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Post by Dead_Ghost »

I see a great clash cominh
*Looks back at the whole story*
And what else is new? :wink: :lol: :lol:
Mark S wrote:Maybe they're allowed to have all the casual sex they want. It's not sex that's forbidden, it's attachment.

"Go forth and fuck her brains out, my young Padawan. Just remember, no cuddling and pillow talk afterwards."
- Concerning the topic "Jedi training and sexuality"
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Post by Thanas »

That I can't spell "coming" :wink:
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Post by Silver Jedi »

Dead_Ghost wrote: (though I am, at this time, unsure which of the two writers (you and George Lucas) is the best :twisted: ).
Have you seen AOTC? Lucas may be very good at coming up with storys, but Stravo is a much better writer.
Not a n00b, just a lurker

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Post by Mayabird »

Dammit, non-posting lurker! I thought Stravo had posted a new chapter. Thanks for getting my hopes up pointlessly! :x
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Post by Mr Bean »

Mayabird wrote:Dammit, non-posting lurker! I thought Stravo had posted a new chapter. Thanks for getting my hopes up pointlessly! :x
Drat you Mayabird cause you made me think the same thing

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Post by Captain Cyran »

Mr Bean wrote:
Mayabird wrote:Dammit, non-posting lurker! I thought Stravo had posted a new chapter. Thanks for getting my hopes up pointlessly! :x
Drat you Mayabird cause you made me think the same thing
And thus the vicious cycle begins.

And yes, I just helped it.

So when's the next chapter gonna be hmm Stravo?
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

you should just check the cleaned up version for updates , no one else gets to post in there.
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

I require updates to LIVVEEE!!!
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Post by Stravo »

A severe case of writer's block afflucted me earlier this month but it looks as if my mechanism has cleared so please enjoy the next chapter in the saga.

Chapter 81: Dance of the Pawns

“It’s almost as if the game were forgotten don’t you think Q?” Gary asked as he adjusted the position of one of his pieces.

“Hmm? I’m sorry strategizing and all that you know.” Q replied absently.

Gary smiled coldly.

“Bad position?”

Q glanced up at the human. Gary’s temples were almost all white now where before only streaks of white shot through his normally black hair. The silver eyes were a deeper shade, almost mirror like now in their metallic quality.

You’re getting stronger aren’t you? You’ve been husbanding your strength, barely countering my blatant moves outside the game. What are you up to? Q mused.

“You should know by now that my position is never hopeless. Weren’t you declaring victory a little while ago before Kirk pulled his little finding myself routine?”

Gary’s mouth twisted in distaste.

“I’d rather not discuss that turn of events, it threw the entire game off. Now we can get back to finishing our little challenge.”

“You may not want to discuss it but I noticed a distinct change in the pieces.” Q peered up over the table at Gary. “Don’t you?”

Gary did not acknowledge the Emperor’s Will that now stood prominently on Q’s side of the board. Before Nemesis’ conversion it was a rather important piece in Gary’s assault on Q’s position.

“I would not be so quick to crow Q, after all that piece has switched sides but you know as well as I do that it is liable to switch sides yet again.” Gary noted darkly.

“I’m not so sure. I think the boy has found his stride, he’s comfortable in his skin as these humans are fond of stating.” Q smiled.

“Despite all that I’d say you’re position is rather untenable, wouldn’t you say?” Gary asked pointedly. The board, comprised of squares of darkest crystal juxtaposed against clear white crystal was a jumble of pieces, some representing entire powers such as the warbird sculpted from flawless emerald representing the Romulan star empire to individuals such as the piece sculpted from alabaster and rubies in the shape of the Enterprise.

Q sighed heavily and sat back regarding the human who thought himself a god.

“Have you heard from the Melkot lately?”

Gary didn’t react at all.

“The Melkot? I would assume like many of our brethren they are either leaving for parts unknown or have gone into seclusion to wait for the end.”

Q nodded, pursing his lips.

“And this little beastie.” He indicated the piece in the shape of an almost completed Deathstar. “It’s all on its own way the hell out there. What are you waiting for? She could come into this fight and end our little game in no time. Yet you’re sitting on her, making some random moves out there on the rim. Just what are you waiting for Gary? You don’t seem the type to wait for your gratification.”

