Connor MacLeod wrote:That could be a problem, then. Is thre any way to guess at or estimate it? Based on another similar event perhaps?
I don't think so. Blowing up planets isn't something that's done often - Exterminatus is a lot easier, not to mention that you can still use the resources after an Exterminatus.
Since as I said its unlikely to be a "mass scattering" e vent, it would inevtiably reform due to the planet's own gravity. It just might take awhile if the bombardment was violent enough.
Nostramo was destroyed about 10k years before the current timeframe in 40K if that's any help.
Its not as bad a problem as with visuals (IE TDIC) - text isn't always as inclusive of detail as visuals are, so you can sometimes "ignore" such problems (unless the results shoudl be so blindingly obvious to anyone watching, which a large-scale bombardment should.)
*shrugs* Like I said, there's only one description I know of to go on, and I posted that.
well, as I said, that might not mean anything. Concentrate enough energy on a small enough area, and you can probably cut through it

True. Though AFAICT it was in appearance a normal sword. Disregarding the field of cuttiness going for it.
Would you midn if I asked what this is based on? I didnt think the quote was that specific.
It's outright stated later, when Veq comments that he's been letting his reaction times slip after taking a hit.
And I still need the other information (range, bullet velocity, etc.) in order to make calcs, if it can be derived or is provided.
Range I'd guess at being several hundred meters for the sniper round, less for Vrox's ACs. The bridges on Imperium (and similar) starships tend to be fairly big, and the
Slaughtersong's is similiarly size (IIRC the
Lord Solar Macharius's bridge was something like 200 meters across).
As for velocity, supersonic's about the best I can give.
I see. "Force enhancement" probably means surrounding it or reinforcing it with some sort of telekinesis giving it a "sharper' edge, or making it "harder" to break or damage.. or whatnot.
Force weapons have a psy-field around them, which allows for increased cutting ability, as well as psy-nastiness to any unfortunate hit by one and parrying power weapons.
Thats okay. I'm not precisely clear on just how much of a boost Palpy (or any other Dark jedi) might derive from any sort of boosters - I generally propose it more as a way of "levelling the field" so to speak.
The one side effect he's going to have to watch in all this is that massive Dark Side usage is going to cause massive bodily deterioration, so he needs to have ready access to his cloning facilities. (Ideally it might mean there would be periodic "windows" of opportunity when Palpy would not be active.)
Same deal with daemonhosts. The more powerful the daemon, the quicker the host gets burned out.
No statement as to the thickness (Boreas just blew up the wall, he didn't bother analysing it first).
Well I've generally figured (due to effects and somewhat due to logical extrapolation) that most Marine projectile weapons are going to be equivalent to a heavy macvhine gun (.50 BMG grade) or an AMR.. which means momentum in the tens of kg*m/s range. Like I said, not likely to do much more against stormy armor except knock them down and maybe break or bruise some bones unless they make a head shot or something.
Seems much simpler for them to use energy weapons.
Energy weapons are less common in SM units than boltguns, probably because plasma weapons tend to explode (with overuse/discharge on the higher power settings), and lasguns just plain suck against power armoured troops. LasCANNONS on the other hand can vaporise an SM's torso with minimal effect on the beam's trajectory, but they're bulky (powerpacks and coolant rig taken into account).
Well, the only thing I can tell otoh is that his head isn't exploding into a fountain of red mist.. (which I think is wht an AMR round to the head would do.. AMRs are designed to penetrate armored vehicles after all..)
Here's another example:
Traitor General, page 101 wrote:"You are an incompetent weakling," Uexkull said, and shot Daresh through the head with his bolt pistol. The single shot made an almost deafening boom in the close confines of the chamber. Daresh's almost headless corpse cannoned backwards from the end of the table, knocking over the chair.
My math wont be very precise (My brain isnt up to much math tonight,) but I suspect that the repulsors would provide at least a couple hundred to a couple thousand newtons worth of compensatory force to sustain a 3 meter/second stride (slightly better than average human running or jogging speed I think.) Lets say about half a ton of "gear" total.
Sounds about right.
Oh well I wasn't strictly referring to boarding actions. unless they enter a hangar, viper automadons are gonna be too big. I figured they would be used in the field.
Well, that gives the SMs their own armour, and the ImpGuard's Leviathans might come into play as well (and a shot from one of their macrocannons should do in a Viper) The guns in question:
13th Black Crusade sourcebook, page 18 wrote:From all along the Volscani line the Leviathans opened fire. The huge forward macro-cannons were heard in Kasr Valtoss some fifty miles away. Each Leviathan was rocked back on its treads by the recoil and the swarms of infantry surrounding them fell to the ground, unable to stand this close to the discharge. The ten-yard long cannon shells could scarcely miss the Leviathans of the Cadian command barely a mile from them.[...]It is a fact that Leviathan armament is primarily devised to destroy infantry. Once another Leviathan has its shields raised gunnery will not conclude the issue.
Boarding actions woudl probably be devoted to battle droids or spacetrooper armor.

(though SD-10s have heaveier blasters than conventional troops, shielding, and self-repairing armor.. The Yuuzhan-Vong killer driods the NR used in the NJO are even nastier-- they could take a single starfighter-scale shot and still survive, albiet with damage.)
The YVHs aren't pleasant, at all. I'd lay odds that a TacDread armoured SM could rip one apart in close, but at range the YVH wins, no question.
Well thats basically what you're doing. When its braced against the recoil, you probably can't move it around. (SPHA-Ts and the heavy TL turrets on an ISD probably have similar issues.)
That's probably why Leman Russes have targetting computers in addition to everything else: when you've locked the gun, it bloody well better be pointing the right way.
"I do not say the French cannot come. I only say they cannot come by sea." - Admiral Lord St. Vincent, Royal Navy, during the Napoleonic Wars
"Show me a general who has made no mistakes and you speak of a general who has seldom waged war." - Marshal Turenne, 1641