Next generation Imperial weapons

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Post by wolveraptor »

i think the main advantage of destroying the Federation and conquering Galaxies would be the vastly increased resources. i mean, what does the Federation have that the Empire doesn't have some better equivalent of?

of course, it could be that my woefull ignorance of Star Trek is coming into play... :oops:
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Post by Sharpshooter »

unbeataBULL wrote:i think the main advantage of destroying the Federation and conquering Galaxies would be the vastly increased resources. i mean, what does the Federation have that the Empire doesn't have some better equivalent of?
They've got a few good things that the Empire either lacks completily or has in very short supply - like I said before, the idea of the Phaser strip being adapted for Imperial use could give them a potential advantage in terms of being able to concentrate their fire and reducing the profiles of their weapons. Transporters, even if held as being an abomination to living beings, would still serve very well for transferring large amounts of cargo between two ships, eliminating the need to deploy actual ships to conduct transfers between cruisers. Replicators might be able to improve their production capabilities in certain areas, as well as eliminate the need for personnel to prepare ship-board meals. Android technology might be something of a boon to Wars-verse droid capabilities, since Data can supposedly operate as a back-up for computers on smaller starships (though one also has to consider the magnitude of computer operation in Wars-verse units) and some of his design aspects coulod be incorporated into current droid production, greatly expanding the motor capabilities of droids beyond what their current frames allow.

Of course, the pleasent, if not inefficient, designs of Federation craft would also provide a nice market for those looking for a vehicle with that certain elegance and sleekness, and putting the designers and construction crews to work only circulates money, helping to improve the economy. If Imperial-contracted designers and shipyards are the only ones who can do such, they could make a potential killing and wind up with a nice suppliment to their budget.

And, least of all, let us not forget about the moral of the troops: I'm sure that quite a few of them will be interested in Federation mediums, customs, and games both old and recent, ranging from the porn dynasty of the twenty-first century to the games of chance and holosex suites of the modern day. Introduce such pleasures to the troops, and there will likely be a very nice jump in troop moral - introduce it to the galaxy at large, and the Empire finds itself the sole owner of a massive industry that could reap trillions upon trillions upon trillions of credits which can be used to continue the war effort.
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Post by Lancer »

how do they deal with the number of trek races that they would have to classify as a human subspecies?
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Post by Winston Blake »

Matt Huang wrote:how do they deal with the number of trek races that they would have to classify as a human subspecies?
It's called a Base Delta Zero. Seriously though, there would probably be some well-funded studies on the Progenitors and trying to work out how those species evolved according to the Progenitors' plan (especially how a superficially exact copy of SW humans evolved on Earth). It'd be the archaeological and historical find of the millenium, promising to shed light on origins lost in the mists of time. It would probably become a new scientific field.

I have to say i like the idea of an ISD with mass-reduction tech. Just imagine the force those engines have to exert and then drop the ship's mass down to 0.00000something (IIRC someone calculated an incredibly low effective mass for a GCS). The idea of an Executor-class maneuvering about like a fighter is *somewhat* wank, though.
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Post by brianeyci »

The next generation of Imperial Weapons would obviously be weapons bringing the Empire into the so-called "aircraft carrier" age.

Eventually (and who knows how long this "eventually" lasts), the Empire/Rebellion/Republic or whoever is supposed to be in control of the galaxy develops weapons of an order of magnitude more firepower. A few squadron of fighters can take on an SSD at this time, and a few hundred fighters can destroy a Death Star. Then, no longer will it be attrition warfare, but maneuver warfare. And scouting will become more and more important, as letting even a small amount of starfighters leak through your defenses will mean massive casualties.