“Oh I’m patient Q.” Gary replied coolly. “You have to be patient when you have experienced what I have. Try lying under a boulder, crushed into the consistency of soup by the weight and impact of the unyielding stone, feeling your life fluttering on the end of a long line in a stiff wind like some demented kite. Patiently waiting as the barren world you’re on revolves around its primary dozens of times while your strength slowly waxes and wanes as your own will does. A part of you wishing for death and a final release and a part of you screaming for revenge against the man you called friend. Slowly feeling the stone give way as wind and time work their effortless magic and your body slowly builds itself up again. Tirelessly you crawl up against the relentless weight of the rock, as muscles and tendons knit themselves solely by will alone until finally, Q, finally one day the sun touched my face and I was out of the grave fashioned by my own hand for an old friend.”

Q said nothing as he watched the would be god closely.

“Do you know what hurt me the most Q?”

“The fall?”

“No.” Gary replied tightly. “That I was going to kill him quickly. A simple wave of the hand and he would have embraced oblivion before he felt much pain. It would have been a clean death. In return I am given a purgatory of pain and suffering. Crushed into a pulp yet still alive and very much aware. Can you imagine what it would be like to be aware at the bottom of a filthy pit of rock and stone as the days pass into weeks and they pass into years. Aware of every moment, every passage of dust and pebbles, denied feeling the wind or the gentle caress of the sun?”

“One would say that it would drive someone mad.” Q proffered neutrally.

Gary smiled icily and turned his head to regard Q with his silver mirror like eyes.

“You don’t like me much, do you?”

“Like? What does like have to do with anything. I don’t like much of creation and you don’t see me reveling in its destruction.”

“I don’t revel. I merely accept.” Gary replied simply.

Q nodded sagely.

“One could say, Gary, that someone who refused to let go of that slender thread of life in the face of decades of unending pain in the dark would not be so accepting in his nature.”

Gary slowly slid back into his seat and touched the tip of one of his pieces, rolling his finger along the top in a slow methodical circle.

“Don’t be so coy old friend. Are you accusing me of something?”

The question hung in the air of the barren wasteland where they sat for a long time. Neither one acknowledging the other, attention focused on the game unfurling before them.

“It’s not in your nature to give up Gary. Just as Kirk is not giving up even though I’ve wanted to tip my king for some time. Just like Luke has not given up in the face of his rage and his father’s crimes, just as Vader has not given up hope that he will rule this galaxy with his son by his side, just as Khan has not given up in his attempt to destroy Thrawn, Just as Thrawn has not given up in his quest to bring this galaxy to heel just as Palpatine has not given up…” Q paused meaningfully and his brow furrowed in thought. He looked up at Gary. “Just what is Palpatine up to anyway?”

Gary pursed his lips, contemplating his next words very carefully.

“What do we all want Q?”

“A nice piece of pie and a quiet evening with a beautiful woman?”

Gary blinked.

That got you didn’t it? You’re so divorced from what you were that the simple pleasures are alien to you.

“Immortality.” Gary finished.

“Kind of a bad time to be vying for immortality now, isn’t it?”

“How so?” Gary asked curiously.

Q leaned forward.

“The end of reality Gary. There’s not much stock in being immortal when it all comes crashing down.”

Gary nodded. A slow mysterious smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

“Care to share?”

“Hmm…Oh…I was just looking and saw an opening.” Gary concluded and moved a piece forward.

Q acknowledged the move but kept his eyes on the silver eyed god.

“This is not at all what I expected.” Charlie stammered.

“You are confused?”

“You are angry?”

“You are sad?”

Charlie Evans shook his head slowly as he examined the three sentient rock formations as they moved their clawed appendages in slow rhythm with their words. Several crystalline eyes set at the top of their heads flashed in brilliant yellow and white in time with each syllable.

The Excalabians were considered oddities even by the community of elder beings that lived on this plane of reality. The mysterious stone beings were always curious but also cruel and vindictive. They were never easy to deal with. They viewed the others like them as something to be pitied or worse, hated.

No one knew where they had come from or why they settled so close to human worlds. Usually the great ones traveled away from expanding empires, the Organians especially were susceptible to the pain associated with inhabiting the same space as the twisted emotional beings like Charlie and other humans.

The Excalabians were drawn to them like moths to a flame.

“This is not about some game or examination.”

“It is always a test Charlie Evans. That is what you do not understand.”

“Reality sets for us challenges and obstacles. It is up to the lesser beings to overcome them.”

“We learn from them.”

Charlie sighed deeply.

“The Continuum is calling for another conference at Organia. They say some of you have gone missing. The Melkot, the Metrons and some of the lesser known have vanished, their home worlds wiped from the stars as if they never existed.”

“And this concerns us how?”

“We can wipe our home world from existence with a simple expenditure of our power.”

