Pavel wrote:Hi this is Pavel again, i'm realy sorry if my opinion concerning beautifull women ofended any of you.
No, it was the way you triple-posted and worded it.
Sorry Zaia, i hope that you will correct my dictation and grammar each time i submit a post so that i can be better in english in the future,
That might work, but she'd be way too busy, considering your level of idiocy.
but your hostility & bitchy attitude on my low english skill (which i agree upon) shows clearly that you were offended because you belong to the uglyography class of american women, fat & lowass, i hope that you r a sexy and attractive girl, but i hardly beleive so after i read your comment on me.
So if a girl gets mad at you, she's ugly? What single-digit number of girlfriends have you had?
Sorry IG-88E, sorry if i offended you in anyway, well you probabably have a nice looking sister, but she might as well be very ugly and dissapointingly fat, and i might be a dickhead as you said but not as fat as the one that ripped your mother's rear end when she was getting you with a meatloaf dog you call daddy. (Try using better words next time)
At least my parents are human. I'm pretty sure you're crossbred beagle and brick.
I think my english is far better than your russian , and my french is fluent.
I think I don't give a flying fuck. Salm is German and his typing is many times better than yours.
I've travelled to different parts of the world and i've met a lot of people in europe, the united states, canada, and the Middle & far-east & i was reffering to natural ethnic beauty, i've seen women in supermarkets, grocery shops, on the streets, in villages, on t.v and in pubs and night clubs,
Ethnic beauty? ETHNIC BEAUTY?!?!!?! I'll let the minorites rip you apart on this one.
and sorry, but that's what i saw, ugly women in america, england and germany and awsome women in turkey, holland, portugal and the middle-east.
Basically, ever race and color that's not your own, I see.
Dear Slartibartfast, I'm sure that there are many exiting and beautifull women in your country, but generaly speaking few, and not as wild as the suckable dolls that you meet some places abroad.
Cheers everyone.
Don't open your yap on something you don't know about.