with 40 heavy gravity bombs or 20 more rockets or torpedoes
Heavy combat shields
These bombers fill the RSC’s heavy strike role. They are designed to bomb ground targets or punch holes in capital ships. They are equipped with slipspace drives to assist in long-range striking without the need for a carrier. When in this role, they are usually escorted by C709s. Each of the 4 crew members has an ejection seat.
C687 Osprey interceptor
Dimensions: Wingspan 10 meters, length 18 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 2 Pratt & Whitney space fighter engines
Armament, standard loadout:
1 1000 mm chain gun, 1500 AP rounds
4 medium range anti-fighter radar guided missiles
4 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
Light combat shields
This sleek interceptor is blazingly fast at the expense of size and armament. They are designed to get out and engage a threat quickly, allowing time for heavier fighters to arrive. The interceptor's single pilot has the standard ejection system.
E750 sensor surveillance craft
Dimensions: Wingspan 30 meters, length 45 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 4 Pratt & Whitney medium thrust small craft engines; slipspace drive
Light combat shields
This small craft is basically a flying sensor platform. It sports a large sensor dish on its dorsal surface. It also carries excellent communications equipment and datalinking capabilities. It can transmit its sensor information to fighters it is in contact with and also acts as flight coordinator.
E645 jamming craft
Dimensions: Wingspan 20 meters, length 30 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 4 Pratt & Whitney medium thrust small craft engines; slipspace drive
Light combat shields
These craft are dedicated jammers. They have a variety of transmitters across all frequencies dedicated to making enemy sensor screens show white snow. They are frequency-agile and if it appears that the enemy is getting his sensor capabilities back they immediately begin searching for a new way to block.
D77-TC Pelican drop ships
Dimensions: Wingspan 15 meters, length 25 meters
Power Plant: 1 compact fission plant driving multiple variable direction thrust engines
70mm magnetic autocannon
Optional twin light rocket pods, not always fitted
Light combat shields
Think the Pelican transports from Halo. These ships are designed to drop troops into hot landing zones quickly and get out. These ships are heavily armored, since they have to turn off their shields while at their most vulnerable to drop off troops. They carry 10 ground troops and one LRV or one APC or tank.
Fleet Composition:
First and Fifth Fleets:
1 Halcyon class heavy battleship
1 Dauntless class battleship
1 Intrepid class carrier
3 Kensington class heavy cruisers
2 Launcelot class carriers
3 Guardian class light cruisers
16 Starlight class destroyers
8 Sun Striker class carriers
18 Bandit class frigates
3 Shadow class frigates
6 Praetor class assault ships
Second, Third, and Fourth Fleets:
1 Dauntless class battleship
1 Intrepid class carrier
3 Kensington class heavy cruisers
2 Launcelot class carriers
3 Guardian class light cruisers
16 Starlight class destroyers
8 Sun Striker class carriers
18 Bandit class frigates
3 Shadow class frigates
6 Praetor class assault ships
Sixth Fleet:
5 Guardian class cruisers
20 Polaris class destroyers
10 Sunburst class carriers
30 Bandit class frigates
9 Shadow class frigates
6 Praetor class assault ships
Ground Forces
The Republican Marines are a (relatively) small and elite force, dedicated to spearheading planetary assault landings, fighting shipboard actions on ships of the RSC, boarding enemy craft, and more rarely to commando missions. Marines also guard Nashtari embassies in other nations. The Republican Marine Corps is primarily made up of light infantry, though mechanized infantry and some armored units are also in the roster.
A standard Marine division is made up of roughly 15,000 men, divided into three brigades of 5,000 soldiers each. The brigades are further divided into five 1,000 man battalions. Eight 125 man companies comprise each battalion, further broken down into platoons of roughly forty men each. Four ten-man squads round out the organization, and are the smallest Marine units. A typical combat infantry squad is composed of two grenadiers, two heavy machine gunners, a communications specialist, and five riflemen.
Each Marine infantry squad is assigned to a D77 drop ship during combat operations. The drop ship will land the platoon during an assault, move the troops around the combat area as necessary, bring supplies from orbit or land-based supply depots, and if necessary will support combat operations with its weapons, though combat attack craft such as the A603 or Skyhawks normally handle this duty.
The Republican Marine Corps is composed of 3250 combat divisions, 450 of them light/airborne assault infantry, 75 mechanized infantry, 6 artillery, 35 combat airlift divisions, 30 armored divisions, and 30 fighter/bomber divisions. All the infantry divisions are airborne and/or air mobile. The air wings of the Marines consist mainly of A603s and C709s. The total personnel count in the Corps is approximately 50 million, including command staff and other non-combat personnel.
The main fighting arm of the Nashtari military, the Nashtari Army is highly trained and well equipped, though not so large as the ground militaries of some other nations. Comprising nearly 220 million personnel all told, the Army has more manpower than any other military branch in the Republic. The Army of the Republic is heavy on armored divisions, and the majority of its infantry divisions are mechanized.
The Army is similar to the Marine Corps in its command structure, with the addition of larger command units at the top, since the Army is generally deployed in far greater numbers at one location than the Marines. A corps consists of three divisions, and an army is composed of three or more corps. Beyond that, unit breakdowns are as given in the Marine entry.
While the Army makes use of D77s in a similar fashion to the Marines, they are not so dependent upon them in all stages of combat. Most Army divisions use large, freighter-like landing craft for their primary landings once a landing zone has been secured; initial assaults are usually carried out by D77 drops with heavy air support.
The combat ORBAT of the Army of the Republic is composed of 5500 armored divisions equipped with M808 main battle tanks, 8300 mechanized infantry divisions equipped with M805 armored personnel carriers, 550 light infantry divisions, 200 airborne divisions, 30 air mobile divisions, 60 air assault divisions, 50 engineering divisions, 40 specialist divisional groups (communications, demolitions, etc.), and 25 divisions of special forces units, officially Army units but actually permanently detached to Special Forces Command. This force is meant to both defend the worlds of the Republic from invasion and to mount invasions of enemy planets if necessary. There are also multiple non-combat personnel in the Army.
Ground Equipment & Weapons
M808B Main Battle Tank
Dimensions: 5 meters long, 3 meters wide, large top-mounted turret
Power Plant: Two redundant engines running four track wheels (treads)
One 130 mm main cannon, capable of firing several ammunition types
One coaxial 20 mm chain gun
Four heavy machine guns
Description: The M808 is the Republic’s primary battle tank. It requires a crew of four to operate. The tank is covered in 50 cm of composite armor. The M808 has a top speed of 90 km/hr, though they do not usually move that quickly. A multitude of IR and other sensor systems give the vehicle excellent sensor coverage, and a cross linking information system allows the transmission of an individual tank’s information to the rest of the battalion and to other Nashtari combat vehicles working with the tank unit.
M805 Armored Personnel Carrier
Dimensions: 6 meters long, 3 meters wide, top-mounted turret
Power Plant: Two redundant engines running four track wheels (treads)
One 30 mm chain gun
Twin anti-armor missile launchers
Three heavy machine guns
Description: The M805 is the primary APC of the Army. The transport has a crew of three and carries a ten man infantry squad. 40 cm of armor protect the vehicle and its occupants. The M805 can make a top speed of 100 km/hr. It shares the same sensor and data link capabilities as the M808.
M12 Light Reconnaissance Vehicle
Dimensions: 2.5 meters long, 1 meter wide, rear mounted chain gun turret, Gauss cannon, or rocket launcher depending on model
Power plant: One large vehicle engine running 4 drive wheels, 4 wheel steering
One 20mm turreted chain gun OR one 50mm Gauss cannon OR triple 102mm rocket launchers
Description: The Warthog from Halo. 12 cm armor plating cover the engine block and sides of the vehicle. The LRV has a crew of three; one driver, one gunner, and one spotter/sensor operator. The spotter is typically armed with an AR-57 assault rifle as well as high-powered binoculars, and also operates the sensors and data link. The LRV is not meant for main combat, and the typical response of a standard M12 to meeting an enemy armored column is to drive away at top sustainable speed (140-150 km/hr over flat ground) while sending data to the units it is supporting. The LRV is death on light infantry, however, and its rapid-firing Gatling type gun can mow down unprotected ground troops.
MA5B assault rifle
7.62mm rapid-firing assault rifle, 60 round clip. Standard infantry weapon.
CAR-43 carbine
7.62mm rapid-firing carbine, 60 round clip. Smaller version of the AR-57. Commonly used by Marines and Special Forces.
M6B 12.7mm automatic pistol
9 mm automatic pistol, 12 round clip. Standard military sidearm.
MG-98 squad automatic weapon
7.62 mm belt fed heavy machine gun. Standard squad heavy weapon.
BR55 battle rifle
9.5mm single shot or 3 round burst rifle, 36 round clip. Standard SPARTAN and ODST weapon.
M90 combat shotgun
8 gauge pump action shotgun, 12 round capacity. Used for close quarters fighting and on boarding actions.
M19 SSM rocket launcher
Man portable shoulder fired rocket launcher, holds two 102mm homing rockets. Standard infantry anti-vehicle weapon. Can lock onto low-flying, slow-moving aircraft, though its relatively short range makes it more suited for attacking land vehicles.
SRS99C sniper rifle
14.5mm single shot sniper rifle, 4 round clip. Uses fin-stabilized sabot rounds for greater accuracy. Standard sniper weapon across all services.
Aerospace Force
The Nashtari Aerospace Force (NAF) uses many of the same combat aerospace fighters and bombers as RSC naval aviation. With hundreds of planet and moon based fighter wings fielding well over a hundred squadrons at every core world, the NAF provides quite an effective backup for the RSC in defending Nashtari air and space. Additionally, the NAF fields many wings of slipspace-capable C709s, A603s, and B564s for independent strike missions.
The NAF’s combat squadrons include 200 squadrons of C709s, 300 squadrons of A603s, 100 squadrons of B564s, 300 squadrons of C687s, 50 squadrons of E750s, 30 squadrons of E645s, and 500 squadrons of F320s. In addition, the Aerospace Lift Command, the cargo hauling division, consists of many groups of D77s, C645s (non-combat airlift haulers), and other cargo aerospace craft.
C709 Longsword multirole fighter
See entry in naval fighters
A603 Talon strike fighter
See entry in naval fighters
B564 Hammer long range heavy bomber
See entry in naval fighters
C687 Osprey interceptor
See entry in naval fighters
E750 sensor surveillance craft
See entry in naval fighters
E645 jamming craft
See entry in naval fighters
F320 Skyhawk atmospheric fighter
Dimensions: Wingspan 13 meters, length 20 meters
Power plant: 1 compact fission plant driving 4 VTOL jet banks
Armament, air to air:
4 50mm chain guns, 2,000 AP rounds each
6 medium range anti-fighter radar guided missiles
4 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
Armament, air to ground:
4 50mm chain guns, 2,000 AP rounds each
6 AGM-30 Scorpion AGM missiles
4 short range anti-fighter IR guided missiles
The Skyhawk is a purely atmospheric VTOL fighter/bomber, designed to gain and maintain control of the skies as well as support ground operations through airstrikes and CAS. Thanks both to the airplane's VTOL variable-direction engines and its carefully engineered aerodynamic design, the F320 is supremely agile and can outperform space-based fighters that enter the atmosphere. The single pilot has an ejection seat.
Special Operations Command
SOCOM handles special, usually secret, missions for Nashtar. The troopers under the command of SOCOM are drawn from the best in the Marines and Army. All are twice volunteers, once for joining the military and a second time to opt into Special Ops. For most missions they become three time volunteers, as it is standard practice to only take those willing on the most dangerous and/or secret combat missions, and extremely hazardous and secret missions are all that SOCOM does.
SOCOM units operate mostly on the squad level. Some ops require as much as a platoon. Company deployments are rare, and battalion or larger formations composed entirely of special operations troops are nearly unheard of. SOCOM units are armed with standard infantry weapons, with additional mission-specific gear added in accordance with the unit’s mission. SOCOM troopers each have a specialty, whether it be urban warfare, demolitions, wilderness fighting, or almost any other conceivable combat situation that a SOCOM squad may find itself in. All troopers are also cross-trained in general combat techniques outside their specialty.
Silencers are common on covert missions, both for the carbines and pistols. Combat gear also commonly includes stealthsuits, underwater approach gear for SEAL style insertions, plastic explosives, tracking devices, sensor target designators, and a wide variety of other goodies.
The most widely used special operations units are the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers. Equipped with full-body sealed armor with full NBC and vacuum protection and limited power assist and trained to the highest standards of infantry combat, the primary mission of the ODSTs is much like that of paratroopers in Earth's militaries in the 20th century. Dropped to their objectives from orbit in single-man drop pods, they quickly accomplish their objective, which is most frequently to secure a landing zone for following Marines. A relatively new development, at present there are only eight companies, each assigned to a Praetor class assault ship. More companies are in training, and will be assigned to assault ships as they are qualified.
The SPARTAN program is the pride of Nashtari SOCOM. The program involves gene enhancement, intensive training, and the best power armor that Nashtar can produce, though the SPARTAN armor is too prohibitively expensive to mass-produce for the Army and Marines. Presently there are only three, but their excellent performance has led to the acceleration of the program, and 200 are due to enter service within the year. The SPARTANs are not often deployed in large numbers, moving in large groups only to meet the most dangerous of missions.
8 escort points to ODST program. 2 more added in first build cycle.
4 cruiser points assigned to the SPARTAN program in first build cycle.
Last edited by Rogue 9 on 2005-09-02 06:05pm, edited 8 times in total.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
- Jaded Masses
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 566
- Joined: 2003-01-27 09:13pm
- Location: Pasadena,CA
The Roma Republic, regional power, OOB v 1.2
History During the turmoil of STGOD1 a number of beings (predominantly human) left in numbers to escape the madness. For a time they wandered space, acting as space gypsies. They get their name from an earth group of gypsies, though there are little other similarities. Eventually they discovered a home and settled it. Then they began to develop their nation into what its considered today. Many traditions and practices stem from the gypsy period however.
Roma system
Roma-2 (Roma) capital planet. Very Earth like with very abundant natural resources. Extremely urbanized and industrial. Population is about 12 billion.
Roma Asteroid belt. Numerous cites here to extract resources from abundant asteroids. Population is about 14 million
Roma-2 moon (Sinti) The only moon of Roma, it is dominated by the largest ship yards /factories. Naval HQ and the Naval academy are buried deep within the moon. Largest military base. Pop: 40-50 million (mostly personal + families)
Roma-2 orbit. Mostly Smaller shipyards and factories. Luxury satellites also exist, as well as numerous other satellites. Defense satellites make up a large percentage. Pop: 20-24 million.
Roma-3 (Seron) Cold world, with highish gravity. Limited industry. Medium urbanization Pop: 2 billion.
Roma-5 + moons (Canden) gas giant with extensive moon system. Medium but growing industry. Some low0key R&D stations. Pop 1 billion.
Carla system
Carla-4 (Skadi) Hot, humid, resource rich, Medium industry & urbanization. Pop 3 billion.
Carla asteroid belt. Beginning colony. Pop 12 million
Civil Civil power is highly municipal and local based. A president serves one 6-year term, a senate is elected every 2 years. Both offices are relativity weak (compared to America). Income tax is collected on a state level and spent on a city level with high citizen involvement. Citizens have a say to where their income tax goes.
Military The supreme commander of the military is a military rank. One of the 5 or 6 high admirals is elected by the senate to be the supreme commander. He serves in till he
retires or is court martialed. His powers are essentially restricted to the military, with some checks and balances with the senate. During times of emergency (controlled by a senate vote) the offices power grows.
Funding The Roma Republic gathers money two ways; taxation and business. Income tax generally goes towards social programs only (in wartime a certain amount is taken), as it is controlled by the citizenry. Tariffs and certain sales tax (both generally only apply to weapons and recreational drugs) are spent at the governments discretion.
The government also acts as a business entity. It can be contracted by anyone for large projects. Think haliburton on steroids. It holds a monopoly on the very largest projects and competes with smaller, though large corporations on more local projects. This is where the bulk of non-social program funding comes from. This process also has the effect of giving the military direct control over most of its logistics (it makes most of its own stuff) and keeping all of its personal highly trained, as there are constantly working. The military has one of the best engineering corps of any regional power.
Social The republic is extremely well educated, with extensive school systems. Most people go to vocational school and the national has a very high number of tradesmen (welders, plumbers, teachers etc..). Its higher education is rather lacking and mostly done by sending the geniuses to foreign schools.
It is a highly urbanized society. Generally apartments and commercial properties are blended. Transport is mostly done though an extensive rail system, combined with mass use of bicycles and walking. A subterranean system of service roads exists in most cities. Despite being urbanized park lands are very common and well used. Cities are very green. Cities are very well defined, with the line between city and wilderness very clear. Generally a wall or road tells where cities start.
Food is mostly grown in the cites. Industrial hydroponics and fisheries, and citizen gardening provides the traditional diet; fish and greens. This goes back to the gypsy period, as those foods can be grown in very confined spaces, easier then beef. A middle class family might have beef twice a month.
Military organization Under the supreme commander you have the high admirals and high generals. They ether command a fleet (or ground legion) or a military branch.
The high generals are technically under the High admirals and aren't elected supreme commander.
The important branches are:
Navy (3 fleets)(Admiral each)
Marines- assault (General)
Army- occupation (General)
Intelligence (General or Admiral)
Logistics and Engineering (Admiral)
The Marine Corps is assault group, deployed for shorter, higher intensity fighting. They have limited power armor (makes marching/walking far + carrying heavy weights easier)
and have the best equipment and training. They are good troops with 1 point spent on the combat forces and .5 points spent on a core of about 1.5 million elite troops, proportionally a lot more. (they ride the specialized transports)
The Army Corps is the occupation group. They are deployed for years, though see less combat then marines. They start the process of assimilation. Often they become the first settlers to an area.
The Engineering Corps is excellent, with 1 capital point spent on them.
Ships. Regional: 30 capitals, 70 cruisers, 500 escorts
Class: Command ships
Role: CCC, fleet tender, carrier
Value: 2 capital
Number: 2
Weapons: 15 heavy particle cannons, 25 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
Defense: Thick armor, strong shields, very powerful ECM/ECCM
Craft: 200 interceptors, 110 bombers, 40 gunboats/ heavy bombers.
Notes: Meant for command, less for direct fighting.
CCC, Ship of the line, bombardment
2.5 capital
1 super-laser, 26 Heavy particle cannons, 38 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
Thick armor, strong shields, powerful ECM/ECCM
2 shuttles
Elite crew.
Heavy Battleship
Ship of the line, bombardment
1.5 capital
20 Heavy particle cannons, 32 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
Thick armor, strong shields, powerful ECM/ECCM
2 shuttles
Light Battleship
Ship of the line, bombardment
1 capital
12 Heavy particle cannons, 24 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
medium armor, medium shields, good ECM/ECCM
2 shuttles
older ship.
Heavy Cruiser
Ship of the line, bombardment, Patrol
2 cruiser
6 Heavy particle cannons, 12 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
medium armor, medium shields, good ECM/ECCM
2 shuttles
newer ship.
Medium Cruiser
SOL, patrol
1 cruiser
6 Heavy missile silos, 12 light particle cannons, some PD weapons.
Light armor, Medium-high shields, powerful ECM/ECCM
2 shuttles
stand off ship.
Escort carrier
Marine carrier, infantry support
.5 escort
15 light particle cannons, 6 light missile silos, numerous PD weapons.
Light armor, medium expandable shields
250 vehicles, 3000 elite marines
marine transport that fights with marines in atmosphere, drops cargo pod; then fights.*
* non combatant transports still move the bulk of forces
Patrol ship
1 escort
2 medium missile silos, 5 light particle cannons, some PD weapons.
Light armor, light shields, some ECM/ECCM
Very fast, excellent scanners for size
PD/escort ship
2 escort
2 medium particle cannons, 6 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
Medium armor, light shields, little ECM/ECCM
Particle cannon, basic sci-fi weapon. Super hot particles traveling at c. Little dispersion over range.
