Series1Rx7 wrote:
Here I have people comparing e-penis re: two sci-fi's which simply cannot be compared.
Where have we heard
that before...
Series1Rx7 wrote:All the people complaining about the War40k 'uberweapons' and saying they can't be mentioned because they are only ever vaguely talked about with reverence... its BS. THIS is what War40k is about. It's as simple as that. War40k is about the invincible Emperor. It is about the devestating technologies, which the Imperium keeps closed, to save the universe.
Some quantification as to their capabilities would be nice. Which, had you been paying attention, you'd notice was exactly what is being worked out here.
Series1Rx7 wrote:It is about Space Marines that cannot be defeated, that can fight without sleep for a year, that only take 12 men to defend against an army.
Right, they cannot be defeated. I guess that's why chapters are routinely mangled and even wiped out by things like tyranids, ork or eldar. Hell, if you wanna go by tabletop rules, the Eldar could be called marine killing machines. You're just wanking off here.
Series1Rx7 wrote:Star Wars isn't. It's about more traditional good vs evil armies battling it out. I love Star Wars... but it's a wet dream for the Empire to ever be able to defeat the Imperium, let alone anything in the War40k universe.
Numbers, quantification. People used several arguments here, none of which I see countered in your post. Besides, it's not a full scale Imperium vs Empire war, it's an assault on Terra.
Series1Rx7 wrote:In a universe where ORKS ARE SPORES THAT SPREAD TO PLANETS AS FUNGII and then grow into the bipeds we recognise, the Imperium is going to be some hardcore mother fucker that's not to be trifled with.
Wow, really? I mean...that's a real, sound comparison! They're motherfuckers, therefore they win no matter what.
Series1Rx7 wrote:Orks make things work with the power of the MIND! They'll think red makes wartraks go faster, so the wartraks DO go faster. They think a bolter-shaped piece of metal is in the shape of a pistol, so IT WORKS LIKE A PISTOL.
So? Orks are a non-issue here. It's an assault on Terra, not a bloody galaxy vs galaxy deathmatch.
Series1Rx7 wrote:The Imperium sends holy crusades of guardsmen armies several billion strong without pause, it's perfectly normal and not even difficult for them to do. The Imperium is very tightly packed with countless populated worlds, where often they will just mobilise an entire planets population for war, without a second thought.
Show they can do all that fast enough to save the Emperor, and you'll have a point. By all means, I'm sure everyone here will listen to some, you know,
reasonable arguments.
Series1Rx7 wrote:It supports these with fleets of countless ships...
Their numbers are described in the White Dwarf as "thousands", which is what the GE can easily muster as an expeditionary force.
Series1Rx7 wrote:...the smaller transport types being only slighter smaller than a Star Destroyer.
Numbers and sources, please. There are some transport that are really big, which means jack shit (it's necessary because their method of travel is slow, meaning one voyage from an agriworld could take years), because it's the warships that are going to make a difference, and for that we need to quantify their weapon yields.
Series1Rx7 wrote:The only thing that the Empire has better is the speed of their ships. It's just a different story telling device, the War40k needs the 'Warp' (there are a few short stories here and there mentioning a time before the technological regression of the Imperium where the Warp was NOT the way they travelled quickly across space) and Star Wars needs hyperspace.
And? Hyperspace is still safer and MUCH faster, plus you can easily use it in-system. And I again notice a distinct lack of even an attempt at quantifying weapon yields of Imperium battleships, just vague a "They're better"
Series1Rx7 wrote:I can't even think of something that could stop a squad of Terminators and a squad of Assault Terminators taking over a Star Destroyer. These guys wear armour that can't even be penetrated by a bolter, let alone a lasgun. In fact, the weapon that has the least chance of killing one is a bloomin lascannon. A FRIGGIN LASCANNON. They're armour is so strong they can pick up tanks in their powerclaws and crush/split/cut them in two.
Stormtroopers can setup chokepoints in tight passages, and have some specialized armor-piercing equipment, including missile launchers firing proton warheads (capable of damaging starfighters). When they realize their standard carbines cannot penetrate, they'll bring out the heavy hitters
Series1Rx7 wrote:Heck, even have a watch of the intro to the computer game Dawn of War. That's ONE Space Marine unit, one Walker, and one heavy support, which is the relatively weak Predator tank (as far as War40k goes, that's a recon tank).
The Predator is a primary combat tank used by Space Marine chapters, and it got destroyed rather easily in the intro.
More like two to three mobs.
Series1Rx7 wrote:The stop the attack...
No they don't. They charge out from behind cover right into melee, they get badly chopped up by the orks, then their dreadnaught gets blown up, and the Sarge is left alone in the battlefield against several orks. Some victory.
Series1Rx7 wrote:...and the sergeant still runs and grabs the flag that the unit's flag bearer drops, takes fire, a BULLET GOES THROUGH HIS JAW and he STILL sets the flag up high as a standard - to the backdrop of the rest of his Chapter droppodding in to mop up the stragglers of the Ork army.
Wow, they can get horribly slaughtered because of a dumb tactical decision, but their sergeant can put up a fucking
flag up while wounded (in the arm, mind you. the bullet hit him under the pauldron, not in his jaw)! Yeah, that's great publicity for Space Marines right there. Shows how undefeatable they are, really.
Series1Rx7 wrote:And orks are 3 times the size of a normal human man, and can rip men limb from limb without any trouble at all. And their natural hides are only slighter weaker than Space Marine armour. AND THEY GROW OUT OF THE FRIGGIN GROUND.
Their hides are not comparable to space marine armour. They die in droves every time they fight someone with better tactics than "run forward, shooting wildly", even against the Guard.
Series1Rx7 wrote:You always question the fact that the Imperium don't 'simply orbital bombard everything blah blah blah'.
You must actually read and understand the underlying history that's meant to be there... It's all honour.(...snip...)
Blah blah blah, they don't bombard planets 'coz their "honor" tells them not to. What are they, Klingons?
Besides, it's all bullshit. The Imperium does bombard planets from orbit, does use armor and air support, as was shown before in the thread. Even the Marines, while they sure
like their HtH, don't usually charge first thing in the morning (mostly, at least. Some Chapters are completely fucking psychotic)
Series1Rx7 wrote:(...snip more irrelevant "it's honour!" bullshit)
Which means...? Are you trying to prove they will try to charge into HtH against dug-in stormtroopers, or what?
Series1Rx7 wrote:I'm very dissapointed with the War40k people here as well, you've forgotten the roots of the Imperium, and what it's all meant to mean. You started playing the fanboys game, when you should have been saying all that I've just said.
No, they tried to quantify the Imperium's technology somewhat, which is what you try to do in a vs. debate, not appeal to "roots" of the Imperium and then go with it. If I said Medieval knights would be slaughtered by machine-guns (to everyone: irrelevant to the thread, I know), because their armor is easily penetrated, they lack firearms themselves and they don't have the speed to close to HtH fast enough, would you start crying about the "roots" of chivalry and knighthood, as if knightly honor somehow invalidates the sheer killing power of a heavy machine gun?
All in all, a thoroughly stupid post. Sorry for taking up space with this rebuttal, but somebody had to do it, I guess.