“The Organians have wiped their home world from human history and memory, a far greater feat and we are concerned about missing planets?”

“Don’t you see?” Charlie protested. “There’s something out there stalking you. We think that Mitchell has something to do with it but can’t be sure.”

One of the large stony Excalabians let out a rumbling laugh that sounded like a volcano trying to erupt.

“You give the itinerant god too much credit. Mitchell is a leaf in the hurricane of reality. He is blown where the wind takes him and he calls it destiny.”

“Mitchell is playing a deeper game than we realize.” Charlie countered.

“Even if Mitchell is plotting against us what does he gain?”

“A transitory moment of supremacy followed by violent oblivion.”

Charlie looked to each of the Excalabians and shook his head. Q said this would not be easy. It was as if they had all lost any motivation or desire to go on. Even the Continuum was shutting down and it was up to Q to drive this investigation. But what could he say against the Excalabians’ cold logic? What did Mitchell have to gain? What point was there in opposing him if he wanted to take over the galaxy when the galaxy was about to be swallowed up by entropy?

But something nagged at Charlie and it was hard to tell them that he suspected there was something more to this. They were all being played and distracted, even the war for survival being waged in the Alpha Quadrant could be a simple smoke screen for what the ex-Starfleet officer was planning.

Charlie did not want to admit it to Q but Gary Mitchell terrified him. The eyes unnerved him, and not because of the silver glow, but because of what lay behind the eyes. Nothing.

Any sign of humanity that remained in the man as just gone replaced by the empty silver eyes that reflected everything they saw because there was nothing else behind them.

“Will you at least come?”

The Excalabians were silent as they moved slowly, arms swaying back and forth while their eyes pulsed slowly. Charlie could feel the disturbance in the air around him. They were obviously communicating in a way that was unknown to Charlie.

They had to come. Events were speeding up now and Charlie was afraid that they would lose their chance to head this off. Whatever it was.

One of the Excalabians turned its attention back to Charlie.

“We may attend.”


“You have our answer human.”

“That’s not an answer.” Charlie replied tightly.

The three Excalabians turned their full attention to Charlie.

“You come unbidden to our world, assume to speak to us as if we were equals and now demand what you would interpret as a clear answer.” One of them spat, jabbing a clawed appendage at Charlie.

“Perhaps we should ask you to explain to us why we should listen to you any further?”

“You are a child amongst giants and you dare demand answers from us?”

The three Excalabians’ eyes suddenly glowed steadily and Charlie felt every nerve ending explode into an inferno of agony. He collapsed to his knees and his back arched as it felt like his skin was being scraped by a live wire.

“Speak human. We cannot hear you.” One Excalabian taunted.

Charlie grunted, gritting his teeth against the urge to scream and tried to focus desperately on his abilities. He wished himself out of their grip, off their world, anywhere away from them but he could not maintain his concentration long enough.

His mind was a whirling dervish of thoughts and fears as the pain drove him to writhe on the floor.

“The Q chose a frail messenger.”

“They will have to replace him.”

“What does it matter, he is only human.”

Charlie remembered Q’s smirk as he described the Excalabians. He tried to speak. His tongue refused to obey him for a moment.

“Q…Q…was right…about you.” Charlie grunted.

“It speaks.”


“We obviously underestimated its pain threshold.”

“Perhaps humans have an ability to temporarily overcome this pain threshold?”

“Shall we continue our examination then? Increase the pain level?”

“He said…you…were unimportant.”

The Excalabians each paused, the only movement was the constant swaying of their claws.

Charlie tried his best to laugh. The pain was still chewing through him and it came out more as a groan. “The Organians….and the Q…they don’t need…you…poking around their plans.”

“That sounds like the audacity of the Q.”

“They have always been afraid of us.”

“The human may be trying to deceive us.”

Charlie rolled over into his back and bit back another scream. He did not let his thoughts follow the conversation, would not allow a glimmer of any hope escape into the ether. He could feel their minds probing him, their thoughts like fingers kneading through his brain.

“The human’s mind is laced with pain.”

“It cannot possibly deceive us.”

“It is saying what it knows to win freedom.”

“Q…laughed when the…Organians suggested…approaching you. I can see now why.”

The Excalabians said nothing but their glowing eyes suddenly darkened and Charlie slumped into a fetal position, clutching at his legs as they were drawn up into his torso and he let the pain wash over and past him.

God this hurts so much.

One of the Excalabians extended its claw and Charlie was roughly jerked onto his feet and held suspended a meter off the ground.

