Star Trek/Star Wars: The Best of Both Worlds

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Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

I've just spent a day reading over this whole thing, and I'd say it's okay. The writing just doesn't pull me in, and there are too many explanations on Treknology taken verbatim from the Daystrom Institute. Otherwise, I like it.
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Post by darthdavid »

[zombie voice]BRAAAAAAAAAINS, BRAAAAAAAAAINS, BR-[/zombie voice][normal voice] Wait, erm...,[/normal voice] [zombie voice]FANFIIIIIIC, FANFIIIIC, FANFIIIIC!!![/zombie voice]
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Post by SpecWar826 »

darth maybe you should add infront of computer screen into your location. :D
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Post by admiral_danielsben »

Come on? Give us lurkers something to lurk for!!!
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
"If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation" -- Kira

"Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque..." -- Gul Darhe'el (DS9: Duet)
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Post by JME2 »

A few hours patience, my dear gentlemen and you shall once again be thrust into my world... :lol: 8)
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Post by Mayabird »

JME2 wrote:A few hours patience, my dear gentlemen and you shall once again be thrust into my world... :lol: 8)
Hey, we're not gentle, and we're NOT all men. *checks* Nope, not a man here. :P But I'll wait patiently...
DPDarkPrimus is my boyfriend!

SDNW4 Nation: The Refuge And, on Nova Terra, Al-Stan the Totally and Completely Honest and Legitimate Weapons Dealer and Used Starship Salesman slept on a bed made of money, with a blaster under his pillow and his sombrero pulled over his face. This is to say, he slept very well indeed.
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Post by Trogdor »

Mayabird wrote:We're NOT all men. *checks* Nope, not a man here.
I'm sure DPDarkPrimus will be relieved to hear that :P

Why do you do this to us, JME2? Now I can't leave until you post the next chapter and I read it.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by darthdavid »

HULK WANT FANFIC!!! HULK SMASH!!! *smashes stuff*
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Post by JME2 »

darthdavid wrote:HULK WANT FANFIC!!! HULK SMASH!!! *smashes stuff*
I'm editing what I've done thus far. Shouldn't be more than half an hour to an hour -- in theory, anyway. Thanks for your patience, guys (and gals 8) ).
Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

JME2 wrote:A few hours dear ......... and you shall once again....thrust into my ........ :lol: 8)
:wtf: Sick bastard...
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Post by JME2 »

Robert Walper wrote:
JME2 wrote:A few hours dear ......... and you shall once again....thrust into my ........ :lol: 8)
:wtf: Sick bastard...
Alright, you wanted it? You've got it!
Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

JME2 wrote: Alright, you wanted it? You've got it!
*taps foot*

...and, where now? :P
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Post by JME2 »

Disclaimer: Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry and owned by Paramount Pictures. Stat Wars created by George Lucas and owned by Twentieth Century Fox and Lucasfilm. I own the story and any original characters/species. No copyright infringement is intended.

Star Trek/Star Wars: The Best of Both Worlds -- Act II, Scene II

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by statesmen and philosophers and divines."

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson --

Author’s Notes: I’d like to take this time to apologize for the delays in getting the next installment of the project out over the last two months. The Holiday season has a way of screwing with me and computer-related issues have not helped either. The delays have, however, been advantageous and welcome in some respects. It’s given me a chance to go back and look over the strengths and flaws of Act I.

Act I, I will not deny, was ambitious. When I first began in 2001, I had no inkling or idea of where I was going with this; the first two chapters were simple experiments. That all changed in the Fall of 2003 and I was forced to expand on those initial musings and decide where this story would go. With the first act finished, I’ve been able to take time off and plot out what needs to happen before the curtain falls on my little project.

But, enough talk. Enjoy!


Location: The Q Continuum
Somewhere in the Universe

As any scientist or computer could tell you, the speed of light was - surprise - the rate at which light traveled! However, if light speed had an odometer whose scale was from one to ten, then the Q moved on the level of…well, eleven was an understatement.

And with that kind of mileage in mind, the trio of Q and the individual known as the Stranger had materialized mere moments in the realm of the Q Continuum mere moments after departing the charred remains of the Quintessence. The Q had expected to emerge into the Q’s home realm and be greeted with order and discipline that a monumental crisis such as the Merging could produce.

What they had found instead was chaos.

The barren farmland that had greeted previous non-Q upon arriving in the Continuum was still there, but it was…different. The sub-ether was in massive quantum flux, a response that was possible only to the over-stimulation of the Q.

In layman’s terms, it had appeared that the shit had finally hit the fan

The fields were now filled with a pool of water that glistened in the sunlight. Like the Quintessence’s fire-pit, stars and planets could be seen through the swirling liquid. But it was not the sudden appearance of one of the fundamental elements that disturbed Q, oh no.

Beings he had known for all of eternity to be dull, brooding pieces of flesh, were dancing around pool as if they didn’t have a care in this or any other world. And they were singing, to boot. It was what they were singing that was surprising and shocking at the same time. It was unlike any sound he had heard and went something like this:

Forward, backward, inward, outward
Come and join the chase!
Nothing could be drier
Than a jolly caucus-race.
Backward, forward, outward, inward
Bottom to the top,
Never a beginning There can never be a stop
To skipping, hopping, tripping
Fancy free and gay,
I started it tomorrow and will finish yesterday.
Round and round and round we go
And dance for evermore,
Once we were behind
But now we find we are
Forward, backward, inward, outward,
Come and join the chase!
Nothing could be drier than a jolly caucus-race.

