Oh no. Not that article again.
Firstly, the HD version would be more expensive, the basic model would still not have a HD.
Secondly...let's see how many impossibilities I can spot in that article....
one of which is a fully functioning PC.
Here we go, with the first impossibility. Let's see what else they say about this, to make sure I'm right:
Xbox Next PC is, according to the presentation, an entry-level PC that runs Windows and all standard PC software.
BZZT! WRONG! The XBox Next runs on a PowerPC processor. So tell me now, HOW can it run standard x86 binaries? The only possibility I can think of is emulation, but it'd run like a low-end Pentium 3 in terms of speed.
Could this be what they mean? Maybe they're right, and MS is using emulation? Nope, because something else they say is even more wrong:
The device will also play most available PC games.
Nope. Even IF Microsoft managed to whip up some kind of background emulation so you could run all Windows software, it would go so slow there'd be no way you could play current PC games. VirtualPC can't even use the GRAPHICS card of the host system currently! And even if it did, the processor would run as slow as heck.
So, three times they emphasize that it is a full fledged Windows PC, can run all Windows software and current Windows games.
So they're DEFINITELY WRONG on that. And because of that, I can't really take that article seriously.
Besides, even if they're half right and there will be an XBox Next HD, you will have to fork over extra money for it. The normal XBox Next will NOT have one.
After all, you can buy a PS2 hard drive for a little extra money, so by that logic technically the PS2 has a hard drive too