Yeah, Chopper was so damned funny.Darksider wrote:snip
Ace Combat 4 actually pissed me off more. The final battle with The Yellows always made me hate them with much spite and vitriol. The constatnt lock's on your ship and the fact that all too often, you'd smoke a Yellow rigth after he blew an allied Raptor or Typhoon out of the sky... the death of a comrade in AC04 was far more realistic. No theatrics, no fanfare, just BOOM and they are fucking gone...
That was fucked up. Actually, for me when Celes was getting interrogated in the beginning was worse. Far more personal and cruel.Badme wrote:snip
(HAB will hang me for this) Ring of Red, a mecha game set in the Japanese 1960's inspired nothing short of hatred in me. Those fucking Russian Communists I hated so fucking bad, so bad! They have often 4 times your numbers and throw themselves at you en masse. They don't conserve ammo (you HAVE to because, well, you're outnumbered), they use incendiary shrapnel on your infantry like a bitch and are also quite fond of white phosphorous.

I also hate without reason or mercy, "the White One," and it's contemptible pilot: the Gundam and Amuro Ray. I've played many a Gundam game with my friend in the past and in every one I was Zeon! I HATE the feddies so bad.
[8th MS Team] Well, the peacefull Federation turned out quite warlike in the end, didn't they, sister? (said right after a medical ship was vaped out of the sky by a sniper) [/8th MS Team]