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Post by Lord of the Farce »

Sharpshooter wrote:Transporters, even if held as being an abomination to living beings, would still serve very well for transferring large amounts of cargo between two ships, eliminating the need to deploy actual ships to conduct transfers between cruisers.
Typical transporters seem quite limited in the amount of mass they can move around quickly. And just imagine the chaos when just about any time cargo needs to be transported between two ships, a competing faction can simply activate jammers to disrupts the transport, or simply fire at the ships which had lowered their shields to make the transaction.
Replicators might be able to improve their production capabilities in certain areas, as well as eliminate the need for personnel to prepare ship-board meals.
Duplicators already handle large scale materials. As for food, that would be a good use, as long as people don't mind the odd tastes that sometimes manifests in replicated food.
Android technology might be something of a boon to Wars-verse droid capabilities, since Data can supposedly operate as a back-up for computers on smaller starships (though one also has to consider the magnitude of computer operation in Wars-verse units)
Data has a storage of 100,000 terabytes (ref. The Measure of a Man). Imperial computer cores (cubes small enough you can place a foot on top of one while standing) can handle trillions of exabytes (ref. Wedge's Gamble).
and some of his design aspects coulod be incorporated into current droid production, greatly expanding the motor capabilities of droids beyond what their current frames allow.
Droids of SW can and has been built to be able to fight toe-to-toe with Jedi in hand-to-hand combat.
Of course, the pleasent, if not inefficient, designs of Federation craft would also provide a nice market for those looking for a vehicle with that certain elegance and sleekness
So the Nubian star crafts used by the Naboo isn't proof enough that SW ship makers can churn out elegant designs?
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Post by NecronLord »

Lord of the Farce wrote: So the Nubian star crafts used by the Naboo isn't proof enough that SW ship makers can churn out elegant designs?
I think AotC ICS reffers to them being made by hand. Hang on.
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Post by NecronLord »

Yes. They're made in the Queen's Palace itself. Presumably not mass produced.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

Ok here is something i sorta brought up in another thread. I think that, for me, the Superlaser is the best for the next-gen Imperial military weapon. With just a reactor, an engine/hyperdrive, and a Superlaser--plus some droids to run it--the Empire could easily pump out mini-death stars with far more maneuverability, ISD shields and quantam armor, and that deadly DSII style Superlaser.

Imagine, fleets of millions of Imperial Planet Killers, kept hidden in the Core Worlds. Controlled directly by Palpy, they would be the ultimate terror weapons. Programed to obey only his commands, cutting out the middle man, with an order he can obliterate an entire enemycivilization.

You could do the same with Suncrusher torps. Think about that, fleets of completely subservient droid ships that can kill stars and planets. Yeah it's not very realistic, but it'd be the ultimate strategic weapon.

If i were going to make us of Trek technology i'd have replicators on every ship, for expendible magazines, making them far less expendible. Replicators in the System Destroyers could also increase, dramatically, the space onboard for shields and armor since replicators could produce resonance torps from stored materials.

Transporters would make pinpoint droid strikes very interesting--shields on a planet go down, transport a squad of heavy battledroids into the heart of an enemy base. Of course, i have no doubt Palpy would send Stormtrooper suicide squads too. Does anyone really think he wouldnt sacrifice any life, save his own, to win? I dont. He'd send Stormies through the Transporters like it was going out of style for boarding attacks and planetary strikes.

Other than that, i think he would begin to develop more deadly conventional weapons. Expanding on cloning tech would make recruitment unnessccary, expanding on droid tech would make even that useless. I see droid fighters replacing TIEs, and a vast expansion of World Devastator tech. Drop a WD fleet in an isolated, uncharted system in your enemy's galaxy, let them grow, and you'd have homemade fleets in the heartland of your enemy's territory in a few months.

Finally, the building of multiple Galaxy Guns would be a primary objective IMO. The capablility to strike at any system in a galaxy from your heavily defended capital, coupled maybe with WDs to build droid defense fleets, and it would give the Empire an almost unbeatable galactic defense screen. Just try setting up roots in the GFFA when you have to constantly keep a watch out for thousands of Galaxy Gun missiles.