Point Defense: combination of projectiles, exploding canister shot, and interceptor missiles. Can also be used for great effect on the ground, like with the escort carrier.
Hyper-drive: cut and past from star wars. Bigger ships tend to be faster. Power intensive. Can be mounted on all ships, but generally not on fighters attached to carriers.
Warp-drive: used for STL and limited FTL. FTL used for tactical maneuver. All ships carry warp, including fighters and missiles.
Edit 1: added holdings.
Edit 2. Jan. 1st. Lost a dreadnought for ground forces. Started technology. Added holdings. Fiddled with populations
History During the turmoil of STGOD1 a number of beings (predominantly human) left in numbers to escape the madness. For a time they wandered space, acting as space gypsies. They get their name from an earth group of gypsies, though there are little other similarities. Eventually they discovered a home and settled it. Then they began to develop their nation into what its considered today. Many traditions and practices stem from the gypsy period however.
Roma system
Roma-2 (Roma) capital planet. Very Earth like with very abundant natural resources. Extremely urbanized and industrial. Population is about 12 billion.
Roma Asteroid belt. Numerous cites here to extract resources from abundant asteroids. Population is about 14 million
Roma-2 moon (Sinti) The only moon of Roma, it is dominated by the largest ship yards /factories. Naval HQ and the Naval academy are buried deep within the moon. Largest military base. Pop: 40-50 million (mostly personal + families)
Roma-2 orbit. Mostly Smaller shipyards and factories. Luxury satellites also exist, as well as numerous other satellites. Defense satellites make up a large percentage. Pop: 20-24 million.
Roma-3 (Seron) Cold world, with highish gravity. Limited industry. Medium urbanization Pop: 2 billion.
Roma-5 + moons (Canden) gas giant with extensive moon system. Medium but growing industry. Some low0key R&D stations. Pop 1 billion.
Carla system
Carla-4 (Skadi) Hot, humid, resource rich, Medium industry & urbanization. Pop 3 billion.
Carla asteroid belt. Beginning colony. Pop 12 million
Civil Civil power is highly municipal and local based. A president serves one 6-year term, a senate is elected every 2 years. Both offices are relativity weak (compared to America). Income tax is collected on a state level and spent on a city level with high citizen involvement. Citizens have a say to where their income tax goes.
Military The supreme commander of the military is a military rank. One of the 5 or 6 high admirals is elected by the senate to be the supreme commander. He serves in till he
retires or is court martialed. His powers are essentially restricted to the military, with some checks and balances with the senate. During times of emergency (controlled by a senate vote) the offices power grows.
Funding The Roma Republic gathers money two ways; taxation and business. Income tax generally goes towards social programs only (in wartime a certain amount is taken), as it is controlled by the citizenry. Tariffs and certain sales tax (both generally only apply to weapons and recreational drugs) are spent at the governments discretion.
The government also acts as a business entity. It can be contracted by anyone for large projects. Think haliburton on steroids. It holds a monopoly on the very largest projects and competes with smaller, though large corporations on more local projects. This is where the bulk of non-social program funding comes from. This process also has the effect of giving the military direct control over most of its logistics (it makes most of its own stuff) and keeping all of its personal highly trained, as there are constantly working. The military has one of the best engineering corps of any regional power.
Social The republic is extremely well educated, with extensive school systems. Most people go to vocational school and the national has a very high number of tradesmen (welders, plumbers, teachers etc..). Its higher education is rather lacking and mostly done by sending the geniuses to foreign schools.
It is a highly urbanized society. Generally apartments and commercial properties are blended. Transport is mostly done though an extensive rail system, combined with mass use of bicycles and walking. A subterranean system of service roads exists in most cities. Despite being urbanized park lands are very common and well used. Cities are very green. Cities are very well defined, with the line between city and wilderness very clear. Generally a wall or road tells where cities start.
Food is mostly grown in the cites. Industrial hydroponics and fisheries, and citizen gardening provides the traditional diet; fish and greens. This goes back to the gypsy period, as those foods can be grown in very confined spaces, easier then beef. A middle class family might have beef twice a month.
Military organization Under the supreme commander you have the high admirals and high generals. They ether command a fleet (or ground legion) or a military branch.
The high generals are technically under the High admirals and aren't elected supreme commander.
The important branches are:
Navy (3 fleets)(Admiral each)
Marines- assault (General)
Army- occupation (General)
Intelligence (General or Admiral)
Logistics and Engineering (Admiral)
The Marine Corps is assault group, deployed for shorter, higher intensity fighting. They have limited power armor (makes marching/walking far + carrying heavy weights easier)
and have the best equipment and training. They are good troops with 1 point spent on the combat forces and .5 points spent on a core of about 1.5 million elite troops, proportionally a lot more. (they ride the specialized transports)
The Army Corps is the occupation group. They are deployed for years, though see less combat then marines. They start the process of assimilation. Often they become the first settlers to an area.
The Engineering Corps is excellent, with 1 capital point spent on them.
Ships. Regional: 30 capitals, 70 cruisers, 500 escorts
Class: Command ships
Role: CCC, fleet tender, carrier
Value: 2 capital
Number: 2
Weapons: 15 heavy particle cannons, 25 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
Defense: Thick armor, strong shields, very powerful ECM/ECCM
Craft: 200 interceptors, 110 bombers, 40 gunboats/ heavy bombers.
Notes: Meant for command, less for direct fighting.
CCC, Ship of the line, bombardment
2.5 capital
1 super-laser, 26 Heavy particle cannons, 38 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
Thick armor, strong shields, powerful ECM/ECCM
2 shuttles
Elite crew.
Heavy Battleship
Ship of the line, bombardment
1.5 capital
20 Heavy particle cannons, 32 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
Thick armor, strong shields, powerful ECM/ECCM
2 shuttles
Light Battleship
Ship of the line, bombardment
1 capital
12 Heavy particle cannons, 24 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
medium armor, medium shields, good ECM/ECCM
2 shuttles
older ship.
Heavy Cruiser
Ship of the line, bombardment, Patrol
2 cruiser
6 Heavy particle cannons, 12 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
medium armor, medium shields, good ECM/ECCM
2 shuttles
newer ship.
Medium Cruiser
SOL, patrol
1 cruiser
6 Heavy missile silos, 12 light particle cannons, some PD weapons.
Light armor, Medium-high shields, powerful ECM/ECCM
2 shuttles
stand off ship.
Escort carrier
Marine carrier, infantry support
.5 escort
15 light particle cannons, 6 light missile silos, numerous PD weapons.
Light armor, medium expandable shields
250 vehicles, 3000 elite marines
marine transport that fights with marines in atmosphere, drops cargo pod; then fights.*
* non combatant transports still move the bulk of forces
Patrol ship
1 escort
2 medium missile silos, 5 light particle cannons, some PD weapons.
Light armor, light shields, some ECM/ECCM
Very fast, excellent scanners for size
PD/escort ship
2 escort
2 medium particle cannons, 6 light particle cannons, numerous PD weapons.
Medium armor, light shields, little ECM/ECCM
Particle cannon, basic sci-fi weapon. Super hot particles traveling at c. Little dispersion over range.
Point Defense: combination of projectiles, exploding canister shot, and interceptor missiles. Can also be used for great effect on the ground, like with the escort carrier.
Hyper-drive: cut and past from star wars. Bigger ships tend to be faster. Power intensive. Can be mounted on all ships, but generally not on fighters attached to carriers.
Warp-drive: used for STL and limited FTL. FTL used for tactical maneuver. All ships carry warp, including fighters and missiles.
Edit 1: added holdings.
Edit 2. Jan. 1st. Lost a dreadnought for ground forces. Started technology. Added holdings. Fiddled with populations
Last edited by Jaded Masses on 2005-01-02 01:26am, edited 1 time in total.
- General Zod
- Never Shuts Up
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- Joined: 2003-11-18 03:08pm
- Location: The Clearance Rack
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- Chris OFarrell
- Durandal's Bitch
- Posts: 5724
- Joined: 2002-08-02 07:57pm
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Because I don't have an Empire, I'll just list the specifications of my ship. Even though of course most powers will not have a clue about what it is or how it works.
*EDIT* Slight Edit on 3/1, I realised a paragraph was left out.
NORF Light Cruiser "Foundation of Iron"
Type: Dauntless II Class.
Length: 4.6 Kilometres. Width: 1.4 Kilometres. Height: 1.5 Kilometres.
Crew Complement: 12,000 (STD). 50 (current)
Power plant: Type II Hyperspace Tap (Primary). Hypermater Reactor (secondary).
Class XII Warp Drive (Maximum speed of 50 LY/H). B5 Hyperspace Phase drive (shadow style phasing drive). Class I Quantum Slipstream Drive (Maximum speed of 4000 LY/H).
Gravitic Propulsion system. Acceleration ~= 850,000 G's. Omnidirectional.
Defensive Array:
Multiphasic, Frequency Agile Hypershields. Regenerative rate of 0-100% in 45 seconds for one arc. Only one arc at a time may be regenerated. Total of 4 shield arcs. Fore, Aft, Port, Starboard. They are generally split into two shield layers. 80% Strength in a bubble around the ship, 100 meters off the hull. 20% skin-tight to protect against shield leakage. Prior to collapsing.
Hull Amour:
1 X Meter of modified Shadow Bioarmour. Capable of resisting and destroying nano or biological attacks to the ship.
10 X Meter (Average) Armour composite. Generally layered with Durasteal and (NDF resistant) Tritanium. A paper thin layer of QC armour runs through it at the bottom most layer. The armour is layered in two layers with high yield explosive bolts between them. Originally designed as a passive defence against MDD weapons, it is linked to a rapid reacting computer system that blows the plate away to allow it to be consumed and spare the ship. Its still in use against major chain reaction weapons.
Defence wise, the ship can take a hell of a pounding. Equal to a far larger Battleship for the most part.
Weapons array:
40 X Mark X Point defence NOFR Phaser strips. Staggered for optimal coverage that ensure at least half of the arrays can shoot at any one target. Point zero five second recharge time, mutli frequency addaptable to counter phase cloaked targets. They overload phase cloaking devices by matching the phase frequency and pumping huge volumes of power into the cloaking field, frying the cloaking device. They are generaly fired in units of five at individual targets. They also have their own sensor units of limited range (roughly 100,000 kilometers) and capaciters (allowing 30 seconds of independent fire if cut off from the power grid)
20 High yield ER Turbolaser pulse cannons. Range of over two light minutes. Basicly Turbolaser blasts are compressed into a small 30 centimetre long pulse of immense energy then fired at a target. As it leaves the weapon, a subspace field is wrapped around it and it is blasted into high warp. It can be controlled quite accurately from the base ship, steered into targets.
Beyond 2 Light minutes the shot passes out of range of the ships ability to control its warp field. The system is inoperable inside interdiction fields or if the shot passes inside one. If forced back into realspace, the bolt will continue at C for approximately 1 light second before dissipating. The weapon can not be fired while the ship is at warp speeds either. Though in either case, the Turbolasers function normally with a 300,000 kilometre range.
8 X Multipurpose Missile Launchers. Capable of firing a wide Varity of weapons from high yield Proton, Concussion, Quantum or Hypersmissle salvos. Though the "Foundation of Iron" lacks any hypermissiles and is unlikely to ever find any.
6 X Quad Interceptor Cannons. Each weapon has four independently targeted cannons capable of being used in a point defence or anti strike craft role. They are hyper accurate and effective to a range of 50,000 Kilometres. They have enough firepower to vaporise the average strike fighter, shields and all. They can fire on full auto for only 15 seconds before a 60 second cool down is necessary though, so swamping tactics are quite feasible.
1 X Axiel Siege cannon. Originally designed for long range bombardments of planets and fortifications. It takes over an hour to charge up. It shoots a high yield plasma bolt at .85C, contained by a magnetic field powered by a small shielded generator. Mixed in towards the tail of the bolt is a magnetically confined antimatter slush pocket. Generally the idea is that the plasma will blow out shields and allow the antimatter to play with the shields hull. The weapon is generally powerful enough to cripple current cruiser sized ships and damage Battleships.
Weapons wise, the ship can dish out Battleship level firepower. If it can get a good first short in with its seige cannon, it should be able to win the engagement. Its Turboalsers only really rate at modern cruiser level but their range makes them very useful against certian races.
The main weakness of the ship is lack of crew. Depiste the heavy automation and AI technology, in battle the ship doesn't have that many spare people.
NOFR Sensor array. One of the most advanced sensor units at the height of the NOFR and its even more pronounced today. The sensor unit actively and passively scans through 11 dimensions of space-time with ultra sensitive units. A supercomputer then compares and contrasts the readings. While most EW systems blanket one or two or even three dimensions, they generally cannot cover the shear range the NOFR units can. Meaning false targets are rapidly eliminated if jamming is tried and cloaking is next to useless. On active the system has a range of thousands of light years and can tell what someone had for breakfast a hundred light years away if necessary.
Of course on active it sends out enough noise to light up EW systems halfway across the Galaxy....
The ship also has a phase cloaking device. And a full suit of interdiction and jamming systems.
I have no planets, no empire, nothing else. Beyond that, I am a complete mystery

*EDIT* Slight Edit on 3/1, I realised a paragraph was left out.
NORF Light Cruiser "Foundation of Iron"
Type: Dauntless II Class.
Length: 4.6 Kilometres. Width: 1.4 Kilometres. Height: 1.5 Kilometres.
Crew Complement: 12,000 (STD). 50 (current)
Power plant: Type II Hyperspace Tap (Primary). Hypermater Reactor (secondary).
Class XII Warp Drive (Maximum speed of 50 LY/H). B5 Hyperspace Phase drive (shadow style phasing drive). Class I Quantum Slipstream Drive (Maximum speed of 4000 LY/H).
Gravitic Propulsion system. Acceleration ~= 850,000 G's. Omnidirectional.
Defensive Array:
Multiphasic, Frequency Agile Hypershields. Regenerative rate of 0-100% in 45 seconds for one arc. Only one arc at a time may be regenerated. Total of 4 shield arcs. Fore, Aft, Port, Starboard. They are generally split into two shield layers. 80% Strength in a bubble around the ship, 100 meters off the hull. 20% skin-tight to protect against shield leakage. Prior to collapsing.
Hull Amour:
1 X Meter of modified Shadow Bioarmour. Capable of resisting and destroying nano or biological attacks to the ship.
10 X Meter (Average) Armour composite. Generally layered with Durasteal and (NDF resistant) Tritanium. A paper thin layer of QC armour runs through it at the bottom most layer. The armour is layered in two layers with high yield explosive bolts between them. Originally designed as a passive defence against MDD weapons, it is linked to a rapid reacting computer system that blows the plate away to allow it to be consumed and spare the ship. Its still in use against major chain reaction weapons.
Defence wise, the ship can take a hell of a pounding. Equal to a far larger Battleship for the most part.
Weapons array:
40 X Mark X Point defence NOFR Phaser strips. Staggered for optimal coverage that ensure at least half of the arrays can shoot at any one target. Point zero five second recharge time, mutli frequency addaptable to counter phase cloaked targets. They overload phase cloaking devices by matching the phase frequency and pumping huge volumes of power into the cloaking field, frying the cloaking device. They are generaly fired in units of five at individual targets. They also have their own sensor units of limited range (roughly 100,000 kilometers) and capaciters (allowing 30 seconds of independent fire if cut off from the power grid)
20 High yield ER Turbolaser pulse cannons. Range of over two light minutes. Basicly Turbolaser blasts are compressed into a small 30 centimetre long pulse of immense energy then fired at a target. As it leaves the weapon, a subspace field is wrapped around it and it is blasted into high warp. It can be controlled quite accurately from the base ship, steered into targets.
Beyond 2 Light minutes the shot passes out of range of the ships ability to control its warp field. The system is inoperable inside interdiction fields or if the shot passes inside one. If forced back into realspace, the bolt will continue at C for approximately 1 light second before dissipating. The weapon can not be fired while the ship is at warp speeds either. Though in either case, the Turbolasers function normally with a 300,000 kilometre range.
8 X Multipurpose Missile Launchers. Capable of firing a wide Varity of weapons from high yield Proton, Concussion, Quantum or Hypersmissle salvos. Though the "Foundation of Iron" lacks any hypermissiles and is unlikely to ever find any.
6 X Quad Interceptor Cannons. Each weapon has four independently targeted cannons capable of being used in a point defence or anti strike craft role. They are hyper accurate and effective to a range of 50,000 Kilometres. They have enough firepower to vaporise the average strike fighter, shields and all. They can fire on full auto for only 15 seconds before a 60 second cool down is necessary though, so swamping tactics are quite feasible.
1 X Axiel Siege cannon. Originally designed for long range bombardments of planets and fortifications. It takes over an hour to charge up. It shoots a high yield plasma bolt at .85C, contained by a magnetic field powered by a small shielded generator. Mixed in towards the tail of the bolt is a magnetically confined antimatter slush pocket. Generally the idea is that the plasma will blow out shields and allow the antimatter to play with the shields hull. The weapon is generally powerful enough to cripple current cruiser sized ships and damage Battleships.
Weapons wise, the ship can dish out Battleship level firepower. If it can get a good first short in with its seige cannon, it should be able to win the engagement. Its Turboalsers only really rate at modern cruiser level but their range makes them very useful against certian races.
The main weakness of the ship is lack of crew. Depiste the heavy automation and AI technology, in battle the ship doesn't have that many spare people.
NOFR Sensor array. One of the most advanced sensor units at the height of the NOFR and its even more pronounced today. The sensor unit actively and passively scans through 11 dimensions of space-time with ultra sensitive units. A supercomputer then compares and contrasts the readings. While most EW systems blanket one or two or even three dimensions, they generally cannot cover the shear range the NOFR units can. Meaning false targets are rapidly eliminated if jamming is tried and cloaking is next to useless. On active the system has a range of thousands of light years and can tell what someone had for breakfast a hundred light years away if necessary.
Of course on active it sends out enough noise to light up EW systems halfway across the Galaxy....
The ship also has a phase cloaking device. And a full suit of interdiction and jamming systems.
I have no planets, no empire, nothing else. Beyond that, I am a complete mystery

Last edited by Chris OFarrell on 2005-01-03 12:26am, edited 1 time in total.

- Ace Pace
- Hardware Lover
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- Joined: 2002-07-07 03:04am
- Location: Wasting time instead of money
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The Aglatarian Hub
Pseudo-minor power
Founded by a rich eccentric living in the The Auroran Imperium with an interest going beyond just living off his wealth.
The so called Founder is never seen outside his craft, which is rumoured to be an upgraded version of the flagships of the vagabonds which had invaded The Auroran Imperium in its early days, the fleet is now a mystery, while it operates in legal channels such as trade, everyone knows it has illegal buisness, but no one knows what.
Over the years, the fleet has grown, to now be roughly equal to most govermental fleets, but with a very sharp focus.
Mostly based off The Auroran Imperium's tech, with a few enhancments engineered by private engineers such has:
1)Storm Bolter Mk2, the original did not scale well, so engineers went back to the drawing board and built an upgraded version that also temporarily shifts gravity around the explosion, this weapon has also been used by the fleet's marines.
2)Torpedo warhead class Fram, a combination of The Auroran Imperium Vortex and Penetrator class warheads, the torpedo dives deep into the target surface then sets off a Vortex warhead.
The Fleet:
The Flagship of the fleet is the Titan size Galactic, a 6Km long, 1.3Km wide ship with the power to go head to head with small worlds.
Note: Since this is supposed to be a independent fleet, all non-escort ships are equipted with vast cargo holds to carry supplies and cargo.
The Galactic(10 Capital points) -Titan Size
6Km long
1.3Km wide
Powered by 2 hypermatter reactors hidden deep inside the ship.
The reactors power over 10 engines of which atleast 3 are running at all times, allowing the ship to make a quick getaway to one of its many safe havens.
Shields are multi-layered hull-hugging fields, with a typical 3 layers of defense and a backup generator.
