You have the technology to keep him alive when hes in your possession, at which point you can starve him all you want.-waves hands- the iom emperor survives no matter what. original post, I have the technobabble to keep him alive. fear the technobabble.
starving him and killing the astro is just bonus.
that said, no one cares if a few dozen star destroyers vanish. its cost of doing business, and can be replaced in a week or two. the empire has resources just like iom, and has no problem with attrition. the warp storm of the week does not concern us, admiral. I want that throne.
that said, Im not a weapons class expert - the numbers Ive heard tossed around are in the hundreds of megatons for iom ships, and teratons/petatons for imp ships - most posters in this thread have conceded imps have the space, and your dodging whether you even get that precog which you seem so reliant on
and matt, no one is going to notice if a few thousand star destroyers missing if they go on a pleasure cruise. say it with me: death star built in secret. there, see? any resources I need can be used in secret. Very Happy
Until you capture him he is still subject to the standard requirements of the Golden Throne. Cut off his supply before you capture him and you have to hope he can survive long enough for you to break through.
These "precog" warning are quite common when a major threat is at hand, 13th Black Crusade, The escape of Lord Botchulaz. Theres a strong possibility of it occuring.
Weapons figures. The only ones specifically quantified are the 610GT per torpedoe. Nothing else has been given an official figure as far as I know.
Shields/Armour. I've seen no mention of the amount of energy a void shield can absorb, and without weapons figures its difficult to calculate. Only armour values I've found is that of a marine Predator tank which I posted earlier, 55mm equivalent to 200mm base steel plate. How closely related that is to ship armour is unknown.
Resources. The IoM is capable of fielding fleets of thousands, and as I mentioned, Battlefleet Solar is based at Earth, so they probably have a fair number of ships to begin with. I don't believe the rate of construction for ships has even been hinted at (except hexathedrals) so this is another unknown quantity.
Meltas are microwave energy weapons, the complete description is:Quote:
Meltas are flamethrowers, of a sort, however they seem to be closer to energy weapons than flamers. They can BTW be set to wide-beam (Eye of Terror).
IIRC, the quote suggested a "detonation" of sorts.. suggesting that there is some delay (which in turn suggests a projectile)
I once saw some old rules regarding Titan grade meltas, whether this weapon is till considered to exist I don't know. Anyone got the Imperial Armour books?The melta-gun is also known as a melta, cooker or vape gun. It works by sub-malecular thermal agitation in a manner comparable to microwave irradiation. The target gets very hot and eventually cooks, melts or just evaporates. A meltagun can melt plasteel or plascrete, and its effects upon living tissue are impressive to say the least. The weapon has only a short range, so it is used mostly for close assault and support.
The melta-gun makes no noise when fired, but the super-heating of the air produces a distinctive hiss which becomes a roaring blast as living targets are hit and their bodies' moisture vaporises explosively.
quote tags fixed, but damn, man, turn on BBCode in your posts! I've got better things to do than fix every one of your posts. ~fg