Anyway, thats my ideas for next-gen Imperial weapons. It's all a bit out there, especially the part about automated Planet and System Killers, but i think it would be the logical next step for the Empire's military. And none of it is based on anything we havent seen, in smaller numbers and lesser degrees, already in SW and ST.
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Post by Admiral Bravo »

Since this is my thread I might as well contribute.

starships on the scale of the Executor or the Eclipse will continue to get more advanced and larger and would be able to support more superweapons(superlasers, galaxy gun missles, suncrusher torperdos, etc) and more advanced and more powerful conventional weapons. Eventually the largest of these "super ships" will roughly be on par with the DS 1 or the fan made Imperious. (This is espicially true of the World devestators wich eventually be monsterous in size and firepower)

Tie Interceptors and Tie Defenders will be the main fighters in the Empire along with the Tie Avengers supporting them. These fighters will most likely recive SLAM booster add-on as well as cloaks and heavy weapons, such as the missle pods on Zaarins experimental fighters. Standerd Tie Fighters might be upgraded with shields and hyperdrives for more usefulness or might have turbolasers added, such as Zaarins experimental fighters. Scimitar assult bombers and Missle boats will rapidly start replacing Tie bombers, though the latter will still be used.

Quantom armor and cloaks will be standered on most starships as will be transporters.

Darktroopers will be a common sight on the battlefield and whose size and firepower will often demorilize enemy force before they even fight.

Military Vechicles, espically walkers, will start sporting some shielding and even a cloak if possible, thought this would be reserved for smaller, faster vechicles. The largest vechicles, such as walkers or somthing similar to the droid tank, will be able to carry warship grade shielding as well as light starship weapons, like the SPHA-T or the Titans from Warhammer 40k.

Personal armor espically stormtrooper armor will continue to evolve. Upgrades to the stormtrooper armor include: built in tricorder for short range scans or to detect cloaked soilders, light shielding to absorb more fire, possible light power armor capabilities which could allow a soilder to lift two, three, maybe even four or five times there own weight depending on the cirumstances, a system to fed a soilder or give him water if he is far away from his base or if the enviorment is toxic.

Superweapons would pretty much stay the same. Smaller superlaser platforms or ships would make a excellent anti-ship weapon, and a few suncrusher silos in heavily defended areas would be a good alternative to to using a ship. There would also be a lot more galaxy guns, most in the deep core.

Thats it for right now untill I can come up with more things. Off topic a little but does anyone think that this would make a good fanfic? I've noticed that what stories that do have the Empire in it are all sw vs. st, and a story with just the Empire in it would be a pretty good idea. What do you guys think?
"Just once I'd like to destroy a starship that we did'nt pay for!"- Imperial Admiral Hurkk at the Battle of Oovo IV

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Post by Big Phil »

What makes any of you think the Empire would adopt Federation technology? An analogy would be the Spaniards adopting obsidian-tipped spears and arrows after their conquest of the Aztec and Incan Empires, or the British adopting Spears after the Zulu Wars. Perhaps we don't see phase cloaks, phaser strips, and antimatter weapons in Star Wars because it is old technology, and it's irrelevant at their technology level.

You cannot argue that Star Wars does not have the phase cloak. Perhaps they developed a phase cloak, but also developed countermeasures that made the phase cloak obsolete? Perhaps they once used phaser strips, but then realized that turbolasers offered fewer disadvantages and greater firepower.
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Post by Big Phil »

Admiral Bravo wrote:Since this is my thread I might as well contribute.

starships on the scale of the Executor or the Eclipse will continue to get more advanced and larger and would be able to support more superweapons(superlasers, galaxy gun missles, suncrusher torperdos, etc) and more advanced and more powerful conventional weapons. Eventually the largest of these "super ships" will roughly be on par with the DS 1 or the fan made Imperious. (This is espicially true of the World devestators wich eventually be monsterous in size and firepower)

Tie Interceptors and Tie Defenders will be the main fighters in the Empire along with the Tie Avengers supporting them. These fighters will most likely recive SLAM booster add-on as well as cloaks and heavy weapons, such as the missle pods on Zaarins experimental fighters. Standerd Tie Fighters might be upgraded with shields and hyperdrives for more usefulness or might have turbolasers added, such as Zaarins experimental fighters. Scimitar assult bombers and Missle boats will rapidly start replacing Tie bombers, though the latter will still be used.

Quantom armor and cloaks will be standered on most starships as will be transporters.

Darktroopers will be a common sight on the battlefield and whose size and firepower will often demorilize enemy force before they even fight.

