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Post by Slartibartfast »

Slartibartfast, because he's an all-around nice guy.
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Post by Stravo »

I guess I have to do this but I always suck because I forget people so with that caveat:

The Antedeluvians

Darth Wong – Without Mike there would be no SD.Net, hell without Mike there would be no Starcrossed. He’s always a pleasure to watch in action, a source of pointers on debating and canon and nothing gives you that orgasmic shudder of pleasure than watching Mike literally eviscerating some moron that thought he knew it all.

Dalton – Fellow NYer and all around nice guy. His support of fanfics in general have been untiring and wonderful. The Golden Stardestroyer awards have been a wonderful way of awarding writers for their hard work and no pay and helping superstars’s egos expand at a geometric pace. And you’ll never meet a nicer Admin (unlike that ass Achilles)

Lord Poe – His crusade against Scooter never ceases to bring a smile to my face. How many smack downs can a guy deliver to one fool and not get tired of doing it? His knowledge of Wars is fantastic and he’s a breath of fresh air in not hopping on the “OMG BSG is the besters1!!11!!! and reminding us of how great the original was in its own right.

Mr. Bean – Perhaps Starcrossed first Superfan and a contributor to my anemic EU knowledge in the early chapters. Bean has been a staunch supporter and a generally awesome fella. I just wish he would post like he used to. It was always fun to see Bean racking up hundreds of posts a day (at leats it seemed that way)

Master of Ossus – another great friend and supporter of the early works. He had the best criticisms and was never afraid to let me know if a chapter was weak or needed more oommph. Also his debates with Darkstar were the most entertaining of all. MoO has been fucking tireless in his quest to put that fucktard in his place and I rejoiced when he posted the rebuttal to Dorkstar’s ENTIRE site and the response was a Battle of Britain analogy and…surprise surprise…nothing of weight. I’m glad he’s moved on. Darkstar’s bloated corpse that’s being picked at by others is his contribution to the Great Debates.

The Elders

Zaia – What can I say about this fiery goddess of a red head that has not already been said? Ok…I’ll say it again. She’s a wonderful human being, nurturing and has a wicked wit that makes you laugh till you snort. She’s fantastic to chat with and is always there with a shoulder to cry on, an ear to lend and sassy back talk to get you all fired up. You go girl.

Crown – Great guy to talk to and always there to lend a helpful hand when it comes to Greek history and just about anything else. Definitely been a pleasure sharing mod powers with this guy. That doesn’t mean we’ll be taking long warm showers together. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Ghost Rider – My bro. This guy is too cool for words. He’s always got something interesting to add in just about any conversation ranging from SLAM debates on philosophical discourses or ARSE discussions on the ins and outs of fetish domination wear. His posts tend to be read immediately by me as soon as they appear and I can count on him to constantly remind me why I stopped collecting comics.

NecronLord – Always interesting to read because he knows what the fuck he’s talking about and even though he loves his SG-1 is far from a fanwhore. Also I drew great amusement from his modship plight when he was continually overlooked for the next available SM slot.

Kuja – How can I not love a guy that names his most successful fic after me and who can create a series based solely on a bout of my writer’s block. Kuja has been one of the coolest ‘offbeat’ posters we have. Consistently providing some interesting insights and great comedy. Love his rapport with Cyran. They need to get past their homophobic fears and realize they’re made for each other – not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Vympel – Ah. The lord of the Soviet Union weapons handbook and all around righteous ally in exposing the ‘spread of freedom and democracy’ for what it smells like. His battles with Comical Axi always brought a smile to my face and entertained me on those long lonely nights.

SirNitram – Now when Nitram gets his dander up – and that’s usually easy to do, just assert something stupid and baseless or simply be a fanwhore – get a bag of popcorn, a comfortable seat and watch the funniest bitchslapping you will ever see. He has a way of smacking a troll down, making you laugh and hope the troll comes back for seconds all at once.

Pablo Sanchez - Dirty Sanchez lives up to his name.

MarkS – the guy is indeed the quiet one but my fellow fanfic writer in arms is always great to interact with and his stuff is definitely top notch.