“Be thankful human. Be thankful we have decided not to allow you to enjoy the full hospitality of our world.”

The desolate rocky surroundings were suddenly replaced by shifting molten rock and seas of magma flowing around them in titanic tidal surges. Black plumes of inky smoke swirled through the night sky blotting out all but the brightest stars. The air smelled of sulfur and it nearly choked him but he knew that they were letting him breathe just enough air to keep him alive and conscious. He instinctively knew the atmosphere was a poisonous cloud of sulfur and ash that would have instantly killed him.

This was the true face of the Excalabian home world.

“Now child we have a simple mission for you.”

“Inform the Q that we will attend.”

“Inform them that we will be ready.”

“And tell him that he will have much to answer for. Perhaps we will send messengers of our own into the Continuum and see how they react to savages polluting their world and reality.”

“I’ll tell them.” Charlie replied out of breath.

“You are dismissed.”

The Excalabians waved their claws and Charlie vanished in an explosion of fire and smoke. The Excalabians stood silently in the shadow of an exploding mountain.

One of the stone figures suddenly looked up into the sky as if it had heard a distant thunder’s call.

“Something is amiss.”

The other two looked up slowly as they heard it as well.

“What is that?”

A great shadow fell over the stone titans and then the darkness was illuminated by a bright emerald light.

The Excalabian home world evaporated into a storm of rock and plasma.

“Target destroyed my lord.”

“Excellent Commander. Set course for our secondary holding station and I await my orders for the next set of targets.”

Emperor Palpatine switched off the companel on his throne and returned to watching the amazing display of martial prowess. His face was illuminated by the crimson light of the double bladed lightsaber. The cloaked figure moved with the graceful precision of a panther as he ducked and weaved between a dozen soccer ball sized attack drones.

His saber moved in wide sweeping arcs, deflecting the bright kill beams as it moved.

“Faster.” Palpatine commented in a cold whisper.

The Sith Lord responded by spinning on his right foot, snapping his double bladed weapon in tighter faster arcs until the light from his saber was no longer a single beam but had melded to become a solid wavering wall of red light.


The Sith Lord slashed one of the attack drones, cutting straight through the center, the force of his blow sending each smoking stump of the drone skidding into the far corners of the throne room.

Behind the Emperor on his armored view port the remains of the Excalabian home world tumbled through the stars in bright balls of fire.

“Good. Good. Feel your rage, your anger. Feel it fuel your strength. With this rage you can do anything.”

The Sith Lord grunted as he catapulted over three attack drones, landed on one of the upper support beams crisscrossing the ceiling of the cavernous throne room. He back flipped without hesitation down into the thick of the swirling drones. His lightsaber flashed in quick slashing arcs that ended as the Sith Lord landed, his cloak billowing around him like wings. The attack drones clattered in a loud rain of metal on metal as they crashed to the floor.

The Sith Lord snapped his lightsaber closed and effortlessly slipped his lighsaber onto his belt. With a sweep of his left arm he swept his cloak backwards and knelt before his master, dropping his head down low.

“That was the fastest time yet my apprentice.”

“I live to serve you my master. The thought of those pretenders betraying you fuels my anger and with that anger I will crush them, I will teach them the final price of betrayal.”

The Emperor watched the Sith Lord with a hooded expression.

“Betrayal must not be countenanced is that not correct?”

“Never. They will pay and pay dearly.”

The Emperor nodded almost imperceptibly.

“Lord Nemesis completed that exercise quicker than you have so far.”

He watched the jaw line of his apprentice tighten and his eyes burn.

“Lord Vader defeated twice the number of drones you have.”

His apprentice’s shoulders tightened and he could feel the shame fueled anger burning like a furnace.

“Vader.” He hissed the name like poison. “He will pay most of all.”

“How does that matter? In the end you have declared yourself to be my instrument of vengeance.” The Emperor leaned forward slightly so that his yellow eyes glowed as they caught the dim lights. “I find you lacking in that regard.”

The Sith Lord stiffened but said nothing.

“You wish to lead this Empire of mine, to be my right hand, defeat two traitors to my Empire then you will have to do better than what I have seen. You say you are filled with anger that rage makes you powerful. It is time you show me for if this were true your power would be unassailable.”

“My Master is displeased with me.”

“No, my apprentice. You are an excellent instrument of my power but you will be facing my greatest enemies. One is the living personification f the Force, the other is his son who is unfettered by the constraints of his father’s cybernetic prison. Together they would be the most powerful Force users we have ever faced. If you are to defeat them you must be a razor, you are not there yet.”

“I will work harder.”