Military Vechicles, espically walkers, will start sporting some shielding and even a cloak if possible, thought this would be reserved for smaller, faster vechicles. The largest vechicles, such as walkers or somthing similar to the droid tank, will be able to carry warship grade shielding as well as light starship weapons, like the SPHA-T or the Titans from Warhammer 40k.

Personal armor espically stormtrooper armor will continue to evolve. Upgrades to the stormtrooper armor include: built in tricorder for short range scans or to detect cloaked soilders, light shielding to absorb more fire, possible light power armor capabilities which could allow a soilder to lift two, three, maybe even four or five times there own weight depending on the cirumstances, a system to fed a soilder or give him water if he is far away from his base or if the enviorment is toxic.

Superweapons would pretty much stay the same. Smaller superlaser platforms or ships would make a excellent anti-ship weapon, and a few suncrusher silos in heavily defended areas would be a good alternative to to using a ship. There would also be a lot more galaxy guns, most in the deep core.

Thats it for right now untill I can come up with more things. Off topic a little but does anyone think that this would make a good fanfic? I've noticed that what stories that do have the Empire in it are all sw vs. st, and a story with just the Empire in it would be a pretty good idea. What do you guys think?

Since technology in Star Wars has remained stagnant for thousands of years, why would the conquest of a lower technology opponent spark scientific or technological advances? In the Knights of the Old Republic video game (not canon, but not contradicted by canon sources to my knowledge, either), one of the characters says the following (paraphrased):
"Every years ships get a little faster, weapons get a little more powerful, but the Republic is stagnant."

Since this is 5,000 years BEFORE ANH, and we still see lightsabers, protocol and maintenance droids, blasters, and turbolasers here with (apparently) the same firepower as in ANH, what scientific changes have occurred?
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Post by Slartibartfast »

Yay, Genesis Torpedoes for instant terraforming! They will need to find a use for planets that last only about a year and then fall to pieces tho.
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Post by Admiral Bravo »

You cannot argue that Star Wars does not have the phase cloak. Perhaps they developed a phase cloak, but also developed countermeasures that made the phase cloak obsolete? Perhaps they once used phaser strips, but then realized that turbolasers offered fewer disadvantages and greater firepower.
Im not even going to respond to the first part of your post just because its so idiotic. Take a look at the other posts on this thread no ones going around saying that the Empires going to adapt anti-matter or phaser strips. The Empire is only going to adapt the tech that is USEFULL to them like the genesis device or transporters or the phase cloak.
For the second part of your post I am not implying that Star Wars might have not developed this tech but since were dealing with the Empire and were basing what tech they have from the movies, books, comics, games,etc we can assume that they havent bothered looking into it for their own reasons.
"Just once I'd like to destroy a starship that we did'nt pay for!"- Imperial Admiral Hurkk at the Battle of Oovo IV

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Post by Admiral Bravo »

SancheztheWhaler wrote:
Admiral Bravo wrote:Since this is my thread I might as well contribute.

starships on the scale of the Executor or the Eclipse will continue to get more advanced and larger and would be able to support more superweapons(superlasers, galaxy gun missles, suncrusher torperdos, etc) and more advanced and more powerful conventional weapons. Eventually the largest of these "super ships" will roughly be on par with the DS 1 or the fan made Imperious. (This is espicially true of the World devestators wich eventually be monsterous in size and firepower)

Tie Interceptors and Tie Defenders will be the main fighters in the Empire along with the Tie Avengers supporting them. These fighters will most likely recive SLAM booster add-on as well as cloaks and heavy weapons, such as the missle pods on Zaarins experimental fighters. Standerd Tie Fighters might be upgraded with shields and hyperdrives for more usefulness or might have turbolasers added, such as Zaarins experimental fighters. Scimitar assult bombers and Missle boats will rapidly start replacing Tie bombers, though the latter will still be used.

Quantom armor and cloaks will be standered on most starships as will be transporters.

Darktroopers will be a common sight on the battlefield and whose size and firepower will often demorilize enemy force before they even fight.