Armour is thin, as the ship cannot support more, but upgrades are in the pipeline.
2 Jury-rigged Nova cannons
500 Fusion cannons in armoured positions
Unknown number of laser and torpedo emplacements.
250 Storm Bolter Mk2
Note: The Galactic is outfitted with a limited intergrated shipyard, capable of outputting Escort class ships, and obviously fighters and missle stockpiles.
Note 2: The Galactic is outfitted with 3 interdictors, spread over the entire vessel, all with 2 backups.
The Array(5 Capital Points)-BB size
1.5Km long
600 meters wide
Powered by hypermatter reactor with a standerd complement of engines.
Armour is above average, but no match for The Galactic.
1 Nova Cannons
150 Fusion cannons
Unknown number of laser and torpedo emplacements.
100 Storm Bolters Mk2
Note: The Array is outfitted with a pair of interdictors in the center of the ship, with 2 smaller ones at each end.
1 Karana Class (1.5 Capital Points) Note: Building
1Km long
500 meters wide
Powered by hypermatter reactor with a standerd complement of engines.
1 Nova cannon
75 Fusion Cannons
A very large number of Torpedo emplacements
Large ammount of Storm Bolters Mk2
Note: The Karana class is more of a standoff missle platform then a true capital ship.
Carilec class Cruiser(5 cruiser points x12) *note: 1 building
1Km long
250 meters wide
The workhorse of the fleet, these ships serve as the transport ships guardiens and protect the 2 battleships, these ships are equipted with an average number of weapons, but a large number of torpedo launchers, allowing them to lay down covering fire from long range.
Trader class ships(8 Escort points x13) *Note: building 2
4Km long
1Km wide
These ships are upgunned and upbuilt transporters, fulfilling both the role of the merchant part of the fleet, and as a last ditch protectors of the battleships.
They are equipted with numerous laser cannons and torpedo launchers, but all conceled.
Corevett class Escorts (4 Escort x45) Note: building 1
500 meter long
These corvettes are used as picket ships and as a detachable group able to operate independently. They are equipted with enough weapons to hold their ground against cruisers, but cannot operate alone for long.
Rankin class gunboats (2 Escort x20) *note: building 2
150 meters long
The Aglatarian Hub primary PD platform, the ships are carefully built over-loaded weapon platforms, able to be piloted only by the elite, their kill rate is high, but it comes at a price of high maintencance costs.
Current Status:
The Fleet has just finshed its last major upgrade, bringing it up to full status.
The Fleet's has just left the The Auroran Imperium's shipyards, and has brought itself on course to go back to plying the southern empires trade routes.
Pseudo-minor power
Founded by a rich eccentric living in the The Auroran Imperium with an interest going beyond just living off his wealth.
The so called Founder is never seen outside his craft, which is rumoured to be an upgraded version of the flagships of the vagabonds which had invaded The Auroran Imperium in its early days, the fleet is now a mystery, while it operates in legal channels such as trade, everyone knows it has illegal buisness, but no one knows what.
Over the years, the fleet has grown, to now be roughly equal to most govermental fleets, but with a very sharp focus.
Mostly based off The Auroran Imperium's tech, with a few enhancments engineered by private engineers such has:
1)Storm Bolter Mk2, the original did not scale well, so engineers went back to the drawing board and built an upgraded version that also temporarily shifts gravity around the explosion, this weapon has also been used by the fleet's marines.
2)Torpedo warhead class Fram, a combination of The Auroran Imperium Vortex and Penetrator class warheads, the torpedo dives deep into the target surface then sets off a Vortex warhead.
The Fleet:
The Flagship of the fleet is the Titan size Galactic, a 6Km long, 1.3Km wide ship with the power to go head to head with small worlds.
Note: Since this is supposed to be a independent fleet, all non-escort ships are equipted with vast cargo holds to carry supplies and cargo.
The Galactic(10 Capital points) -Titan Size
6Km long
1.3Km wide
Powered by 2 hypermatter reactors hidden deep inside the ship.
The reactors power over 10 engines of which atleast 3 are running at all times, allowing the ship to make a quick getaway to one of its many safe havens.
Shields are multi-layered hull-hugging fields, with a typical 3 layers of defense and a backup generator.
Armour is thin, as the ship cannot support more, but upgrades are in the pipeline.
2 Jury-rigged Nova cannons
500 Fusion cannons in armoured positions
Unknown number of laser and torpedo emplacements.
250 Storm Bolter Mk2
Note: The Galactic is outfitted with a limited intergrated shipyard, capable of outputting Escort class ships, and obviously fighters and missle stockpiles.
Note 2: The Galactic is outfitted with 3 interdictors, spread over the entire vessel, all with 2 backups.
The Array(5 Capital Points)-BB size
1.5Km long
600 meters wide
Powered by hypermatter reactor with a standerd complement of engines.
Armour is above average, but no match for The Galactic.
1 Nova Cannons
150 Fusion cannons
Unknown number of laser and torpedo emplacements.
100 Storm Bolters Mk2
Note: The Array is outfitted with a pair of interdictors in the center of the ship, with 2 smaller ones at each end.
1 Karana Class (1.5 Capital Points) Note: Building
1Km long
500 meters wide
Powered by hypermatter reactor with a standerd complement of engines.
1 Nova cannon
75 Fusion Cannons
A very large number of Torpedo emplacements
Large ammount of Storm Bolters Mk2
Note: The Karana class is more of a standoff missle platform then a true capital ship.
Carilec class Cruiser(5 cruiser points x12) *note: 1 building
1Km long
250 meters wide
The workhorse of the fleet, these ships serve as the transport ships guardiens and protect the 2 battleships, these ships are equipted with an average number of weapons, but a large number of torpedo launchers, allowing them to lay down covering fire from long range.
Trader class ships(8 Escort points x13) *Note: building 2
4Km long
1Km wide
These ships are upgunned and upbuilt transporters, fulfilling both the role of the merchant part of the fleet, and as a last ditch protectors of the battleships.
They are equipted with numerous laser cannons and torpedo launchers, but all conceled.
Corevett class Escorts (4 Escort x45) Note: building 1
500 meter long
These corvettes are used as picket ships and as a detachable group able to operate independently. They are equipted with enough weapons to hold their ground against cruisers, but cannot operate alone for long.
Rankin class gunboats (2 Escort x20) *note: building 2
150 meters long
The Aglatarian Hub primary PD platform, the ships are carefully built over-loaded weapon platforms, able to be piloted only by the elite, their kill rate is high, but it comes at a price of high maintencance costs.
Current Status:
The Fleet has just finshed its last major upgrade, bringing it up to full status.
The Fleet's has just left the The Auroran Imperium's shipyards, and has brought itself on course to go back to plying the southern empires trade routes.
Last edited by Ace Pace on 2005-05-31 02:34am, edited 6 times in total.
Brotherhood of the Bear | HAB | Mess | SDnet archivist |
- Darksider
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- Location: America's decaying industrial armpit.
Full OOB posted, mods can scrap this now
Last edited by Darksider on 2005-01-04 10:33am, edited 1 time in total.
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
- Crayz9000
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Just some more stuff on the Corporate Sector. Catalogs will follow.
Major Corporations
Quaynar Industries
Founded in 1988, approximately 3000 years before the present, Quaynar Industries began as the primary defence contractor of the SCEF through that government's founding years. Through the expansion period, Quaynar Industries grew with the fledgling SoCal government to the point where the SCEF filed an antitrust lawsuit against it. It was proven that Quaynar Industries had a monopoly on many industries, and the company was broken into smaller components.
By the time of Queen Halite's invasion, Quaynar had far surpassed its previous size, to the point where it owned the entire Sirius and Deneb star systems and had almost a hundred mining worlds under its direct control. However, the invasion stretched the UTR Navy to its breaking point, forcing Quaynar to evacuate and destroy many of its mines.
Two hundred years after Halite's defeat at the Third Battle of Yarmuk, a recovering Quaynar Industries found most of its holdings now lay outside the domain of the reduced UTR. Attacks by pirates began to become commonplace, and Quaynar executives approached the other industry companies that had external holdings, with an offer to create a new over-corporation that would provide security. The end result of these negociations was the Corporate Sector.
Vega Space Engineering
Quaynar Industries' long-time competitor, Vega Space Engineering has survived many ups and downs. While Quaynar is highly diversified, VSE focuses on the art of shipbuilding. As a result, their designs are typically better-engineered than their Quaynar counterparts -- although they do occasionally overengineer things. VSE has been based in the Vega system since they were incorporated. They produce mainly small craft now, with a handful of capital-scale designs in their portfolio.
Hirsch Defense Systems
Formerly the weapons production branch of Quaynar Industries, Hirsch Defense Systems was broken off from them in the antitrust lawsuit of 2109 AD (Sol) along with several other divisions. The division took the name of its then-CEO, Howard Hirsch. They produce a wide variety of products, including hazardous environment suits (starting with the Mark IV and currently at the Mark X), powered armor, sidearms, planetary defenses, and capital-grade weapons. They also build complete orbital defense platforms.
Industrial AgroTech Inc.
The largest maker of agricultural and terraforming equipment in the Sector, Industrial AgroTech was originally the agro division of Quaynar Industries. They produce a wide variety of farming tools, from base-model tractors to fully automated crop harvesting and food production systems. Their genetic engineering division specializes in creating microbes for terraforming worlds quickly and efficiently with minimal damage to any existing ecosystems, and their industrial products division also builds atmosphere processors for worlds that have no existing atmosphere.
Sirius Cybernetics & Automation Corporation
Originally Sirius Automation, this company started off as the Milky Way's only licensed builder of Industrial Automaton Inc. products. They now build a wide range of androids, from astromechs to protocol droids to interplanetary control networks. High-end androids can be equipped with True People Personalities(TM) neural systems, which closely approximate humanoid behavior. They also manufacture a large line of medical products, including cybernetic replacement limbs and medical droids.
Major Corporations
Quaynar Industries
Founded in 1988, approximately 3000 years before the present, Quaynar Industries began as the primary defence contractor of the SCEF through that government's founding years. Through the expansion period, Quaynar Industries grew with the fledgling SoCal government to the point where the SCEF filed an antitrust lawsuit against it. It was proven that Quaynar Industries had a monopoly on many industries, and the company was broken into smaller components.
By the time of Queen Halite's invasion, Quaynar had far surpassed its previous size, to the point where it owned the entire Sirius and Deneb star systems and had almost a hundred mining worlds under its direct control. However, the invasion stretched the UTR Navy to its breaking point, forcing Quaynar to evacuate and destroy many of its mines.
Two hundred years after Halite's defeat at the Third Battle of Yarmuk, a recovering Quaynar Industries found most of its holdings now lay outside the domain of the reduced UTR. Attacks by pirates began to become commonplace, and Quaynar executives approached the other industry companies that had external holdings, with an offer to create a new over-corporation that would provide security. The end result of these negociations was the Corporate Sector.
Vega Space Engineering
Quaynar Industries' long-time competitor, Vega Space Engineering has survived many ups and downs. While Quaynar is highly diversified, VSE focuses on the art of shipbuilding. As a result, their designs are typically better-engineered than their Quaynar counterparts -- although they do occasionally overengineer things. VSE has been based in the Vega system since they were incorporated. They produce mainly small craft now, with a handful of capital-scale designs in their portfolio.
Hirsch Defense Systems
Formerly the weapons production branch of Quaynar Industries, Hirsch Defense Systems was broken off from them in the antitrust lawsuit of 2109 AD (Sol) along with several other divisions. The division took the name of its then-CEO, Howard Hirsch. They produce a wide variety of products, including hazardous environment suits (starting with the Mark IV and currently at the Mark X), powered armor, sidearms, planetary defenses, and capital-grade weapons. They also build complete orbital defense platforms.
Industrial AgroTech Inc.
The largest maker of agricultural and terraforming equipment in the Sector, Industrial AgroTech was originally the agro division of Quaynar Industries. They produce a wide variety of farming tools, from base-model tractors to fully automated crop harvesting and food production systems. Their genetic engineering division specializes in creating microbes for terraforming worlds quickly and efficiently with minimal damage to any existing ecosystems, and their industrial products division also builds atmosphere processors for worlds that have no existing atmosphere.
Sirius Cybernetics & Automation Corporation
Originally Sirius Automation, this company started off as the Milky Way's only licensed builder of Industrial Automaton Inc. products. They now build a wide range of androids, from astromechs to protocol droids to interplanetary control networks. High-end androids can be equipped with True People Personalities(TM) neural systems, which closely approximate humanoid behavior. They also manufacture a large line of medical products, including cybernetic replacement limbs and medical droids.
A Tribute to Stupidity: The Robert Scott Anderson Archive (currently offline)
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
Major Corporations in the Star Kingdom
The Osaka Group: This is the largest producer of fine goods in the Star Kingdom. The company has had only one president in its entire history dating to the human diaspora (Lady Naru Osaka) though the rest of the board has come and gone over the ages.
United Defense: A massive conglomerate of defense and aerospace corportions, it is one of the largest companies in known space. They are in stiff, if unusually gentle, competition with several CorpSec companies. Products are rarely sold under the United Defense moniker but rather under more distinguished names from history (such as Westinghouse, for example). Recently they have had stiff competition from the military geniuses in the HAB, however.
Royal Bank of the Crescent Moon: The RBCM is the national bank of the Star Kingdom. The only older bank in known history is the UTR's Federal Reserve Bank, which is a direct continuation of the old USA's bank of the same name. It is obscenely profitable and also administers the Nemesis Wormhole. This bank is totally honest, utterly incorruptable and generally feared for they have been known to take action against those it perceives as enemies. (Consider them a combination of the Fed, Treasury and SEC).
Interstellar Business Machines: They are the oldest computer corporation in the galaxy, period. Commonly nicknamed "Big Blue," their research and development facilities at Watson Labs in upstate New York, UTR are larger than many other corporations entirely. This company is known for both their conservatism in design (their THINK series of datapads are infamous for their simple black look) and their cutting edge research. They are a multinational corporation with heavy interests in the UTR and SKS but face tough competition from the CorpSec's SCAC.
American Telephone and Telegraph: The huge telecom company that runs most of the Star Kingdom's telecommunications network and much elsewhere in the QE. Ma Bell is an immensely profitable company but her virtually monopoly in the SKS comes at a cost. She is tightly regulated but the corporation is so well-run that competitors have a very hard time competing. Bell Labs' research megascraper in Chicago is a well-known landmark and is a source of good-natured competition with their counterparts at the Watson Arcology.
The Osaka Group: This is the largest producer of fine goods in the Star Kingdom. The company has had only one president in its entire history dating to the human diaspora (Lady Naru Osaka) though the rest of the board has come and gone over the ages.
United Defense: A massive conglomerate of defense and aerospace corportions, it is one of the largest companies in known space. They are in stiff, if unusually gentle, competition with several CorpSec companies. Products are rarely sold under the United Defense moniker but rather under more distinguished names from history (such as Westinghouse, for example). Recently they have had stiff competition from the military geniuses in the HAB, however.
Royal Bank of the Crescent Moon: The RBCM is the national bank of the Star Kingdom. The only older bank in known history is the UTR's Federal Reserve Bank, which is a direct continuation of the old USA's bank of the same name. It is obscenely profitable and also administers the Nemesis Wormhole. This bank is totally honest, utterly incorruptable and generally feared for they have been known to take action against those it perceives as enemies. (Consider them a combination of the Fed, Treasury and SEC).
Interstellar Business Machines: They are the oldest computer corporation in the galaxy, period. Commonly nicknamed "Big Blue," their research and development facilities at Watson Labs in upstate New York, UTR are larger than many other corporations entirely. This company is known for both their conservatism in design (their THINK series of datapads are infamous for their simple black look) and their cutting edge research. They are a multinational corporation with heavy interests in the UTR and SKS but face tough competition from the CorpSec's SCAC.
American Telephone and Telegraph: The huge telecom company that runs most of the Star Kingdom's telecommunications network and much elsewhere in the QE. Ma Bell is an immensely profitable company but her virtually monopoly in the SKS comes at a cost. She is tightly regulated but the corporation is so well-run that competitors have a very hard time competing. Bell Labs' research megascraper in Chicago is a well-known landmark and is a source of good-natured competition with their counterparts at the Watson Arcology.
- Crayz9000
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Johan's Legion
Independent Group
Formed in 6501 CE by the bounty hunter and mercenary Johan Ragle, Johan's Legion is a tight-knit group of the most experienced bounty hunters and mercenaries in the galaxy. They are a diverse group, with Force-sensitives, youma, magic-users, and others scattered in the group. They are also well-equipped with some of the most cutting-edge equipment available from the Quadruple Entente.
Johan Ragle
Arguably the oldest and most experienced bounty hunter alive, Johan has seen and been in many different wars through the galaxies. He started life as Johan Ragle #192, a clone of Cpl. Johan Ragle of the US Marine Corps in a different dimension. In the confusion of the Black Mesa cascading resonance failure, he and five other clones tried to escape, eventually finding their way to Lambda Complex. Before the destruction of Black Mesa, the remaining clones and the Lambda Complex staff managed to escape through the facility's dimensional portal. Ragle then found himself stranded in an alternate Black Mesa, Arizona, where there was no facility. He eventually encountered an old Jedi hermit and learned under him for several years before the Jedi died. It was then that he began making a living as a bounty hunter; since then, he has seen the last two major uprisings of the Trolls, the destruction of the Taelon federation, the end of the Vengeful Hegemony of Romulan Wrath (where he infiltrated and sabotaged the 80,000 km long RGV Phallus), the Second Battle of Nemesis, and the battles of Yarmuk. He has had magical, genetic, and cybernetic augmentations so that he looks as if he's only in his thirties when he is in reality about eighty. Perhaps the most distinctive note about him is the Hirsch Defense Systems HEV Mark X that he always wears.
Crell "Shadow" Solisk
A Necris Commando, trained by the UTR special operations forces in infiltration and elimination. He was expelled from the UTR after uncovering a conspiracy in the chain of command. He is a highly skilled sniper and an expert at disguise through the use of Necris nanotechnology.
Yumi Noritaka
A Homo Sapiens Youma, Noritaka is the son of a Lieutenant in the Royal Atlantean Navy. His father barely escaped the destruction of the RAN at Third Yarmuk, and managed to settle on an out-of-the way colony in the southwest quadrant of the Milky Way where Noritaka was born. Disliked by most people in the region due to Halite's invasion, Noritaka grew up an outcast. His father taught him some magic and using that knowledge, Noritaka started to scratch out a living as a mercenary. He is an expert at explosives, good at the use of magic, and proficient with most sidearms in common use.
Darg vos'Kreck
A force-sensitive Klingon, Darg was an excellent bush pilot when Johan Ragle noticed and hired him. His enhanced reflexes and above-par senses have kept him alive through many battles that would have killed any other pilots. He is currently learning more about the use of the Force.
(More to come later)
1 Marauder-class corvette, "Lurker of the Shadows"
Johan Ragle's old base of operations. A once typical old corvette (now anything but) purchased from Hephaestus Industrial Design & Engineering a long time previously. It has been refitted with a rear hangar bay capable of holding three starfighters. The forward hangar bay has been expanded and contains a full VLS missile cell. The ship has fully automated circuits, and is crewed by approximately 30 T-800 series droids "liberated" from the VHRW in years past.
Manufacturer: Republic Sienar Systems
8 double light turbolaser turrets
1 VLS missile battery (in forward hanger)
4 NOFR Type VII phaser strips (CIWS)
8 gatling railguns (CIWS)
Ion dissipator
Standard shields
1 Norfolk Yards FR-8100 light freighter, "Rustbucket"
Yumi Noritaka's tranportation, the Rustbucket's appearance is very deserving of its nickname. Built by the Norfolk Fleet Yards, Sol, UTR in approximately 6049 CE, its outer hull is pockmarked and worn from stellar debris and radiation burns. Under the hood, however, things are a different story. Noritaka refitted it with a top-line Hirsch shield generator system, replaced some of the armor plating over critical areas with durasteel battle plate, and made various other improvements mainly to the engines.
