"YOU BASTARDS" Game Moments (Possible Game Spoiler

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Post by Medic »

Darksider wrote:snip
Yeah, Chopper was so damned funny.
Ace Combat 4 actually pissed me off more. The final battle with The Yellows always made me hate them with much spite and vitriol. The constatnt lock's on your ship and the fact that all too often, you'd smoke a Yellow rigth after he blew an allied Raptor or Typhoon out of the sky... the death of a comrade in AC04 was far more realistic. No theatrics, no fanfare, just BOOM and they are fucking gone...
Badme wrote:snip
That was fucked up. Actually, for me when Celes was getting interrogated in the beginning was worse. Far more personal and cruel.

(HAB will hang me for this) Ring of Red, a mecha game set in the Japanese 1960's inspired nothing short of hatred in me. Those fucking Russian Communists I hated so fucking bad, so bad! They have often 4 times your numbers and throw themselves at you en masse. They don't conserve ammo (you HAVE to because, well, you're outnumbered), they use incendiary shrapnel on your infantry like a bitch and are also quite fond of white phosphorous. :finger: SHIT FUCKING BASTARDS!

I also hate without reason or mercy, "the White One," and it's contemptible pilot: the Gundam and Amuro Ray. I've played many a Gundam game with my friend in the past and in every one I was Zeon! I HATE the feddies so bad.
[8th MS Team] Well, the peacefull Federation turned out quite warlike in the end, didn't they, sister? (said right after a medical ship was vaped out of the sky by a sniper) [/8th MS Team]
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Post by Gandalf »

Playing Civ 3, on a fairly accurate map. I was playing as Russia. All was well. My outer cities made a decent shield for Moscow. The Chinese just walked in with about 10 guys and took it and St. Petersburg. Took decades to get over it. After that I wanted Chinese blood. But then the program died and I cried.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
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Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
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Post by SylasGaunt »

PFC Brungardt wrote: Ace Combat 4 actually pissed me off more. The final battle with The Yellows always made me hate them with much spite and vitriol. The constatnt lock's on your ship and the fact that all too often, you'd smoke a Yellow rigth after he blew an allied Raptor or Typhoon out of the sky... the death of a comrade in AC04 was far more realistic. No theatrics, no fanfare, just BOOM and they are fucking gone...
Yeah but Chopper had a great death scene.. and the fury with which I obliterated the bastards responsible was oh so sweet.
(HAB will hang me for this) Ring of Red, a mecha game set in the Japanese 1960's inspired nothing short of hatred in me. Those fucking Russian Communists I hated so fucking bad, so bad! They have often 4 times your numbers and throw themselves at you en masse. They don't conserve ammo (you HAVE to because, well, you're outnumbered), they use incendiary shrapnel on your infantry like a bitch and are also quite fond of white phosphorous. :finger: SHIT FUCKING BASTARDS!
I hated the damn ruskies. Them and their damn cheap ass looking AFWs.. I'll take my german developed beauties thank you very much.

Disgaea- Hour of Darkness, when Flon sacrifices herself.. this was immediately followed by me flying into a great rage and smiting her boss.
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Post by RogueIce »

GTA: San Andreas. "The Green Sabre"

I think that's all that needs to be said.
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Post by Petrosjko »

RedImperator wrote:Madden NFL 2004, leading in the NFC championship game by six with less than three minutes in the fourth. Trying to run out the clock, picking up four, five, six yards a carry slamming the ball between the tackles against an exhausted defense. Running back gets tired, backup comes in to give him a breather.

First play, son of a bitch fumbles on my opponent's thirty, they recover, run the fucking thing all the way back. And of course, after they kick the ball back to me, their defense suddenly rallies and stops me cold--turnover on downs with one minute left. They take three knees and that's the game.

I managed not to destroy the controller, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
Oh motherfucker, yeah.

Think it was Madden '93... anyway, NFC Championship game. Up by four. Under two to go. No kneeldown option in the game, so you have to make plays. But Ricky Watters fumbles like crazy, can't trust him with the ball. Who is the most reliable ballhandler on the team? JERRY RICE!