Military Vechicles, espically walkers, will start sporting some shielding and even a cloak if possible, thought this would be reserved for smaller, faster vechicles. The largest vechicles, such as walkers or somthing similar to the droid tank, will be able to carry warship grade shielding as well as light starship weapons, like the SPHA-T or the Titans from Warhammer 40k.

Personal armor espically stormtrooper armor will continue to evolve. Upgrades to the stormtrooper armor include: built in tricorder for short range scans or to detect cloaked soilders, light shielding to absorb more fire, possible light power armor capabilities which could allow a soilder to lift two, three, maybe even four or five times there own weight depending on the cirumstances, a system to fed a soilder or give him water if he is far away from his base or if the enviorment is toxic.

Superweapons would pretty much stay the same. Smaller superlaser platforms or ships would make a excellent anti-ship weapon, and a few suncrusher silos in heavily defended areas would be a good alternative to to using a ship. There would also be a lot more galaxy guns, most in the deep core.

Thats it for right now untill I can come up with more things. Off topic a little but does anyone think that this would make a good fanfic? I've noticed that what stories that do have the Empire in it are all sw vs. st, and a story with just the Empire in it would be a pretty good idea. What do you guys think?

Since technology in Star Wars has remained stagnant for thousands of years, why would the conquest of a lower technology opponent spark scientific or technological advances? In the Knights of the Old Republic video game (not canon, but not contradicted by canon sources to my knowledge, either), one of the characters says the following (paraphrased):
"Every years ships get a little faster, weapons get a little more powerful, but the Republic is stagnant."

Since this is 5,000 years BEFORE ANH, and we still see lightsabers, protocol and maintenance droids, blasters, and turbolasers here with (apparently) the same firepower as in ANH, what scientific changes have occurred?
Well other galaxies may have technology that is unique to them, but can be developed by the Empire its just that they never bothered researching it due to their own reasons. I dont know were you got the idea that the Empire is going to absorb all the technology it finds. If there is something that the Empire might find usefull that it has not developed then its going to use it. Next time use a little common sense before you start twisting my words.
"Just once I'd like to destroy a starship that we did'nt pay for!"- Imperial Admiral Hurkk at the Battle of Oovo IV

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Post by Techno_Union »

SancheztheWhaler wrote: Since this is 5,000 years BEFORE ANH, and we still see lightsabers, protocol and maintenance droids, blasters, and turbolasers here with (apparently) the same firepower as in ANH, what scientific changes have occurred?
Um, TL firepower increased dramatically. But look at the various advances from the RotJ period to the DE I & II period for the Empire. Things changed for the better (or worse for most) because newer ships, more powerful weapons, etc etc were being created. The proof that weapons wise the Empire wasn't stagnant is Bevil Lemlisk (sp) and him creating new weapons and tech, or just look at the other weapons designers. Palpatine said himself in DE II that he wondered how they ever got around before the invention of the Galaxy Gun.
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Post by Big Phil »

Admiral Bravo wrote:You cannot argue that Star Wars does not have the phase cloak. Perhaps they developed a phase cloak, but also developed countermeasures that made the phase cloak obsolete? Perhaps they once used phaser strips, but then realized that turbolasers offered fewer disadvantages and greater firepower.
Im not even going to respond to the first part of your post just because its so idiotic. Take a look at the other posts on this thread no ones going around saying that the Empires going to adapt anti-matter or phaser strips. The Empire is only going to adapt the tech that is USEFULL to them like the genesis device or transporters or the phase cloak.
For the second part of your post I am not implying that Star Wars might have not developed this tech but since were dealing with the Empire and were basing what tech they have from the movies, books, comics, games,etc we can assume that they havent bothered looking into it for their own reasons.

Go fuck yourself Bravo. There is absolutely no evidence that ANY Star Trek technology would be useful to Star Wars. Star Wars is thousands of years more advanced than Star Trek, and for you to dismiss this as idiotic shows just how much a retard you are.

As far as calling my post idiotic, and then appealing to eeryone else on this board, go fuck yourself. You're assuming that a civilization is going to find all sorts of useful technology, that they've never had before, from a civilization 20,000 years less advanced than they are? You think phaser strips are so much fucking better than turbolasers, than prove it asshole.