For the longest of moments, everyone in their group was silent. Young q looked at Lady Q, who proceeded to look at Q, and then finally, all three looked at the Stranger.

“Will someone please tell me what in the name of the seven spiral galaxies is going on here?!” Q moaned. The Stranger sighed as usual.

“It is as I feared. The Merging, Q. The Merging.”


Location: Bothan Assault Cruiser Ralroost
Earth Station McKinley

Used to serving Federation vessels, the S.C.E personnel at the Sol System-based shipyards had been initially reluctant to service the New Republic, Nubian, and Chiss vessels in need of repair following the repulsion of the second Yuuzhan Vong strike. But Grey’si and Starfleet Command had ordered it, in part to allow both groups to learn of the other’s technological understandings and practices.

Needless to say, conservative elements of the Federation Council and Starfleet Command had opposed such a measure. Indeed, Admiral Nechaevy and Senator Ob’rin of Klestron IV had become the leading critics and opponents to the ratification of the Council’s almost unilateral Declaration of War against the Yuuzhan Vong. Though they had been unsuccessful initially, people were starting to listen them and question the decisions of both the Council and Command.

Section 31 was counting on that.

The failure to collapse the wormhole and the second Yuuzhan Vong attack had made the faces behind the monoliths wonder if perhaps they may have been a tad out of their league. So, while they would continue to commit covert actions, the direction of public policy would fall towards the good admiral.

For all of her hysterics, she did have valid points. The Federation was less than four years out of the Dominion War and the Federation seemed eager to go at it again, this time against a far greater and powerful foe than the Dominion. From what NRI has shared -- and this estimate could very well be biased - the Yuuzhan Vong were at least several hundred thousand strong. The Federation in turn was merely several thousand strong. Now, ancient Earth history was not one of his primary interests, but the name Custer did mean something to Cortin Zweller.

So, they would allow the good Admiral to continue her growing public relations campaign. But if it came back to do them a blow then, well, Zweller knew what he had to do in order to silence her; Section 31 had ordered it and one never refused an order from the organization, after all.

In any event, if the damage to both Ralroost and Crix Madine hadn’t been as bad as it was, then either one or both would be at Coruscant now, delivering Captain Picard and his team to the reception and negotiations that awaited then. But they hadn’t and so, that made Cortin Zweller’s life much easier.

As he had done so three weeks earlier onboard the Star Destroyer Tempest, Zweller had donned the identity of Gaiu Caion, enlisted officer of the New Galactic Republic Navy. The flight deck of Ralroost was not entirely deserted. The remains of the Bothan admiral’s starfighter squadrons were docked, the occasional spark of life being astromechs or pilots.

To those present, he seemed to be doing nothing more than jotting down notes on damages to Ralroost’s personnel and equipment. In a manner of speaking, that was what he was doing. The concealed tricroder that the Section’s engineers and scientists had disguised and built into his costume was scanning the Ralroost’s hanger, albeit in quick, undetectable bursts -- at least he hoped. The Republic’s --

The Tricorder’s systems registered something. Zweller had to be careful as he moved into position. He had already hit three unknowns during his initial sweeps, the device picking up the DNA of various alien species native to the Republic galaxy, from a Talz to a Bothan. The target DNA his superiors had sent him to locate eluded him and --


Like Pavel Chekov aboard the Enterprise-A a century beforehand, Zweller had struck gold. The tricorder had detected microscopic amounts of alien tissue and DNA, but it matched the samples that Starfleet Medical had removed from Yuuzhan Vong killed in both battles for Sector 001. There was the first link in the chain that would prove the Yuuzhan Vong rather than the Republic had been meddling in the affairs of the United Federation of Planets. His mission complete, Zweller prepared to exit to stage left.

“This is the Leaning Pizza Tower; you called in an order, sir,” he spoke quietly and quickly into his disguised communicator.

“We did. We have some hungry people here,” the transporter chief of the Phantasm replied.

“The pizza‘s in the box, it‘ll be on your doorstop shortly.”

That was spy for “One to beam out.”


Moments after the transporter beam dissolved Cortin Zweller‘s form, the Section 31 agent vanished a second time. This second instance was the cutting of power to a display console located in a secure quarters elsewhere on the Ralroost. The captive audience consisted of one single individual, who sat in the darkness for a long moment.

He then sat back, sipping his Ithorian mineral water. The brand was in high demand, the result of the destruction of Ithor at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong -- and to an extent, the Jedi -- and it was difficult to locate the prized beverage. He had a cache on board, trying to delve into it sparingly. Years of fighting the Galactic Empire and a dozen other threats to the New Republic had taken their toll on the agent and the stuff was one of the few things that could keep him calm.

The new experimental detection systems that NRI had installed on board during the Ralroost’s last stop in drydock had proven their worth. Though designed to attempt to see through the Yuuzhan Vong’s ooglith masquers, they were also adept in detecting non-Republic technology.