Innerbrat - More English lady goodness.

LagMonster – Nice guy, great contributor to any thread he is in. I can honestly say that I have never read a post of his and thought “what a piece of junk’ unlike SOME others I know.

Lady Tevar – Nitram’s other and definitely better half. The fact that she loves the new BSG only makes her stock rise in my book. Fun loving and with a devil may care wink she can hop onto any thread and make her presence felt for many posts to come. Nitram’s a lucky dude.

Edi – A really sweet person and tends to downplay his own knowledge too much. He knows more about the US Constitution than many lawyers I know let alone your average Twinkie chowing American and is always nice…until its time not to be nice. Edi has had some very entertaining debates with the likes of Axi and Admiral K that make you want to see the next post as soon as possible. Go Edi.

Darth Servo – I just enjoy his non stop bitchslapping of Trekkie trolls and relish whenever a particularly loud one must be put down hard.

The Shep – Yes. We have had our differences. We have had our insult fests. I’ve accused him of being a genocidal maniac, he called me a whiney bitch, but how can you NOT love a guy who worships the mighty ICBM and whose idea of urban renewal is buckets of instant sunshine and a hose to wash it all away? He is the Andy to our mall survivors if you get the reference.

Frank Hipper – who made me look at vomit in whole new way. I have never hated someone as I do him for this. I assure you.

Phongn – The guy is a computer genius. His contributions in the Computer forums are a must read if you want to know what to do with all those electronics you have. Always patient with computer noobs like myself. It was his suggestions that helped me give Explorer the boot in favor of Mozilla and I never looked back and he gave the Phongn seal of approval to a rig I’ve been thinking of buying.

Batman – I thought the Bruce/Alfred thing would get old real fast. It has not.

Superman – Pink foam, Freddy, Jason and detached anuses?? C’mon. What’s their NOT to love.

Illuminatus Primus – If you want to know ANYTHING no matter how obscure about the EU this is your man. If you can’t find him then go to Lucas. We may have our differences –I do believe he called me a purist asshole more than once – but damn if his posts aren’t articulate and fun to read. His temper is on a hair trigger when it comes to the Wars stuff so watch out!

Durandal – Ok. This guy looks like a model and acts like a college professor. Plus he can write too? Jesus. If he was bisexual there would be no one left for the rest of us to have. What can I say about a man who when he thinks Stravo sees an alcoholic high school principal?

Red Imperator – want to read a clear concise political analysis. He’s your man. Want to know about football – he’s your man. Want to make sure that dumb twats get smacked down quickly and efficiently – he’s your guy. Want to check out someone’s HOT sister. He’s your guy too.

Fgalkin – After what the Russians helped do to my home island I never thought I’d meet one I would like. Then I banged one and then I met Fgalkin who is soooo nice. So yes, my Russian issues have been put behind me.

The Neonates

PFC Brungardt – this guy comes in here and within a few weeks has become one of the guys without having to be an annoying as fuck kiss ass like Mike 6005657909. More power to you. Achilles managed to OK someone who wasn’t a spambot.

Chardok – I do believe…he’s not well.

Petrosjko – A fun guy with some very good contributions. Much like Brungardt just contributed without being an annoying suckup.

Elfdart - truly the AntiShep

And now for my


Crazed Wraith – contributes to all my stories like clockwork

Shroom Man 777 – His near foam at the mouth fandom for Cain and Abel is reassuring.

The Lumberjack – Loving his accolades and enjoy the fact that he has the occasional questions.

Captain Cyran – One of the original super fans a chapter is not complete until Cyran contributes.

Trytostaydead – Another steady contributor who I enjoy reading from.

Comosicus – Enthusiastic fan from Romania, famous for having Starcrossed as an obscenely large PDF file.

Mayabird – a secret fan. Did not know of her love of Starcrossed but its cool to discover it.

Darth Fanboy – after a long absence he’s back and contributing again. Like old times.

Darth David – famous now for his wonderful diagram of what Han Solo’s return means in terms of romantic triangles in Starcrossed.