You make all sorts of unsubstantiated claims, that the Empire will add shielding to AT-AT's, that TIE's will receive improvements, that Stormtrooper armor is in need of improvement. Do you really think that the engineers who designed the AT-AT didn't consider shielding and discard it for some reason? Did it ever occur to you that Stormtrooper armor does an excellent job of protecting its wearer, or that tricorders give away the users position? Since the Empire has duplicator technology, why would they need replicators, which do exactly the same thing?

Why don't you grow a fucking brain and show WHY the Empire would take this technology, instead of insulting people who suggest reasons why your fantasy of Star Trek possessing vast quantities of undiscovered (by the Empire) technology might be a little unrealistic.
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Post by Sharpshooter »

Lord of the Farce wrote:Typical transporters seem quite limited in the amount of mass they can move around quickly. And just imagine the chaos when just about any time cargo needs to be transported between two ships, a competing faction can simply activate jammers to disrupts the transport, or simply fire at the ships which had lowered their shields to make the transaction.
True, but weigh this against the amount of time needed to move cargo onto a ship or hook one up to a contaqiner, launch the ship, fly it over to another carrier, dock in the carrier's bay, unload the ship or unhook the container, and return the transport to its original carrier, repeating the process several times over.

Even with the limitations given by transporter technology, that one can remove the need for transport craft alone should make up a great deal for their weaknesses, and given the capabilities of Wars-verse shields, transporting cargo wouldn't leave them in as dire a position as you think: since actual openings can be created in the shields, the two ships moving cargo can simply open part of their shielding to allow for the transfer of cargo, while keeping the rest of it up in case of an attack - with the right distance and positioning, there might not even be a opening to be taken advantage of.

One has to wonder, though - what if an Imperial technician got a hold of Magwit's Mystifying Hoop and tried to incorporate some Trek-verse transporter technology into its design? Rather than have a transporter pad, they could instead have something akin to a stargate that transmits stuff without the considerable delay seen in standard transporters, and through which one could just chuck containers in order to move stuff to a dialed gate on a nearby ship?
Duplicators already handle large scale materials. As for food, that would be a good use, as long as people don't mind the odd tastes that sometimes manifests in replicated food.
Actually, according to's encyclopedia, a duplicator is actually used more along the aspects of a copy machine for communications purposes - of course, the buzz around the board makes duplicators work out to be Wars-verse replicators, and with my copy of the Han Solo trilogy lost somewhere, I'll take the board consensus over the encyclopedia (the update bugs me, anyway- it might have been a mix-up due to that)
Data has a storage of 100,000 terabytes (ref. The Measure of a Man). Imperial computer cores (cubes small enough you can place a foot on top of one while standing) can handle trillions of exabytes (ref. Wedge's Gamble).
Droids of SW can and has been built to be able to fight toe-to-toe with Jedi in hand-to-hand combat.
I was thinking more along the lines of lower-grade and mass-produced civilian units, such as the various humanoid droid designs like C-3PO. By allowing access to some of Trek-verse android designs to the various companies, they could work out some of the stiffness seen in some droid designs, such as 3PO's arms, and enable them to accomplish tasks that might have been beyond their ability because of said restrictions. Asthetically, while HRDs and Synthdroids more or less do the same thing, they're supposedly a pain in the ass to make and have little capability: it's possible they could discover a design aspect in the Federation's databanks nobody had ever thought of, thus enabling the mass production of truely humanoid automaton.

The last one already got answered, so no point in going there.
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Post by Big Phil »

Techno_Union wrote:
SancheztheWhaler wrote: Since this is 5,000 years BEFORE ANH, and we still see lightsabers, protocol and maintenance droids, blasters, and turbolasers here with (apparently) the same firepower as in ANH, what scientific changes have occurred?
Um, TL firepower increased dramatically. But look at the various advances from the RotJ period to the DE I & II period for the Empire. Things changed for the better (or worse for most) because newer ships, more powerful weapons, etc etc were being created. The proof that weapons wise the Empire wasn't stagnant is Bevil Lemlisk (sp) and him creating new weapons and tech, or just look at the other weapons designers. Palpatine said himself in DE II that he wondered how they ever got around before the invention of the Galaxy Gun.