He immediately and delicately began dictating into his recording device. The message would be smuggled out to his NRI contact on board the next Republic transport to journey through the Terran-Nubian wormhole, who would then bring it to Coruscant. Director Scaur needed to know of the intrusion by Federation spies aboard the Ralroost.


Location: Kamino
That Galaxy Far, Far Away

Shinzon took it back -- a little rain did hurt, particularly on a world like Kamino. This was even worse than Ferenginar -- though that was based more on what he had heard of the planet; his missions during the Dominion War had not taken him that far into the Alpha Quadrant. Plentiful water was a precious and almost mythical resource on Remus, made more valuable due to the barbarity of the Romulan slavers.

Maybe we should have hit Wayland after all.

Even as the thought sprung from his mind, he quickly dismissed it . Though Wayland had been a potential target from which to retrieve cloning technology, the data that he had intercepted showed that it was a no-go for three major reasons.

First, the cloning facility, Mount Tantiss, had been destroyed in a Republic-led assault nearly two decades earlier. Archaeologists and engineers had been digging through the rubble ever since then, but had found that nothing had survived the cataclysm. Secondly, even if a Sparatti cloning cylinder had survived the blast, he wouldn’t have the slightest idea of how to operate the machines.

True, he could experiment on any number of the willing and loyal Remans at his command, but if he did, then he knew he would be no better than the Romulan doctors that had experimented on Reman males and females for generations untold. Besides, they were in a strange land and he needed all of his men in fighting condition should things take a turn for the worse.

Thirdly, though Wayland was easily reachable with their stolen transwarp drive, there was the occupation issue. Wayland had fallen to the Yuuzhan Vong the previous year and with the aliens’ advances since then, it was located far behind enemy lines. And despite their victory in Sector 001, Shinzon was not overconfident or egotistical.

He knew that it had been the element of surprise that had allowed him to annihilate Tsavong Lah’s armada at Earth. If he had read the Yuuzhan Vong character correctly, he knew that the Vong would not allow them to live long should they find them. The very fact that he had popped up in Sector 001 would make them think that he was still there.

He suddenly stiffened at the thought.

If they discovered the vessel’s nationality or launched a blind jihad, Remus would become engulfed in the fires of war should the invaders move on the Beta Quadrant. If that happened, then everything he lived for and cared about would be reduced to ashes without any remorse from the alien invaders. True, Romulus would also die, but he only cared about that world due to the threat it posed to his people.

He could not, he would not allow such a thing to happen.

Therefore, the sooner his business with the Kaminoans was conducted, the sooner he could have Vkruk set a return course for the Terran-Nubian wormhole and their return to their home. He kept thinking that as the Reman dropship was approved for launch.

Six Scorpion-class attack fighters had followed the Zemba-class dropship from the main hanger of the Scimitar as they had descended down the celestial ladder towards the planet’s watery surface. The planet’s storms had made the landing difficult, but they had arrived at their destination.

Shinzon had only been familiar with three alien species growing up: Romulans, Remans, and himself, a human. The Dominion War in turn had introduced him to Jem’Hadar and Vorta. But none of them even came close to resembling the creature now standing before him, a creature who seemed at peace with the tempest that continually pounded the Kaminoan structure.

Banu Le stood before the door, Kaminoan guards across from him.

“Welcome to Kamino, Shinzon of Remus. I am Minister Banu Le. If you will please follow with me, refreshments await you in the main foyer.”


Location: IKS Gorkon
En route to Q'onoS

Though they would vehemently deny it, the Klingon Empire had once been afraid of the United Federation of Planets.

Well, that was not entirely accurate.

The Klingons of the twenty-second century had kept to their own affairs, ignoring the Xindi attack, the discovery of the Kir’Shara, and other events that had led to Earth’s war with the Romulans and the founding of their interstellar alliance. That had all changed decades later when the Federation’s expansion into the Beta Quadrant had brought them into contact with the Empire.

The High Command of that era had not been so much afraid of the Federation’s military arm, Starfleet, as they had been about its ideals and principles. Equality for all beings, the right to independence and freedom - such principles, while noble to Vulcans and humans, could lead to revolt across the face of all that the Klingon people had created from the aftermath of the Hur’q invasion millennia before.

So, they had entered into an agreement with a shared enemy - the Romulans. In exchange for military hardware and D7 Cruisers , the Klingons had received the Romulan Star Empire’s greatest achievement -- the cloaking device. Though the Alliance had broken apart after less than a decade, the Klingons had retained the technology and had perfected it as best as they could over the next century -- much to the Romulans‘ regret.

The I.K.S. Gorkon was one such example of that Klingon evolution of the device. Though not as sophisticated as their Romulan counterparts, the Chancellor-class vessel was still more than adequately shielded from both conventional sensor packages and the naked eye. In the captain’s quarters, Worf, Klag, and Drex were discussing the attack on Martok over cups of steaming warnog; the attack had pushed away all thoughts of drinking bloodwine to their victory over the Yuuzhan Vong.

From what they understood, the attack had occurred during the High Council session where the discussion of the Yuuzhan Vong had come up and whether or not they would take action against the alien foe. The conservative elements had blasted Martok for sending the Gorkon and the task-force into the fray, just as the shooting had started, which in turn could lead to reprisals from the aliens.