Chris O’Farrell – love this guy. His love of the work and enthusiasm make it all worth while and his contributions are insightful.

Rogue 9 – Famous for actually having been mentioned in Starcrossed several times, a feat that not many in the SD.Net community can claim (save for that lost chapter that must never be spoken of again – the Holiday Special to my story)

GGS – does not contribute often but when he does its worth reading.

2000AD – Like his contributions and it would be cool if he could get around to posting more of his fics. Practice makes perfect.

I just want to end this by saying that I love this place. It is my oasis in the wretched world I work in. That’s because of the people here.
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

Boy, now I feel guilty. I really havent been as determined an accolader (like an imperial transport that kisses ass) as I used to be, generally because I couldn't find too much to comment on beyond OMG!!!!!111111 Stravo is teh fanficwrit0x0r. I hope that's an accolade in itself, it's meant as one. :mrgreen:

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Post by Petrosjko »

Stravo wrote:Petrosjko – A fun guy with some very good contributions. Much like Brungardt just contributed without being an annoying suckup.
You rock, Stravo. I mean, really, you're my hero. In fact, more than one of your ARSE posts have made their way into my masturbatory fantasies.

I feel a poem coming on...

*notices the assembled gathering such materials as lumber, gasoline, and lighters*

...but my poetic prowess is simply not worthy of the greatness that is Stravo.

*slinks out*
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Post by Marksist »

I'd like to second most of the people mentioned in here so far, and I'd like to add Darth Raptor aka Lazy Raptor and Darth Servo. They always add good insight to threads and are both quite funny
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Post by Rye »

I just remembered some more, so here they are in no particular order: The AIIF, from back in the day, when we'd just have well interesting conversations deep into the wee hours, and eventually shifted my body clock into american time due to being that entertaining. This extends to the various people that discuss religion on the board.

Stravo - it's weird, out of all the people on the board, he feels the most like an uncle I would expect on my mum's side of the family. Warm, friendly, probably really amusing when drunk, would probably count as a womaniser if he weren't so damn classy as a dad. I also really liked that Cain and Abel story, though I've not really had enough time to read or write fanfics for the moment.

Chris O’Farrell, Necronlord, Alyeska - I just love the stuff they write about Stargate, and it's thanks in no small part to them that I've started watching it loads recently. NL is also cool to read when he talks about 40k stuff too, doesn't seem biased, states the coolness of the story in a compact accessible way. Plus he wrote that Daleks/Voyager crossover, got to give a guy respect for that.

Michael Ryans, Beta Pilot/Black Admiral - He never seems to get mentioned, but his 40k contributions are great, vastly underrated poster.

Superman - though probably my polar opposite, physically, his taste in movies, humour and possibly music (he's mentioned Deicide a few times_ are cool. He cracks me up no end.

HemlockGrey - Younger than me, but intimidatingly knowledgable and intelligent.

fgalkin - who I was once told was WinAce, though I've never had it actually confirmed. Either way, cool guy. Ultimate coolest guy ever, if they are one and the same.

The moderator types - It's weird, I'd expect to get more douchey mods, but they're cool, knowledgeable and nice, in general. Be they GAT, Ghost Rider, Dalton, Lagmonster, horsemen...whoever, usually a good read.

Wicked Pilot - Because I thoroughly owned him a while ago, when I was jive-talking Nirvana, and he called dress wearing sissies, to be responded to by a photo of kurt cobain in a dress. Ahhhh. Plus he flies and shit.

Frank Hipper - Very cool guy, and he jsut reeks of experience. At least I think it's experience.

Foo! - Adorable, intelligent, will be ridiculously hot in a few years. I feel like she's related to me in some fashion or other since we had some well funny conversations, and I sent her a load of ace music.

Pablo - More tongue in cheek than a lesbian orgy, this guy. And chhek-tongue humour is great. Plus, I imagine him as having the voice of the bartender in the video for "Hold my finger" by Sikth.