What was the firepower of these earlier weapons? In KOTOR, the Sith Lord Malak's flagship (one ship) destroys the planet Taris. Unfortunately we don't know how complete the destruction was or how long it took.

As for Bevel Lemelisk - he was an arrogant self-promoter who exaggerated his own importance and capabilities. Furthermore, Lemelisk was an engineer, who utilized existing science and technology and developed new applications for them. He didn't "invent" superlaser technology; he designed the largest superlaser in history.

I always took the view that scientific advancement in Star Wars was pretty stagnant, and that most improvements were cosmetic rather than new technology. It would seem to me that if you're using turbolasers and blasters 5000 years before ANH, and you're using the same technology 5000 years later, then things probably haven't changed too much.
In Brazil they say that Pele was the best, but Garrincha was better
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Maybe it's a case of, "If it works, don't change it."
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Big Phil
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Post by Big Phil »

To add to my earlier post, I'd like to pose some analogies

Bevel Lemelisk and new weapons:

The US and most 1st world power have the ability to design weapons of all power levels. For example, one could mount a 300mm cannon on a tank. It isn't done because a tank that could carry a 300mm cannon would be horrendously expensive, extremely heavy, and godawful overkill. Tanks are designed to kill other tanks and to survive when attacked by other tanks. They balance firepower and defensive capabilities. You could also add armor to a tank such that it would survive a direct hit from a 16" battleship gun, but how useful would that be?

Shields on AT-AT's and tricorders and improved stormtrooper armor

This is like up-armoring an M2/M3 Bradley so that it can survive tank rounds. If you want a vehicle to survive against other tanks, why not build a tank? Likewise, you can put enough armor on a soldier to deflect an anti-tank shell, but if you do, he won't be able to move. As for tri-corders, that would be the same as giving every army trooper a miniature, portable radar emitter. Why? It's unnecessary most of the time, and when it's used, it will give away the soldier's position.

In a nutshell, what I'm saying is that weapons systems are designed for specific purposes. By suggesting changes to existing Imperial technology, you are all sugguesting that there are flaws in that technology, and I don't agree that the flaws exist.

The only technology that doesn't seem to have some parallel in Star Wars is transporter technology, but given the semi-religious hatred of clones in the Star Wars galaxy, perhaps there are philosophical reasons why this isn't used or wasn't developed. Assuming there are no philosophical reasons, I don't see any reason why the Empire wouldn't adopt transporters for moving cargo around.
In Brazil they say that Pele was the best, but Garrincha was better
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Lord of the Farce
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Post by Lord of the Farce »

Sharpshooter wrote:True, but weigh this against the amount of time needed to move cargo onto a ship or hook one up to a contaqiner, launch the ship, fly it over to another carrier, dock in the carrier's bay, unload the ship or unhook the container, and return the transport to its original carrier, repeating the process several times over.
And how do we know that all this (especially if they use multiple transports) would take longer than it takes transporters to cycle through the same amount of mass? Then they're also the issue of energy expenditure.
Even with the limitations given by transporter technology, that one can remove the need for transport craft alone should make up a great deal for their weaknesses,
Transport crafts also means independant mobility. You know, kind of like not putting all of your eggs into one basket.
and given the capabilities of Wars-verse shields, transporting cargo wouldn't leave them in as dire a position as you think: since actual openings can be created in the shields, the two ships moving cargo can simply open part of their shielding to allow for the transfer of cargo, while keeping the rest of it up in case of an attack - with the right distance and positioning, there might not even be a opening to be taken advantage of.
Given the composition of the hulls of SW ships, the vector for transporter operations would be rather predictable. Besides, the one that is going to try to attack you might be the same ship you are making an opening for.