Details were sketchy from this point on, but it had appeared that someone had begun shooting from one of the shielded ventilation panels in the rebuilt Great Hall. The shooter had utilized chemical propelled weaponry - similar in concept to Starfleet’s TR-116 rifle as Worf had found out during the serial killings on Deep Space Nine towards the end of the Dominion War -- hence why it had not shown up to the building’s scanners. A detonation of a flash grenade and disabling of the security system had allowed the shooter to escape.

Martok was still alive, but it didn’t look good. The Chancellor had taken five hits to the chest, but it appeared that Sto-Vo-Kor didn’t want the grizzled old warrior just yet. And so, the Gorkon was on its way home, its three most important personnel on board - excluding Anakin Solo -- discussing who it was who nay have tried to kill their leader.

Both Klag and Worf was slightly worried about Drex’s reaction to the news. Where once Drex may have been frothing at the mouth, crying out for vengeance and battle, he was dead silent, an icy calm draped over the only son of Martok. The deaths of his mother and sisters three years earlier had matured him and now the thought of losing his only remaining family member hardened him. Worf was now speaking.

”Cui Bono,” the Starfleet officer had said.

It was an old phrase from the Ancient Earth language called Latin and it was one of Captain Picard’s favorite phrases. Ordinarily, Worf paid little attention to different human languages, despite having been raised in the Ukraine. But Picard had mentioned this phrase on several occasions, causing the Klingon to ask the walking dictionary - at least as a certain omnipotent entity that had plagued the Enterprise-D had called him; Worf had great respect for Data and his abilities - its meaning.

“Who benefits,” the android had explained to Worf and as he in turn now explained to Klag and Drex.

So, who benefited from the attempted assassination of the Klingon people’s chancellor?

This was not the first time that Martok had been challenged by elements of the Empire. His bastard son Morjod had launched a coup in the days following the Dominion’s final defeat at Cardassia, a cog in a complex stratagem of revenge planned by one Gothmara, a lover of Martok during the general’s youth. Their plan had devious and well-planed and had come very close to succeeding.

But a gathering of forces loyal to Martok, from those who had served with him in the War to the mysterious sect of ancient poet-warriors known as the Katai, from Worf, Ezri Dax, and Alexander to the clone of Emperor Kahless himself had fought the insurgents on the icy plains of Boreth itself and had won the day, though at great cost to the General. The Ketha Lowlands had been burned to the ground by Morjod’s forces, the venerable Rotarran and the mighty Negh’Var had gone the way of the Enterprise-D and the original Defiant, and the fierce Lady Sirella and their daughters had been executed.

No, Morjod and Gothmara were as dead as doornails; there was not doubt whatsoever about that. But the question remained: Who had been behind this? In addition, why would they attack now? The Empire had been recovering well thus far from their losses sustained in the Dominion War. Martok’s defeat of Morjod’s coup and the re-discovery of the Sword of Kahless had helped revitalize the Klingon people and set them on the road to the new age envisioned by Kahless and the Katai. It had to be in connection to the Yuuzhan Vong and the New Republic, Worf had decided.

But why kill Martok? Killing him would plunge the Empire into chaos at a time when it needed unity if this alien foe should invade. Perhaps, the conspirators hoped that a new leader would rise up to lead the charge against the alien invaders. Or perhaps, like Gothmara, someone else held a grudge against the Chancellor and had been unable to act following Morjod’s failed coup. Or perhaps…

This line of discussion continued for another half hour, causing Worf to sigh as he gulped down the remnants of his cup of warnog; the situation had called for alcohol over his customary prune juice, an beverage that ironically thanks to the man Gowron had called one of the Empire’s greatest traitors, had become one of the main imports to the Klingon Empire. So many suspects, so many questions, so few answers. It looked as if they would have to wait until the Gorkon reached Q’oNos before they could truly get any answers.


Though Anakin tried not to usually pry into the thoughts of those around him, there were times where he could not helped but “hear” strong outbursts and emotions through the Force; it had always been that way since he was a child.

His thoughts turned to his new little cousin and thoughts of Ben Skywalker. Training at the praxeum in the jungles of Yavin 4 had allowd him to gain a olfactory sense regarding the animals and plants of the world where the Rebel Alliance had established its first permanent base of operations.

But nothing, nothing on Yavin 4 smelled like the cabins onboard the Gorkon.

There was no doubt that Jaina and Jacen were the lucky ones, staying on Earth and watching Ben, though he suspected that could change at any time. Jaina was still technically a part of Rogue Squadron and Colonel Darklighter could be forced to reverse her leave at any time. Besides, neither of them were ones to stay out of the fight; the same could be said of him.

So, if that was the case, then why was he on a vessel headed in the opposite direction from the only way to his home galaxy?

Perhaps it was to make a positive impression upon the inhabitants of this galaxy, in light of the growing anti-Jedi sentiment that his galaxy hadn’t seen since the height of the Clone Wars. Records from the Clone Wars were sparse; Palpatine’s efforts had paid off in concealing many of the finer details of the conflict that had signaled the end of the Old Republic and the beginning of the New Order. But he knew the Jedi’s isolated position had been one of the weaknesses taken advantage of by the Emperor.