Manufacturer: Norfolk Fleet Yards
2 blaster turrets (CIWS)
1 concussion missile launcher
2 HDS FSP-495e shield generators
3 VSE ICM-3 ion engines
1 Westinghouse naval ECM unit
Ion dissipator
1 VSE SRS-51 "T-wing"
Darg vos'Kreck's personal fighter, this T-wing has seen a lot of combat. It also has had several upgrades along the way.
Length: 12.5m
Shields: Standard
Hyperdrive: .5
4 ICM-2 ion engines
2 fusial thrust engines
Navigation: Hirsch PKDR-499 Navicomputer (12 jump memory)
Heavy blaster cannon, x2
Proton torpedo launchers (6) x1
Missile Hardpoints x6
1 H-wing GP
Johan Ragle's original starfighter, it became his backup when he purchased the now-lost H-wing II "Futility." Retains all original H-wing GP armament, plus some minor modifications that I can't find the stats on right now but probably won't matter anyway.
1 H-wing GP, enhanced
Stolen from Johan's mirror self, this starfighter was constructed by the CW-SCEF in another universe. As such, while it has the general form and styling of the standard Quaynar Industries H-wing GP, it has more differences "under the hood" than you could shake a handful of Imperium Planetoids at. In addition to fairly standard armaments, it includes an axial ion cannon comparable to that of the H-wing II Heavy.
Independent Group
Formed in 6501 CE by the bounty hunter and mercenary Johan Ragle, Johan's Legion is a tight-knit group of the most experienced bounty hunters and mercenaries in the galaxy. They are a diverse group, with Force-sensitives, youma, magic-users, and others scattered in the group. They are also well-equipped with some of the most cutting-edge equipment available from the Quadruple Entente.
Johan Ragle
Arguably the oldest and most experienced bounty hunter alive, Johan has seen and been in many different wars through the galaxies. He started life as Johan Ragle #192, a clone of Cpl. Johan Ragle of the US Marine Corps in a different dimension. In the confusion of the Black Mesa cascading resonance failure, he and five other clones tried to escape, eventually finding their way to Lambda Complex. Before the destruction of Black Mesa, the remaining clones and the Lambda Complex staff managed to escape through the facility's dimensional portal. Ragle then found himself stranded in an alternate Black Mesa, Arizona, where there was no facility. He eventually encountered an old Jedi hermit and learned under him for several years before the Jedi died. It was then that he began making a living as a bounty hunter; since then, he has seen the last two major uprisings of the Trolls, the destruction of the Taelon federation, the end of the Vengeful Hegemony of Romulan Wrath (where he infiltrated and sabotaged the 80,000 km long RGV Phallus), the Second Battle of Nemesis, and the battles of Yarmuk. He has had magical, genetic, and cybernetic augmentations so that he looks as if he's only in his thirties when he is in reality about eighty. Perhaps the most distinctive note about him is the Hirsch Defense Systems HEV Mark X that he always wears.
Crell "Shadow" Solisk
A Necris Commando, trained by the UTR special operations forces in infiltration and elimination. He was expelled from the UTR after uncovering a conspiracy in the chain of command. He is a highly skilled sniper and an expert at disguise through the use of Necris nanotechnology.
Yumi Noritaka
A Homo Sapiens Youma, Noritaka is the son of a Lieutenant in the Royal Atlantean Navy. His father barely escaped the destruction of the RAN at Third Yarmuk, and managed to settle on an out-of-the way colony in the southwest quadrant of the Milky Way where Noritaka was born. Disliked by most people in the region due to Halite's invasion, Noritaka grew up an outcast. His father taught him some magic and using that knowledge, Noritaka started to scratch out a living as a mercenary. He is an expert at explosives, good at the use of magic, and proficient with most sidearms in common use.
Darg vos'Kreck
A force-sensitive Klingon, Darg was an excellent bush pilot when Johan Ragle noticed and hired him. His enhanced reflexes and above-par senses have kept him alive through many battles that would have killed any other pilots. He is currently learning more about the use of the Force.
(More to come later)
1 Marauder-class corvette, "Lurker of the Shadows"
Johan Ragle's old base of operations. A once typical old corvette (now anything but) purchased from Hephaestus Industrial Design & Engineering a long time previously. It has been refitted with a rear hangar bay capable of holding three starfighters. The forward hangar bay has been expanded and contains a full VLS missile cell. The ship has fully automated circuits, and is crewed by approximately 30 T-800 series droids "liberated" from the VHRW in years past.
Manufacturer: Republic Sienar Systems
8 double light turbolaser turrets
1 VLS missile battery (in forward hanger)
4 NOFR Type VII phaser strips (CIWS)
8 gatling railguns (CIWS)
Ion dissipator
Standard shields
1 Norfolk Yards FR-8100 light freighter, "Rustbucket"
Yumi Noritaka's tranportation, the Rustbucket's appearance is very deserving of its nickname. Built by the Norfolk Fleet Yards, Sol, UTR in approximately 6049 CE, its outer hull is pockmarked and worn from stellar debris and radiation burns. Under the hood, however, things are a different story. Noritaka refitted it with a top-line Hirsch shield generator system, replaced some of the armor plating over critical areas with durasteel battle plate, and made various other improvements mainly to the engines.
Manufacturer: Norfolk Fleet Yards
2 blaster turrets (CIWS)
1 concussion missile launcher
2 HDS FSP-495e shield generators
3 VSE ICM-3 ion engines
1 Westinghouse naval ECM unit
Ion dissipator
1 VSE SRS-51 "T-wing"
Darg vos'Kreck's personal fighter, this T-wing has seen a lot of combat. It also has had several upgrades along the way.
Length: 12.5m
Shields: Standard
Hyperdrive: .5
4 ICM-2 ion engines
2 fusial thrust engines
Navigation: Hirsch PKDR-499 Navicomputer (12 jump memory)
Heavy blaster cannon, x2
Proton torpedo launchers (6) x1
Missile Hardpoints x6
1 H-wing GP
Johan Ragle's original starfighter, it became his backup when he purchased the now-lost H-wing II "Futility." Retains all original H-wing GP armament, plus some minor modifications that I can't find the stats on right now but probably won't matter anyway.
1 H-wing GP, enhanced
Stolen from Johan's mirror self, this starfighter was constructed by the CW-SCEF in another universe. As such, while it has the general form and styling of the standard Quaynar Industries H-wing GP, it has more differences "under the hood" than you could shake a handful of Imperium Planetoids at. In addition to fairly standard armaments, it includes an axial ion cannon comparable to that of the H-wing II Heavy.
A Tribute to Stupidity: The Robert Scott Anderson Archive (currently offline)
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
John Hansen - Slightly Insane Bounty Hunter - ASVS Vets' Assoc. Class of 2000
HAB Cryptanalyst | WG - Intergalactic Alliance and Spoof Author | BotM | Cybertron | SCEF
Anzani-class Destroyer Escort
Dirt-cheap to buy and operate, these are the workhorses of the Star Kingdom. They aren't particularly capable but are good antimissile pickets and antifighter pickets. They can also ward of light pirate raids if well-captained. Finally, they are quite fast and maneuverable, which has surprised more than one pirate gunboat.
2x2 140mm OTO-Terra Super-Rapid Gauss Cannon
2x2 100mm Hirsch Repeating Pulse Plasma Projector
1x1 90mm Five Fangs Arms Burst Beam Cannon
1x1 General Dynamics Cerberus (plasma-splash) General-Purpose Missile tubes
1x4 General Dynamics Spacehawk short-ranged missile launcher
4x1 30mm Vympel Trans-Russia Autocannon (CIWS)
Radio Corporation of Terra Type 6049(V)5 Subspace Search Array
RCT Type 6048(V)4 Tachyon Fire Control Sensor Suite
Hirsch Type 4N6 Broad Jammer Array
Tranquility Yards Ion-to-Neutrino Dissipator
Basic hypershielding
Hyperdrive + Warp Drives
2x Chrysler HEMI-Superduty 6500A Heavy Ion Drives
3x Chrysler HEMI-Superduty 6000A Medium Ion Drives
4x Rolls Royce R4055 Heavy Ion Thrusters
Note: This design is available to sale to almost anyone and everyone with enough money to buy it. Cheap, reliable but not too capable.
Dirt-cheap to buy and operate, these are the workhorses of the Star Kingdom. They aren't particularly capable but are good antimissile pickets and antifighter pickets. They can also ward of light pirate raids if well-captained. Finally, they are quite fast and maneuverable, which has surprised more than one pirate gunboat.
2x2 140mm OTO-Terra Super-Rapid Gauss Cannon
2x2 100mm Hirsch Repeating Pulse Plasma Projector
1x1 90mm Five Fangs Arms Burst Beam Cannon
1x1 General Dynamics Cerberus (plasma-splash) General-Purpose Missile tubes
1x4 General Dynamics Spacehawk short-ranged missile launcher
4x1 30mm Vympel Trans-Russia Autocannon (CIWS)
Radio Corporation of Terra Type 6049(V)5 Subspace Search Array
RCT Type 6048(V)4 Tachyon Fire Control Sensor Suite
Hirsch Type 4N6 Broad Jammer Array
Tranquility Yards Ion-to-Neutrino Dissipator
Basic hypershielding
Hyperdrive + Warp Drives
2x Chrysler HEMI-Superduty 6500A Heavy Ion Drives
3x Chrysler HEMI-Superduty 6000A Medium Ion Drives
4x Rolls Royce R4055 Heavy Ion Thrusters
Note: This design is available to sale to almost anyone and everyone with enough money to buy it. Cheap, reliable but not too capable.
- Darksider
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 5271
- Joined: 2002-12-13 02:56pm
- Location: America's decaying industrial armpit.
My full OOB (Sort of. I'll be constantly updating it throughout the game, but who won't be?)
Krytos Star Empire
Order Of Battle
The Krytos Star Empire has suffered much in recent years. The invasion by the TSC and the Triple Entente due to the actions of the madman Chalen, once advisor to the Emperor who supplanted and murdered him, cost the empire dearly. The entire Rashnok system was burned from existence by a Commonwealth fleet, in retribution for the orbital strikes against Coventry. To add insult to injury, the vengeful Entente demanded war reparations far in excess of the damage done by Chalen’s fleets, and trade restrictions were imposed by the brute force of the Entente’s armadas. The empire’s expansion was severely limited by budget restrictions, and they were required to slightly downsize their fleet. Krytos is now hated by the galaxy, blamed for the actions of a single madman who seized the throne through murder, and was killed for his crimes. The newly elected Emperor Volga, rumored to command a vast array of magical and force powers, is intent on restoring the empire to its former glory, re-forging alliances with other nations, and improving the overall lifestyle of his people.
Krytos Star Navy
The KSN has changed in recent years, their ships no longer rely on the massive spinal mount fusion cannons that proved so deadly to their opponents in ages past. they have since adopted a different approach to warship armament, favoring larger numbers of smaller weapons rather than a single massive cannon which could be easily disabled by a missile down it’s barrel. The KSN is composed of three rapid reaction forces (RRFs) that are designed to quickly move to any location throughout the empire at a moments notice to repel pirates or enemy fleets.
Each RRF is composed of
(3 1/3 capital points)3 Nemesis-class Dreadnaughts
Forty-five neutron cannons
sixteen heavy fusion cannons
twelve anti-ship missile batteries
eight heavy particle beam cannons
eighty medium plasma cannons
six-hundred point defense lasers
two hundred anti-fighter missile batteries
Each carries four squadrons of fighters
(3 2/3 cruiser pts)5 Advantage-class heavy cruisers
2 anti-ship missile batteries
4 heavy fusion cannons
3 heavy particle beam cannons
20 neutron cannons
40 plasma cannons
300 PDLs
50 anti-fighter launchers
each carries two squadrons of fighters
(1 cruiser point)5 Barrage-class missile cruisers
16 heavy anti-ship missile batteries
25 medium anti-ship missile batteries
2 fusion cannons
3 neutron cannons
35 plasma cannons
100 PDLs
600 anti-fighter missile batteries
no fighters
(3 1/3 escort points)25 Escort-class frigates
2 fusion cannons
5 neutron cannons
1 particle beam cannon
15 plasma cannon
700 PDLs
40 anti-fighter missile batteries
(3 1/3 escort points)25 Swarmer-class missile frigates
2 heavy anti-capital missile batteries
15 medium anti-capital missile batteries
3 neutron cannons
10 plasma cannons
100 PDLs
75 anti-fighter missile batteries
Krytos Star Empire
Order Of Battle
The Krytos Star Empire has suffered much in recent years. The invasion by the TSC and the Triple Entente due to the actions of the madman Chalen, once advisor to the Emperor who supplanted and murdered him, cost the empire dearly. The entire Rashnok system was burned from existence by a Commonwealth fleet, in retribution for the orbital strikes against Coventry. To add insult to injury, the vengeful Entente demanded war reparations far in excess of the damage done by Chalen’s fleets, and trade restrictions were imposed by the brute force of the Entente’s armadas. The empire’s expansion was severely limited by budget restrictions, and they were required to slightly downsize their fleet. Krytos is now hated by the galaxy, blamed for the actions of a single madman who seized the throne through murder, and was killed for his crimes. The newly elected Emperor Volga, rumored to command a vast array of magical and force powers, is intent on restoring the empire to its former glory, re-forging alliances with other nations, and improving the overall lifestyle of his people.
Krytos Star Navy
The KSN has changed in recent years, their ships no longer rely on the massive spinal mount fusion cannons that proved so deadly to their opponents in ages past. they have since adopted a different approach to warship armament, favoring larger numbers of smaller weapons rather than a single massive cannon which could be easily disabled by a missile down it’s barrel. The KSN is composed of three rapid reaction forces (RRFs) that are designed to quickly move to any location throughout the empire at a moments notice to repel pirates or enemy fleets.
Each RRF is composed of
(3 1/3 capital points)3 Nemesis-class Dreadnaughts
Forty-five neutron cannons
sixteen heavy fusion cannons
twelve anti-ship missile batteries
eight heavy particle beam cannons
eighty medium plasma cannons
six-hundred point defense lasers
two hundred anti-fighter missile batteries
Each carries four squadrons of fighters
(3 2/3 cruiser pts)5 Advantage-class heavy cruisers
2 anti-ship missile batteries
4 heavy fusion cannons
3 heavy particle beam cannons
20 neutron cannons
40 plasma cannons
300 PDLs
50 anti-fighter launchers
each carries two squadrons of fighters
(1 cruiser point)5 Barrage-class missile cruisers
16 heavy anti-ship missile batteries
25 medium anti-ship missile batteries
2 fusion cannons
3 neutron cannons
35 plasma cannons
100 PDLs
600 anti-fighter missile batteries
no fighters
(3 1/3 escort points)25 Escort-class frigates
2 fusion cannons
5 neutron cannons
1 particle beam cannon
15 plasma cannon
700 PDLs
40 anti-fighter missile batteries
(3 1/3 escort points)25 Swarmer-class missile frigates
2 heavy anti-capital missile batteries
15 medium anti-capital missile batteries
3 neutron cannons
10 plasma cannons
100 PDLs
75 anti-fighter missile batteries
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
- General Zod
- Never Shuts Up
- Posts: 29211
- Joined: 2003-11-18 03:08pm
- Location: The Clearance Rack
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Updated DEployment info for all formations
Home Fleet-All 4 TFs, Klingon Offensive
First Fleet- 2 TFs, Klingon Offensive; 1 TF First Fleet District
Second Fleet- 2 TFs, Klingon Offensive; 1 TF Second Fleet District
Third Fleet- Third Fleet District
Fourth Fleet- Fourth Fleet District
Fifth Fleet- Both TFs Combined, Gorn Federation
Sixth Fleet- 2 TFs, Klingon Offensive
Seventh Fleet- Under Construction, Home District
Home Fleet-All 4 TFs, Klingon Offensive
First Fleet- 2 TFs, Klingon Offensive; 1 TF First Fleet District
Second Fleet- 2 TFs, Klingon Offensive; 1 TF Second Fleet District
Third Fleet- Third Fleet District
Fourth Fleet- Fourth Fleet District
Fifth Fleet- Both TFs Combined, Gorn Federation
Sixth Fleet- 2 TFs, Klingon Offensive
Seventh Fleet- Under Construction, Home District
Last edited by Kyle on 2005-03-02 02:01am, edited 4 times in total.
Star Rider class Frigate
2x Dual 22cm Particle Cannons
8x Hypermissile Launch Chambers
12x Quad 30mm Particle Cannons
4x Medium Range Interceptor Missile Launchers
The Star Rider class Friagte is the primary escort ship of the Terran Navy and is a good basic, escort design. It is slightly biased towards the fleet escort role but is also a capable anti-piracy ship.
Elf class Escort Carrier
The Elf class is a simple cheap sscort carrier design about the size of a small light cruiser. It is not intended to be deployed alone instead reguiring Destroyer or Crusier escorts. It mounts shields similar to a UTRN Destroyer with less PD mounts then a Frigate. It is a simple design intended to do one thing only, provide fighter support to small formations not deemed worth a Fleet Carrier or Assault Carrier. The designs major emphasis was in cramming as many fighters as possible into the smallest possible hull, because of this the Elf class is almost completely unarmored behind its shields. It does mount a top of the line ECM suite though. ITs main job is to provide scouting for small formations and to serve in the anti-piracy role.
Fighter Group:
2 Squadrons Condor Light Fighters (24)
1 Squadron Falcon Heavy Fighters (multi-role) (12)
2 Prophet class SWAC
Sprite class Light Carrier
The Sprite class is a light carrier design that is the
size of an oversized Heavy Cruiser. It mounts shields equivalent to a light cruiser. Point Defense mounts are also equivalent to a light cruisers. It mounts no offensive armaments and has armor slightly thicker then a destroyers.
Fighter Group:
2 Squadrons Condor Light Fighters (24)
6 Squadrons Raptor Medium Fighters (72)
2 Squadrons Falcon Heavy Fighters (multi-role) (48)
1 Squadrons Comet Strike Bombers (12)
1 Squadron Dragon Attack Bombers (12)
1 Squadron Prophet class AWACs (8)
1 Squadron Hera class Tankers (8)
Armstrong class Fleet Carrier
A very well rounded design slightly larger then a battleship and with speed greater then a battlecruiser. It mounts shields and point defense equal to a battlecruisers, though its armor is only equivalent to a Heavy Cruisers. Of course like all terran carriers it mounts a state of the art sensor and ECM suite, but once again it mounts no offensive anti-ship weapons. These vessels commonly serve as fleet and task force flagships.
Fighter Group:
2 Squadrons Condor Light Fighters (24)
10 Squadrons Raptor Medium Fighters (120)
10 Squadrons Falcon Heavy Fighters (multi-role) (120)
8 Squadrons Comet Strike Bombers (96)
2 Squadron Dragon Attack Bombers (24)
2 Squadron Thunder Assault Bombers (24)
2 Squadron Prophet class AWACs (16)
6 Squadron Hera class Tankers (48)
Titan class Assault Carrier
The Titan class lives up to its name, it is a monstrous class of ship, even larger then a Terrae class dreadnought, though it is smaller then the Republic class SDs. It is something off an oddity in the Terran Fleet, most UTRN carrier designs stress large fighter loadouts at the expense of armor, shields, active defenses and even offensive armaments.
Not so with the Titan class. It mounts shields and point defense equal to a dreadnoughts and armor almost as thick as battlecruiser, it even mounts offensive energy weapons equal to a Heavy Cruiser. There is a price for this though, unlike most carrier designs the Titan class is no faster then a battleship, and would be quickly ran down by a battlecruiser.
Titan class ships also functions as landing ships for planetary invasion forces. Each Titan class ship can deploy one Army Division, with all supply and equipment needed for a one month campaign.
UTR Army formations are based on those of the Sixth Imperium, info can be found here on 6I formations. Of course the weapons and equipment used are the much less powerful and primitive versions manufactored by the UTR.