EBC - You truly realise you're born in the best nation with these guys hanging about. The quintessential mix of slapstick, black comedy, the occasional seriousness and extreme sarcasm that make these isles the pwnzor of the planet. The Empire WILL strike back!

Other hairy metallers - Long may metal reign supreme. \m/ 8) \m/ We may have our differences, like Simon and me and the whole "metal is philosophy" stuff, but there's a fundamental bond between people that listen to music that would crush lesser men into 2d discs if they came within 10 feet of us.

Slartibartfast - Finally, your location isn't fucking classified. Jesus. :P Seriously underrated, his sense of humour is really fucking funny at times, even if he doesn't get a slew of "LOL" posts afterwards, i know i certainly contemplate it.

Laird - Don't see him much, but a cool guy, even if he's canadian, I won't hold it against him since he has sucgh cool toys. :D

Shroom Man 777 - Such enthusiasm and youth, he's very entertaining, has a mindset like mine when it comes to predators, and that's always good.

Nitram - Yet another person that's either Ryesexual, or Ryecurious. :P Entertaining to read, and I even saved the massive insult post from "Nitram vs Shinji" in order to make some lyrics out of it.

Any of you fucks I left out I didn't mean to, really! It's just cool that I can be such a fucking individual around you wonderful bastards.
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Post by Stofsk »

We shouldn't feel bad for missing someone when the board has over 2'000 members.

I forgot, but at least remembered, some more people:

Uranium235, a great guy to talk with about ST. He knows what he likes and is smart enough to talk about them.

Pablo Sanchez, who again is a fun guy that I don't talk to all that often, but is still entertaining.

Ace Pace, Shroomman777, Gandalf, and Moku: young guys who aren't dumb.

The Prime Necromancer: I remember this guy from when I was going to have a RPG, then got scared/busy in RL/generally apathetic. He's still a good guy.

If I hadn't mentioned him before, though I swear I have, Frank Hipper. Nice guy to talk to.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

First off, everyone misspells Uraniun's name. It's Uraniun235. :P
Rogue 9 – Famous for actually having been mentioned in Starcrossed several times, a feat that not many in the SD.Net community can claim (save for that lost chapter that must never be spoken of again – the Holiday Special to my story)
I knew I forgot one of the reasons I named you. Thanks for putting me in StarCrossed... even if such was entirely unintentional. :wink:
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by LadyTevar »

Edi wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:The Sisterhood: Zaia, IB, Lindar, Edi, Broomstick, Metron, Morrigan, Duchess, Maya .... gah I know I'm forgetting someone! It's great having such ladies to talk with, commiserate with, and bitch about the men with. ;) Oh, and Zaia? I've been sewing more dresses for the SCA, I'll see if Nit can post some pictures. :D
:shock: :shock:

Since when have I been a member of the sisterhood, Tev? Last I checked, I was very much male...

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
I Blame The Cold Medicine!!

But I still think you're cool, Edi!
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
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Post by Edi »

LadyTevar wrote: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
I Blame The Cold Medicine!!

But I still think you're cool, Edi!
It's okay, we all make such mistakes every once in a while. And at least we all got a few laughs out of this one (most of them at my expense too). No harm done. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And thank you for the compliment! :D

Warwolf Urban Combat Specialist

Why is it so goddamned hard to get little assholes like you to admit it when you fuck up? Is it pride? What gives you the right to have any pride?
–Darth Wong to vivftp

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Post by Kuja »

Stravo wrote:Kuja – How can I not love a guy that names his most successful fic after me and who can create a series based solely on a bout of my writer’s block. Kuja has been one of the coolest ‘offbeat’ posters we have. Consistently providing some interesting insights and great comedy. Love his rapport with Cyran. They need to get past their homophobic fears and realize they’re made for each other – not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Sometimes I think that even if I lived to be four hundred years old, cured cancer, and blew up Mars, I'd still be remembered as the guy who wrote How Stravo Got His Groove Back. :mrgreen:
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Okay, I thought I'd take a little shot at this, so here it goes...