Perhaps it was Alexander. He had spent much time, aside from dueling and trying to fathom the rather exotic dishes favored by the warriors of the Klingon Empire, speaking of their past and their similarities. Both young men were haunted by their families’ past and struggling to challenge that. Or perhaps it was the Force itself, calling him to fullfill a mission that he couldn’t begin to comprehend or understand.

Whatever the reason, he would help them unravel this puzzle and discover who it was that had tried to kill the honorable Chancellor.

Location: Deep Space Nine
Bajor System, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy

Much like the D7-class cruisers a century before, the sight of a Jem’Hadar cruiser and its escort of twelve attack ships sitting dead in space a mere ten kilometers from Deep Space Nine would once have caused even the most hardened warrior to break into a sweat. The fact that crewmembers in Ops were currently doing so was a reminder that even four years after the signing of the Treaty of Bajor, the peace with the Dominion was still a fragile one at best.

But if this joint Starfleet-Dominion-Unimatrix Zero operation was successful, then it would go a long way towards solidifying relationships with the vast, fascistic power that controlled much of the Gamma Quadrant - though that could soon change given what Axum and Odo had told them. In addition, Colonel Kira, through Admiral Ross, had heard that were elements in Starfleet that wouldn’t mind the idea of renegade Borg giving a bloody nose to the power that had spent two years trying to destroy the Federation. But this was flawed reasoning.

Old prejudices die hard, as Kira knew all too well. The Kira that had aided Legate Damar and helped free Cardassia from the Dominion had been a far different individual than the Kira who had helped end the Occupation and vehemently protested the Provisional Council’s request for Federation assistance and membership.

The Colonel was standing in Ops, bidding a farewell to her lover and his escort of Weyoun and Tarana’tar.

The Constable nodded to the Vorta, who proceed to please his god by tapping a wristband similar to the one worn by the Vorta spy Eris nearly a decade before. The trio that represented the three hierarchies of the Gamma Quadrant power vanished in the purple and silver hues of a Dominion transporter beam.


“Captain on the bridge!”

Commander Chakotay settled into the command chair of the new Defiant. It took him a moment to adjust to the “tough little ship’s” chair of command; after all, he had come to know his own chair on Voyager quite well over its seven-year sojourn and old habits died hard. He’d had to do the same after the destruction of the Liberty at the Caretaker’s Array.

“Mr. Nog, prepare to take us out, one quarter impulse power.”

It was tempting, again out of habit, to call the young lieutenant Tom or Mr. Paris. This was going to take some getting used to.

“One quarter impulse power, aye,” replied Starfleet’s first Ferengi officer, his hands manipulating the control panels of the Defiant as if it were a fine instrument or, in the Ferengi’s case, a ledger.

Slowly but surely, the Defiant’s RCS thrusters brought the ‘escort friage’ clear of the Cardassian station’s docking rings and into the path of the Dominion and Borg ships.

“Hail the Dominion and Borg flagships, Dax,” he ordered. The Trill lieutenant complied.

“Constable Odo, Axum, we’re ready to proceed on your mark.”


“Understood. See you on the other side, Defiant.”

An individual of millions of minds, but of one single body smiled at the image of the Bajoran wormhole opening, the real-time footage coming from one of the Unimatrix Zero ships‘ holocams. They didn’t know that they were transmitting, of course; precautions were still necessary. The attempted destruction of the Fusion Cube had been an opportunity that had been too good to pass up. But no matter, for everything was slowly coming into place.

The Restoration would soon begin.


“It truly is an impressive sight.”

Focused on the site of the closing Bajoran wormhole, Kira hadn’t heard the doors open into her office and so couldn’t help but jump silently in her seat. Turning her head, she could see that her visitors were Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. She couldn’t help, but wonder briefly if they had received lessons from Garak, but knew that wasn‘t the case. Her cat-like reflexes had dulled somewhat in the ten years since the end of the Occupation, especially with the end of the Dominion War. Shakaar would never let her hear the end of it.

“That it is,” she replied to Skywalker’s earlier comment. Her smiled faltered slightly.

“I know you want to see the Celestial Temple, but a problem has arisen.“

“What kind of problem?“

Kira held up one of the Starfleet issue PADDs laying on her desk.

“I have orders from Starfleet Command. The wormhole’s unfortunately off limits for the time being.”

“I would assume it has to do with Mission Gamma,” Mara said. Kira nodded.

“Exactly. Until the rogue Borg threat has been neutralized, Starfleet wants to minimize the amount of traffic between both quadrants. Odo and Axum fully agreed with this.”

“As do I,” replied Luke. He had no wish to antagonize the strange, new people of the Milky Way Galaxy. Better to make a fresh, clean introduction of the Jedi here as opposed to the sentiment they faced on all fronts at home.

“I do however have news concerning your request for a ship.”

Colonel Kira tapped the console on the desk-mounted display and a real-time feed of one of Deep Space Nine’s landing pads came into focus.

“She’s a Danube-class runabout, the Rio Grande. I can personally vouch that she’s the safest of the runabouts; she’s the only remaining of the original complement that Deep Space Nine originally received ten years ago. In addition, it’s the ship that then-Commander Sisko flew when he discovered the Celestial Temple.”

That piqued Luke’s interest. But he quickly noticed something rather obvious.

“You do realize that that is a Federation ship, yes?”

