Next generation Imperial weapons

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Post by Ghost Rider »

Those calcs also came before he actually had the AoTC ICS. Which gives a huge boost upward in any of the Turbolaser calculations.

As well as the fact the ISD1 is a larger ship with a larger reactor.

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Post by Big Phil »

Ghost Rider wrote:Those calcs also came before he actually had the AoTC ICS. Which gives a huge boost upward in any of the Turbolaser calculations.

As well as the fact the ISD1 is a larger ship with a larger reactor.

Okay, so what is the power output of an ISD turbolaser? I don't have AOTC ICS or any of the other reference books, so I can't check. I've only got this site to reference.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Actually it's unknown. AoTC rates a Medium Turbolaser at 200GT.

Most use this as the low end for MTL's because it is the only confirmed fact. I know Ender and Bean both has theorized that MTLs are far higher on the ISD because two reasons.

1. The ISD1 is a larger vessel and has an order larger reactor. While this will account for shields,to say it's all for shields is illogical in many ways.

2. It's a completely different type of vessel and more geared towards ship to ship combat.

So literally while the a low end is considerd at 200GTs, most place it above that because the ship is not the same nor is it's usage.

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Post by Admiral Bravo »

SancheztheWhaler wrote:
Admiral Bravo wrote:
Im not even going to respond to the first part of your post just because its so idiotic. Take a look at the other posts on this thread no ones going around saying that the Empires going to adapt anti-matter or phaser strips. /Snip
Alright calm down for christs sake. I am not saying that the Federation or Star Trek in general is superior to the Empire in any way. Just because I say that maybe the Empire would adapt something DOES NOT mean that there going to use everything they find. Maybe the Star Wars galaxy did develop transporters, we dont know. If they didnt why not use them, if they did and decided to abondon it thats fine. Also my improvments to the Empire are based on what I see. Walkers with shields is based on the military walkers catalogue in Dr. Saxtons site who does mention a very large walker that would be quite capable of carrying shields. Tie Fighters with improvments, well if the Empire is fighting other galaxy that are on the same tech level as them then it would be wise to improve them so that they can pose a bigger threat. Upgraded stormtrooper armor I'll admit was a stupid idea as it is quite alright how it is right now. Frankly though I dont know why you keep bringing up the whole "adapting Fed tech such as transporters for the Empire" thing. This thread is about what kind of weapons the Empire would need to develop to fight other galaxies, not the Federation, who are on par with the Empire. So it seems to me that your the one who needs to grow a fucking brain instead of barging in and screaming without even taking time to read this thread.
Perhaps you don't understand why I got pissed. I'll explain it using small words: You were an asshole. If you had simply responded without being a shitbrick I would have responded much more politely, as I have to others in this thread.

None of my posts, until my response to you, were angry or insulting. I simply pointed out that an Empire at the limits of scientific development, who has not made substantial scientific advances in the past 25,000 years, is unlikely to overnight develop whole hosts of new weapon systems, especially when their current systems work just fine.
Well I guess that settles that. I'll admit I was acting like a asshole, espicially the first time a responded, but most of this was probably due to some miscommunication here as I thought that you were thinking that I was implying that Star Trek has a vast amount of scientific/technological resources that the Empire has not discovered, hence the reason why I kept repeating, albiet rudely, that this is not so.
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Post by Techno_Union »

SancheztheWhaler wrote: Sorry if I misinterpreted your post - I've seen too many people try claim they were right simply by virtue of seniority to feel comfortable with your post. Also, you used the "what the fuck" smiley, which didn't set well with me. I'm not trying to be an ass, so my apologies for jumping on you.
It's ok, I should have used a smiley that showed I was a tad bit stunned. No harm no foul. :wink:
Please explain two things:
- How does firepower on a medium turbolaser increase from Acclamator to ISD? You said the MTL's on an Acclamator rate 200GT, whiel HTL's on an ISD rate several TT's. Aren't you comparing two different weapons?
Already explained by others.
- What capabilities did the droids have that were used during the time of Xim the Despot? As I understand it his entire army was composed of droids.
They were basically droids that carried weapons and a battery pack for the weapons. IIRC, the weapons they carried were beam cannons (or something like that), far weaker than a standard blaster. These droids were very limited in what they could do, but they were the only war droids of that time, hence why they're so famous.
Part of the problem that I'm having with believing that there was such rapid advancement under the Empire is that so many other things remained virtually static during the Republic's 25,000 year history, and now all of a sudden under the Empire weapons are advancing by leaps and bounds.
Pardon me, but I have been saying repeatedly that the Empire never made huge leaps, but still was advancing at a certain pace. As for the Republic, well they were stagnant, they barely felt the need to create new tech because they never needed to.
Propulsion speeds remained the same, blaster firepower and technology remained about the same, droids didn't change a whole lot, etc. It strikes me as a little unrealistic to have 25,000 years of stagnation, and then 30 years of rapid change.
Because the Republic never needed any of the new tech. Most of the new tech the Empire created (or improved upon) was due to war. Speed in a war matters a lot, and the Empire wanted an upper hand with weapons like the Galaxy Gun. Speed, blasters, etc were mainly upgraded due to, again, war. And aside from the Clone War, the Republic barely fought any faction for thousands of years. To restate it, all of the Empire's accomplishments were really based around war.
I can certainly see how firepower would increase over time, but I would expect commensurate increases in propulsion speed, blaster firepower, droid capabilities, etc., which we don't see.
You're right, but I address this in the above paragraph.
I'm truly not trying to be stubborn, but I do question whether what we are seeing in quantum armor, the Galaxy Gun, etc., is truly technological advancement and new weapons, or just new applications for existing/old technology. [/b]
Do I need to repeat those questions I asked concerning all those techs you questioned? They weren't using existing tech, ideas maybe, but not tech. The Galaxy Gun did something that no other SW weapon did, it started a chain reaction on a planet that consumed it. QC armor was based on armor, but the actual technology is not the same as anything else.
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Post by Winston Blake »

