Two quotes
First the company that can do no right is trying to buy succesful video game companiesAt last week's Walt Disney Company conference in Orlando, Fla., investors were told that the company was in discussions to buy multiple game development studios and would spend nearly $50 million to develop the business.
But Lynton, "snip"
"The problem is, leaving aside the expense of buying a game company or starting one from scratch, when you get into the dynamics of the video game business, it is very different than film or television production," he said. "I have a hard time telling a good game from a bad one."
"There will naturally be culture clashes if they try to move these cultures together," said Neil Young, the executive in charge of production at Electronic Arts. "There is not a culture of fear in our industry. We are not afraid to fail."
The big media companies--where fear of failure is almost a job requirement--have taken vastly different approaches to exploiting the video game phenomenon this time around.
At least Valve, Gearbox, Bungie, and anything Sid M. slaps his name on will be safe from them