The Emperor smiled coldly.

“You cannot ascend to the levels you need to achieve against remotes.”

The Sith Lord looked back at the ruined drones and then back at his master.

“What do you wish of me?”

“It is time you begin hunting my enemies. It is time you exercise your abilities against those I need hunted and destroyed.”

The Sith Lord rose up quickly.

“Raise your hand my master. Point me to your enemies and they will know death. Command me. I am the arrow in your bow.”

The Emperor nodded in approval. He was always the best of his apprentices, eager to please, loyal as a dog and deadly as a viper.

“Find Organia. It is a world that has vanished off all the charts in this galaxy. The Organians have even wiped their existence from the memories of an entire quadrant. But they are here. They need to be found, if anyone can oppose my final plan it is these self proclaimed gods.”

“Nothing is beyond the abilities of the Sith.” The Sith Lord’s smile was clearly evident beneath his hood. “At last I can come out from the shadows, at last we will have our revenge.”

“Go now my apprentice and do my bidding.”

As the Sith Lord bowed his head and turned to leave the Emperor raised a hand stopping the Sith lord in his tracks.

“Oh, and while you search for Organnia I need you to kill a very special boy.”

“A child?” The Sith Lord snapped angrily.

“Careful.” The Emperor said in a deadly whisper.

“My lord, anyone of your Adepts can –”

“YOU will kill this boy because he is powerful beyond your imagination. You want to be considered a weapon worthy of taking down a traitor like Vader then you must kill a child who is like a god.”

“Name him.”

“Find and kill Charles Evans. You will find him easily. He is James Kirk’s lapdog.”

“Then I will kill Kirk as well.” The Sith Lord concluded.

“NO.” The Emperor boomed.

“I do not understand-”

“Understanding is not a prerequisite for this mission my apprentice, we have special plans for James Kirk.”

The Sith lord nodded slowly. His master had intimated several times that he was working with someone but who would be powerful enough for his master to consider an equal? His Master was a wonder of Byzantine plots and traps. He preferred the direct approach. A dead enemy was no longer a threat. But there was no questioning his orders. He would earn his Master’s respect again.

“I will kill Charles Evans and then I will find Organia.” He said darkly.

“And once you have killed a god and found their last refuge you will be ready to bring the Skywalker line to an end.” The emperor declared and began to laugh.

“Mr. President I am well aware that your government has gone out on a limb for us.”

“What a descriptive and apt human phrase Captain Jellico.” The Andorian relied frostily.

Jellico frowned and rubbed his chin softly.

“Andor is in an untenable position, Mr. President. If I deploy my fleet at Andor there will be no escape from there. Frankly Andor is the biggest trap of this war.”

“Andor is also your last supply depot and shipyard. We’ve repaired a total of 347 starships since this conflict began and have finished construction of new starships including two Defiant class ships.”

“You’ve built new starships?” Jellico straightened in his chair.

“Yes. We most certainly have.” The Andorian replied with a cold smile.

Jellico nodded knowingly.

“And of course you’re withholding delivery until our fleet deploys.”

“Tell me Captain, what sense would there be in sending you starships we’ve constructed if you will not put yours into the fight?”

Jellico said nothing for a moment.

“Allow me to be blunt.”

“If you’re unwillingness to aid us has not been blunt so far then I am most surprised.”

Jellico frowned.

“This is a difficult decision sir. I am holding together a fleet of thousands of ships that have one hope as their ultimate goal, to restore the Federation. If I deploy at Andor we will lose.”

“I am well aware that you have some very difficult decisions to make, Captain Jellico but we have been talking in circles for weeks now. You do not wish to deploy and we are under an imminent threat. Andor is not some other world to be lost. Andor is your life line. You lose us and you lose this war. Kirk understood this.”

“Kirk is not in charge here, sir.”

“That much is obvious.”

Jellico leaned forward to peer closer into the screen.

“Sir, while many people like to make comparisons in the end he abandoned this fleet to parts unknown. I’m the one left holding this cause together. Kirk was an adventurer and we were handed our greatest defeat at Romulus. I will not allow this to happen again.”

The Andorian and human stared at each other through their monitors.

“The Empire is coming.” The president stated simply.

“Yes, we’ve heard this before.”

“No. You have not. A scan by a vessel at the edge of our space picked up a hyperspace emergence 14 light years away in a barren star system nearby. At that distance an Imperial fleet could jump and be within our lines in a matter of seconds. We would have no warning.”

Jellico sat back.

“Why didn’t you tell me right off the bat?”