First and highest mention must go to my brother, Utsanomiko. You simply have to be some kind of minor genius, with such a perfect understanding for game design and its applications. Your game concepts are fascinatingly creative and innovative, and your skills with Photoshop are amazing. You've been my best friend for more than twenty years, and I love you very much.

And now the rest...

DPDarkPrimus. Good friend in real life. Much fun is had of the three of us ganging up and annoying/mocking each other. Needs to stop pronouncing "Evangelion" wrong, though. :P

Mayabird. Haven't really exchanged conversation with her yet. But her posts are often amusing, and she did come up with the whole Zor "RAR!" thing; perhaps the board's best current inside joke. DPDP seems to like her enough, too. :P

Also, I keep falling for that damn "boobies!!" link in her signature, which simultaniously provides both frustration and amusement.

Admiral Valdemar. Limey who knows his shit with a lot of sci-fi and anime. Amusing to converse with.

VT-16. Great contributor in Pure Star Wars, particularly the Episode III Spoiler Thread, and a good discussion participant with a clear head on his shoulders.

Vympel. Much like with VT above, a stable mind and contributor in PSW.

Sharp-kun. Perhaps a greater Eva expert than myself. Has on more than one occasion corrected various idiotic mistakes and slip-ups made by me due to my horrible memory and lack of access to sources.

Rogue 9. I've given you quite a bit of flack, here on the board and in the chat, but it's all been in jest; mostly because you're really fun to annoy. :P Truthfully I think I you're a good guy.

Zaia. A lovely woman with a big heart. Seems always willing to provide a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen to, and sometime vice-versa.

bohemianfey. It's sometimes hard to believe how well we've hit it off, considering how disasterous our initial encounter was in the chat. Friendly and inviting, I wish you and Kernel nothing but happiness in your future together. Plus you're simply adorable as all get out. :)

All the women in general of the board. Because every farm needs a hen house. ;)

The Duchess of Zeon. Marina's staggering intelligence and knowledge is very intimidating. She's also a wonderful person to talk to, once you build up the actual courage. :)

Kuja. Thanks for getting the Mecha Maniacs group started. :)

The board staff. You guys do a fantastic job. This is probably the best moderated board I've ever been a member of.

Pick. A relative newcomer, it was rather shocking to see how good her art is. Plus she thinks I'm cool, which amuses and flatters me to no end. :mrgreen:

That's kind of all I could come up with without being too long. No offences to those not listed.
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Post by Medic »

Stravo wrote:PFC Brungardt – this guy comes in here and within a few weeks has become one of the guys without having to be an annoying as fuck kiss ass like Mike 6005657909. More power to you.
I don't like to suck dicks -- not that there's anything wrong with that. :P

People who I missed: everyone who posted in this thread and everyone mentioned in it. That shall suffice for now.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Props to Stravo, for mentioning me when no one else has, although I think he'd withdraw his nomination when he realizes that i'm not one of his fans and have been in fact secretly bootlegging Starcrossed for sale on the black market bootleg Chinese fanfic market. Copies will be availiable for sale in time for the 2008 Beijing games at three convenient locations.

Okay just kidding. I still maintain my Stavo props because he, like me, is a true fan of the Pinstripes, Go YANKEES!


Additional goodness to whatever people were involved in the reactivation of my account, and the unbanning of my IP during my escapades as a German speaking poster. Boy you all sure fell for that one, heheh, no ones laughing with me.

*committs seppuku with a frisbee*
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Post by Zaia »

Darth Fanboy wrote:Props to Stravo, for mentioning me when no one else has...
Learn to read, knucklehead. You're on my list. :P
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Post by Pick »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Okay, I thought I'd take a little shot at this, so here it goes...