Sub him in at halfback. Dumb fucking move.

One play, one yard. Next play, negative one yard. Third play, three yards and... player injured.


Torn ACL, out for the season.


Another peculiarity in the game- if the opposing team had a fast enough flyer on punt coverage, he could get down, and the pass logic would kick in, so he could deflect the punt over the head of the punt returner, run right by him and catch it... usually zapping right into the end zone.

I've beaten the Cowboys with every team but the utterly shitty Redskins team. I'm eking out a narrow victory and forcing them to punt in the fourth quarter. Just gotta run the ball some, and I'll have a perfect team record vs. the Cowboys.

Punt comes up. Of all people, James Washington is the flyer, he deflects the punt, zaps right by my return man, 'intercepts' the ball, and heads straight into the end zone.

Bastard. Damn him.
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Post by Joe »

Out of curiosity, why? I thought she was the greatest love interest for the main character of a videogame I'd ever come across. It was one of my "YOU BASTARD" moments, which is why I ask.
Meh...I liked Aerith, but I have a feeling she's a beneficiary of the Gwen Stacy effect, which essentially means that an attractive female character becomes more popular solely because she dies. She wasn't really a great character in FFVII; she was rather flat and one-dimensional, as opposed to the much more dynamic Tifa. Not that she wasn't a good person, she was almost too wholesome and good-natured if anything, but I can name at least four female characters in the FF series off the top of my head who have more depth and development than Aerith ever got. She and Cloud never really had that developed of a relationship, either, sadly. One or two extra scenes involving solely Cloud and Aerith really would have gone a long way.

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Post by Dead_Ghost »

MechWarrior 4: The Black Night. The op where we get betrayed and Colonel Lawhorn (?) gets himself killed while trying to give the convoy more time to break away :x . May not mean that much to anybody else, but I sure got in a heavy payback-mood :evil: . Preferably as gory as possible. Needless to say that, when the ops came where I had to take out Ian Dresari and Major Dupree, I got one hell'of a satisfaction out of it :twisted: .
Mark S wrote:Maybe they're allowed to have all the casual sex they want. It's not sex that's forbidden, it's attachment.

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Post by Medic »

SylasGaunt wrote:I hated the damn ruskies. Them and their damn cheap ass looking AFWs.. I'll take my german developed beauties thank you very much.
Bah! Weizegger's Type 1 after the upgrade is far better than Ryoko's Niebelan machine.

Type 3 was sweet too but it was piloted by that idealist and fucktard coward Kaiho, whom I hate nearly as much as Amuro Ray. At least he doesn't hate violence and war :twisted:
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Post by Captain Cyran »

For any RTS or Strategy or sport games. I think the biggest "You Bastards!" moments come when the computer/game console just decides "Nope, I win. Nothing you can do about it." Have you guys ever run into this? I know I have.
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Post by JediToren »

Super Metroid: The Mother Brain kills the uber-Metroid that thought you were its mother. When you start glowing with energy and the cool Samus hero music starts playing and you stand up as the ultimate mother fuckin' badass bounty hunter from hell, you say "Now you die, bitch," and blast her into a pile of space dust with your Hyper beam.

FreeSpace 2: The destruction of the GTVA Colossus. The seemingly invincible flagship of the GTVA gets wasted by a Sathanas-class vessel in a matter of minutes. Prepare to die, Shivan scum!

FreeSpace 2: Getting split up from Lt. Commander Christopher Snipes on your third SOC mission, then hearing those NTF punks order you to waste a defenseless transport. Then they try and goad you into a fight by telling you to "Show 'em what you think of Beta-Acquali, pilot." Bad move, boys. "Admiral Petrarch send his regards, see you in hell, traitors!"