“Because I wanted you to think about what you’ve been saying Captain. It is far more difficult to serve me platitudes when the threat is no longer vague. The time has come. The Empire is going to strike and we need the fleet here to make a stand.”

Jellico pursed his lips.

“Emergency transmission.” The computer interrupted him before he could begin speaking.

“Computer I asked for no interruptions.” Jellico snapped.

“Command over rides have been instituted with this transmissions.”

“Command over rides? But the only person—oh no.” Jellico stopped short as realization dawned on him.

Every screen in his office suddenly flashed on.

“Attention. This is an emergency command transmission. Attention. This is an emerg---” The soft female voice of the computer was interrupted as the view screen switched to an image of James Kirk. He wore his gold command shirt but Jellico could see the bruise swelling up his left eye and the scratches along his neck. But there was a fire in his eyes that Jellico recognized. This was a man ready to fight and more importantly – lead.

“This is Captain James Tiberius Kirk. I am enroute to Avalon on board the Sagan under escort by the Klingon Chancellor and his fleet. First to the brave beings of Starfleet I offer my sincerest apologies. I know many of you must think I have abandoned you in this our greatest hour of need. I can only say that events have progressed beyond my control and have forced me to be away from you far longer than I ever imagined. I cannot ask for your forgiveness. That is something that you must give freely.”

He paused. Jellico quickly glanced around and saw the personnel outside his office all standing at any available viewer watching with intense interest. He tried to gauge their reactions but many were still too surprised.

“I am returning to you with the knowledge that the Klingon Empire stands fully behind me and ready to stand by all of us in the coming struggle.” Jellico grit his teeth, those backstabbing barbarians. “The Orion crime syndicates have been crippled and will no longer be a threat to us.” Jellico blinked. What was going on here? “We have several hypermatter reactors in our hold to provide our engineers, both Rebel Alliance and Federation with working models from which we will be able to construct hypermatter reactors of our own giving us for the first time the ability to field starships that can threaten the Imperials and make this war as bloody for them as it has been for us.”

Jellico slowly sat back in his chair. “The bastard.” He whispered. “He left us and he comes back bearing gifts.”

“And finally we have discovered that Lord Darth Nemesis is no longer the man he used to be. He has abandoned the teachings of the Sith and is now known as Luke Skywalker. We believe a tentative and temporary truce is in place between our powers allowing us freedom to engage the Imperial fleet elements of Grand Admiral Thrawn.”

Jellico shook his head slowly. He glanced back out and saw several officers nodding their heads with each announcement but no one looked happy, no one looked thrilled. Perhaps Kirk’s betrayal could not be bought off with gifts. His respect for his men grew.

“As I return to you I have discovered that Andor is under threat of imminent attack by Imperial forces. Several hours ago an Andorian patrol ship picked up hyperspace signatures on the edge of their space. After tactical analysis there is no doubt that a large Imperial force is based in that system. They are coming for Andor and it is time that we made a stand. Andor has been our staunchest ally. Remember those dark days after the battle for Earth. We lost that world and most of the rest of the Federation. Other member worlds were too afraid to help us. They called us an illegal force as the Federation council had formally surrendered. They said we were fighting a hopeless battle. They said if they assisted us they would be crushed under the Imperial boot. Only one world responded to our call for aid.”

“You bastards.” Jellico snapped as he whirled to face the president who was still on his monitor. “You told him.”

The president nodded.

“Kirk contacted us an hour ago to try and secure our support for his return. We shared with him the data and he vowed to come to our aid.”

“You and he have doomed this fleet to destruction.”

“We do not see it that way Captain Jellico.”

Jellico turned his head to see Riker rushing into his office, barely able to conceal the grin on his face.

“Andor provided us with aid and comfort when no one else dared. They have repaired our ships, provided us with industrial replicators, tons of medical supplies, food, water and clothes. Some of our most gravely wounded are living on Andor. Andor is our last link to what we fight for. It IS the Federation now and she is under assault. I call on you Starfleet officers and service beings to make your stand now. As Andor has stood by us this Starfleet will stand by them and if that means we have to sacrifice on the altar of war then let it be so knowing full well that this is what we are, this is who we are. We are Starfleet and we will be heard this day.”

Kirk took a deep breath and looked into the screen, to many who were watching it was as if he were looking at each of them.

“I will return in one hour, you have my word and my bound that we will finish this together. As always it has been my honor and privileged to serve with you. I only ask that you give me this honor one last time and say with me that the Federation Lives as long as a single one of us draws breath in defiance of tyranny.”

The screen switched off.