And again, given how easy and often transporter operations a disrupted, what do you think is going to happen when it encounters the jamming technology of SW?
I was thinking more along the lines of lower-grade and mass-produced civilian units, such as the various humanoid droid designs like C-3PO.
Then why are you even looking towards Data, who's practically unique?
By allowing access to some of Trek-verse android designs to the various companies, they could work out some of the stiffness seen in some droid designs, such as 3PO's arms, and enable them to accomplish tasks that might have been beyond their ability because of said restrictions.
You do realise that droids like C-3PO are common technology available to even slaves on backwater worlds, right?
Asthetically, while HRDs and Synthdroids more or less do the same thing, they're supposedly a pain in the ass to make and have little capability: it's possible they could discover a design aspect in the Federation's databanks nobody had ever thought of, thus enabling the mass production of truely humanoid automaton.
They can perfectly imitate humans, and kick super-human around. How is using Data suppose to improve the production of these babies? You're basically pointing out how you can use the design of a BMW to improve the design of low-end Toyota models, while dismissing Lamborghini and McLaren production cars, and ignoring the existence of cars of other makes.
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Post by Winston Blake »

SancheztheWhaler wrote:In a nutshell, what I'm saying is that weapons systems are designed for specific purposes. By suggesting changes to existing Imperial technology, you are all sugguesting that there are flaws in that technology, and I don't agree that the flaws exist.
I think this is the misunderstanding. The way i see it, the idea here is adding to current applications of technology rather than outright replacing them. Much of the tech we see in ST was probably discarded ages ago, but it's not as if Trek's going to follow the exact same path of technological evolution as the SW galaxy did. No doubt at some points in history, ST cultures have had to further develop some tech to the point of usefulness where SW adopted a newly discovered better method. It's just that with an entire other galaxy of variations, developments and scales, the SW galaxy could add the more unique examples of treknology to its knowledge base. The isolation of factions due to the sluggishness of warp drive would have contributed to this rich variation. All the skills and knowledge in working with such primitive technology that have fallen out of use for thousands of years could offer new insights into niche applications or give a corporation a competitive edge.

In your earlier analogy of the Spaniards adopting obsidian-tipped arrows, bullets and arrows are basically the same thing. Obviously TLs aren't going to be replaced by phaser strips, but maybe engineering hurdles that the SW galaxy never had to leap regarding NDF tech could revitalise the mining industries? There's an entire galaxy that's just been conquered.
The only technology that doesn't seem to have some parallel in Star Wars is transporter technology, but given the semi-religious hatred of clones in the Star Wars galaxy, perhaps there are philosophical reasons why this isn't used or wasn't developed. Assuming there are no philosophical reasons, I don't see any reason why the Empire wouldn't adopt transporters for moving cargo around.
Well then they should already be using them. AFAIK nothing like transporter tech has ever been even mentioned in SW (except Luke's whimsical 'teleport me off this rock'), so i guess it's possible the principle was lost in the mists of time or even never saw application. Perhaps transporter tech is a mere Imperial lab curiosity which is considered totally impractical simply because it wasn't economic enough to ever fund. Or then think of all the shipping corporations and transport ship manufacturers who would kill to maintain the status quo.
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Big Phil
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Post by Big Phil »

Something else that occurred to me, in response to the Genesis device. The Empire has the freight handling capabilities to suck up and transport an entire planet's oceans (one of the Thrawn novels, I believe), but doing this is more expensive than simply synthesizing that much water. It was done in this case as a punishment.

Given this, why couldn't the Empire transport the raw materials of life to a barren planet, or one with an atmosphere hostile to humans, and replace whatever was originally there with oxygen/nitrogen/carbon, etc.? For example fly to Venus, suck off the planet's atmosphere, and replace it with a nitrogen/oxygen mixture. Then drop in plants, animals, trees, people, etc. How long do you suppose something like this would require?
In Brazil they say that Pele was the best, but Garrincha was better
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Post by Stofsk »

SancheztheWhaler wrote:Something else that occurred to me, in response to the Genesis device. The Empire has the freight handling capabilities to suck up and transport an entire planet's oceans (one of the Thrawn novels, I believe),
No... I think it's something else.

I would be guessing though, but I'm 99.999% certain it's not from any of the Thrawn novels. I think it may be from either the Bounty Hunter trilogy or the Han Solo trilogy by AC Crispen. But that would be a guess though.

Not that this has anything to do with your point.
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