Fighter Group:
4 Squadrons Condor Light Fighters (48)
10 Squadrons Raptor Medium Fighters (120)
10 Squadrons Falcon Heavy Fighters (multi-role) (120)
10 Squadrons Comet Strike Bombers (120)
4 Squadron Dragon Attack Bombers (48)
4 Squadrons Thunder Assault Bombers (48)
2 Squadron Prophet class AWACs (16)
6 Squadron Hera class Tankers (48)
15 Hercules class Assault Barges (1 Company per barge)
2x Dual 22cm Particle Cannons
8x Hypermissile Launch Chambers
12x Quad 30mm Particle Cannons
4x Medium Range Interceptor Missile Launchers
The Star Rider class Friagte is the primary escort ship of the Terran Navy and is a good basic, escort design. It is slightly biased towards the fleet escort role but is also a capable anti-piracy ship.
Elf class Escort Carrier
The Elf class is a simple cheap sscort carrier design about the size of a small light cruiser. It is not intended to be deployed alone instead reguiring Destroyer or Crusier escorts. It mounts shields similar to a UTRN Destroyer with less PD mounts then a Frigate. It is a simple design intended to do one thing only, provide fighter support to small formations not deemed worth a Fleet Carrier or Assault Carrier. The designs major emphasis was in cramming as many fighters as possible into the smallest possible hull, because of this the Elf class is almost completely unarmored behind its shields. It does mount a top of the line ECM suite though. ITs main job is to provide scouting for small formations and to serve in the anti-piracy role.
Fighter Group:
2 Squadrons Condor Light Fighters (24)
1 Squadron Falcon Heavy Fighters (multi-role) (12)
2 Prophet class SWAC
Sprite class Light Carrier
The Sprite class is a light carrier design that is the
size of an oversized Heavy Cruiser. It mounts shields equivalent to a light cruiser. Point Defense mounts are also equivalent to a light cruisers. It mounts no offensive armaments and has armor slightly thicker then a destroyers.
Fighter Group:
2 Squadrons Condor Light Fighters (24)
6 Squadrons Raptor Medium Fighters (72)
2 Squadrons Falcon Heavy Fighters (multi-role) (48)
1 Squadrons Comet Strike Bombers (12)
1 Squadron Dragon Attack Bombers (12)
1 Squadron Prophet class AWACs (8)
1 Squadron Hera class Tankers (8)
Armstrong class Fleet Carrier
A very well rounded design slightly larger then a battleship and with speed greater then a battlecruiser. It mounts shields and point defense equal to a battlecruisers, though its armor is only equivalent to a Heavy Cruisers. Of course like all terran carriers it mounts a state of the art sensor and ECM suite, but once again it mounts no offensive anti-ship weapons. These vessels commonly serve as fleet and task force flagships.
Fighter Group:
2 Squadrons Condor Light Fighters (24)
10 Squadrons Raptor Medium Fighters (120)
10 Squadrons Falcon Heavy Fighters (multi-role) (120)
8 Squadrons Comet Strike Bombers (96)
2 Squadron Dragon Attack Bombers (24)
2 Squadron Thunder Assault Bombers (24)
2 Squadron Prophet class AWACs (16)
6 Squadron Hera class Tankers (48)
Titan class Assault Carrier
The Titan class lives up to its name, it is a monstrous class of ship, even larger then a Terrae class dreadnought, though it is smaller then the Republic class SDs. It is something off an oddity in the Terran Fleet, most UTRN carrier designs stress large fighter loadouts at the expense of armor, shields, active defenses and even offensive armaments.
Not so with the Titan class. It mounts shields and point defense equal to a dreadnoughts and armor almost as thick as battlecruiser, it even mounts offensive energy weapons equal to a Heavy Cruiser. There is a price for this though, unlike most carrier designs the Titan class is no faster then a battleship, and would be quickly ran down by a battlecruiser.
Titan class ships also functions as landing ships for planetary invasion forces. Each Titan class ship can deploy one Army Division, with all supply and equipment needed for a one month campaign.
UTR Army formations are based on those of the Sixth Imperium, info can be found here on 6I formations. Of course the weapons and equipment used are the much less powerful and primitive versions manufactored by the UTR.
Fighter Group:
4 Squadrons Condor Light Fighters (48)
10 Squadrons Raptor Medium Fighters (120)
10 Squadrons Falcon Heavy Fighters (multi-role) (120)
10 Squadrons Comet Strike Bombers (120)
4 Squadron Dragon Attack Bombers (48)
4 Squadrons Thunder Assault Bombers (48)
2 Squadron Prophet class AWACs (16)
6 Squadron Hera class Tankers (48)
15 Hercules class Assault Barges (1 Company per barge)
Last edited by Kyle on 2005-04-13 12:49am, edited 2 times in total.
- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
The Sparata Confederacy.
History: Founded eight hundered years ago in a small cluster of stars and other navigational hazards by a wandering group of exiles. It has largely remain neutral and isolationist. During the last few major wars, it kept its head down and was mostly ignored. Recently there was a change in leadership and the SC has rejoined the galatic community. The SC is a republic. There are two main bodies of the SC, the parliment and the council. The parliment makes the laws and rules on all non time critical items. The council decides on all time critical items and all major decisions. The population is human.
Worlds: The SC is comprised of three worlds and a large space station.
Sparata: Capital Planet. First world colonized. It is the deepest inside the cluster of stars and hazards. The nothern and southern parts of the planet are used for industry and factory. The equator is where most of the population lives.
New Marcao: Used as a military training location and home to the largest shipyard in the confederacy.
Jagadon: The whole world is used for agricultural purposes.
Roe Station: Military headquaters.
Fleet OOB
Capital section
WRAITH Class Heavy Dreadnaught(5 capital points, 3 in service.)
Length: 5 km
4 Heavy Starship engines, 6 Medium engines. Powered by 5 Hyperfusion Reactors. Slipspace FTL.
Weapons: 1 dorsal mounted Super Magenetic Acclerator Cannon
100 turreted Heavy MACs
250 turreted Medium MACs
600 Javelin Missile Pods (20 missiles per pod)
10 Dummy Decoys
Fighter compliment:
48 BroadSwords ( crew of 3. Shields. Hardpoints for 18 weapons and a bay for another ten. Four guass railguns)
96 WarHogs (Crew of 2. Shields. Hardpoint for 13 weapons. Four guass Railguns.)
144 Jackals (Crew of 1. Shields. Hard points for 8 weapons. Three Guass Railguns.)
30 Higgins Dropships
Defense:4 meters of armor, and 7 shielld generators.
Wofl Class Medium Dreadnaught (2 points per ship, 7 in service.)
Length: 3 Km
3 Heavy starship engines, 6 Medium engines. Powered by 3 HyperFusion Reactors. Slipspace FTL
Weapons: 60 Turreted Heavy MACs
100 Turreted Medium MACs
400 Javelin Missile Pods
10 Dummy Decoys
Fighter Craft:
24 Broadswords
48 WarHogs
72 Jackals
15 Higgins
Defenses:3 meters of armor and six shield generators
Grendel Class Fighter Carrier (1 point each, 5 in service.
2 Heavy Engines, 4 Medium engines. HyperFusion Reactor. SlipSpace FTL.
Weapons:5 turreted Heavy MACs
10 Javelin Pods
10 Dummy Decoys
Fighters:144 Broadswords
144 WarHogs
288 Jackals
20 Higgins
Defense: 2 meters of armor and six shield generators
Five capitol ship points go to ground forces
Cruiser Section
Acheron Class Crusier (2 Points, 35 in service)
Lenght: 1Km
2 Heavy Engines, 4 Medium. 3 Reactors, SlipSpace FTL.
Weapons:10 heavy MACs
50 Turreted dual mounted Medium MACs
100 Javilen Pods
10 dummy decoys
Fighters:12 Broadswords
36 Jackals
10 Higgins
Escort Section
Bartow Class Frigate (2 points each, 200 in service
Lenght:800 Km
1 Heavy Engine, 2 Medium engines, 2 Reactors, Slipspace FTL
Weapons:10 turreted Medium MACs
20 turreted Light MACs
50 Javelin Pods
Fighters:12 WarHogs
2 Higgins
Defenses:1 meter of armor, 2 shield generators.
Winters Class Troop Transport ( 2 points, 50 in service)
Length:1 Km
1 Heavy Engine, 2 Medium engines, 2 Reactors, Slipspace FTL
10 Light Macs mounted in dual turrets
5 Javelin missile pods
Defenses: 1 meter of Armor
400 Higgins Dropships
500 Orbital Insertion Pods
Edit, finally got around to making an army.
Army. The SC has mainly an Infantry based Army. The SC main focus is on hit and fade attacks. The SCA has three main branches. Infantry, Armor and Mobile Infantry. The Mobile Infantry is essentialy a powered armor paratrooper. Trained to strike hard, strike fast and then pull out. The Armor branch is the smallest. With only fifty divisions. The Infantry is over 150. The MI is only 10.
The Sparata Confederacy.
History: Founded eight hundered years ago in a small cluster of stars and other navigational hazards by a wandering group of exiles. It has largely remain neutral and isolationist. During the last few major wars, it kept its head down and was mostly ignored. Recently there was a change in leadership and the SC has rejoined the galatic community. The SC is a republic. There are two main bodies of the SC, the parliment and the council. The parliment makes the laws and rules on all non time critical items. The council decides on all time critical items and all major decisions. The population is human.
Worlds: The SC is comprised of three worlds and a large space station.
Sparata: Capital Planet. First world colonized. It is the deepest inside the cluster of stars and hazards. The nothern and southern parts of the planet are used for industry and factory. The equator is where most of the population lives.
New Marcao: Used as a military training location and home to the largest shipyard in the confederacy.
Jagadon: The whole world is used for agricultural purposes.
Roe Station: Military headquaters.
Fleet OOB
Capital section
WRAITH Class Heavy Dreadnaught(5 capital points, 3 in service.)
Length: 5 km
4 Heavy Starship engines, 6 Medium engines. Powered by 5 Hyperfusion Reactors. Slipspace FTL.
Weapons: 1 dorsal mounted Super Magenetic Acclerator Cannon
100 turreted Heavy MACs
250 turreted Medium MACs
600 Javelin Missile Pods (20 missiles per pod)
10 Dummy Decoys
Fighter compliment:
48 BroadSwords ( crew of 3. Shields. Hardpoints for 18 weapons and a bay for another ten. Four guass railguns)
96 WarHogs (Crew of 2. Shields. Hardpoint for 13 weapons. Four guass Railguns.)
144 Jackals (Crew of 1. Shields. Hard points for 8 weapons. Three Guass Railguns.)
30 Higgins Dropships
Defense:4 meters of armor, and 7 shielld generators.
Wofl Class Medium Dreadnaught (2 points per ship, 7 in service.)
Length: 3 Km
3 Heavy starship engines, 6 Medium engines. Powered by 3 HyperFusion Reactors. Slipspace FTL
Weapons: 60 Turreted Heavy MACs
100 Turreted Medium MACs
400 Javelin Missile Pods
10 Dummy Decoys
Fighter Craft:
24 Broadswords
48 WarHogs
72 Jackals
15 Higgins
Defenses:3 meters of armor and six shield generators
Grendel Class Fighter Carrier (1 point each, 5 in service.
2 Heavy Engines, 4 Medium engines. HyperFusion Reactor. SlipSpace FTL.
Weapons:5 turreted Heavy MACs
10 Javelin Pods
10 Dummy Decoys
Fighters:144 Broadswords
144 WarHogs
288 Jackals
20 Higgins
Defense: 2 meters of armor and six shield generators
Five capitol ship points go to ground forces
Cruiser Section
Acheron Class Crusier (2 Points, 35 in service)
Lenght: 1Km
2 Heavy Engines, 4 Medium. 3 Reactors, SlipSpace FTL.
Weapons:10 heavy MACs
50 Turreted dual mounted Medium MACs
100 Javilen Pods
10 dummy decoys
Fighters:12 Broadswords
36 Jackals
10 Higgins
Escort Section
Bartow Class Frigate (2 points each, 200 in service
Lenght:800 Km
1 Heavy Engine, 2 Medium engines, 2 Reactors, Slipspace FTL
Weapons:10 turreted Medium MACs
20 turreted Light MACs
50 Javelin Pods
Fighters:12 WarHogs
2 Higgins
Defenses:1 meter of armor, 2 shield generators.
Winters Class Troop Transport ( 2 points, 50 in service)
Length:1 Km
1 Heavy Engine, 2 Medium engines, 2 Reactors, Slipspace FTL
10 Light Macs mounted in dual turrets
5 Javelin missile pods
Defenses: 1 meter of Armor
400 Higgins Dropships
500 Orbital Insertion Pods
Edit, finally got around to making an army.
Army. The SC has mainly an Infantry based Army. The SC main focus is on hit and fade attacks. The SCA has three main branches. Infantry, Armor and Mobile Infantry. The Mobile Infantry is essentialy a powered armor paratrooper. Trained to strike hard, strike fast and then pull out. The Armor branch is the smallest. With only fifty divisions. The Infantry is over 150. The MI is only 10.
Last edited by Agent Fisher on 2005-10-03 05:22pm, edited 4 times in total.
Sagitarian Federation
Regional Power
Head of State: President Benjamina Sanchez.
Head of Government: Prime Minister Lucian Winukaga.
Minister of War: Minister Trekgar Worgson (Klingon).
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Minister Cirus Tarkovich.
Minister of Interior: Minister Theodorus Nikarios.
Minister of Justice: Minister Bael C. Bu.
Federal Council Spokeman: Selena Leftcourt.
The Sagitarian Federation is a young and rather large nation situated in the extreme of the Sagitarius Arm, at the very edge of the galactic disk. It is a federal republic where each system has its own government with authority over most areas of local administration, although they must still obey the laws approved by the Federal Council (the legislative body of the Federation composed by over three thousand representatives chosen by direct vote). The Federal Council chooses the President for a six year mandate. In due time, the President asks the leader of the most voted party to create a government that he/she will head as Prime Minister. Other than this, the President only has the duty of vetoing any law or executive action that might be harmful for the welfare of the Federation.
Low stellar density and few planets suitable for terraforming in the region prevented the large scale colonization of the area before the conflicts that devastated most of the galaxy.
The neutrality of the few local colonies allowed them to weather the storm almost undamaged and, when the dark times were over, regional population had increased tenfold, after the arrival of large numbers of regugees from the warring states.
After the disappearance of the initial distrust, both groups signed a mutual defense pact that eventually became a loose confederation and free trade area. In the aftermath of the Great War, that confederation was transformed into the Sagitarian Federation, once the member planets realized the advantages that having a single voice would provide in the post-war galaxy.
While not fully isolationist, the Federation has so far avoided to open diplomatic relations with the main galactic powers, seeking instead the friendship of neighbour nations in the Sagitarius Arm in the hopes of eventually persuading them to join the Federation. Now that the surviving powers are reawakening, the current government considers that it is time to look for alliances to ensure the safety of the SF.
Although some minority factions within the Council have been highly vocal in their opposition against the government, they have little power and, considering how much the Sagitarians value stability, the small support they have will disappear in the upcoming elections.
The Sagitarians have many different origins. Even the original colonists were highly heterogeneous, only united by being baseline humans, and when refugees from many, many different extractions started to arrive, the differences increased. However, all the refugee groups shared their hatred towards the war that had forced to leave their homes behind. Setting their hearts on it, they swore not to make the mistakes of their former leaders and from the beginning, a truce was agreed between all the groups. With very rare exceptions, the truce has been observed until today and now it is extremely unlikely that it will be broken in any meaningful way. All Sagitarians appreciate peace, safety and stability and the new generations have all but forgotten that their fathers and grandfathers were enemies once.
The population is mostly baseline human with the usual eugenic enhancements, although there are some groups of "supermen" and there is a fair share of aliens living in the Federation (mostly Milky Way natives, although there are some exceptions). As has been said before, inhabitable planets are scarce within the SF and most of the population lives in dome cities in hostile planets, space habitats or hollowed asteroids. Those who dwell in the latter are usually genetically modified to better withstand microgravity, as are the few who live in high gravity environments, running automated mining facilities. Although details are secret, certain groups within the military have also been genetically modified. It is believed that the modifications include redundant organs, increased stamina, strength and reactions, as well as enhanced healing and many others. This allows them to operate well in high gravity environments.
Trade between Federation worlds and neighbouring friendly nations is quite significative. Civilian vessels use local hyperspace technology that while slightly slower than others is cheap, extremely reliable and needs little maintenance. Those are the characteristics of most Federation exports (that include small civilian spacecraft, automatons and industrial equipment, along with small amounts of some valuable resources that can be found within SF space) and they explain their popularity among the poorer northern Rim nations that can't afford expensive Entente machinery and aren't active clients of the Three Suns Commonwealth.
-"Reality enforcer field": This technology disrupts all known forms of psionic and magic energies (obviously the most powerful forces will be only marginally hampered). The technology is compact enough for use in tandem with tactical theater shields in ground operations. Ship mounted versions of the REF are powerful enough to inhibit enemy ships from activating their FTL drives during combat situations (3 capital points).
-Subshields: Newer Sagitarian cruisers and battleships use a non-standard shield system that dumps the blocked energy in a subspace pocket domain (not unlike the Black Alliance trapdoor systems). While this gives Sagitarian warships a greater than average durability, the subspace pocket cannot store unlimited ammounts of energy and once the limit is reached it destabilizes destroying the ship with a massive explosion. This technology is a relatively recent breakthrough and the systems are prone to fail under intense enemy bombardment (say twice the ship points of the attacked ships) even before reaching the aforementioned limit. The creation of a new subspace pocket is a long and difficult process that can not be undertaken in a combat situation.
Kaus Australis class (4 units x3 points).
Dimensions: Length 10 km. 4.5E9 m^3
Subshield energy storage capability: 3E29 J
Peak reactor output: 3E26 m^3
Weapon emplacements:
-30 Turbolaser batteries.
-30 Hyperbeam batteries.
-45 Torpedo launchers.
For "subshielded" warships, I rate them at 2/3 the firepower relative to an enemy warship of the same point cost. This, the lack of fighter craft in them and the "prone to failure" clause mentioned in the technology description balance the greater durability, IMO.
About the REF, the technology is by no means perfect, but it will decrease the efficiency of most magic and/or psionic based attacks.
((More info coming this way)).
Regional Power
Head of State: President Benjamina Sanchez.
Head of Government: Prime Minister Lucian Winukaga.
Minister of War: Minister Trekgar Worgson (Klingon).
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Minister Cirus Tarkovich.
Minister of Interior: Minister Theodorus Nikarios.
Minister of Justice: Minister Bael C. Bu.
Federal Council Spokeman: Selena Leftcourt.
The Sagitarian Federation is a young and rather large nation situated in the extreme of the Sagitarius Arm, at the very edge of the galactic disk. It is a federal republic where each system has its own government with authority over most areas of local administration, although they must still obey the laws approved by the Federal Council (the legislative body of the Federation composed by over three thousand representatives chosen by direct vote). The Federal Council chooses the President for a six year mandate. In due time, the President asks the leader of the most voted party to create a government that he/she will head as Prime Minister. Other than this, the President only has the duty of vetoing any law or executive action that might be harmful for the welfare of the Federation.
Low stellar density and few planets suitable for terraforming in the region prevented the large scale colonization of the area before the conflicts that devastated most of the galaxy.
The neutrality of the few local colonies allowed them to weather the storm almost undamaged and, when the dark times were over, regional population had increased tenfold, after the arrival of large numbers of regugees from the warring states.
After the disappearance of the initial distrust, both groups signed a mutual defense pact that eventually became a loose confederation and free trade area. In the aftermath of the Great War, that confederation was transformed into the Sagitarian Federation, once the member planets realized the advantages that having a single voice would provide in the post-war galaxy.
While not fully isolationist, the Federation has so far avoided to open diplomatic relations with the main galactic powers, seeking instead the friendship of neighbour nations in the Sagitarius Arm in the hopes of eventually persuading them to join the Federation. Now that the surviving powers are reawakening, the current government considers that it is time to look for alliances to ensure the safety of the SF.