Riker opened his mouth to speak but Jellico held up a hand and listened.

There was a deep silence throughout his office level for a long moment. He watched the officers and men exchanging inquisitive glances.

The he heard it.

A whoop of joy from down the hall. The whoop was taken up by others and then cheers and exclamations of joy. Jellico’s eyes drifted down to his companel. He flipped it on. Fleet chatter immediately flooded from his speakers.

“—a treaty with the Imperium?!”

“He’s back damnit that’s what matters!”

“You see his face he’s been through hell.”

“Anyone get confirmation on that.”

“Take that you Orion bastards.”

Several starships were in view from his viewport behind Jellico. One of the Excelsior class starships began firing off torpedoes. They flashed past the fleet and exploded into a dizzying pattern of color and light. More starships took up the salute.

“What a damned waste of ordinance.” Jellico frowned.

He switched off the companel and turned to the monitor.

“Mr. President I have to go now, we will be in touch.” Jellico did not wait for a response as he switched off the monitor.

“Yes, Captain Riker?”

“Sir, the Enterprise is requesting permission to go out and meet Captain Kirk.”


Riker blinked.

“Sir, Captain Kirk is coming back. We have to begin preparing for battle and he should return on the flagship.”


Riker took a deep breath, jaw set in anger.

“Sir, permission to speak freely?”

Jellico nodded fingers steepled beneath his chin.

“Captain Kirk is the supreme commander of this fleet. He’s returned and its time to turn over command as you promised when you assumed the position.”

Jellico watched Riker intently for a moment before speaking.

“Captain Riker, what gives you the idea that I have any intention whatsoever of turning over command to that man?”

He smoothed out the wrinkles on the uniform. He could feel them as he meticulously examined his uniform with his hands.

The sonic shower was so relaxing. He had not had enough of them lately. Spending time sitting in your own filth, blind and beaten gave you a new perspective and appreciation for the more basic amenities of modern life.

He raised the recorder again.

“And know this. There should be no guilt. There is no one to blame. Fate can be like that my friends. It is very likely I will never see you again and that’s OK. I’m used to this sort of thing you know. I just wanted to thank you one last time for reminding me how human we all are no matter what side of the war we stand behind.” He switched off the recorder and walked over to the computer terminal, feeling the keyboard for a moment.

“Computer please download recorded data and encrypt for Admiral Kittaine’s eyes only.”


Normally Imperial computers did not have oral interfaces but Kittaine had surprised him with a Federation interface for his personal terminal in his room. He waited patiently as he felt the recorder vibrate in his hand while it was accessed by his computer.

He placed the recorder down on the desk.

“Computer have all files been prepared?”


He heard the light footfalls outside his room. He could not see the shadows dancing slowly under the door.

He cocked his head at the sounds and nodded knowingly.



The lock to his door clicked and he heard the low squeals as the hydraulics were bypassed. The door snapped open obediently and three figures quickly entered.

He turned to face them, hands up at his shoulders. He listened to see where they might be standing. He could hear their breathing a few meters away, his face turning towards that sound.

“Gentlemen. My name is Ernesto Ochoa, Captain of the Federation starship Thunderchild. I’ve been expecting you.”

He could feel their confusion and smiled softly.

“You will come with us.” It sounded like a small child but there was an odd resonant growl in the back of the speaker’s throat.

“I will not resist. I suggest you move quickly. Grand Admiral Kittaine will be quite furious with you when he discovers what you’ve done. I wouldn’t want to be within 10 parsecs of this ship when he finds out.”

The beings quickly scrambled around him. One gripped each arm and forced him forward. He nearly tripped into a headlong sprawl over an errant piece of furniture.

“If you don’t mind gentlemen I am blind. It would be helpful if you looked out for me or I may end up slowing you down enough for ship security to catch up.”

The three Noghri exchanged confused glances. The leader nodded. The other two Noghri took a firmer grip of Ochoa’s arms and the leader led them out of the room. The door snapped shut as they left.
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Post by Comosicus »

My first first post :mrgreen:

EDIT: Now, after reading ...

I must admit this chapter only opened my apetite. I can hardly wait for the next one. Things look close to the main clash.

But, considering the fact that my birthday is Wendsday, I will consider this my birthday present. Thank you, Stravo :wink:
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Post by Captain Cyran »


What the HELL is Gary up to? Argh! I must know! He is so damn smug.

The thing with the Excalabians was great, loved that. Even better was the talk between Palpatine and his apprentice, that should be very interesting.