SancheztheWhaler wrote:
Winston Blake wrote:I said 'basically' the same, since both arrows and bullets are essentially hard pointed projectiles flying fast enough to kill someone. Phasers and turbolasers both fill the role of a shipboard directed energy weapon, but although the device principles are different (just like explosive vs elastic), the nature of the discharge is also completely different (the most obvious property being NDF). I'm saying that the bow was replaced by the firearm in the role of 'hard fast pointy projectile weapon', but your analogy isnt quite right since phasers don't fire watered-down TL bolts or vice-versa, so the idea of a fixed technological 'advancement' path from phasers to turbolasers isn't necessarily valid.
Guns/arrow & phaser/turbolasers aren't basically the same, however. They are fundamentally different technologies with the same application. Also, I never suggested that there was a "fixed technological 'advancement' path from phasers to turbolasers."
Bullets/arrows are basically the same, phasers/TLs are not. Fair enough if i misinterpreted you it just sounded like you were saying that the SW galaxy must already have all knowledge the ST galaxy does.
Winston Blake wrote:'Better' can refer to lots of properties, and tech development could take an intricate web of possible courses. No doubt phasers were never used as shipboard weapons because, as you said, something was already better. The SW galaxy could still learn about the nature of phaser principles from a galaxy where that technology was the most common shipboard directed energy weapon, and so was applied and studied intensely. I'm just saying that since the SW galaxy never had any need to go down those roads, the fruits of a galaxy's-worth of research could be integrated into the general knowledge base, possibly enabling useful innovations.
While they might study phasers, why would they bother to utilize the technology in any way? It's an inferior technology with a whole host of inherent flaws with underwhelming firepower.
It has underwhelming firepower, yes. But since we don't know what supporting technologies limit the firepower of a phaser-principle based weapon (or even if those limitations are physically fundamental), we can't just sort technology into 'inferior' and 'superior' castes. Today we could probably build an electric automatic crossbow that would far exceed the capabilities of early firearms.

For example, (I'm not saying the Empire's going to replace TLs with phasers) if the Empire wanted to they might be able to build phasers supplied with far more power, made more precisely and from better materials, far surpassing in firepower any phaser weapon the Trek galaxy ever developed.
This thread was pretty clear in that it asked us to come up with ideas for Imperial advancements based on a conquest of the Federation in order to fight other, Empire-like, civilizations. Much like the English/American conquest of North America, or the Spanish/Portuguese conquest of South America, the conquerors will impose their technology and way of life on the conquered, not the other way around. Furthermore, the technological gap between Empire and Federation is far in excess of that between European and American Indian.
Well the time difference in which they've had to develop is definitely far in excess, but it seems as if the Empire's development plateued after a time since they still follow the same basic technological model as Trek (and most other space operas) does- plenty of colonised planets orbited by stations, commuted between using FTL drives on starships run by more or less normal people, with energy weapons and tractor beams and cloaking devices.

But yeah, this is more of a specific weapons topic rather than other stuff like phase cloaks and transporters. I guess this little OT detour is kinda moot.
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Post by Big Phil »

Techno_Union wrote:/snip
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Post by Sharpshooter »

And with that concession, I give my own...
Lord of the Farce wrote:And how do we know that all this (especially if they use multiple transports) would take longer than it takes transporters to cycle through the same amount of mass? Then they're also the issue of energy expenditure...

In a fit of enlightenment, I find myself compelled to concede the whole of the transporter debate to you - probably the whole of the message, as a matter of fact. I let myself get completily blindsided by the need for actual material to form transporter material - since it seems as though it's not so much actual matter that's transporter as it is the data to re-assemble, the point is thus completily defeated by the fact that actual stores need to be loaded manually aboard a ship. And what's the point of loading material if you can just load the items you wish to transport? Take into account the potential inability of transporters to even penetrate Wars-verse hulls, as well as those you mentioned, and the practicality is non-existant.
Then why are you even looking towards Data, who's practically unique?
Why not? Even if he's one of a kind, it's still possible, either through a look at the notes on his design that must be stashed away somewhere or through a direct dis-assembly of him personally, that some insight might be gained as to his design, and that either a feature of his dewsign could be directly implimented into other designs or said feature could lead to an inspirational link.
You do realise that droids like C-3PO are common technology available to even slaves on backwater worlds, right?
Point - but while droid technology in general is something that's been around for thousands of years, Federation droid technology is something that, at least immedietly, will be new. Even if it turns out that Trek-verse droid technology is comparable to what they put into a Model E child playmate/supervision droid, people are likely still going to want to see it: from all the perusing and analysis, it's possible something's going to be found rather interesting - say, for example, whatever system Data and other Trek droids use for facial control - that could be slipped into the open market for use.
They can perfectly imitate humans, and kick super-human around. How is using Data suppose to improve the production of these babies? You're basically pointing out how you can use the design of a BMW to improve the design of low-end Toyota models, while dismissing Lamborghini and McLaren production cars, and ignoring the existence of cars of other makes.
Concession, apology, and clarification: in terms of capabilities, I was referring mostly to the asthetic capabilities of HRDs and synthdroids, synths in particular, in regards to their ability to mimic organic beings. According to The Essential Guide to Droids, synthdroids only have their appearance going for them in terms of asthetic capabilities: they can be sculted to look any way a person might want, but once they're set, they're set, and can't immitate some of the features that would most likely be noticed, such as facial expressions. as well as computational capacity, in that they could only be operated through the use of an external beacon.

A fine trouncing, I say.
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