Defeating a jedi's blaster parry

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Post by Gunhead »

Chewbacca, never heard of this Corran character. So I'm making a giant leap of logic that he appears in some SW book. Some more info would be nice.

Anyhow in ESB Vader stop just a couple of bolts from Solo's pistol then pulls it from his hand.
Rest of the jedi seem to be content just swinging their lightstick around.

Btw. What is the max range jedi in the movies has succesfully deflected a bolt back to the shooter?

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Post by Lord Poe »

Ghost Rider wrote:The only time I ever saw the Eu going overboard is with the Force Storm....
Then you haven't read "Shatterpoint" yet.

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Post by wolveraptor »

someone mentioned the geonosians. i don't think jedi can block those sonic cannons. if only there were a portable, hand-held version. in some games, they show geonosian warriors carrying them around.

i've always wondered why people didn't just revert to a good ole machine gun to take out jedi. no way can jedi block that many rounds a second. not yoda, not vader, not palpy.
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Post by Jay »

A friend of mine brought up the idea of lightsabers vs bullets. Their suggestion was that the lightsaber blade would melt the bullets into tiny, hot, fast moving globules, which would in turn scald the jedi, causing him pain.
I dunno if this is relevent.
no way can jedi block that many rounds a second. not yoda, not vader, not palpy.

I'll bet that whirling-dervish Yoda from Episode II could! :twisted:
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Post by nightmare »

jasonicusuk wrote:A friend of mine brought up the idea of lightsabers vs bullets. Their suggestion was that the lightsaber blade would melt the bullets into tiny, hot, fast moving globules, which would in turn scald the jedi, causing him pain.
I dunno if this is relevent.
Didn't work like that with Ysanna projectile rifles, they were deflected per standard.. although you might argue that they were like Bowcaster bolts from the look of it. Btw, didn't someone earlier bring up Obi-wan deflecting chain gun bullets in the CW cartoon by using TK?

IIRC, about the TK vs droids debate, Luke disrupted SD-9 droids with TK in DE2 by messing with their internal components, confirming the ability. Why it's not used more often is something to speculate over.
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Post by Winston Blake »

jasonicusuk wrote:A friend of mine brought up the idea of lightsabers vs bullets. Their suggestion was that the lightsaber blade would melt the bullets into tiny, hot, fast moving globules, which would in turn scald the jedi, causing him pain.
I dunno if this is relevent.
Probably as soon as a bullet enters the blade that part of it's front end would be explosively vaporised (ref. 100MW TPM blast door calcs), forcing back the rest of it, i.e. basically bouncing off the lightsaber.
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Post by Vympel »

unbeataBULL wrote:someone mentioned the geonosians. i don't think jedi can block those sonic cannons. if only there were a portable, hand-held version. in some games, they show geonosian warriors carrying them around.
There are. Geonosian soldiers fire them at Anakin in the factory. He dodges.
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Post by Jay »

Probably as soon as a bullet enters the blade that part of it's front end would be explosively vaporised (ref. 100MW TPM blast door calcs), forcing back the rest of it, i.e. basically bouncing off the lightsaber.
I wouldn't know where to begin arguing with calc, so I'll take everyone's word for it. Its a cool image though: Boba Fett launches a barrage of armour pieceing roungs towards Windu.

Sammy J swings his purple lightsaber to parry them, but as the blade touches, a cloud of molten lead errupts in his face. Windu drops to the floor whilst the bounty hunter stands there laughing.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

jasonicusuk wrote:
Probably as soon as a bullet enters the blade that part of it's front end would be explosively vaporised (ref. 100MW TPM blast door calcs), forcing back the rest of it, i.e. basically bouncing off the lightsaber.
I wouldn't know where to begin arguing with calc, so I'll take everyone's word for it. Its a cool image though: Boba Fett launches a barrage of armour pieceing roungs towards Windu.

Sammy J swings his purple lightsaber to parry them, but as the blade touches, a cloud of molten lead errupts in his face. Windu drops to the floor whilst the bounty hunter stands there laughing.
Only windu's would know not to do that and just use a TK wall or dodge or something.
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Post by Steven Snyder »

Lord Pounder wrote:I believe it uses the same ammo as a Wookie Bowcaster, explosive bolts. However that could be a question of game mechanics and if so null and void.
Wouldn't a present-day grenade launcher do about the same thing? The flame throwers from Aliens also sounds like a neat idea.
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Post by Jay »

Only windu's would know not to do that and just use a TK wall or dodge or something
'Tis true. I was just imagining the scene. I wasn't saying that it would come to pass.
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Post by Kurgan »

Jaepheth wrote:IIRC in the original "Dark Forces" video game, the documentation on the Imperial Repeater mentioned something about the secondary fire (three shot simultaneous burst) being designed for use against Jedi.

does anyone know if the repeater uses energy bolts or solid projectiles?
Energy bullets, if Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight is any indication.

The "Repeater" (evolution of the Imperial Repeater) could fire three shots (secondary fire mode, a little slower than the single stream of primary mode).

The trick was a Jedi blocks one or at most two shots for every barrage, but at least one always gets through, so you could wear him down and kill him, even if he had a shield and blocked every time.

