Scenario: SW Galactic Empire vs. WH:40K Imperium of Man

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Post by Currald »

Gunhead wrote:Shadowsword: 316t

Where are your numbers from, Gunhead? Imperial Armour? I agree that 316 tons is a bit excessive. The older figure of 100 tons is large, but not completely over the top. Mind you, I assume that the real biggies like the Capitol Imperialis and the Leviathan would be in that range, if not heavier.
Clear Ether, Currald
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Post by Lost Soal »

Currald wrote:
Gunhead wrote:Shadowsword: 316t

Where are your numbers from, Gunhead? Imperial Armour? I agree that 316 tons is a bit excessive. The older figure of 100 tons is large, but not completely over the top. Mind you, I assume that the real biggies like the Capitol Imperialis and the Leviathan would be in that range, if not heavier.
In Honour Guard, Gaunt says that a Baneblade is 300 tonnes. Since hes busy fighting it at the time he can be forgiven for skiping the extra 16 tonnes
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Black Admiral wrote:
Gunhead wrote:One could think that a vehicle like Baneblade would be massively more well amoured than say the leman russ. Not so, Baneblade has a frontal armor of 220mm and the leman russ 180mm.

And yet a Baneblade can shrug off hits that'd damage a Russ pretty heavily, if not destroy it outright (Honour Guard). That says that the Baneblade's using higher grade armour materials.
Depends on how the defense operates. Modern tanks IIRC can survive hits that would destroy an older tank, but the materials science would not be noticably different. Rather, the way they defeat the attack (ablative/reactive armors, and whatnot.)
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Black Admiral wrote:Well I can't help with that, but a Warhound chassis survived at near-ground zero of a nuclear explosion that dug out a crater described as "a gently curving glass-smooth, concave bowl two kilometers wide." The crew however, were less resilient.
Assuming a perfectly hemispherical crater (rather generous) it could be anywhere from a couple of megatons (for fragmentation/cratering) to 6 gigatons (melting) to 30 gigatons (vaporization). Glass-smooth might imply something much more than fragmentation, but thats offset by the probability that the crater depth is much less (I'd guess not much deeper than a few hundred meters, tops)

Another issue is whether it was actually within the 2 km "crater" when the explosion went off, or on the edges of it (the latter might mean more durability, but it might cause problems since the tank would be buffeted pretty nastiyl, if not tossed into the air/overturned/etc.)

If its on the edges of the explosion, then it might absorb radiation, but the distancec will attenuate it some.. at a distancee of 1 km from the center of the explosion.. intensity for a 3 megaton nuke at that range would be about 1 GJ/m^2.. if the tank is oh.. 20 meters long and 10 meters tall, it might absorb 200 GJ total...

If the nuke is say, 3 gigatons, intensity jumps up to 1 TJ/m^2... and bout 200 TJ (nearly 48 kilotons) worth of energy absorbed.

And of course, at 30 gigatons, 10 TJ/m^2 intensity, 2000 TJ absorbed.. nearly half a megaton.

Of course, a gigaton range explosion would have other factors (a massive fireball, luminosity far more brilliant than the sun, blast waves, etc..)
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Post by Gunhead »

All info was taken from Imp armor. All the supers use V18 multifuel engine, kinda points towards a diesel of sorts. All tank engines are said to be multifuel, so I'm leaning towards a common tech base. No I don't think my HP estimate is low, super heavies manage a whopping 18-25 km/h so they're slow. Even the Russ is pitifully slow at 21-35 km/h. The first armored vehicle the Guard has that could race with modern tanks is the Chimera with a top speed of 70km/h.

Btw, if the HP estimate for the shadowsword engine is lowered, the recycle time for it's main weapon is also increased, or it's output is lower. Unless someone can come up with a reason why it's so slow, other than an underpowered engine.

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Post by white_rabbit »

Of course, a gigaton range explosion would have other factors (a massive fireball, luminosity far more brilliant than the sun, blast waves, etc..)
It had those, there was a substantial blast wave at 30klicks.
the latter might mean more durability, but it might cause problems since the tank would be buffeted pretty nastiyl, if not tossed into the air/overturned/etc.)
The warhound was inside the open compound of the Admech facility, which was the target of the orkish weapon, a heavily fortified Titan pen.
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Post by Gunhead »

Well I compared some numbers and for the Shadowsword to produce the same amount of energy that a 125mm sabot has, the engine would have to power the generator for 5 seconds at full power. This is about 10MJ and theres about 10% powerloss in the process but I think it's still pretty good estimate.