Although some minority factions within the Council have been highly vocal in their opposition against the government, they have little power and, considering how much the Sagitarians value stability, the small support they have will disappear in the upcoming elections.
The Sagitarians have many different origins. Even the original colonists were highly heterogeneous, only united by being baseline humans, and when refugees from many, many different extractions started to arrive, the differences increased. However, all the refugee groups shared their hatred towards the war that had forced to leave their homes behind. Setting their hearts on it, they swore not to make the mistakes of their former leaders and from the beginning, a truce was agreed between all the groups. With very rare exceptions, the truce has been observed until today and now it is extremely unlikely that it will be broken in any meaningful way. All Sagitarians appreciate peace, safety and stability and the new generations have all but forgotten that their fathers and grandfathers were enemies once.
The population is mostly baseline human with the usual eugenic enhancements, although there are some groups of "supermen" and there is a fair share of aliens living in the Federation (mostly Milky Way natives, although there are some exceptions). As has been said before, inhabitable planets are scarce within the SF and most of the population lives in dome cities in hostile planets, space habitats or hollowed asteroids. Those who dwell in the latter are usually genetically modified to better withstand microgravity, as are the few who live in high gravity environments, running automated mining facilities. Although details are secret, certain groups within the military have also been genetically modified. It is believed that the modifications include redundant organs, increased stamina, strength and reactions, as well as enhanced healing and many others. This allows them to operate well in high gravity environments.
Trade between Federation worlds and neighbouring friendly nations is quite significative. Civilian vessels use local hyperspace technology that while slightly slower than others is cheap, extremely reliable and needs little maintenance. Those are the characteristics of most Federation exports (that include small civilian spacecraft, automatons and industrial equipment, along with small amounts of some valuable resources that can be found within SF space) and they explain their popularity among the poorer northern Rim nations that can't afford expensive Entente machinery and aren't active clients of the Three Suns Commonwealth.
-"Reality enforcer field": This technology disrupts all known forms of psionic and magic energies (obviously the most powerful forces will be only marginally hampered). The technology is compact enough for use in tandem with tactical theater shields in ground operations. Ship mounted versions of the REF are powerful enough to inhibit enemy ships from activating their FTL drives during combat situations (3 capital points).
-Subshields: Newer Sagitarian cruisers and battleships use a non-standard shield system that dumps the blocked energy in a subspace pocket domain (not unlike the Black Alliance trapdoor systems). While this gives Sagitarian warships a greater than average durability, the subspace pocket cannot store unlimited ammounts of energy and once the limit is reached it destabilizes destroying the ship with a massive explosion. This technology is a relatively recent breakthrough and the systems are prone to fail under intense enemy bombardment (say twice the ship points of the attacked ships) even before reaching the aforementioned limit. The creation of a new subspace pocket is a long and difficult process that can not be undertaken in a combat situation.
Kaus Australis class (4 units x3 points).
Dimensions: Length 10 km. 4.5E9 m^3
Subshield energy storage capability: 3E29 J
Peak reactor output: 3E26 m^3
Weapon emplacements:
-30 Turbolaser batteries.
-30 Hyperbeam batteries.
-45 Torpedo launchers.
For "subshielded" warships, I rate them at 2/3 the firepower relative to an enemy warship of the same point cost. This, the lack of fighter craft in them and the "prone to failure" clause mentioned in the technology description balance the greater durability, IMO.
About the REF, the technology is by no means perfect, but it will decrease the efficiency of most magic and/or psionic based attacks.
((More info coming this way)).
Last edited by Murazor on 2005-05-31 04:39am, edited 1 time in total.
- White Haven
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6360
- Joined: 2004-05-17 03:14pm
- Location: The North Remembers, When It Can Be Bothered
<Posted full updated OOB on page 3>
Last edited by White Haven on 2005-04-10 12:49am, edited 1 time in total.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
-'If you really want to fuck with these idiots tell them that there is a vaccine for chemtrails.'
Fiction!: The Final War (Bolo/Lovecraft) (Ch 7 9/15/11), Living (D&D, Complete)

- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
The Army of the Commonwealth
The Three Suns Commonwealth is described in it’s constitution as a ‘Meritocracie Civil.” This title is backed up to a degree by the existence of non-military service branches which can provide the proper criteria for the granting of citizenship. Never the less, the culture of the Commonwealth is such that it is nearly impossible for a Citizen to achieve high office without a military background. Even in the Conner period, the 50 years from the People’s War to today, every President over the Senate has had a military record of some type. It should be noted that President Delcroix, who never saw combat in his time as a Decurion in the Army, won by a far slimmer margin than his predecessor, President Armand Sanderson, whose military exploits as Chef-Admiral of the Osiris Sector Fleet in the People’s War hardly need explaining.
A single 4-year tour of duty in a non-reserve Legion is enough to ensure citizenship regardless of performance. Comparatively, achieving citizenship through the full-time Civil Service takes 8 years on average, while working on the part-time Civil Service can take an average of 12 years. It is not unheard of for a civilian to serve part-time in the Civil Service for 20 years before receiving Citizenship.
The Commonwealth arms industry has never been able to compete with the Corporate Sector or the other Entente powers in terms of complexity and technology; this has lead to the adoption of a design policy which places emphasis on ease of use, maintenance, and mass production. Essentially, the Commonwealth weapons industry is geared towards export to polities without the infrastructure to easily support hyper-advanced weaponry like Etheric shock rifles.
These two factors have lead to a Commonwealth army which places a huge emphasis on numbers and New Bushido as opposed to equipment. The average Commonwealth soldier is trained and conditioned to show extremes of élan, and to operate alongside vast numbers of his or her brethren. He or she fights with weaponry and equipment that is, in general, considerably less advanced than that fielded by such elite units as the Serenite Royal Marines.
The bravery and effectiveness of the average Commonwealth Legionnaire should not be maligned- Famous actions such as the Battle of Coventry and the Battle of Corneria show that, while fairly simple, Commonwealth weapons are more than effective enough when combined with solid leadership and massed numbers. The Legions are formidable fighting forces, stretching the limits of human bravery and discipline thanks to deep-imprint New Bushido conditioning.
It should also be noted that while the average Legionnaire is less effective than his or her counterpart in the more professional armies of the Entente or other major powers, the Commonwealth maintains a number of elite units with superior equipment, which can at least match their opposition.
Ranks and Organization
The Commonwealth Army organization stems from absolutely ancient organizational principles. A 20th Century general would find few differences between the Commonwealth army’s hierarchy and an early Nuclear-era military.
Fraterne – 5 Legionnaires (Fireteam)
Decury – 3 Fraternes (Squad)
Manipule – 3 Decuries (Platoon)
Century – 3 Manipules (Company)
Cohort – 6 Centuries (Battalion)
Regiment – 2 Cohorts (Regiment)
Sous-Legion – 3 Regiments (Brigade)- (Usually attached to a Legion)
Legion – 3 Sous-Legions (Division)
Corps – 1-3 Legions (Corps)
Armee – 3-4 Corps (Army)
Fronte- 30 Armees (Continental Control Unit, equiv. to a Theatre)
Groupe D'assaut Planétaire- 1-10 Frontes (Planet-scale Command)
The average Legion fields around 14000 soldiers.
Rank System
-note- There are a number of ranks between Sergeant and Leutnant, and between Leutnant and Centurion, which effect seniority and pay grade, which will not be delved in to.
Milites (Private) (Him/Herself)
Legionnaire (Lance Corporal) (Specialist)
Premier Legionnaire (Corporal) (Fraterne)
Decurion + (Sergeant) (Decury)
Leutnant + (Lieutenant) (Platoon)
Centurion (Captain) (Century)
Majeur (Major) (Cohort)
Sous-Legate (Colonel) (Regiment)
Legate (Brigadier General) (Sous-Legion)
Chef-Legate (Maj. General) (Legion)
Sous-General (Lt. General) (Legion/Corps)
General (General) (Corps/Armee)
Chef-General (Field Marshal) (Armee)
Sous-Marshall (Soviet Front commanding officer)(Fronte)
Marshall (Supreme Allied Commanderr)(Groupe Planetaire)
Potentiate (Planetary Invasion Co-ordinator, commands sometimes dozens of GCs.)
The Commonwealth Army fields 595 active duty Groupes D'assaut Planetaire, each containing over 50 million men and women. The Reserves number around 90 billion, three times the size of the active duty Legion.
Fabrique Desjardins
The premier small arms manufacturer of the Commonwealth, FD has factories across the Commonwealth. Additionally, it’s designs are contracted to arms manufacturers across the Eastern and Southern rims. Dealing primarily in electromagnetic particle beam weapons and railguns, Fabrique Desjardins is one of the top 10 small arms manufacturers in the Galaxy.
The centerpiece of the FD family of shoulder weapons is the GIA-42a, or the General Infanterie Arme (General Infantry Weapon), Year 242, model A. Known in slang as a ‘flashgun,’ the GIA-42 is a selective-fire electromagnetic particle beam weapon. Accurate and fairly powerful, the GIA-42 can penetrate light body armour at distances up to 600 meters. While ineffective against power-armor, the GIA-42 is easy to both manufacturer and maintain. The Commonwealth Army uses the GIA-42b, a bullpup-configuration model which is not exported, which includes an electronic smart-sight and a slightly more expensive high-capacity clip which carries 20% more charge than that found on the export version. Cut-down carbine and SMG versions exist, and are used by Commonwealth Army special forces and police. Other variants include a sniper rifle/LMG variant which has a longer barrel and a much larger acceleration assembly, rendering it very unwieldy for use from anything but a prone position, but granting it much longer effective range and superior magazine capacity.
The Knights Templars produce a GIA-42 derivative under license, which is as if not more effective than the GIA-42b.

-Later- Commonwealth armor
Commonwealth Armored Vehicles:
"Kataphraktoi" MBT-4b
Main Battle Tank
Equipped for the fury of the modern battlefield, in which WMD use is common, the Kataphraktoi is a heavily armoured and well-shielded heavy tank. Main armament consists of a turret-mounted flashcannon, supplemented by 2 frag-guns, a VLS launcher capable of carrying up to 6 missiles of assorted types, and a point defense laser. She is fairly agile for a vehicle her size, but her tracked propulsion renders her less maneuverable than hover-tanks.
"Destrier" MCT-2c
Medium Cruiser Tank
Developed for export, the Destrier is a moderately armored vehicle which is cheap and easy to mass produce, and requires less fuel than the Kataphraktoi. The Destrier is unshielded, but durable enough to fend off anything up to the most modern infantry-launched anti-tank munitions. Armament consists of a turret-mounted flashcannon supplemented by 2 support frag-guns, one mounted at the commander's hatch, the other mounted on the front of the hull. The Destrier does best on the modern battlefield in an infantry support roll, and sees usage as an MBT in many fiefdoms. The Commonwealth non-export version sports superior electronics , an antimissile system, but is still used largely as an infantry support vehicle.
"Courser" ASV-3b
Armored Scouting Vehicle
The Courser is a lightly armored but very fast wheeled scout vehicle. Her pintle-mount can carry anything from a flashgun or frag-gun to a missile tube or fully automatic grenade launcher. The Courser only has room for a driver and 3 passengers.
"Windblade" SPAAV-2d
Self-Propelled Anti-Air Vehicle
Mounted on the Kataphraktoi chassis, the Windblade is a ground-to-air platform of surpassing power. Designed as part of the Commonwealth Army's Integrated Close In Interception System, ICIIS, the Windblade platform consists of a massive capacitor, a sophisticated sensor/comm system, and a single MFR P-Beam weapon, capable of projecting an electromagnetically propelled particle beam into low orbit. Though this weapon is of no use against the shields of modern warships, it is more than powerful enough to threaten fighters or shielded missiles. Integrated into a system of hundreds of other Windblades along with numerous C3 nodes and sensor arrays, the ICIIS can grant capital-scale point defense to ground troops.
"Schwarzkopf" APC-7f
Armored Personelle Carrier
Cheap, well-armored, and fast, the Schwarzkopf is the standard APC of the Commonwealth Army. It is armed with a medium support weapon of some type, and some models include an anti-missile system.
"Challenger" IFVAD-4c
IFV, Air Depoyable
A light, highly mobile armored vehicle equipped to carry a Decury of soldiers. This IFV is tracked, and mounts a light, remote controlled turret which can carry a medium support weapon. A coaxial frag-gun is standard equipment. This vehicle is specially designed to be easily deployable by a small dropship such as the Stormcrow.
"Rommel" LAVAD-1a3b
Light Armored Vehicle, Air Deployable
The Rommel is a light tank, designed for instertion to the combat zone via Stormcrow transport in the first wave of troops. The Rommel's main gun is a light anti-tank flashgun, and it also fields a pintle-mounted frag-gun.
"Shrike III" VTOLG-1c
VTOL Gunship
Incorporating a combination of a cheap, low-power repulsor-lift with a set of powerful but easily maintained needlejet engines, the Shrike's characteristic wail is feared across the Eastern Rim. Designed as an all-purpose support vehicle, the Shrike is equipped with a variety of weapons hardpoints, allowing it to deliver customized firepower. Examples of Shrike weapons include anti-armour flashcannons, fragmentation rocket-pods, and aerosol napalm missiles. Shrikes can even be equipped with the powerful Thoth cruise missile, allowing them to deliver nuclear, gas, or conventional payloads to targets designated over the horizon by Army spotters.
"Thunderbird" ASTPI-3a
Aerospace Transport (Infantry)
The Thunderbird is the premier atmospheric transport in the Commonwealth inventory. While not as impressive in carrying capacity as the monsterous Algiers-class dropships, it is fast and very cheap to manufacture. Typically, the initial wave of troops lands in Thunderbirds, which are harder targets than the bulk carriers like the Algiers. Thunderbirds field a chin-mounted flashgun, as well as two hardpoints for missile pods or additional guns. Defenses include CIWS, decoys, and ECM, plus a shielding system. Thunderbirds can carry a full manipule of Legionnaires directly into combat.
"Stormcrow" ASTPT-3d
Aerospace Transport (Tank)
The Stormcrow is a varient of the Thunderbird designed to land light armored vehicles directly on to the battlefield. It can carry up to two IFVs or LAVs.
The Three Suns Commonwealth is described in it’s constitution as a ‘Meritocracie Civil.” This title is backed up to a degree by the existence of non-military service branches which can provide the proper criteria for the granting of citizenship. Never the less, the culture of the Commonwealth is such that it is nearly impossible for a Citizen to achieve high office without a military background. Even in the Conner period, the 50 years from the People’s War to today, every President over the Senate has had a military record of some type. It should be noted that President Delcroix, who never saw combat in his time as a Decurion in the Army, won by a far slimmer margin than his predecessor, President Armand Sanderson, whose military exploits as Chef-Admiral of the Osiris Sector Fleet in the People’s War hardly need explaining.
A single 4-year tour of duty in a non-reserve Legion is enough to ensure citizenship regardless of performance. Comparatively, achieving citizenship through the full-time Civil Service takes 8 years on average, while working on the part-time Civil Service can take an average of 12 years. It is not unheard of for a civilian to serve part-time in the Civil Service for 20 years before receiving Citizenship.
The Commonwealth arms industry has never been able to compete with the Corporate Sector or the other Entente powers in terms of complexity and technology; this has lead to the adoption of a design policy which places emphasis on ease of use, maintenance, and mass production. Essentially, the Commonwealth weapons industry is geared towards export to polities without the infrastructure to easily support hyper-advanced weaponry like Etheric shock rifles.
These two factors have lead to a Commonwealth army which places a huge emphasis on numbers and New Bushido as opposed to equipment. The average Commonwealth soldier is trained and conditioned to show extremes of élan, and to operate alongside vast numbers of his or her brethren. He or she fights with weaponry and equipment that is, in general, considerably less advanced than that fielded by such elite units as the Serenite Royal Marines.
The bravery and effectiveness of the average Commonwealth Legionnaire should not be maligned- Famous actions such as the Battle of Coventry and the Battle of Corneria show that, while fairly simple, Commonwealth weapons are more than effective enough when combined with solid leadership and massed numbers. The Legions are formidable fighting forces, stretching the limits of human bravery and discipline thanks to deep-imprint New Bushido conditioning.
It should also be noted that while the average Legionnaire is less effective than his or her counterpart in the more professional armies of the Entente or other major powers, the Commonwealth maintains a number of elite units with superior equipment, which can at least match their opposition.
Ranks and Organization
The Commonwealth Army organization stems from absolutely ancient organizational principles. A 20th Century general would find few differences between the Commonwealth army’s hierarchy and an early Nuclear-era military.
Fraterne – 5 Legionnaires (Fireteam)
Decury – 3 Fraternes (Squad)
Manipule – 3 Decuries (Platoon)
Century – 3 Manipules (Company)
Cohort – 6 Centuries (Battalion)
Regiment – 2 Cohorts (Regiment)
Sous-Legion – 3 Regiments (Brigade)- (Usually attached to a Legion)
Legion – 3 Sous-Legions (Division)
Corps – 1-3 Legions (Corps)
Armee – 3-4 Corps (Army)
Fronte- 30 Armees (Continental Control Unit, equiv. to a Theatre)
Groupe D'assaut Planétaire- 1-10 Frontes (Planet-scale Command)
The average Legion fields around 14000 soldiers.
Rank System
-note- There are a number of ranks between Sergeant and Leutnant, and between Leutnant and Centurion, which effect seniority and pay grade, which will not be delved in to.
Milites (Private) (Him/Herself)
Legionnaire (Lance Corporal) (Specialist)
Premier Legionnaire (Corporal) (Fraterne)
Decurion + (Sergeant) (Decury)
Leutnant + (Lieutenant) (Platoon)
Centurion (Captain) (Century)
Majeur (Major) (Cohort)
Sous-Legate (Colonel) (Regiment)
Legate (Brigadier General) (Sous-Legion)
Chef-Legate (Maj. General) (Legion)
Sous-General (Lt. General) (Legion/Corps)
General (General) (Corps/Armee)
Chef-General (Field Marshal) (Armee)
Sous-Marshall (Soviet Front commanding officer)(Fronte)
Marshall (Supreme Allied Commanderr)(Groupe Planetaire)
Potentiate (Planetary Invasion Co-ordinator, commands sometimes dozens of GCs.)
The Commonwealth Army fields 595 active duty Groupes D'assaut Planetaire, each containing over 50 million men and women. The Reserves number around 90 billion, three times the size of the active duty Legion.
Fabrique Desjardins
The premier small arms manufacturer of the Commonwealth, FD has factories across the Commonwealth. Additionally, it’s designs are contracted to arms manufacturers across the Eastern and Southern rims. Dealing primarily in electromagnetic particle beam weapons and railguns, Fabrique Desjardins is one of the top 10 small arms manufacturers in the Galaxy.
The centerpiece of the FD family of shoulder weapons is the GIA-42a, or the General Infanterie Arme (General Infantry Weapon), Year 242, model A. Known in slang as a ‘flashgun,’ the GIA-42 is a selective-fire electromagnetic particle beam weapon. Accurate and fairly powerful, the GIA-42 can penetrate light body armour at distances up to 600 meters. While ineffective against power-armor, the GIA-42 is easy to both manufacturer and maintain. The Commonwealth Army uses the GIA-42b, a bullpup-configuration model which is not exported, which includes an electronic smart-sight and a slightly more expensive high-capacity clip which carries 20% more charge than that found on the export version. Cut-down carbine and SMG versions exist, and are used by Commonwealth Army special forces and police. Other variants include a sniper rifle/LMG variant which has a longer barrel and a much larger acceleration assembly, rendering it very unwieldy for use from anything but a prone position, but granting it much longer effective range and superior magazine capacity.
The Knights Templars produce a GIA-42 derivative under license, which is as if not more effective than the GIA-42b.

