Vaginal Birth or Cesarean Section?

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Vaginal Birth or Cesarean Section?

Vaginal Birth
Cesarean Section
Total votes: 79

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Post by Vohu Manah »

C-section, I was about 4 weeks late.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

I escaped the old fashioned way. I then proceeded to repel down to the floor, cut the cord, spank the nurse, and run out the door. I've been one step ahead of the pursuit ever since.
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Post by Guardsman Bass »

C-section- both me and my brother were almost 9lb babies. I was 10 days late.
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Post by Tasoth »

Spits off to side, the wad of tobacco visible even in the fire light. Draped over his shoulder is a simple brown blanket. 'Round him, sitting on split logs, are a various people.

"Gather 'round, gather 'round," He repeats, motioning with his arms," Tonight is the story of my birth." A hush falls over the crowd. "Where to start, where to start... Ah yes, that will do..."

"It was the winter of '85, back then winter in pittsburgh were cold enough to make you sterile with just the thought of them and babies were born with fur parkas and those funny little russian hats. Snow high enough to lose a weee babe in. It was time for the men of the halls of the undermount to check the slowing apparatus on a 'Geap', my father and father's father clambering beneath the hulking beast to tame the wild thing. My mother was suddenly struck with a pain. Having bore my father a son before, I am successfully denied making a joke about her thinking the devil was running through her bowels. But say what you will, I was hell bent on coming out. She called my father, who jacked the beast down and rushed to our warren. There my mother was rushed and it was off to the medicine lodge! Oh, what a ride. Uncleared streets and ice as black as the night covered the roads. Oh, but I was coming, and nothing could stop me. After a drive worthy enough for its own tale, they arrived and my mother was rushed to a birthing chamber. She told them I would come, and that a medicine man should get there, but they would not listen. Shame. I arrived soon there after, with a pffft! Oh, what a day it would have been if the doctor didn't show then and catch me. Aye, I was an impatient one."

And the sad thing is, aside from the story, thats how it happened.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

The natural way for me; spawning out of a pile of rusting Sherman tank treads in the corner of an Army war reserve stocks depot.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Darth_Zod wrote:am i weird for simply not knowing? *scratches head*
You would know, your mother would have a big scar across or down her stomach and be blaming you. I think nowadays they cut sideways rather than downward and leave less of a scar though.
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Post by Tinkerbell »

Vaginal. In the 'for what it's worth' department, thats how I want to have my kids as well.

I'm sure you were all so curious :wink:
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Vaginal. Guess I wouldn't be able to kill Macbeth, then.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

ArmorPierce wrote:
Darth_Zod wrote:am i weird for simply not knowing? *scratches head*
You would know, your mother would have a big scar across or down her stomach and be blaming you. I think nowadays they cut sideways rather than downward and leave less of a scar though.
Not neccisarily, I dont have a clue...but that's likely because I'm adopted ;)
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Post by KhyronTheBackstabber »

I'm glad to see I wasn't the only stubborn, big headed, 'get the drugs, and forceps' baby, on this site.
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Post by Queeb Salaron »

Vaginal. Hell, I was dying to get out. Almost came out in the taxi on the way to the hospital. Was about a push or two away from being born in a snowbank.

Mom was in labor for about 6 hours. Needless to say, I'm her favorite. :-D
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Mom pooped me out her twat.
The doctor needed to give me a few yanks with the forceps, too. And I was 3 weeks late.
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Post by Singular Quartet »


According to my mother, when she found out I was a boy, my mother replied "Oh God, another one." The nurse, in all seriousness, kept me away while shouting out "Don't you love your child?!"
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Post by Sarevok »

Normaly I think.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

normal, and my mom will never forgive me for it, or the fact that I was a ten monther....

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Post by InnerBrat »

My mother dropped me out of the birthing channel between a meeting at work and an appointment with the nanny. She was very efficient about it.
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Post by Dargos »

Vaginal...Is it me or does it seem that the use of the C-section in on the rise? If there is a statistical rise in the the number of C-section procedures, does that indicate that women are having "more" problems successfully carrying a baby to term?
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Post by wood »

My sister and I were both delivered vaginally. I was 9 lbs and my sister was just shy of 12lbs. Way to go Mom!

Any time I think I'm in pain, I try to imagine what it would be like to shit a 12lb watermellon... it's rather humbling.
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Post by Icehawk »

C-Section. Same with my brother and sister. Mom just didnt have big enough pelvis for us to properly fit through and we likely would have had mental defects had we come out naturally.
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Post by Rye »

Like all the smartest people; I was born by caesarian section, not having our heads crushed in the birth canal allows us to have bigger brains!

Both my brother and I were born by c-section, since we were the wrong way round in the womb. I'm kinda glad, to tell you the truth. I can both kill Macbeth and honestly say, unlike the "naturals" that i've never touched my mum's pussy.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Hey, Rye, that's really cool! I never thought of that.

Same way for me, they cut me out. After 72 hours of labor, my mom waas screaming for them to get the scalpel.

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Post by Hamel »

Caesarian section, happened with my brother, too. Then mom had my dad get snipped.
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Post by Trytostaydead »

I came out the normal way. It seems though C-section is the way to go these days.
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Post by Gandalf »

I was born vaginally, apparently the doctor was rough with the forceps. It may be the reason I have brain damage today.
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