The sabot I'm using is 7kg projectile with a velocity of 1700m/s

Now this doesn't say anything about the max power of the shadowsword, just how long it has to sit still to power up.

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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Too bad they can't use the death star, because this:
Medstar II p.288-289:
...A solar flare burst from our sun that was over ten light minutes long. A hug. unheard-of massive eruption, far greater than any the star had produced in ten millions years. A flare that jetted forth with such power and force that Equanus was cooked...

..Very simple: that solar flare was not a natural disaster. The Republic, the glorious wonderful benign Galactic Republic's military leaders were testing a new weapon. A planet buster, a superweapon for some kind of ultimate battle station being developed. They fired it into our sun, and they miscalculated.
Imagine a DS just jumping into the system far away from any planets and firing the SL into the sun and then leaving, properly calculated the SWGE could charr Terra's surface and leave the emperor alive below.

Not to mention what it would do to the orbital defences that can't escape.
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Post by NecronLord »

I don't know if the Imperial Palace would survive being directly hit by a super solar flare HDS...
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Post by Junghalli »

The real question to my mind is whether the Empire's troop carrying capacities are up to the job. We postulated A fleet of 1,000 ISDs. Let's say those 1,000 ISDs are accompanied by 5,000 troop transports. Let's say each troop transport carries 25,000 men. That's a total of 125 million men.
That may seem like a lot, but let's pause to consider what they're facing. A fortress world with a population of trillions. After they get through that they've got to break into a continent sized palace defended by thirty foot war machines armed with capital ship weapons and psychers so powerful they make the greatest Sith lords look wimpy. You're looking at casualties in the billions here. I'd say you'd have to up the ante on force commitment considerably :wink: .
And let's not even get into what might happen if the GEoM gets pissed at a bunch of stormtroopers barging in on the Golden Throne room. :twisted:
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

white_rabbit wrote: It had those, there was a substantial blast wave at 30klicks.
Substantial isnt quite specific enough. How substantial was it? Enough to kill a person at 30 klicks, or knock down a building, or what?

The warhound was inside the open compound of the Admech facility, which was the target of the orkish weapon, a heavily fortified Titan pen.
That might protect against the blast wave and prevent it from getting fl ipped over, but it also may very well screen the tank gainst some or all of the radiation. (It also suggests the range was well outside the crater.. ie greater htan 1-2 km)
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Junghalli wrote:The real question to my mind is whether the Empire's troop carrying capacities are up to the job. We postulated A fleet of 1,000 ISDs. Let's say those 1,000 ISDs are accompanied by 5,000 troop transports. Let's say each troop transport carries 25,000 men. That's a total of 125 million men.
That may seem like a lot, but let's pause to consider what they're facing. A fortress world with a population of trillions. After they get through that they've got to break into a continent sized palace defended by thirty foot war machines armed with capital ship weapons and psychers so powerful they make the greatest Sith lords look wimpy. You're looking at casualties in the billions here. I'd say you'd have to up the ante on force commitment considerably :wink: .
And let's not even get into what might happen if the GEoM gets pissed at a bunch of stormtroopers barging in on the Golden Throne room. :twisted:
We already had a non-specific, non-quantified post in here already, and I doubt the WH40k'ers will appreicate you waltzing in and making their side look bad any more than they did the other guy.

Meaning, back up some of your claims.
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Post by Junghalli »

Connor MacLeod wrote:We already had a non-specific, non-quantified post in here already, and I doubt the WH40k'ers will appreicate you waltzing in and making their side look bad any more than they did the other guy. Meaning, back up some of your claims.
I have to admit I'm not exactly an expert on 40K and I'm sorry if it sounded like I was trying to sound like one, but from what I understand the general consensus is that you'd have to throw considerably more than 125 million stormtroopers at Terra's defenses to capture the GEoM. Am I correct?
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

NecronLord wrote:I don't know if the Imperial Palace would survive being directly hit by a super solar flare HDS...
Well even large solar flares would by that time be so expanded that it wouldn't be very concentrated, a planet without shields could indeed have it's atmosphere burnt off and the surfaced turned into charred wasteland.
But I think the palace would survive, as well as the larger orbiting stations, which could possibly hide behind the planet itself too.
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Post by NecronLord »