“Yes,” Kira replied slightly suspiciously. Luke held up his hands.

“I mean no disrespect to you Colonel. I simply wondered if Starfleet approved Jedi usage of one of their support craft.”

Kira’s suspicion and worry faded.

“You’ve made some friends in high places since coming through the Terran-Nubian wormhole. Starfleet approved the loan of the Rio Grande to you. It’s fueled and ready for launch when you’re ready -- I just realized, do you know how to fly it?”

“I flew the Enterprise-E during the second Yuuzhan Vong attack on Sector 001. It shouldn’t be too much of a problem. If not, we have Artoo and the ship’s systems are quite user-friendly, after all,” Luke said.

Kira laughed.

“Yeah, I had trouble getting used to that when Starfleet took over administration of the station, too.”

“Thank you for generosity, Colonel Kira.”

“It’s no problem. May the Prophets guide you in your quest,”

Luke and Mara both bowed to Kira.

“May the Force be with you,” the Jedi couple replied in turn.


Location: U. S.S. Enterprise-E
Spacedock, Earth

Commander Riker had always felt that the Enterprise-D had gone before her time. The previous flagship had been built with the purpose of a thirty-year mission, yet she had only lasted seven. Her destruction above and on Veridian III had been a two-fold blow to Starfleet. Not only had they lost the flagship, but in just under seven years, Starfleet had lost half of the initial order of Galaxy-class crusiers.

Thankfully, that hadn’t stopped them from halting production of the ship. If it had, then many of the battles that Starfleet had been faced with since the destruction of the previous Starship Enterprise may have turned out quite differently. Operation Return was one such example. The Galaxy wings had accounted for ten percent of the losses sustained by the Cardassian/Dominion fleet during that pivotal encounter.

In the case of the newest Enterprise, there was more that had been passed onto her than simply her name and senior staff. The main social lounge was also named Ten-Forward, but unlike her counterpart, was devoid of an El-Aurian bartender. The lounge was sparse, as most of the crew was engaged in repairing the damage sustained during the fight for Sector 001.

As acting Captain, Riker was sitting down with his old friend Geordi laForge for a quick bite to eat in between his conversations with Starfleet Command. Even in the 24th century, bureaucracy was still a bitch and it was bound to get worse, as Riker knew from past experience

“Mind if I join you?”

Riker and Geordi both looked up at their unexpected visitor. It was Captain Solo, looking similar to the state of the Enterprise engineers. He had a two day growth of stubble on his features and his clothes were rumpled and layered with oil and dirt.

“By all means, Captain Solo.”

Riker didn’t refuse the request because it would have not have looked good for the acting commander of the Federation Flagship and also because he gotten to like Solo. Reminded him of many ways of the man he had once been before meeting his friends and extended family on both the two recent Starships Enterprise.

“Call me Han.”

Han pulled up a chair and joined the two senior officers. Geordi asked Solo what he had selected from Ten-Forward’s replicator.

“It’s called Sirloin steak, I think, with a red wine dressing or something like that.”

The officers watched as the man who had commanded the mighty Mon Remonda, knocked Boba Fett into the Sarlacc Pit at the Battle of Carkoon, and had survived torture at hands of Darth Vader himself took a cautious bite of the steak. He was silent, chewing the meat slowly and carefully. A pleasurable look came across his face.

“Too bad my wife can’t cook like this,” he said with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

Riker and laForge chuckled softly.

“So, how’s the repair work on the Millennium Falcon,” Geordi asked.

“Done. Had Jacen and Jaina helped, it would have been done sooner, but I’m used to long nights in that bird.”

“Why didn’t you call them up?”

“They’re watching Ben.”


“It’s for the best, anyway.”


“With the number of times that my kids were abducted over the years, I was always ready to go blasting with my old BlasTech DL-44 to get them back. Now it’s my nephew and his father is the greatest Jedi of this generation. So, no only are the guys who try to kidnap Ben going to get screwed over, but I’m second in line.”

All three men laughed.

“Have you ever considered having a family?” Han directed his question at the Enterprise’s XO. Commander Riker was silent for a moment, plotting out his response.

“Deanna and I have given thought about it. But there’s out dedication to Starfleet to think about. Of course, her mother wouldn’t hear of us not having children.”

Han grinned.

“Hey, my father-in-law was a Sith Lord, so it’s not all that bad.”

He chuckled before continuing.

“It’s both the greatest adventure in life. Despite the mistakes I’ve made in raising Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin, I wouldn’t change a thing.”

He truly meant that; he no longer blamed Anakin for the death of his Wookie co-pilot and friend almost two years earlier at Sernpidal.

“Speaking of Deanna, has there been anything from Coruscant?”

Riker shook his head.

“Not yet. We can only hope that the reception is proceeding without any problems and that the negotiations to secure the Republic-end of an Alliance will be fruitful.

“I’ll drink to that,” Han said. The ex-Corellian smuggler raised his glass of water; he had sworn off alcohol as a result of his brief marriage to the bottle following the death of Chewbacca.

“To the beginning of a beautiful friendship, then. I’m sure even as I speak that Coruscant is having a wonderful effect on your people.”


