The eye is at the same scale (with the relative camera position as much the same as I can get it) and is frequently described as thousands of light years across.
Moderator: NecronLord
WD 161From his throne the Emperor watches his warriors mill around in confusion. This hall holds ten thousand men, seasoned veterans, and all now panicking. He knows they are more frightening by his silence than by the enemy. They look to him for leadership and he can give them none.
For the first time in his millennia-long life the Emperor knows despair. The magnitude of his defeat stuns him. The lunar bases have fallen. Most of the earth is under the Warmaster's heel. Rebel Titans, towering 30 feet high, surround the palace and are held at bay only by the desperate efforts of a few loyalists. It is only a matter of time before the palace's defences fail and the last bastions of resistance fall.
"Sire, what are your orders?" asks Rogal Dorn, massive dark-haired Primarch of the Imperial Fists. His golden armour has lost its lustre, is dented in a dozen places by bolter shells. The Emperor doesn't answer. He is lost within himself seeking answers to his own questions.
He has come at last to the dark place, the time of testing, the era hidden from his precognition vision and beyond which he cannot see. The moment he has always dreaded has arrived. Is my time over, he wonders? Is this where it all ends? Is this why I have reached the limits of my prophetic powers. Is this where I die?
He felt bewildered. Even now, the Traitor Warmaster's forces were battering at the gate, he finds it difficult to believe that he has been betrayed.
Horus was more than a trusted comrade, more like a favoured son. Of all the Primarchs the Emperor relied on him most. Not for a second had the Emperor doubted him, not even when word had come from the Savage Worlds that the Warmaster was gathering forces. He had deluded himself that Horus must have good reason to do so without consulting him. I should have been warned by the failure of my precognition, he thinks.
And again WD 161Horus is the greatest general the galaxy has ever known. Who should know better than his creator? He is schooled by a century of warfare. There will be no way out, no loopholes, no flaws in the plan. The Warmaster would have to be mad to leave one.
The Chaos gods were supposedly blocking his vision. This was their master plan remember? His vision returned after they were defeated.DocHorror wrote:But thats the thing, the Emperor of Man was STUNNED by Horus's rebellion. Horus was his most treasured son and could be classed as his best friend. The Emperor was racked with doubt as to why he didn't see this comming with his prescience and why he could no longer see into the future.
Space Hulk Missions & Backround booklet, page 3:andrewgpaul wrote:Can I ask where the firepower estimate of the torpedoes comes from? Is it the quote from the end of the Space Hulk 1st edition rulebook? and if so, does anyone have a copy online anywhere?
Standing off at a distance of two parsecs were the Gothic Class Battlecruisers Intolerance, Indestructability and Righteous Power. Each ship carried a payload of one hundred Hellfire class nuclear missiles. The payload of a Hellfire is one hundred and twelve sub-munitions, each one with a five giga-tonne warhead.
Hmm, interesting. Don't mean to sound like I'm nitpicking but a torpedo is always listed, both in fluff and in the BFG book, as being a plasma weapon, not a nuclear one. Also in Storm of Iron the give the calls of the one torpedo as being a Glaive class, not Hellfire.SHODAN wrote:Space Hulk Missions & Backround booklet, page 3:andrewgpaul wrote:Can I ask where the firepower estimate of the torpedoes comes from? Is it the quote from the end of the Space Hulk 1st edition rulebook? and if so, does anyone have a copy online anywhere?
Standing off at a distance of two parsecs were the Gothic Class Battlecruisers Intolerance, Indestructability and Righteous Power. Each ship carried a payload of one hundred Hellfire class nuclear missiles. The payload of a Hellfire is one hundred and twelve sub-munitions, each one with a five giga-tonne warhead.
Thank you. The pireated Space Hulk Bible I downloaded missed the Missions book out.SHODAN wrote:Space Hulk Missions & Backround booklet, page 3:andrewgpaul wrote:Can I ask where the firepower estimate of the torpedoes comes from? Is it the quote from the end of the Space Hulk 1st edition rulebook? and if so, does anyone have a copy online anywhere?
Standing off at a distance of two parsecs were the Gothic Class Battlecruisers Intolerance, Indestructability and Righteous Power. Each ship carried a payload of one hundred Hellfire class nuclear missiles. The payload of a Hellfire is one hundred and twelve sub-munitions, each one with a five giga-tonne warhead.
My mistake actually I am rather vague myself on what this stuff is, I can only go off an old discussion on IRC with Necronlord, where we where trying to guesstimate what stuff a Craftworld might have tucked away, and where roughly taking it as being on Par with the Forbidden Tech hidden on Earth. (Stuff seen being used against Yngir for example) So I have only the vaguest idea of what this may be. At worst I think possibly Planet destroying Ala DeathStar at best Star destroying. But really I'm going to have to bow to Necronlord on this and if he cannot recall the conversation or back me up I happily concede this point.Uraniun235 wrote:No. Stop.If that fails well their is always the Forbidden Technology, that they really don't like using, I mean really don't like using, because of it's destructive power. This from a Universe where Exterminatus is a acceptable tactic nly commentated on if it happened to be your homeworld you decided to wipe out...
This vague wankery is endemic to seemingly any vs. thread where 40K is involved. I don't want this shit, I want specified abilities. What the hell is Forbidden Technology? What can it do? What can't it do?
Take your hand off your penis and assume that some of us are not intimately aware with the 40K universe.
What the Emporer's Tarot has not been warning the Imperium of man that Terra is about to be attacked? I suppose we can vaguely accept it, since the Star Wars Side has been claiming it has been hamstrung... It seems rather unfair but meh if both sides think they are being jipped then it's vaguely fair I suppose.It's going to take at least a while for reinforcements to a) be contacted in the first place, and b) get there. Meanwhile, the Imperial fleet has set up a blockade and will be anticipating inbound hostiles.
Who said they appeared in the middle of it? Who says the Empire won't decide to come in from maximum weapons range and bombard them from afar?Meanwhile those 1000SD's are not 1000 SD's anymore the rather insane level of protection around Sol as given earlier will have taken there toll. Especially as the Empire's fleet has appeared in the middle of the network in range of a vast proportion of it all at once...
Are you lookinga t the rulebook that comes in the boxset for BFG? Or is there another version out there?Black Admiral wrote:Just to point out, the BFG rulebook (page 78) and Words of Blood: Raptor Down (page 38) both have IoM capital ships using cluster torpedoes as antiship weapons.
I can understand that idea, but every piece of fluff I have seen seems to have torpedo as a single warhead. I can see it being a multi warhead, but it just seems at cross purposes with the way they are supposed to work in many of the novelizations.As I said previously, variant torpedo loads are canon. There is nothing inconsistent with having your standard anti ship torpedoe work one way and having a different model torpedo work another.
Port Maw is an independant site, not officially even recognized by GW as shown bythe disclaimer on thier front page. They cannot post anything officially written in Chapter Approved without violating Games-Workshop's licensing agreement. Most to all of what is printed on Port Maw was created by fans for fans.The Port Maw site has several chapter approved variant warheads for torps.