Defeating a jedi's blaster parry

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Post by brianeyci »

Ghost Rider wrote:The problem with your scenario brian is it ignores that Jedi's also have massive Telekinetic abilities and only the very arrogant ignore everything.
Well the thing is in the arena, with so many Jedi around, they could have kept on using force push over and over. Either it has a range, its too taxing, or the Jedi were stupid in the arena (I wouldn't discount the last possibility). I'm obviously talking about late Republic era Jedi.

Also a thousand flying drones firing their blasters at a Jedi means the Jedi would have to concentrate on deflecting blaster bolts. Maybe Yoda TK could wipe out all the drones at once, but this idea would be enough to take out a weaker Jedi. Any defeat of a Jedi would involve attrition (by a non-force sensitive), this is just one idea. In a galaxy where a family can own a spacecraft, a wealthy bounty hunter could afford it.

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Post by Ghost Rider »

brianeyci wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:The problem with your scenario brian is it ignores that Jedi's also have massive Telekinetic abilities and only the very arrogant ignore everything.
Well the thing is in the arena, with so many Jedi around, they could have kept on using force push over and over. Either it has a range, its too taxing, or the Jedi were stupid in the arena (I wouldn't discount the last possibility). I'm obviously talking about late Republic era Jedi.

Also a thousand flying drones firing their blasters at a Jedi means the Jedi would have to concentrate on deflecting blaster bolts. Maybe Yoda TK could wipe out all the drones at once, but this idea would be enough to take out a weaker Jedi. Any defeat of a Jedi would involve attrition (by a non-force sensitive), this is just one idea. In a galaxy where a family can own a spacecraft, a wealthy bounty hunter could afford it.

Only if he lures in the vast open for this amount of material to come to bear.

Literally killing a Jedi is possible and not discounted, it's it's not easy and so far nothing in SW has shown an easier sure fire kill barring orbital assualts. Look at Jango versus Obi Wan. He had a ship, loads of weaponry, and Obi Wan still survived and was on orders to capture.

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Post by Winston Blake »

brianeyci wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:The problem with your scenario brian is it ignores that Jedi's also have massive Telekinetic abilities and only the very arrogant ignore everything.
Well the thing is in the arena, with so many Jedi around, they could have kept on using force push over and over. Either it has a range, its too taxing, or the Jedi were stupid in the arena (I wouldn't discount the last possibility). I'm obviously talking about late Republic era Jedi.

Also a thousand flying drones firing their blasters at a Jedi means the Jedi would have to concentrate on deflecting blaster bolts. Maybe Yoda TK could wipe out all the drones at once, but this idea would be enough to take out a weaker Jedi. Any defeat of a Jedi would involve attrition (by a non-force sensitive), this is just one idea. In a galaxy where a family can own a spacecraft, a wealthy bounty hunter could afford it.
IIRC in TPM Obi-Wan's TK (a mere padawan) 'destroyed' 3 battledroids just by waving his hand. There was no visible damage, but they didn't move after that, so it seems Jedi can TK the internal mechanisms of droids/etc to screw them up. I think a Jedi confronted with a bunch of flying drones would do a Neo on them a la Revolutions in the scene with the hovercraft flying through exploding sentinels/bombs. It really depends on how wanked up the drones are.
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Lord Poe wrote:Darksaber (hardcover)
pg.351: She raised the lightsaber to deflect the stun blast, but the paralyzing energy rippled around her from all sides and hammered Callista to the floor. Her lightsaber short-circuited, flashed out--and Callista crumpled into blackness...
That sure doesn't sound like what happened to Leia in ANH. I guess there's more than one kind of stun blast. Daala was probably using a different power setting, perhaps a kind of high-power widebeam ("rippled around... from all sides"). Faced with this, a Jedi would have to resort to secondary defenses like pre-emptive disarming or leaping out of the way. It even disabled her lightsaber FFS!
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

If we're doing book sources, in SotE Luke is taking fire from 6 or 7 guys in a hallway and "weaving a shield with his blade".
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Post by Gunhead »

Winston Blake wrote:
brianeyci wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:The problem with your scenario brian is it ignores that Jedi's also have massive Telekinetic abilities and only the very arrogant ignore everything.
Well the thing is in the arena, with so many Jedi around, they could have kept on using force push over and over. Either it has a range, its too taxing, or the Jedi were stupid in the arena (I wouldn't discount the last possibility). I'm obviously talking about late Republic era Jedi.