Location: Coruscant
That Galaxy Far, Far Away


If there was a leader among those opposed to the latest generation of dress uniforms that Starfleet had begun using prior to the Briar Patch incident, it was Jean-Luc Picard. No matter how many times the replictator created a uniform, it could never get the dammed collar sized right for the captain of the Federation flagship.

Of course, the New Republic had nothing representing replicator technology. The only Federation technology they had were their PADD’s, communicators, phasers, Lt. Munro’s Hazard Team armor, and, well, Data. So, there was little to nothing he could do about it until the Naboo Hub could open a transwarp conduit to the Scilliant Planet.


“Nothing, Data.”

The entire team was assembled in the main foyer of their guest quarters within the Imperial Palace. Everyone, Munro and Scotty included, was dressed in the dress uniform; Scotty hated dress regulations, a habit going back to his days on the original Enterprise and Munro had been reluctant about not wearing his Hazard Team gear on this strange world. PADDS were strewn across the expanse of the chamber, the devices containing last-minute notes and data on the New Galactic Republic, and the cultures of this far away galaxy. Picard was speaking his final words to his hand-selected team

“We are literally the first contact that the mainstream government has had with the Federation. It is absolutely imperative that we behave in a dignified and respectful manner.”

“Yes sir,” they all replied in unison. Picard felt in many regards that it wasn’t necessary; all of these men and women knew the importance of securing an alliance between the New Galactic Republic and the United Federation of Planets. If they succeeded, then the future of both galaxies would be changed forever, and hopefully for the better.

A knock at the door signaled the arrival of their escort and their traveling companions. Queen Quital and Princess Leia greeted them, the former clothed in a traditional Nubian royal gown not seen on Coruscant since the end of the Clone Wars.

“You both look quite wonderful.”

“Thank you Captain Picard,” both replied in unison. Picard, out of habit, straightened his jacket and his team followed the Nubian Queen, former Chief of State, and their escort of guards.

It was time to boldly go where no one in the Federation had gone before.


Location: The Q Continuum
Somewhere in the Universe

The entity known as Q was tempted to begin tearing his hair from his scalp. What stopped him was an inner voice calling for peace and calmness among the calamity as well as the fact that he was slowly balding and whished not to aid the process.

“Will you stop saying that?!”

With a snap of his fingers - and wiggle of his nose - Q was cloaked once more in the guise of the Riddler. But unlike the fictional character of Edward Nygma, this Riddler was bona fide, genuinely, and certifiably very, very pissed off.

“Stop what, exactly Q?”

The urge to pull at his hair returned.

“Stop speaking in these dammed riddles! If you’re going to communicate, do it through simple phrases or couplets or hell, through a song like those morons over there,” he yelled, gesticulating over his shoulder to the still dancing and singing forms of the other Q. The Stranger again sighed.

“I’m sorry. That is not possible.”

“Why in the hells not?”

“Because I cannot. It is not my purpose.”

Q was really beginning to lose it and the Stranger could see it.

“Allow me to be more specific, Q. My purpose is to combat the Merging. But I cannot do it all nor do I have all the answers. The answer to your most immediate question, however, lies in him.”



“Um, could you perhaps be a little more specific as to which one?”

“I make reference to your leader, the Great and Powerful Q.”

“Oh, him.”

At that moment, something clicked -- for once, anyway -- in Q’s mind. He did a head count and he quickly realized that the Great and Powerful Q was not among those Q currently dancing around the pool of water. Coupled with what the Lady Q had stated earlier when she had materialized at the Quintessence’s meeting chamber, he began to get a nagging suspicion, one that the Stranger picked up on.

“You’re wondering if he is responsible for all of this.”

“What tipped you off,” Q muttered.

“It was what I was thinking.”

“Why do I also get the feeling you know more than you’re letting on, bub.”

From beneath the folds of his brown cloak, the Stranger raised and eyebrow in a Vulcan-like style.


Q sighed.

“Never mind. Just another human expression that I’m fond of. Anyway, you didn’t answer my question. Is Q responsible for the apparent lobotomizing of the Q?”

Lady Q had also picked up on Q’s line of thought and wasn’t surprised at the question, especially with what she had seen earlier. But q was shocked at the outright accusation that a Q could betray their entire race.

“You’re joking, right?”

The silence from both the Stranger and his father made q’s blood -- or what passed for blood among the Q -- run cold.

“Possibly,” the Stranger said at last. “Possibly not.”

“What did I say about those damm riddles?”

“My riddles make no difference at this moment.”

“And why not.”

“Because we have an opportunity to ask him,” the Stranger stated, his arm reached out and pointing at the sky above them. Dark clouds had begun to gather, blotting out the sun. The air charged with particles as thunder and lightning began cracking in the distance.

“What’s going on,” q asked with a trace of fear in his voice. It made sense considering that technically, he was still a wee lad in Q-time.

“Zeus is descending to greet the little folk,” Q muttered to his son -- which wasn’t that far from the truth considering the role of Prometheus he had once possessed during his mission to observe humanity millennia ago. But despite his sarcasm and wit, Q couldn’t help but have a very, very bad feeling about this.


To be continued…


* The Leaning Pizza Tower sequence is a tip of the hat to the novel “Atlantis Found”, the first (and personal favorite) Clive Cussler novel that I read in 2001.