His Divine Shadow wrote:Well even large solar flares would by that time be so expanded that it wouldn't be very concentrated, a planet without shields could indeed have it's atmosphere burnt off and the surfaced turned into charred wasteland.
But I think the palace would survive, as well as the larger orbiting stations, which could possibly hide behind the planet itself too.
The solar flare described must be massively powerful. It extends on for another two light hours beyond one AU. The amount of ejecta, and the speed, would result in some pretty horrendous damage to any building on the surface. The Imperial Palace isn't all that.
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Maybe I underestimated the flare then, never actually read the medstar books.
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Post by NecronLord »

Well, an AU is around 8 light minutes. For it to travel another two after that, indicates that when it hits the earth, it would still be posessed of obscene momentum and KE. It would be like smacking a very large moon into the facing side, with added heat.
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Sounds pretty
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Post by Black Admiral »

Connor MacLeod wrote:Substantial isnt quite specific enough. How substantial was it? Enough to kill a person at 30 klicks, or knock down a building, or what?
Enough to shake a 2,500-tonne Warlord class Battle Titan, despite the inertial dampeners.
That might protect against the blast wave and prevent it from getting fl ipped over, but it also may very well screen the tank gainst some or all of the radiation. (It also suggests the range was well outside the crater.. ie greater htan 1-2 km)
The Warhound was just outside the main Titan pens, outside the crater but within the nuke's blast radius. Its legs were damaged and it was partly buried, but the chassis itself was mostly intact.

Not that bad for an unshielded scout Titan.
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Post by Junghalli »

Sorry for being a troll earlier, I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again. :oops:
I think to figure out how much resources the Empire would need to capture Terra we should try to figure out some variables.

(1) How many IoM warships does it take to defeat an ISD?

(2) What is the fleet strength of the IoM? How many warships are based in the Sol system? How many ships do they have total? How quickly can they reinforce Sol?

(3) How many troops does an Imperial troop carrier (Acclamator?) carry? How many troop carries per ISD in a typical Imperial fleet?

(4) What percentage of troop carriers can be expected to be taken out between IoM fleet and Terra's ground defenses?

(5) What is the defending garrison of and around the Imperial palace? How many regular infantry and cavalry? How many Adeptus Custodes?

(6) How does IoM regular infantry compare to stormtroopers? How do stormtroopers compare to Custodes? How does Imperial cavalry compare to IoM cavalry?

(7) How powerful is an average WH40K Psyker compared to a Sith Lord)?

(8 ) As a general estimate, how many casualties would you expect the Empire to take capturing the GEoM, based on quantifiable data on the defenses of Terra?

I think this should help us get a fairly good handle on how much the Empire would have to expend to take Terra. :)
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Post by fgalkin »

Read the thread. Most of your questions have been answered earlier.

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Gunhead »

Heads up people, me gots more information for thee.

95mm of Land raider armor is equivalent of 365mm conventional steel.
Based on that figure the frontal armour of the shadowsword would be around the same, 400-450mm conventional steel armour, with an actual thickness of 220mm. I'm assuming plasteel has superior qualities to conventional steel, and that shadowsword and other super heavies have the added benefit of Titan grade plasteel.

Warhound Titan

Height: 14m (at rest)
Lenght: 12.1m
Widht: 11m

Armour: 60-120mm layered ceramite and adamantium (I'm assuming the x4 to conventional steel, based on the in game armor values.)
Max Speed: 58km/h on road.
Crew: 12
Armament: Plasma blastgun, turbo-laser :)

This information from Imperial armour update from GW, so I'm satisfied the info is official.

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Post by Black Admiral »

Connor MacLeod wrote:I was referring to what was apparently a violent BDZ event.. The mass scattering-style planet destruction (DS style) generally has to occur very quickly for it to be effective, so timeframe isn't as crucial (though technically I suppose one could take hours or days to "scatter" the mass of a planet, so long as you blasted the chunks outwards at least at escape velocity...)
There's a "hard" Exterminatus (lances, mass drivers, fusion bombs) in the Fire Warrior ending cutscene, but I dunno how long that took. The Dawn of War novel states that the end result of such a strike is reducing the planet's crust to molten rock.
Not unless it took 10,000 years for the fleet to destroy the planet ;)

Oh well. So much for that idea I suppose. I guess one might infer that a day or so timeframe for the planet-killing event is reasonable (8 hours maybe is reasonable, if one accounts for human necceessities like food or sleep, but that is not hard and fast due to crew shifts.)
Another problem is that Night Haunter was being pursued by at least one other primarch (Rogal Dorn), so it's not likely that Night Haunter was going to hang around for long, given that Dorn was kind of monumentally pissed off with him.
Well the principle applies whether you're talking about energy or force/momentum. The smaller the area "contacting" the target is, the easier it is to cut through (thats why knives cut like they do after all - you're concentrating the strength of the blow onto a very small area on the blade.)
Makes sense.
Ah. I see.