IIRC in TPM Obi-Wan's TK (a mere padawan) 'destroyed' 3 battledroids just by waving his hand. There was no visible damage, but they didn't move after that, so it seems Jedi can TK the internal mechanisms of droids/etc to screw them up. I think a Jedi confronted with a bunch of flying drones would do a Neo on them a la Revolutions in the scene with the hovercraft flying through exploding sentinels/bombs. It really depends on how wanked up the drones are.
Well what a fucking feat, he took out three drones that fall apart if their control signal is lost. Otherwise I'm not convinced about these "massive" TK abilities, at least from the movies. Yoda should take the cake with his X-wing lifting. Vader is the only one to block blaster bolts using the force and used bits of bespin against Luke so I'd rank him second. Dooku showed some power in AotC, I'd put him third. Other than that I didn't see anything in the movies that could be said was even close to massive TK.
TK in the movies has been used against droids and other inanimate objects, not people.

As to the arena fight, well maybe our jedi we're too busy with hundreds of droids hurling blaster bolts at them to try and push them to the ground, or their TK was even weaker than Obi-Wans.

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Post by brianeyci »

Ghost Rider wrote:Only if he lures in the vast open for this amount of material to come to bear.

Literally killing a Jedi is possible and not discounted, it's it's not easy and so far nothing in SW has shown an easier sure fire kill barring orbital assualts. Look at Jango versus Obi Wan. He had a ship, loads of weaponry, and Obi Wan still survived and was on orders to capture.
I'm not sure Jango is such a good representative for bounty hunters. He knows that blasters are ineffective against Jedi -- or does he? He manages to throw one off balance with a blaster, which means either Jango doesn't know that much about Jedi Masters (he stood there trying to outshoot Mace rather than use his Jetpack), or there is a high degree of variability in Jedi skill and Jango has killed other Jedi with pinpoint blaster fire.

If Jango wanted to kill Obi-Wan, he could have circled his ship around and blasted the platform Obi-Wan was on rather than running off. He was obviously concerned about getting away.

You just need to get the right equipment to kill Jedi. Also. You forget those beasts in the EU which disable Jedi (I know everybody hates them, but oh well they're canon. And don't know how I know about it without reading any of the EU, I just do =D). The first thing that comes to mind is droidekas in hallways, and use the flying drone idea in the open.

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Post by Crazedwraith »

brianeyci wrote: (he stood there trying to outshoot Mace rather than use his Jetpack)
Her does try to use his jet pack when it's clear his usual blaster tricks are of no use against Windu. But it was broken in his tussel with the Reek (I think?) and didn't work. You can see it puff and spark just before he's Beheaded.
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Post by Coyote »

So far it seems that the best anti-Jedi weapon is a Droideka.

"Master! Destroyers!" *beats feet*
"They're no match for Droidekas!"
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Post by Coyote »

damn double post
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Sharpshooter wrote:For the little it's worth, KJA wrote in Darksaber that Mara couldn't deflect a stun bolt from Admiral Dalla during their duel aboard her flagship during the attack on the Jedi Academy
That wasn't Mara, that was Callista. And Callista had largely lost her Force powers.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Coyote wrote:So far it seems that the best anti-Jedi weapon is a Droideka.

"Master! Destroyers!" *beats feet*
"They're no match for Droidekas!"
Didn't Luke and Mara take down a Droideka at the beginning of "Survivor's Quest"?
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Post by Gunhead »

My choice would still be something the lightsaber cannot block and a high rate of fire. Using SW tech you could build some impressive projectile weapons. Then resorting to underhanded tactics is also always good.