Man, first the Empire splits, and now I have a feeling we're going to be seeing a split in the Federation if Kirk and Riker don't do something fast.

And once again, Ochoa... damn he is SO my favorite character of this story.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Gaaah! Drated I missed this
*Edit, looks like were in for a throwdown
Last edited by Mr Bean on 2005-01-22 03:06pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Crazedwraith »

Sweet. I was wondering if you had forgotten the uber-chess game...
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Post by darthdavid »

Kickass!!! :D
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Post by Dead_Ghost »

Stravo wrote:The Sith Lord’s smile was clearly evident beneath his hood. “At last I can come out from the shadows, at last we will have our revenge.”
Terry Brooks wrote:Darth Maul exhaled sharply. Satisfaction permeated his voice. "At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have our revenge." From pag. 136, Episode I The Phantom Menace
A double-bladed lightsaber, plus some difficulty with anger management, leads me to think that Darth Maul isn't dead. That or Palpatine trained another to resemble him...
*Imagines Darth Maul fighting with Charlie*
Mark S wrote:Maybe they're allowed to have all the casual sex they want. It's not sex that's forbidden, it's attachment.

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Post by El Moose Monstero »

Dead_Ghost wrote:
Stravo wrote:The Sith Lord’s smile was clearly evident beneath his hood. “At last I can come out from the shadows, at last we will have our revenge.”
Terry Brooks wrote:Darth Maul exhaled sharply. Satisfaction permeated his voice. "At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have our revenge." From pag. 136, Episode I The Phantom Menace
A double-bladed lightsaber, plus some difficulty with anger management, leads me to think that Darth Maul isn't dead. That or Palpatine trained another to resemble him...
*Imagines Darth Maul fighting with Charlie*
Gary brought Darth Maul back some chapters ago IIRC, I think as a demonstration of his power to Palpatine. Also, Stravo has this habit, bless him, of incorporating lines from the assorted movies to see if we're paying attention.
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Post by Stravo »

The_Lumberjack wrote: Gary brought Darth Maul back some chapters ago IIRC, I think as a demonstration of his power to Palpatine. Also, Stravo has this habit, bless him, of incorporating lines from the assorted movies to see if we're paying attention.
Just as a clarrification - I have never actually said this is Darth Maul. Sort of like Lucas never said Palpatine is the Emperor. :P
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Post by Trogdor »

Damn good chapter, Stravo. I love it when Kirk makes big speeches. :D
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

Stravo, you marvelous hunk of a man!

What happened to that Borg Queen subplot?
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

Stravo, as always you destroy all.
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Post by Murazor »

Very good, although Palpatine's plot line has always had the least appeal for me. Even with Mitchell's backing him and the Death Star firing at full power, there should be survivors of those destroyed planets. Pissed survivors. I mean: Alderaan's royal palace survived the DS blast and some Metrons can't? This is the biggest problem I have had with this fanfic so far.

In other news, I will open a bottle of champagne the day you kill Jellico. The bastard is just a Trek Kinsey. One of those characters I love to hate.
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Post by Dead_Ghost »

Stravo wrote:I have never actually said this is Darth Maul.
You do realize comments like these are only increasing our curiousity, thus augmenting tenfold our anticipation for the next chapter. :)
Mark S wrote:Maybe they're allowed to have all the casual sex they want. It's not sex that's forbidden, it's attachment.

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Post by Trytostaydead »

Godbless Stravo and all his children! MORE I TELL YOU! MORE!
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Post by Stravo »

Murazor wrote:Very good, although Palpatine's plot line has always had the least appeal for me. Even with Mitchell's backing him and the Death Star firing at full power, there should be survivors of those destroyed planets. Pissed survivors. I mean: Alderaan's royal palace survived the DS blast and some Metrons can't? This is the biggest problem I have had with this fanfic so far.

In other news, I will open a bottle of champagne the day you kill Jellico. The bastard is just a Trek Kinsey. One of those characters I love to hate.
In the attack on the Metrons I show that Palpatine follows up the Deathstar strike with a Force storm. It scatters the survivors to the winds, driving many mad because it not only attacks on a physical level but a 'spiritual' plane as well.

Its not as cut and dried as it seems in the story. There are survivors they're just not in any shape or sondition to do anything for now.

Poor Jellico - he's just trying to prosecute this war in a more disciplined military manner and he's getting no respect. :wink:
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Post by consequences »

Discipline ain't gonna win this one.

How Jellico expects to possibly carry of this coup is beyond me though. The only thing that springs to mind is S31, and I'd think they have more sense than to back a lost cause like that.