How much less? like 100 meters? 50? 10?
Initially somewhere between 100-50 meters I'd guess, all of two feet later.

Supersonic at least.. possibly as high as hypersonic (estimate based on probable projectile mass and probable recoil/momentum.)

Lets assume 1 km/s (about 3 times the speed of sound), with a distance of oh.. 50 meters.

for reaction time, its just the distance traveled divided by the bullet's velocity. In other words, it takes .05 seconds (1/20th of a second) for a bullet moving at 1 km/s to cross 50 meters.

As for acceleration: assuming that the person has to move bodily half a meter to one side to dodge in .05 seconds.. requires an acceleration of at least 400 m/s^2.. or 400 gees if I did my math right.

Generally speaking, we're talking acceleration in the tens or hundreds of gees, depending on the specific range and velocity combinations you use.. a fairly long range with a fairly low velocity is goign to result in a lower acceleration value - a short range plus a high velocity results in much higher accelerations.

There is one possible flaw in this as "bullet dodging" - moving that fast rqeuires some sort of "force field/telekinetic" acceleration, but generally any sort of TK would also allow the person to deflect the bullet out of the air (or nudge the gun aside.. either a feat easier than physically "dodging")
Main reason Veq was deflecting/dodging the bullets was to show the Word Bearers how outmatched they were, I think. He's something of a show-off, certainly, and has a penchant for theatrics.
"catching" or "blocking" bullets is a slightly different matter (might require slightly less motion... say maybe a foot or half a foot) and it only involves moving part of the body, not the whole thing.
That was part of what Veq was doing. His defence seems to be a combination of blocking, dodging, and catching incoming fire.
I see.

I see.

Not much help then I'm afraid :)

That might not bode as well for the marines then, unless they get their hands on some pretty hefty or "heavy" cannons..
Sven, a Blood Claw (Space Wolf scout) was making a point of theiving HMGs off corrupted Guard units in Grey Hunter and putting them to good use. So, they can handle some more powerful weapons (a CSM in Traitor General was carrying around an autocannon in a powered shoulder mount).

And even if the KE of a bolter shell's not overly useful, the explosive core may help.
About the same as what I mentioned before.. blowing the head up like that should be on the AMR-rifle/heavy machine gun scale (.50 cal)

Imperial Guard command vehicles, about 100m tall, and heavily shielded+armoured. They're mainly armed to fight infantry though.
10 meter long cannon shell?
Round from one of the myriad weapons designated macro-cannons. These range from smaller, three-tonne rounds (mentioned earlier) to APC-sized shells fired from shipboard guns.
Maybe.. but its more probable you'd face an SD-9/SD-10.. which are shielded IIRC (the latter also has "self-healing metals" incorporated into it...) Hand to HAnd shields are going to doubtless inflict damage as well (Gungan-sized theatre shiedls can incinerate an unarmoed human)
Tactical dreadnought armour has shields of its own, but they act more to diffuse incoming fire. As far as durability, a plasma rifle shot didn't breach the chestplate of Forrix's tacdread armour in Storm Of Iron (Forrix being a shining example of how much damage it takes to put down an SM) but it was close.
Probably, although accuracy might suffer if it takes a noticable length of time to "lock down' before firing (once you're "locked in" you can't do much if the target changes position.)
Yep. Which is why Imperial Guard armour units are very stringent in their selection processes: they don't like wasting the Emperor's most holy ammunition, especially if it means that a heretic gets a free shot at them.
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Post by Lost Soal »

Main reason Veq was deflecting/dodging the bullets was to show the Word Bearers how outmatched they were, I think. He's something of a show-off, certainly, and has a penchant for theatrics.
He had no other choice, the sword was the only weapon he had left. Everything else was lost or destroyed during his battle with the Last.
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Post by Series1Rx7 »

I don't understand the incredulity at the tonnage figures of the super heavies...

The German Maus tank from WWII was 180~ tonnes.