But it's a game, so, whatever...

And the Noghri's weapons in Jedi Academy fire little blobs of acid IIRC.

Now if you want an anti-Jedi weapon, there's Jango's flamethrower, those "sonic guns" from AOTC, or just a modern assault rifle (probably). Then of course you have corrosive poison gas or other NCB weapons you can't just hold your breath to avoid. Or anything that produces lots of shrapnel and explosions. Without armor the Jedi can't protect themselves from shrapnel, like having a very high rate of fire, they'll be overwhelmed, as they were on Geonosis.

NecronLord wrote:Incidentally, Dark Forces 2 had another anti-jedi weapon. Remember the plasma bottles theory? The makers obviously read that one, and designed a weapon called a Concussion Rifle that exploded its bolts on contact with a lightsabre... Causing some massively lethal overpressure. :shock:
Yeah, the Concy was unstoppable in Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight. However it wasn't "on contact with a lightsaber" it merely went right through the blade is if it wasn't there. It exploded on contact with a body, but a much more effective way to use it was to target it at the floor, ceiling or walls by the Jedi, and nail them with the huge splash damage.

When it returned in Jedi Academy (more of an ammo hog by far), you could (with luck) push back a primary shot, but never a secondary shot, and its rate of fire was so much more than a rocket launcher it just wasn't practical most of the time. Good call.

Incidentally, JK2 and JA both featured the ability to push back blaster bolts. But you could only push back about 1 in 10 that were fired at you, and since it takes force mana with every push, it's just much easier to block the shots with your saber or speed out of the way.

In Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, Jedi had no ability to push objects back (only bodies, in the expansion, Mysteries of the Sith), so the Conc was the Jedi killer weapon, when used properly.

Knife wrote:SW distrupter, still game mechanics, but the distupter can't be stopped by either shields nor a lightsaber.
You're thinking of Single Player. Only auto dodge (non-player controlled, only works on lower difficulty levels) lets you avoid the shots in SP (Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy). However in Multiplayer Force Seeing Level 3 lets you auto-dodge shots above the waist. Likewise an ignited saber blade blocks the beam (doesn't reflect it back, but does stop it cold), offering some protection.

And again, as far as shields are concerned, in Multiplayer at least, 1 Disruptor hit (fully charged) takes down your shields. The second hit kills. Whatever the damage, ultimately it takes two fully charged shots to kill a fully shielded Jedi.

Then again in Jedi Academy headshots do more damaged (remember Jedi Outcast had no locational damage recognition), so a couple of non-charged head shots can take them down in a similar number of hits, also IIRC.
Last edited by Kurgan on 2005-01-20 04:26pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Duckie »

Has anyone considered that according to Star Wars: Battlefront (a game, but a source nonetheless), Super Battle Droids can fire their wrist guns in a three shot burst mode in exchange for low fire rates. The three shots all fire at once, and are arranged in a triangular formation.

I would speculate that the Super Battle Droids could probably, in sufficient numbers, work as Anti-Jedi weapons (if there's enough of them at once, the Jedi cannot dodge or parry). It seems too much like a design move to be accidental. Mass fire of shots that cannot be 100% stopped due to geometric reasons sounds like a good idea to me, at least. Thoughts?
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Post by Kurgan »

Of course in Battlefront the Jedi are immortal (they can only be killed by being run over or landed on by certain vehicles, or die automatically when reinforcements counts drop too low) and can block just about anything.

But yeah, that is interesting nonetheless...
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Post by wolveraptor »

it's funny how the advancement of technology can create an opportunity for older, more primitive weapons.

for example, take the bow and arrow. it was negated by armor. once fire-arms were developed, armor was negated. so no one wore armor. bow and arrows would've killed them easily. they have better range, and a greater rate of fire than old fire-arms.

same with lightsabres and machine guns.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

unbeataBULL wrote:it's funny how the advancement of technology can create an opportunity for older, more primitive weapons.

for example, take the bow and arrow. it was negated by armor. once fire-arms were developed, armor was negated. so no one wore armor. bow and arrows would've killed them easily. they have better range, and a greater rate of fire than old fire-arms.

same with lightsabres and machine guns.
Piss poor analogy.

Guns were easier to use then Bows, MUCH easier. Bows needed trained professional who could pull back the string, a gun just needs someone able to target.

The same could be same of why the Blaster is used above the slug thrower...especially with the Jedi.

They have TK that could negate your ammo, and they are the RAREST of targets. the rest have body armor which just laughs at your weapon.

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Post by andrewgpaul »

YT300000 wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:
Coyote wrote:So far it seems that the best anti-Jedi weapon is a Droideka.

"Master! Destroyers!" *beats feet*
"They're no match for Droidekas!"
Didn't Luke and Mara take down a Droideka at the beginning of "Survivor's Quest"?
A really old and shitty one that had to be remote-controlled. And Luke had to use a cheap cop-out to beat it, namely collapsing the floor.
Sorry to flog the dead horse, but they fight a fully activated one later. (spoiler)they get their asses kicked up and down a Dreadnought by it, until Luke telekinetically activates a lightsaber, that happens to be lying on the floor (or he drops it, and lures the droid over it) inside its shield.
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