Homeworld: Seeing Kharak in flames is initially quite sad, in spite of the fact that you haven't been playing very long. When the murdering bastards make the mistake of returning to the scene of the crime, you feel glee as you send them to their deaths. It is especially gratifying when the cut scene voice over explains that the prisoners did not survive interrogation.
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Post by Ace Pace »

Dead_Ghost wrote:MechWarrior 4: The Black Night. The op where we get betrayed and Colonel Lawhorn (?) gets himself killed while trying to give the convoy more time to break away :x . May not mean that much to anybody else, but I sure got in a heavy payback-mood :evil: . Preferably as gory as possible. Needless to say that, when the ops came where I had to take out Ian Dresari and Major Dupree, I got one hell'of a satisfaction out of it :twisted: .
Another one from that series, the Black Knight expansion:
When your on patrol from the base, base gets ambushed by 15 Heavies and Assaults, and you high tail it.

For the rest of the game, every single assault mech got personally mutilated by me.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

"Kharak is burning"

erm, simular vein, after getting my ass handed to me by one robo-nanny, in System Shock 2, strangely they are now on my TOP target priority list. Usually with as indirect artillery as possible...

PS as far as hydroponic is concerned, I am a motherfucking SURGEON with a marine grenade launcher.

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Post by Lord Revan »

Captain_Cyran wrote:For any RTS or Strategy or sport games. I think the biggest "You Bastards!" moments come when the computer/game console just decides "Nope, I win. Nothing you can do about it." Have you guys ever run into this? I know I have.
that's why there is something called cheat codes and the biggest You Bastards" moment for me was in SW:Galactic Battlegrounds when I had almost completed the first mission of Gungan campain but enemies I have destroy are on other side of river(aka out of range) and I can't build boats to get there.
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Post by Psycho Smiley »

OK, so you bastards attack the planet where I'm just a fucking border guard. Fine, I'll go join the marines. So you nuke Oasis, the fucking planet I'm training on, home to half the human race. After we're done the search and rescue mission on yet another planet you've attacked, we'll take out your forward operating base.

Or get ambushed and lose half the fleet, including the flagship I'm stationed on, killing my CO. Fine. We'll blow up YOUR planet-killing mothership. Now to liberate Oasis.... which is now a cored-out planetary railgun aimed at Earth. But first we have to deal with suicide attacks on the rest of the fleet.

So basically one big "YOU BASTARDS" game. But I save the biggest one for the company that made it. You want to bump up the ship-by date, so after all this cool military sci-fi stuff, I have to beat a boss-monster. A FUCKING BOSS-MONSTER! You couldn't give them enough time to finish the story. No, it's kill the boss-monster, save the day.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

This YOU BASTARD was also a Madden 2004 moment, but the bastard was not the computer, but my friend.

So, after five minutes of bickering about who gets to play the Eagles, I decide to go with the Buffalos and he picks the Chiefs. Now, I absolutely suck at Madden. Terrible. I have never won a single game. But this time, I'm on fire...for me, anyway. Only a short time to go, and he's ahead by a field goal. I'm a tantalizing 2 yards away from the endzone, and decide to go for the touchdown to secure my first win.

So in the ensuing scramble, there is a lot of blood and flying sweat, until, sadly, my man fumbles the ball. No trouble, until my friend recovers the ball, jukes past my defenders...and RUNS 98 YARDS FOR THE TOUCHDOWN.

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Post by salm »

Strike Commander:

your a team mate, or something gets shot down (can´t remember. i only remember). this pisses the player chracter off. it also pissed me off. a lot. in retaliation i bomb ed the hell out ouf this nuclear power plant with bloody expensive paveway bombs even though MK-82 would suffice.
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Post by Medic »

HemlockGrey wrote:snip
That reminded me...
Back in the day when I got a PS2 not a month after the first batch (I got it early November after the 26th Oct 2000 realease date) I got Madden and well, I was getting used to the AI and making a profile and shit. Still experimenting. I figure "the Titans have good D and a power running game. And I'll use a run heavy playbook and grind my foes to oblivion."

Well, I play my first game against my brother with my old-school philosophy...................................