* Although I originally wanted to avoid going into the events of Morjod’s coup during “The Left Hand of Destiny” duology, I have now.

* The Zemba-class dropship appeared in “Twilight’s Wrath”, the Shinzon entry in the “Tales of the Dominion War” anthology.

* Q’s time as Prometheus can be found in the novel “I, Q”.
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Post by JME2 »

Robert Walper wrote:
JME2 wrote: Alright, you wanted it? You've got it!
*taps foot*

...and, where now? :P
My computer lags... :oops:
Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

JME2 wrote:
Robert Walper wrote: *taps foot*

...and, where now? :P
My computer lags... :oops:
Just teasing ya JME2. ;)
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Post by JME2 »

Robert Walper wrote:
JME2 wrote:
Robert Walper wrote: *taps foot*

...and, where now? :P
My computer lags... :oops:
Just teasing ya JME2. ;)
I know. 8)

So, your thoughts on this latest installment?
Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

JME2 wrote:
Robert Walper wrote: Just teasing ya JME2. ;)
I know. 8)

So, your thoughts on this latest installment? You're not pulling any Borg crap on me and trying to assimilate all my knowled....oh. You meant commentry...:P

On the plus side: Nice me hungering for more. Q's whining is particularily amusing. :)

On the negative side: I swear you make the tiniest references to Borg material for the sole purpose of tormenting me. Must have been that Vader stuff I pulled. ;)
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Post by JME2 »

Robert Walper wrote:On the negative side: I swear you make the tiniest references to Borg material for the sole purpose of tormenting me. Must have been that Vader stuff I pulled. ;)
Far from it, my friend.

Without giving too much away, let's just say that the Borg will have a far greater role to play before the end of Act II and throuhout Act III than in Act I. These little bits here and there are simply building to it. We'll also have an apperance by Seven down the road.
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Post by Robert Walper »

JME2 wrote:We'll also have an experience with Seven down the road.
ohh....nice! :lol: ;)
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Post by JME2 »

Robert Walper wrote:
JME2 wrote:We'll also have an experience with Seven down the road.
ohh....nice! :lol: ;)
I said apperance, Rob... :lol: 8)
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Post by Robert Walper »

JME2 wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:
JME2 wrote:We'll also have an experience with Seven down the road.
ohh....nice! :lol: ;)
I said apperance, Rob... :lol: 8) bad. Damn you! :P
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Post by Agent R »

So, it seems that the Kaminoans really are still in business. I wonder what it'll mean to have Shinzon running around in a non-decomposing body?

Call this a leap in logic, but it looks like you're setting up a predestination paradox with the Borg. First, the Borg have basically gone rogue, and it appears as though the Collective is gone. Next, you had the Neo Borg Collective implicated as a factor in the temporal distubances involved in all this. Now, you have an "individual of millions of minds, but of one single body" (presumably a new queen) watching footage from a Unimatrix Zero ship, waiting for the "Restoration." Thus, the Neo Borg Collective has interfered in its past to insure its creation.

Or maybe not, depending on how the story goes.
No conscience. No law. No stopping them....

....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.

Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
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Post by Robert Walper »

Agent R wrote:So, it seems that the Kaminoans really are still in business. I wonder what it'll mean to have Shinzon running around in a non-decomposing body?

Call this a leap in logic, but it looks like you're setting up a predestination paradox with the Borg. First, the Borg have basically gone rogue, and it appears as though the Collective is gone. Next, you had the Neo Borg Collective implicated as a factor in the temporal distubances involved in all this. Now, you have an "individual of millions of minds, but of one single body" (presumably a new queen) watching footage from a Unimatrix Zero ship, waiting for the "Restoration." Thus, the Neo Borg Collective has interfered in its past to insure its creation.

Or maybe not, depending on how the story goes.
*wipes drool off of desktop* Um...sorry bout that.
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Post by JME2 »

Agent R wrote:So, it seems that the Kaminoans really are still in business. I wonder what it'll mean to have Shinzon running around in a non-decomposing body?
What makes you think he'll be able to get one? Next chapter will bring up the events of the tpb Clone Wars: Volume 1 and the CIS attack on Kamino in the early days of the war and their distrust of outsiders to boot. In addition, let's just say that that the Vong are not the only GFFA party that are interested in Shinzon. As to who this party or parties is/are, well, that would be telling... :twisted:
Agent R wrote:Call this a leap in logic, but it looks like you're setting up a predestination paradox with the Borg. First, the Borg have basically gone rogue, and it appears as though the Collective is gone. Next, you had the Neo Borg Collective implicated as a factor in the temporal distubances involved in all this. Now, you have an "individual of millions of minds, but of one single body" (presumably a new queen) watching footage from a Unimatrix Zero ship, waiting for the "Restoration." Thus, the Neo Borg Collective has interfered in its past to insure its creation.

Or maybe not, depending on how the story goes.
In the words of Janeway, I hate Time Travel. 8)

I kid. You'll see. Let's just day that Daniels is going to be thrown a major pickle by the end of Act II that will force him to make choices that he had wanted to avoid at all costs. As to what they are, well, as I said, that would be telling... :twisted:
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Post by Trogdor »

Good chapter. It feels like you're about to plunge into several very important plot threads at once, and I eagerly await for that. As always, you write Q exceedingly well.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
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