-Later- Commonwealth armor
Commonwealth Armored Vehicles:
"Kataphraktoi" MBT-4b
Main Battle Tank
Equipped for the fury of the modern battlefield, in which WMD use is common, the Kataphraktoi is a heavily armoured and well-shielded heavy tank. Main armament consists of a turret-mounted flashcannon, supplemented by 2 frag-guns, a VLS launcher capable of carrying up to 6 missiles of assorted types, and a point defense laser. She is fairly agile for a vehicle her size, but her tracked propulsion renders her less maneuverable than hover-tanks.
"Destrier" MCT-2c
Medium Cruiser Tank
Developed for export, the Destrier is a moderately armored vehicle which is cheap and easy to mass produce, and requires less fuel than the Kataphraktoi. The Destrier is unshielded, but durable enough to fend off anything up to the most modern infantry-launched anti-tank munitions. Armament consists of a turret-mounted flashcannon supplemented by 2 support frag-guns, one mounted at the commander's hatch, the other mounted on the front of the hull. The Destrier does best on the modern battlefield in an infantry support roll, and sees usage as an MBT in many fiefdoms. The Commonwealth non-export version sports superior electronics , an antimissile system, but is still used largely as an infantry support vehicle.
"Courser" ASV-3b
Armored Scouting Vehicle
The Courser is a lightly armored but very fast wheeled scout vehicle. Her pintle-mount can carry anything from a flashgun or frag-gun to a missile tube or fully automatic grenade launcher. The Courser only has room for a driver and 3 passengers.
"Windblade" SPAAV-2d
Self-Propelled Anti-Air Vehicle
Mounted on the Kataphraktoi chassis, the Windblade is a ground-to-air platform of surpassing power. Designed as part of the Commonwealth Army's Integrated Close In Interception System, ICIIS, the Windblade platform consists of a massive capacitor, a sophisticated sensor/comm system, and a single MFR P-Beam weapon, capable of projecting an electromagnetically propelled particle beam into low orbit. Though this weapon is of no use against the shields of modern warships, it is more than powerful enough to threaten fighters or shielded missiles. Integrated into a system of hundreds of other Windblades along with numerous C3 nodes and sensor arrays, the ICIIS can grant capital-scale point defense to ground troops.
"Schwarzkopf" APC-7f
Armored Personelle Carrier
Cheap, well-armored, and fast, the Schwarzkopf is the standard APC of the Commonwealth Army. It is armed with a medium support weapon of some type, and some models include an anti-missile system.
"Challenger" IFVAD-4c
IFV, Air Depoyable
A light, highly mobile armored vehicle equipped to carry a Decury of soldiers. This IFV is tracked, and mounts a light, remote controlled turret which can carry a medium support weapon. A coaxial frag-gun is standard equipment. This vehicle is specially designed to be easily deployable by a small dropship such as the Stormcrow.
"Rommel" LAVAD-1a3b
Light Armored Vehicle, Air Deployable
The Rommel is a light tank, designed for instertion to the combat zone via Stormcrow transport in the first wave of troops. The Rommel's main gun is a light anti-tank flashgun, and it also fields a pintle-mounted frag-gun.
"Shrike III" VTOLG-1c
VTOL Gunship
Incorporating a combination of a cheap, low-power repulsor-lift with a set of powerful but easily maintained needlejet engines, the Shrike's characteristic wail is feared across the Eastern Rim. Designed as an all-purpose support vehicle, the Shrike is equipped with a variety of weapons hardpoints, allowing it to deliver customized firepower. Examples of Shrike weapons include anti-armour flashcannons, fragmentation rocket-pods, and aerosol napalm missiles. Shrikes can even be equipped with the powerful Thoth cruise missile, allowing them to deliver nuclear, gas, or conventional payloads to targets designated over the horizon by Army spotters.
"Thunderbird" ASTPI-3a
Aerospace Transport (Infantry)
The Thunderbird is the premier atmospheric transport in the Commonwealth inventory. While not as impressive in carrying capacity as the monsterous Algiers-class dropships, it is fast and very cheap to manufacture. Typically, the initial wave of troops lands in Thunderbirds, which are harder targets than the bulk carriers like the Algiers. Thunderbirds field a chin-mounted flashgun, as well as two hardpoints for missile pods or additional guns. Defenses include CIWS, decoys, and ECM, plus a shielding system. Thunderbirds can carry a full manipule of Legionnaires directly into combat.
"Stormcrow" ASTPT-3d
Aerospace Transport (Tank)
The Stormcrow is a varient of the Thunderbird designed to land light armored vehicles directly on to the battlefield. It can carry up to two IFVs or LAVs.
Last edited by Thirdfain on 2005-08-29 12:34am, edited 5 times in total.
Eastern Rim Trade Compact
Supranational organization with the following charter:
1. All members shall take what efforts are necessary to maintain free flow of trade along the Eastern Rim; In particular, no trade sanctions or punitive trade practices will be levelled against other signature nations.
2. All members will operate with co-operation in the stemming of piracy in all it's forms along the Eastern Rim trade route.
3. All members will take what measures are necessary to enforce said flow of free trade, including the mobilization of military forces, as decided by the Trade Commission.
4. The Trade Commission, consisting of selected ambassadors from each signature nation, shall make decisions through voting, with a 2/3ds majority required for passage.
Current membership:
Three Suns Commonwealth (Thirdfain), Krytos Star Empire(Darksider), Knights Templar(Frigidmagi)(defunct), Azegart(puppet), Quylthulg Confederation(Raxmei), Rpblksrpsk(Beowulf), Sixth Cruiser Squadron(White Haven), Republic of Nashtar(Rogue 9)
Required number of votes for passage: 5.
Supranational organization with the following charter:
1. All members shall take what efforts are necessary to maintain free flow of trade along the Eastern Rim; In particular, no trade sanctions or punitive trade practices will be levelled against other signature nations.
2. All members will operate with co-operation in the stemming of piracy in all it's forms along the Eastern Rim trade route.
3. All members will take what measures are necessary to enforce said flow of free trade, including the mobilization of military forces, as decided by the Trade Commission.
4. The Trade Commission, consisting of selected ambassadors from each signature nation, shall make decisions through voting, with a 2/3ds majority required for passage.
Current membership:
Three Suns Commonwealth (Thirdfain), Krytos Star Empire(Darksider), Knights Templar(Frigidmagi)(defunct), Azegart(puppet), Quylthulg Confederation(Raxmei), Rpblksrpsk(Beowulf), Sixth Cruiser Squadron(White Haven), Republic of Nashtar(Rogue 9)
Required number of votes for passage: 5.
Last edited by Beowulf on 2005-09-25 01:21am, edited 3 times in total.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
- Cabwi Desco
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 427
- Joined: 2004-11-15 10:13am
- Location: Bridge of the SSD Triumph
- Contact:
The 13 Republics and the Allied Nations Navy
13 Nation-Planets arranged over 4 systems
Militaristic Government
Governemnt Hierarchy
High Grand Admiral with direct controll of the Central System = Cabwi Desco
Fleet Admiral of the Upper System = Adm. Hillst Memed
Fleet Admiral of the First Lower System = Adm. Maith Trist
Fleet Admiral of the Second Lower System = Adm. Criet Demhof
Secretary of the Interior = Adm. Brea Tolar
Secretary of War = Adm. Cyclus Nolan
Secretary of the Foreign Peoples = Adm. Gureus Tarkin
Secretary of the Admiralty Court = Adm. Nikolai Turechski
The 13 republics were formed over 10 ages ago when a group of research vessels from a system that to this date can only be recognized as the Empire crashed on the central system planet Morevonia. In that time the Peoples of the 13 spread out to the three nearest sytems and inhabited the planets therin.
In the early 3rd age the peoples went through a civil war between the central government and the admiralty of the age. The government was crushed with the fact that the military was more loyal to the admiraly thus ending the conflict.
Base Knowledge of the 13
The four systems are rich in resources ranging from High Temperature alloys to luxury foodstuffs. The Capital, Morevonia, is the Home of Allied Nations Navy HQ. The systems are arranged in a Trigonal planar shape with the systems in their obvious places. Their navy is celebrated throughout their systems and have put down hundreds of uprisings bringing about a huge sense of nationalistic feeling for themselves and against other systems, the saying "the thirteen rule all" is based from this feeling.
The Allied Nations Navy
-A Brief Dossier
the ships of the ANN
Triumph Class Ultra Star Dreadnaught (4 heavy class points)
50 Heavy Quad Turbolasers, 50 heavy Ion Canons, 25 proton torpedo tubes, 25 concussion missile launchers, 50 Longshot Quad Lasers, twin planetary-type turbolasers, planetary-type ion cannon, 10 tractor beam projectors, hangar bay fit for 4 wings of fighters (288 fighters), Speed 150 kps, Type 01 Warpjump system (class .3 hyperdrive eqv.) length 13km
Currently one in existence the ANS Triumph, in service in the Central System
Flag vessel of the ANN and Personal Command of HGA Desco. The Superdreadnaught and Greatest Power in the 13.
The Borodin (2 hvy points)
50 Heavy Quad Turbolasers, 50 heavy Ion Canons, 50 concussion missile launchers, 50 Longshot Quad Lasers, Hangar for 10 Wings of fighters, length 20km
In Orbit around Morevonia
The Borodin is the Main Station around the capital planet of the thirteen. It is equipped against any type of total assault.
4 Peregrine Class Heavy Battle Cruiser (1.5 Cap points apiece)
40 Heavy Double Turbolasers, 20 Heavy Ion Cannons, 20 Proton Torp Launchers, 20 Longshot Quadlasers, 10 tractor beam projectors, hangar bay fit for 1 wing of fighters, Speed 200kps, Type 01 WJ system, length 1.3km
The Republic signature Battleship. Spear head of all formations and typical flag vessel in lesser Fleets.
2 Yamato Class Carrier/Heavy Cruiser (1.5 Cap points apiece)
30 Heavy Double Turbolasers, 30 Heavy Ion Cannons, 10 Proton Torpedo Launchers, 30 Longshot Quadlasers, 10 tractor beam projectors, hangar bay fit for 2 wings of fighters, speed 175 kps, type 02 WJ system (class .6 hyperdrive eqv.), length 1.3 km
The Premier Carrier of the republics. Capable of bringing ships into battle and out alive. Imagine B-ship guns on a Carrier.
3 Norfolk Class Fast Attack Cruiser (4 Crusier Point apiece)
30 Heavy Quadlasers, 30 Ion Cannons, 12 Proton Torp Launchers, 6 Tractor Beam projectors, hangar bay for 2 squadrons, speed 250 kps, type 01 WJ system, 400m
5 Kirov class Frigate (2 Cruiser class points apiece)
20 Heavy Quadlasers, 20 heavy ion cannons, 10 proton torp launchers, 4 tractor beam projectors, hangar bay fit for 2 squadrons of fighters (24 fighters) , speed 200 kps, type 01 WJ system, length 500m
Battleship escort vessel. Typical of the type is a long range bombardment ship. also readily prepared for BDZ actions.
4 Koenig class Cruiser(2 crusier class points apiece)
20 heavy Quadlasers, 10 Heavy Ion Cannons, 10 Missile Launchers, hangar bay fit for 2 squadrons of fighters (24 fighters) , speed 200 kps, type 01 WJ system, length 375m
Front Line Vessel. Designed to take hits and deal em back out at an astounding rate. This is the typical cruiser of the Republics
100 Reliant Class Corvette (.75 escort points each)
8 Longshot Quadlasers, 8 Ion Cannons, 4 Proton Torpedo Tubes, 2 tractor beam projectors, hangar bay fit for 1 squadron of fighters, speed 175 kps, type 02 WJ system (class .6 hyperdrive eqv.), length 100m
This ship is a 'loner' vessel, typically spending its time alone on border patrols. Equivalent of a terran nuclear age submarine.
100 Ufelsky Class Picket Ship (.75 escort points each)
1 Dual Turbolaser, 5 longshot quadlasers, 5 Ion cannons, 4 torpedo tubes, hangar bay fit for 1 squadron of fighters, speed 200 kps, type 01 WJ system (class .3 hyperdrive eqv.), length 88m
Typical Escort Vessel with a decent defense and one squadron of fighters. Typically used for direct head on assaults.
66 Scarab Class Troop Carriers (.75 escort points each)
6 Longshot quadlasers, speed 150 kps, type 02 WJ system (class .6 hyperdrive eqv.), length 66m
Standard Troop Carrier of the ANN
66 Mamoth Heavy Cargo Haulers (.75 escort points Each)
4 Longshot Quadlasers, 2 Ion Cannons, speed 150 kps, type 02 WJ system (class .6 hyperdrive eqv.), length 99m
The Largest Military Cargoship in the ANN
Concerning fighters, in the ANN it was discovered that pilots prefer something that can take hits rather than something that can fly fast thus no fighter serving with the ANN is below the Medium/Light Class and in many cases these ships are for interceptor duty.
Wolverine Heavy Fighter
Phoenix Medium Fighter
Coyote Medium/Light Fighter
Diplomatic Relations.
Due to the Fact that the 13 is a relatively new power in the entire galaxy and has existed totally outside the rest or rather isolated from the rest, dilomatic relations have just recently opened up. Peace is being brought forth and a Recent Peace Confrence on the Capital drew few participants.
The 13 Republics is a set of four star systems and 13 inhabited planets within those systems, there are also numerous planet-bound colonies in the systems.
Due again to the fact that the galaxy was just recently opened to them the economy of the 13 has been relatively small but with that opening, the economy of the 13 is expected to skyrocket.
Starship Manufacturing capablities.
The shipyards of the 13, being full military shipyards due to the militaristicness of the people, are capable of putting out masssive superdreadnaught vessels and groups of full cruisers.
Training Facilities.
Being a high navy adapted people the 13 have some of the best officer schools in the galaxy and can claim some of the best training academies in their quadrant. Naval Recruitment stations are always ready for new recruits.
The Army.
The Air-Force Army and water based navies are all included under the term army. Destroyers, Cruisers, Transports, Frigates, and anti-air vessels make up the bulk of the navy.
The Airforce is mostly made up of medium/light fighters and those fighters that have been reduced to airborne duty.
OOB Version 4.0
-Borodin and Triumph degunned. Triumph, Yamato, Peregrine, Norfolk, Kirov, and Koenig Class Up-Pointed
13 Nation-Planets arranged over 4 systems
Militaristic Government
Governemnt Hierarchy
High Grand Admiral with direct controll of the Central System = Cabwi Desco
Fleet Admiral of the Upper System = Adm. Hillst Memed
Fleet Admiral of the First Lower System = Adm. Maith Trist
Fleet Admiral of the Second Lower System = Adm. Criet Demhof
Secretary of the Interior = Adm. Brea Tolar
Secretary of War = Adm. Cyclus Nolan
Secretary of the Foreign Peoples = Adm. Gureus Tarkin
Secretary of the Admiralty Court = Adm. Nikolai Turechski
The 13 republics were formed over 10 ages ago when a group of research vessels from a system that to this date can only be recognized as the Empire crashed on the central system planet Morevonia. In that time the Peoples of the 13 spread out to the three nearest sytems and inhabited the planets therin.
In the early 3rd age the peoples went through a civil war between the central government and the admiralty of the age. The government was crushed with the fact that the military was more loyal to the admiraly thus ending the conflict.
Base Knowledge of the 13
The four systems are rich in resources ranging from High Temperature alloys to luxury foodstuffs. The Capital, Morevonia, is the Home of Allied Nations Navy HQ. The systems are arranged in a Trigonal planar shape with the systems in their obvious places. Their navy is celebrated throughout their systems and have put down hundreds of uprisings bringing about a huge sense of nationalistic feeling for themselves and against other systems, the saying "the thirteen rule all" is based from this feeling.
The Allied Nations Navy
-A Brief Dossier
the ships of the ANN
Triumph Class Ultra Star Dreadnaught (4 heavy class points)
50 Heavy Quad Turbolasers, 50 heavy Ion Canons, 25 proton torpedo tubes, 25 concussion missile launchers, 50 Longshot Quad Lasers, twin planetary-type turbolasers, planetary-type ion cannon, 10 tractor beam projectors, hangar bay fit for 4 wings of fighters (288 fighters), Speed 150 kps, Type 01 Warpjump system (class .3 hyperdrive eqv.) length 13km
Currently one in existence the ANS Triumph, in service in the Central System
Flag vessel of the ANN and Personal Command of HGA Desco. The Superdreadnaught and Greatest Power in the 13.
The Borodin (2 hvy points)
50 Heavy Quad Turbolasers, 50 heavy Ion Canons, 50 concussion missile launchers, 50 Longshot Quad Lasers, Hangar for 10 Wings of fighters, length 20km
In Orbit around Morevonia
The Borodin is the Main Station around the capital planet of the thirteen. It is equipped against any type of total assault.
4 Peregrine Class Heavy Battle Cruiser (1.5 Cap points apiece)
40 Heavy Double Turbolasers, 20 Heavy Ion Cannons, 20 Proton Torp Launchers, 20 Longshot Quadlasers, 10 tractor beam projectors, hangar bay fit for 1 wing of fighters, Speed 200kps, Type 01 WJ system, length 1.3km
The Republic signature Battleship. Spear head of all formations and typical flag vessel in lesser Fleets.
2 Yamato Class Carrier/Heavy Cruiser (1.5 Cap points apiece)
30 Heavy Double Turbolasers, 30 Heavy Ion Cannons, 10 Proton Torpedo Launchers, 30 Longshot Quadlasers, 10 tractor beam projectors, hangar bay fit for 2 wings of fighters, speed 175 kps, type 02 WJ system (class .6 hyperdrive eqv.), length 1.3 km
The Premier Carrier of the republics. Capable of bringing ships into battle and out alive. Imagine B-ship guns on a Carrier.
3 Norfolk Class Fast Attack Cruiser (4 Crusier Point apiece)
30 Heavy Quadlasers, 30 Ion Cannons, 12 Proton Torp Launchers, 6 Tractor Beam projectors, hangar bay for 2 squadrons, speed 250 kps, type 01 WJ system, 400m
5 Kirov class Frigate (2 Cruiser class points apiece)
20 Heavy Quadlasers, 20 heavy ion cannons, 10 proton torp launchers, 4 tractor beam projectors, hangar bay fit for 2 squadrons of fighters (24 fighters) , speed 200 kps, type 01 WJ system, length 500m
Battleship escort vessel. Typical of the type is a long range bombardment ship. also readily prepared for BDZ actions.
4 Koenig class Cruiser(2 crusier class points apiece)
20 heavy Quadlasers, 10 Heavy Ion Cannons, 10 Missile Launchers, hangar bay fit for 2 squadrons of fighters (24 fighters) , speed 200 kps, type 01 WJ system, length 375m
Front Line Vessel. Designed to take hits and deal em back out at an astounding rate. This is the typical cruiser of the Republics
100 Reliant Class Corvette (.75 escort points each)
8 Longshot Quadlasers, 8 Ion Cannons, 4 Proton Torpedo Tubes, 2 tractor beam projectors, hangar bay fit for 1 squadron of fighters, speed 175 kps, type 02 WJ system (class .6 hyperdrive eqv.), length 100m
This ship is a 'loner' vessel, typically spending its time alone on border patrols. Equivalent of a terran nuclear age submarine.
100 Ufelsky Class Picket Ship (.75 escort points each)
1 Dual Turbolaser, 5 longshot quadlasers, 5 Ion cannons, 4 torpedo tubes, hangar bay fit for 1 squadron of fighters, speed 200 kps, type 01 WJ system (class .3 hyperdrive eqv.), length 88m
Typical Escort Vessel with a decent defense and one squadron of fighters. Typically used for direct head on assaults.
66 Scarab Class Troop Carriers (.75 escort points each)
6 Longshot quadlasers, speed 150 kps, type 02 WJ system (class .6 hyperdrive eqv.), length 66m
Standard Troop Carrier of the ANN
66 Mamoth Heavy Cargo Haulers (.75 escort points Each)
4 Longshot Quadlasers, 2 Ion Cannons, speed 150 kps, type 02 WJ system (class .6 hyperdrive eqv.), length 99m
The Largest Military Cargoship in the ANN
Concerning fighters, in the ANN it was discovered that pilots prefer something that can take hits rather than something that can fly fast thus no fighter serving with the ANN is below the Medium/Light Class and in many cases these ships are for interceptor duty.