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Post by YT300000 »

Darth Fanboy wrote:
Coyote wrote:So far it seems that the best anti-Jedi weapon is a Droideka.

"Master! Destroyers!" *beats feet*
"They're no match for Droidekas!"
Didn't Luke and Mara take down a Droideka at the beginning of "Survivor's Quest"?
A really old and shitty one that had to be remote-controlled. And Luke had to use a cheap cop-out to beat it, namely collapsing the floor.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

YT300000 wrote:A really old and shitty one that had to be remote-controlled. And Luke had to use a cheap cop-out to beat it, namely collapsing the floor.
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Post by Crown »

Darth Fanboy wrote:
YT300000 wrote:A really old and shitty one that had to be remote-controlled. And Luke had to use a cheap cop-out to beat it, namely collapsing the floor.
They didn't collapse the floor, they just buried an old lightsaber in the floor and ignited it via TK when the droidecka was standing over it.

It's worth nothing that he rammed the thing with structual beams at one time, and it's shields still held.
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Post by YT300000 »

Crown wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:
YT300000 wrote:A really old and shitty one that had to be remote-controlled. And Luke had to use a cheap cop-out to beat it, namely collapsing the floor.
They didn't collapse the floor, they just buried an old lightsaber in the floor and ignited it via TK when the droidecka was standing over it.

It's worth nothing that he rammed the thing with structual beams at one time, and it's shields still held.
Ah, been too long since I've read Zahn's work... Either way, he had to use a somewhat... non-standard method to defeat it.
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Post by NecronLord »

More to the point, he is the most powerful jedi to ever live. And he can't take one out by TK? :shock:
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

Zahn is infamous for wimpy Jedi. You have realize that Zahn Luke (tm) in under the impression that using the Force too overtly or powerfully will help him slip into the Dark Side or something.

Whatever, its just a plot device to give the Jedi non-fodder opponents. Observe the same with the two sentinel droids in Vision of the Future.

But still, even in the movies the Jedi curiously don't try to TK the droids, even though they should be effected somewhat if battle droids so obviously are.
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Post by Gunhead »

There is a limit what a jedi can do at a time. Deflecting blaster bolts and at the same time try to TK a droideka over, all actions require concentration.
All displays of TK in the movies have required a whole lot from the person doing it, unless the target has been relatively small. When Kenobi used TK to knock over those battle droids, he wasn't doing anything else at the time. Dividing your attention to a million things is gonna hamper performance no matter what. If jedis TK powers were as powerful as the EU wankers would like to believe, why the fuck use lightsabers?

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Post by Ghost Rider »

Because blasters cannot be parried by TK, and the amount of energy displayed would need a rather hefty rock.

Also truly what level of wanking barring the Emperor? Yoda demonstrated immense levels of TK in both times and Luke and Anakin's TK were nothing to scoff at either. The only time I ever saw the Eu going overboard is with the Force Storm...barring that they have innumerable time shown a far, far lower TK value then Anakin did in AoTC.

So please, let's not make hasty generalization because the Emperor throws out GT+ level TK. Given his status this would be the same if someone claimed 40K is wanking because the Emperor of Man destroyed a planet with the level of psy power he's displayed.

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Post by Gunhead »

Point taken G.R

Anyhow, force used to enhance your own abilities seems to work best. Affecting others through the force requires more power and concentration.
It's still a poor substitute for real life skills.

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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Remember, some Jedi don't need to deflect them. Vader absorbed a half-dozen bolts through the force, and Corran also (yes, the hated Corran). Some Jedi are good at it.
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Post by NecronLord »

Incidentally, Dark Forces 2 had another anti-jedi weapon. Remember the plasma bottles theory? The makers obviously read that one, and designed a weapon called a Concussion Rifle that exploded its bolts on contact with a lightsabre... Causing some massively lethal overpressure. :shock:
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