I fucking lost something like, 70-3.
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Post by Vendetta »

Darksider wrote:
Tasoth wrote:Skies of Arcadia: Blekam the Air Whale. The moby dick of the game. One of the characters is hunting it and you later find out it's a Gigas and you have to take it down. Valua beats you to it and you find it, dying, being tended by the character who was origionally hunting it. Belkam is the last of its kind and has been looking for its pod. At that point, I was pissed.

It's been a long time since I played Skies of Arcadia, but didn't the massive air whale thing rip apart the Ahab dudes airship, and didn't he go down with it?
Kinda. When you do finally catch up to him, Drachma spikes him with the Harpoon Cannon, but Ramirez shows up and starts pounding the fuck out of both of you, Rakhnam (which is the whale's name) is mortally wounded and buggers off to die, taking the Little Jack, and Drachma, with him.

I fucking despised Ramirez in that game. Stuck up ponce that he was. He really needed to learn the meaning of Pirate's Wrath
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Post by Vendetta »

PFC Brungardt wrote: Ace Combat 4 actually pissed me off more. The final battle with The Yellows always made me hate them with much spite and vitriol. The constatnt lock's on your ship and the fact that all too often, you'd smoke a Yellow rigth after he blew an allied Raptor or Typhoon out of the sky... the death of a comrade in AC04 was far more realistic. No theatrics, no fanfare, just BOOM and they are fucking gone...
I could never really hate the Yellows, not only because the story interludes build up some sympathy towards them, but because they never really seemed to do any damage. Sure they'll ocasionally take down an ISAF plane, but I have fairly minimal attachment to them, they die in such droves anyway.

Even at the Siege of Farbanti, where you have to take on five at once, all it takes is one QAAM lock to shake one off, and that gives you the break you need in the constant whine of missile lock.
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Post by Darksider »

Vendetta wrote: I fucking despised Ramirez in that game. Stuck up ponce that he was. He really needed to learn the meaning of Pirate's Wrath

I he the one who talks with the flamboyant lisp?
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Post by Vendetta »

He's the Big Bad. Galcian's butt-boy.
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Post by 2000AD »

Mechcommander 2: Where you escort the Laio guy to a peace negotiation with the Steiner and the Steiner's only condition in the peace deal is that your mercenary party is killed. Bastards!

Wing Commander 3: When Hobbes kills Cobra. If you chase him and kill him then when you return the Tiger's Claw (IIRC that's the ship) is under attack and the Spanish Kid (IIRC) is killed. So you have to choose between letting the traitor go and killing him later, or killing him ASAP but getting another pilot killed. Bastards!
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Post by McNum »

I add to the list... Vamp from MGS2. I just spent all that time escorting Emma to safety and then he just has to return from the dead (again) and stab her in the back when she's so close to getting to safety.

Not one big one, but in Tales of Symphonia it rubs me the wrong way with all those arrogant half-elves and their "inferior beings" routine. Especially Kvar. It didn't get much better when the party discovered the truth behind how Exspheres are really made. Strangely I didn't dislike Yggdrasill as much as the Grand Cardinals, though... Even if he was a bastard at times...

I also thought that Sephiroth was a bastard in FF7 when he did his backstabbing manouver. Mostly because I actually had used Aeris in the party almost all the way there.
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Post by SylasGaunt »

PFC Brungardt wrote:Bah! Weizegger's Type 1 after the upgrade is far better than Ryoko's Niebelan machine.
I believe the Type-1 was a german development to.. at the bare minimum it's gun is (IIRC it's the same model gun used on the Tiger)

Type 3 was sweet too but it was piloted by that idealist and fucktard coward Kaiho, whom I hate nearly as much as Amuro Ray. At least he doesn't hate violence and war :twisted:
Dora! *cue mushroom cloud picture*

Thing scared the hell out of me when I started fighting it, landed a perfect shot... and did dick for damage.

There is something to be said for John's american made AFW.. big, slow, ugly, but with a giant fuck-off cannon on it :)
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Post by SAMAS »

Aw come on! John's was one of my favorite mechs!

Or maybe that's just because of the way I just loved to smash the enemy AFW's before they even got close to me. ^_^
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