Pick. A relative newcomer, it was rather shocking to see how good her art is. Plus she thinks I'm cool, which amuses and flatters me to no end. :mrgreen:
:oops: I'm flattered I've done enough to be remembered yet. Thank you!
"The rest of the poem plays upon that pun. On the contrary, says Catullus, although my verses are soft (molliculi ac parum pudici in line 8, reversing the play on words), they can arouse even limp old men. Should Furius and Aurelius have any remaining doubts about Catullus' virility, he offers to fuck them anally and orally to prove otherwise." - Catullus 16, Wikipedia
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Post by Edi »

Pick wrote: :oops: I'm flattered I've done enough to be remembered yet. Thank you!
I wouldn't be that surprised. I've started noticing you as well, and we've had just about zero contact on the board, it just happens that smart people tend to leave an impression on me, and you definitely qualify there. Had this thread been a few weeks from now, you would have been on my "most impressive newbie since <insert date>" list. I suspect that the next time one of these threads rolls around (by next autumn at the latest, as about then it will be time for another one of my annuals), your name will appear on these lists a lot more. :)

Warwolf Urban Combat Specialist

Why is it so goddamned hard to get little assholes like you to admit it when you fuck up? Is it pride? What gives you the right to have any pride?
–Darth Wong to vivftp

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Post by fgalkin »

Zaia wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:Props to Stravo, for mentioning me when no one else has...
Learn to read, knucklehead. You're on my list. :P
What, you actually think that people pay attention to what you have to say? :P :twisted:

Have a very nice day.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Rogue 9: Cause he got me here in the first place.

Shep: Because he's slipped me into so many of his fics, despite my name! Thanks to him I've been a Stormtrooper officer and the last Starfleet Marine. Thanks man, long may you swim in the glow of nuclear events.

Nitram: For the sheer entertainment value of his post against trolls and for slapping me when I get to paranoid. And the hat! Must not forget the hat!

Tevlar: For making me a Black Mage :wink: and for being nice enough to put up with me.

Aly: For all the help and sheer insanity he provides.

Hotfoot: Cause you cool man.

Thridfain: Cause you're able to be civil even while overrunning me and my allies in STGODs.

Marcoa: I swear I will read your novel whenever it comes out.

Knife: My lead into the Mess. Thanks and I hope you write more of your fics.

Sharkbait: Damn you're werid and I'm glad of it.

Petro: Your post are always fun to read.

Duchess: an unsettling lady at times, but when she's right, she's right.

Sea Skimmer: The HAB will be triumphent.

Rob Wilson: Just cause I can.

Grey Hemlock: There is no as. :wink:

I know I'm forgetting tons of folk, and if you're one of them... Sorry bro.
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Post by General Zod »

hrmmm. normally don't do these things, but what the hell.

Nitram: for amusing rebuttles against various trolls.

Rogue 9: for being one of my first semi regular debate opponents on here.

Rye: well. shite. it's hard not to like a guy that actually looks that good in a dress. :P

Stravo: for the sheer numerous scenarios that he posts that actually manage to be entertaining from time to time, even if i never have gotten around to reading his fanfics.

Thirdfain: for getting me into the STGOD gigs.

Superman: for providing new insights into various perversions.

and. . .well. that's all that comes to mind immediately offhand.
"It's you Americans. There's something about nipples you hate. If this were Germany, we'd be romping around naked on the stage here."
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Darth Fanboy
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Zaia wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:Props to Stravo, for mentioning me when no one else has...
Learn to read, knucklehead. You're on my list. :P

"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by CDS »

Darth Fanboy wrote:Props to Stravo, for mentioning me when no one else has,
At least you got mentioned :p
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein technology website | N forums | Nimoll web design and hosting | Macguide
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Darth Fanboy
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

CDS wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:Props to Stravo, for mentioning me when no one else has,
At least you got mentioned :p
I like CDS because his avatar his a psycho kid with an axe, which brings back fond memories of my childhood
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by CDS »

Darth Fanboy wrote:I like CDS because his avatar his a psycho kid with an axe, which brings back fond memories of my childhood
Woo! Yeah! Everyone fear the psycho!
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein technology website | N forums | Nimoll web design and hosting | Macguide
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Post by Petrosjko »

CDS wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:Props to Stravo, for mentioning me when no one else has,
At least you got mentioned :p
You're cool, CDS. And FM rocks. Brungardt is cool too. I love the world right now.

Have I mentioned Aya? He's cool for an evil geshtoppo mod, too.
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