Wolverine Heavy Fighter
Phoenix Medium Fighter
Coyote Medium/Light Fighter
Diplomatic Relations.
Due to the Fact that the 13 is a relatively new power in the entire galaxy and has existed totally outside the rest or rather isolated from the rest, dilomatic relations have just recently opened up. Peace is being brought forth and a Recent Peace Confrence on the Capital drew few participants.
The 13 Republics is a set of four star systems and 13 inhabited planets within those systems, there are also numerous planet-bound colonies in the systems.
Due again to the fact that the galaxy was just recently opened to them the economy of the 13 has been relatively small but with that opening, the economy of the 13 is expected to skyrocket.
Starship Manufacturing capablities.
The shipyards of the 13, being full military shipyards due to the militaristicness of the people, are capable of putting out masssive superdreadnaught vessels and groups of full cruisers.
Training Facilities.
Being a high navy adapted people the 13 have some of the best officer schools in the galaxy and can claim some of the best training academies in their quadrant. Naval Recruitment stations are always ready for new recruits.
The Army.
The Air-Force Army and water based navies are all included under the term army. Destroyers, Cruisers, Transports, Frigates, and anti-air vessels make up the bulk of the navy.
The Airforce is mostly made up of medium/light fighters and those fighters that have been reduced to airborne duty.
OOB Version 4.0
-Borodin and Triumph degunned. Triumph, Yamato, Peregrine, Norfolk, Kirov, and Koenig Class Up-Pointed
Last edited by Cabwi Desco on 2005-04-17 12:48pm, edited 11 times in total.
The South may rise again, but the North will just kick their asses... again.irishmick79 wrote:Gun Bunnies should, under no circumstances, be given access to the force.
- Cabwi Desco
- Padawan Learner
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- Location: Bridge of the SSD Triumph
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- Sith Devotee
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- Location: Regina Nihilists' Guild Party Headquarters
The People's Solidarity of Shoom

Regional Power
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. -motto engraved on the first hub of the Collective Solidarity
History of Shoom
The Time of the Empire
Over 30 centuries ago by the Terran calendar, the first Empire of Shoom arose along the Eastern Rim of the galaxy.Their colony-ships spread out quickly over dozens of systems in quick succesion under the leadership of their Imperator, Eddise.
Controlled from the harsh desert-planet of Shoom, the Empire stabilised its systems through its hordes of loyal soldiers and space-navy, quashing several rebellions and conquering two minor sentient species as it grew fat and powerful. Though these new citizens were given full rights, or near-full rights on some corrupt border worlds, they were angered at the Empire's imperialistic conquest of their nations.
Though an outwardly stable nation, the Empire suffered several rebellions, terrorist attacks and ship mutinies as the races of the empire grew belligerent and more hateful of eachother.
By the time of 12 centuries ago, the Empire was viciously paranoid, declaring martial law at the drop of a hat, commiting political imprisonment and summary executions to retain stability. It was at this time that the Empire began to collapse under their 34th Imperator, Neimandoros, as their people began to fracture and the regime fell.
The Beginning of the Solidarity
A prominent philosopher and scientist, a doctor Nua of the Shoom Institute of the Mind, had spent the last 3 years of his life working with a team of the greatest minds in communications, neurology, the arcane arts, and psychiatry in his pursuit of the one goal which he believed would truly end the race-wras and bring harmony to thge people- The collective. The idea was to separate all people from their weak, clumsy bodies and have their minds, their sould uploaded into a massive interconnected web of all people. No longer would they be burdened by any limits of communications or bodies which require constant nourishment, rest, and then die after a few years. A lifetime's worth of information could be given to others instantly, and they would be capable of retaining that knowledge. It was ambitious, to say the least.
It was just as the Royal Palace was vapourised that Nua and his team placed the last of the collective hubs in Shoom, pulling all minds from their bodies into the collective solidarity for the first time.
In the next year, the collective spread like wildfire through the collapsed systems, through both force and diplomacy. People devastated by the war were uploaded into the collective most, knowing that they would never have to die or see their friends die again.
The greatest conquest was the collectivisation of several robotics facilities. These would allow every collective member to take a physical form when so required. By the end of 3 years, the collective was complete.
Here is a selection of Shoom writing, and now, the symbols of Collective code:
The Solidarity is Formed
Now, the integration of all the Empire's people was complete. Through the hubs, all people were joined together. However, a power was forming. Nua realised that the people would have to stay guided to stay away from anarchy, so he took it upon himself to permanently retain his semi-biological form, and linked himslef to the collective control centre. This gave him complete access to all the data which comprised it- that is, every single person in the collective. He had the ability to know what all of them were doing at any given moment, to control them ,even delete them- of course, this could only be used in an emergency.
And so, over the next years, the Collective was upgraded to allow such things as the creation of children, self-termination, and a government was forme. People began to specialise into certain physical forms and tasks, and a government was created- of course, Nua was at the top, as the Gran Overseer and Supreme Commander of their Enlightened Forces. The production of new starships, more economical, since creature comforts such as living space, food, life-support, artificial gravity, and rooms were not required.
The 1100-Year War
Of course, the was a dark side to this new collective. The hubs, and the collective itself, could not be created through simple technological advancerments. Dark arcane power fed the solidarity, and now, it came back to bite them in the ass.
Great dimensional rifts opened up across Shoom space, and billions of Daemonic monsters poured into the Solidarity, beginning a war to close the breaches which would cost them all dearly.
As demons began destroying mining outposts on the northern edge of the Solidarity, all warships sped through space to meet the threat. But it was too late, for demons were already ensconced within our dimension, their blasphemous minds seeking only destruction.
Over a thousand years, dozens of worlds were strip-mined clean of resources to fuel the massive war with the evil Exomorphic, transdimensional 'Churran' as they called themselves. Entire worlds were cleansed o life by the enemy, and every world was besieged. Many people were killed too quickly for their minds to transfer back to the collective.
However, in just the last year, the final breach was sealed by a circle of magi, as dozens of capital ships were destroyed defending our world from the final wave of the horrendous Churran.
The Present
As the Solidarity begins to rebuild, hope is finally filtering into the collective, but cynicism is still powerful. For what was the formerly the Shoom Empire is now a husk of its former self. Less than 100 cruisers and dreadnoughts remain among their once-glorious fleets, and dozens of worlds are abbren of any sign of former colonisation. After a thousand years of a grinding war of attrition, little is left to be hopeful about.
Even worse, after a more than a thousand years of monitoring every activity, seeing every battle and every ship lost, Nua is beginning to go mad. He has begun editing the minds of individuals whom he considering potential rebels, turning them into complacent drones. He is suspicious of the nations outside of Shoom. Only time may tell what will soon happen.
The Enlightened Forces of Shoom
Commanded by Nua, the Enlightened Forces of Shoom are divided among three different groups: The Infantry, comprising all ground-, sea- and air-forces, the Navy, comprising all space-forces, and the support, which comprises all civilians serving with the military.
The Infantry
The Infantry sees little difference between mechanised and infantry divisions, as the standard infantry template is an 8-foot tall mecha-like warbot with twin blaster cannons and 4-inch thick polarized dura-steel armour. Standard armament for each soldier is a head-mounted swiveling plasma flamer, twin arm-mounted repeater blaster cannons, and a chest-mounted cutting laser for use against security doors. Each squadron consists of 8 men, 2 of which are modified to carry modified E-Webs and remote-guided plasma missiles launched from the shoulders. Almost every soldier has had hundreds of years of experience in battle fighting Chuggan and other beasts.
Supporting craft include such things as heavily armed and amoured drop pods which launch from naval vessels to insert squadrons onto the battlefield. Usually, defense is softened by orbital bombardment and self-operated basilisk war droids, the best in maneuverability, firepower and armour, designed to fly into low orbit and annihilate enemy defenses, often landing to insert soldiers under the cover of its ship-grade laser cannons.
Artillery generally consists of large self-operated mobile plasma launchers called Hydras, and the primary tank used by the Infantry is the Manticore assault vehicle. A hovertank armed with 4 heavy blaster turrets, 3 Flamers and one superlaser weapon, capable of carrying 5 full squadrons into the enemy is a robust and capable machine.
Three-quarters of the Infantry divisions are carried aboard the navy. The Solidarity itself has over 100,000 troops and supporting craft.
4 capital points spent on the Infantry, due to their superb calibre and heavy armament.
The Navy is composed, at current, of the following:
Capital Ships:
2 Solidarity-class Superdreadnought (6 points)
Nua's personal warship and sister ship, 10 km long.
Triple Reflex cannons for Anti-capital ship engagements
18 Heavy Turbolaser batteries
20 Ion Cannon batteries
60 Turbophaser batteries
12 Hypermissile batteries
6 Tractor Beam emplacements
6 Interdictor Field generators
Conventional Shielding
Molecular Composite Armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Hyperwave sensors
10 Overseer-class Dreadnoughts(2 points)
5 km long, designed as fleet-centres
Reflex Cannon
15 Turbolaser batteries
8 Proton missile batteries
5 Ion cannons
4 Tractor beam emplacements
3 Interdictor Field generators
Conventional Shielding
Biological/Neutronium-embedded Armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Hyperwave sensors
20 Shoom-class Battleships(1 point)
10 Turbophaser batteries
4 Concussion missile batteries
3 Tractor Beam emplacements
2 Ion Cannons
2 Interdictor Field generators
Conventional shielding
Biological/Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
22 Eddise-class Heavy Cruisers(3 points)
4 Turbophaser batteries
10 Plasma Cannon turrets
2 Ion Cannons
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
1 Interdictor Field Generator
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
15 Magna-class Assault Cruisers(2 points)
6 Turbophaser Batteries
3 Ion Cannons
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
52 Ralpha-class Light cruisers(1 point)
6 Railguns
6 Plasma cannon turrets
1 Ion Cannon
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
75 Harmony-class Destroyers(4 points)
3 Turbolaser turrets
12 Railguns
3 Ion Cannons
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
140 Forceful Peace-class Frigates(2 points)
1 Turbophaser turret
3 Railguns
15 phaser strips
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
200 Guardian-class Corvettes(1 point)
4 Proton torpedo batteries
4 phaser strips
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
Foreign Relations
It is only in the past few onths that the Solidarity has once again begun to reach out to other nations, having no interest in galatic politics as the Chuggan ravaged their territories.
Now however, Nua is interested in constructing an alliance of small powers- which he, of course, would lead- to overthrow the current holders of the reigns of power and form a united galaxy.
At present, theSolidarity still has power over 19 worlds and 8 colonies- dozens of worlds they formerly held were turned to charred ruins in the war. They have shipyards in 6 different systems and 4 worlds dedicated to the production of robotic chasses. All other are devoted to things like resource-mining or energy production.
Note: This is a work in progress. Images courtesy of[/u]

Regional Power
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. -motto engraved on the first hub of the Collective Solidarity
History of Shoom
The Time of the Empire
Over 30 centuries ago by the Terran calendar, the first Empire of Shoom arose along the Eastern Rim of the galaxy.Their colony-ships spread out quickly over dozens of systems in quick succesion under the leadership of their Imperator, Eddise.
Controlled from the harsh desert-planet of Shoom, the Empire stabilised its systems through its hordes of loyal soldiers and space-navy, quashing several rebellions and conquering two minor sentient species as it grew fat and powerful. Though these new citizens were given full rights, or near-full rights on some corrupt border worlds, they were angered at the Empire's imperialistic conquest of their nations.
Though an outwardly stable nation, the Empire suffered several rebellions, terrorist attacks and ship mutinies as the races of the empire grew belligerent and more hateful of eachother.
By the time of 12 centuries ago, the Empire was viciously paranoid, declaring martial law at the drop of a hat, commiting political imprisonment and summary executions to retain stability. It was at this time that the Empire began to collapse under their 34th Imperator, Neimandoros, as their people began to fracture and the regime fell.
The Beginning of the Solidarity
A prominent philosopher and scientist, a doctor Nua of the Shoom Institute of the Mind, had spent the last 3 years of his life working with a team of the greatest minds in communications, neurology, the arcane arts, and psychiatry in his pursuit of the one goal which he believed would truly end the race-wras and bring harmony to thge people- The collective. The idea was to separate all people from their weak, clumsy bodies and have their minds, their sould uploaded into a massive interconnected web of all people. No longer would they be burdened by any limits of communications or bodies which require constant nourishment, rest, and then die after a few years. A lifetime's worth of information could be given to others instantly, and they would be capable of retaining that knowledge. It was ambitious, to say the least.
It was just as the Royal Palace was vapourised that Nua and his team placed the last of the collective hubs in Shoom, pulling all minds from their bodies into the collective solidarity for the first time.
In the next year, the collective spread like wildfire through the collapsed systems, through both force and diplomacy. People devastated by the war were uploaded into the collective most, knowing that they would never have to die or see their friends die again.
The greatest conquest was the collectivisation of several robotics facilities. These would allow every collective member to take a physical form when so required. By the end of 3 years, the collective was complete.
Here is a selection of Shoom writing, and now, the symbols of Collective code:

The Solidarity is Formed
Now, the integration of all the Empire's people was complete. Through the hubs, all people were joined together. However, a power was forming. Nua realised that the people would have to stay guided to stay away from anarchy, so he took it upon himself to permanently retain his semi-biological form, and linked himslef to the collective control centre. This gave him complete access to all the data which comprised it- that is, every single person in the collective. He had the ability to know what all of them were doing at any given moment, to control them ,even delete them- of course, this could only be used in an emergency.
And so, over the next years, the Collective was upgraded to allow such things as the creation of children, self-termination, and a government was forme. People began to specialise into certain physical forms and tasks, and a government was created- of course, Nua was at the top, as the Gran Overseer and Supreme Commander of their Enlightened Forces. The production of new starships, more economical, since creature comforts such as living space, food, life-support, artificial gravity, and rooms were not required.
The 1100-Year War
Of course, the was a dark side to this new collective. The hubs, and the collective itself, could not be created through simple technological advancerments. Dark arcane power fed the solidarity, and now, it came back to bite them in the ass.
Great dimensional rifts opened up across Shoom space, and billions of Daemonic monsters poured into the Solidarity, beginning a war to close the breaches which would cost them all dearly.
As demons began destroying mining outposts on the northern edge of the Solidarity, all warships sped through space to meet the threat. But it was too late, for demons were already ensconced within our dimension, their blasphemous minds seeking only destruction.
Over a thousand years, dozens of worlds were strip-mined clean of resources to fuel the massive war with the evil Exomorphic, transdimensional 'Churran' as they called themselves. Entire worlds were cleansed o life by the enemy, and every world was besieged. Many people were killed too quickly for their minds to transfer back to the collective.
However, in just the last year, the final breach was sealed by a circle of magi, as dozens of capital ships were destroyed defending our world from the final wave of the horrendous Churran.
The Present
As the Solidarity begins to rebuild, hope is finally filtering into the collective, but cynicism is still powerful. For what was the formerly the Shoom Empire is now a husk of its former self. Less than 100 cruisers and dreadnoughts remain among their once-glorious fleets, and dozens of worlds are abbren of any sign of former colonisation. After a thousand years of a grinding war of attrition, little is left to be hopeful about.
Even worse, after a more than a thousand years of monitoring every activity, seeing every battle and every ship lost, Nua is beginning to go mad. He has begun editing the minds of individuals whom he considering potential rebels, turning them into complacent drones. He is suspicious of the nations outside of Shoom. Only time may tell what will soon happen.
The Enlightened Forces of Shoom
Commanded by Nua, the Enlightened Forces of Shoom are divided among three different groups: The Infantry, comprising all ground-, sea- and air-forces, the Navy, comprising all space-forces, and the support, which comprises all civilians serving with the military.
The Infantry
The Infantry sees little difference between mechanised and infantry divisions, as the standard infantry template is an 8-foot tall mecha-like warbot with twin blaster cannons and 4-inch thick polarized dura-steel armour. Standard armament for each soldier is a head-mounted swiveling plasma flamer, twin arm-mounted repeater blaster cannons, and a chest-mounted cutting laser for use against security doors. Each squadron consists of 8 men, 2 of which are modified to carry modified E-Webs and remote-guided plasma missiles launched from the shoulders. Almost every soldier has had hundreds of years of experience in battle fighting Chuggan and other beasts.
Supporting craft include such things as heavily armed and amoured drop pods which launch from naval vessels to insert squadrons onto the battlefield. Usually, defense is softened by orbital bombardment and self-operated basilisk war droids, the best in maneuverability, firepower and armour, designed to fly into low orbit and annihilate enemy defenses, often landing to insert soldiers under the cover of its ship-grade laser cannons.
Artillery generally consists of large self-operated mobile plasma launchers called Hydras, and the primary tank used by the Infantry is the Manticore assault vehicle. A hovertank armed with 4 heavy blaster turrets, 3 Flamers and one superlaser weapon, capable of carrying 5 full squadrons into the enemy is a robust and capable machine.
Three-quarters of the Infantry divisions are carried aboard the navy. The Solidarity itself has over 100,000 troops and supporting craft.
4 capital points spent on the Infantry, due to their superb calibre and heavy armament.
The Navy is composed, at current, of the following:
Capital Ships:
2 Solidarity-class Superdreadnought (6 points)
Nua's personal warship and sister ship, 10 km long.
Triple Reflex cannons for Anti-capital ship engagements
18 Heavy Turbolaser batteries
20 Ion Cannon batteries
60 Turbophaser batteries
12 Hypermissile batteries
6 Tractor Beam emplacements
6 Interdictor Field generators
Conventional Shielding
Molecular Composite Armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Hyperwave sensors
10 Overseer-class Dreadnoughts(2 points)
5 km long, designed as fleet-centres
Reflex Cannon
15 Turbolaser batteries
8 Proton missile batteries
5 Ion cannons
4 Tractor beam emplacements
3 Interdictor Field generators
Conventional Shielding
Biological/Neutronium-embedded Armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Hyperwave sensors
20 Shoom-class Battleships(1 point)
10 Turbophaser batteries
4 Concussion missile batteries
3 Tractor Beam emplacements
2 Ion Cannons
2 Interdictor Field generators
Conventional shielding
Biological/Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
22 Eddise-class Heavy Cruisers(3 points)
4 Turbophaser batteries
10 Plasma Cannon turrets
2 Ion Cannons
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
1 Interdictor Field Generator
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
15 Magna-class Assault Cruisers(2 points)
6 Turbophaser Batteries
3 Ion Cannons
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
52 Ralpha-class Light cruisers(1 point)
6 Railguns
6 Plasma cannon turrets
1 Ion Cannon
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
75 Harmony-class Destroyers(4 points)
3 Turbolaser turrets
12 Railguns
3 Ion Cannons
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
140 Forceful Peace-class Frigates(2 points)
1 Turbophaser turret
3 Railguns
15 phaser strips
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
200 Guardian-class Corvettes(1 point)
4 Proton torpedo batteries
4 phaser strips
1 Tractor Beam emplacement
Conventional shielding
Neutronium-embedded armour
Gravitic Drive
Hypermatter Warp Core
Subspace sensors
Foreign Relations
It is only in the past few onths that the Solidarity has once again begun to reach out to other nations, having no interest in galatic politics as the Chuggan ravaged their territories.
Now however, Nua is interested in constructing an alliance of small powers- which he, of course, would lead- to overthrow the current holders of the reigns of power and form a united galaxy.
At present, theSolidarity still has power over 19 worlds and 8 colonies- dozens of worlds they formerly held were turned to charred ruins in the war. They have shipyards in 6 different systems and 4 worlds dedicated to the production of robotic chasses. All other are devoted to things like resource-mining or energy production.
Note: This is a work in progress. Images courtesy of[/u]
Last edited by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba on 2005-05-30 10:15am, edited 8 times in total.