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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

He also has a number of interesting articles.
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Kane Starkiller wrote:Just found another Star Wars vs Star Trek site: ST-v-SW.Net The superlaser effect theory? I started reading but I couldn't make heads or tales out of it. Does anybody here know about this theory? Is it accepted?
Haven't heard of Darkstar, eh? Read this:

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Fortunately for me, "The Portal" wasn't as bad as I expected. Of course, I was expecting something worse than John Norman, which is damning with faint praise.

I only managed a few pages of Norman, BTW, and I only read it to see how bad it really was.
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Post by RedImperator »

I don't know why people get their panties in a knot over Portal. It's a bad fanfic written to push an agenda, true, but I can find ten times worse on without even trying very hard. Nowhere near the "WORST FANFIC EVAH!!!11111!!1!shift+oneoneONE" label people try to slap on it.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by Tribun »

Imperial Overlord wrote:Fortunately for me, "The Portal" wasn't as bad as I expected. Of course, I was expecting something worse than John Norman, which is damning with faint praise.

I only managed a few pages of Norman, BTW, and I only read it to see how bad it really was.
Oh, really?
You should read my analysis of it on this board.
Dissecting "Portal"
I've totally taken it apart and discovered all of his dishonesty and tries to call Star Wars shit. Read it, it is very informative.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

RedImperator wrote:I don't know why people get their panties in a knot over Portal. It's a bad fanfic written to push an agenda, true, but I can find ten times worse on without even trying very hard. Nowhere near the "WORST FANFIC EVAH!!!11111!!1!shift+oneoneONE" label people try to slap on it.
It's because some people are obsessed with jumping on the bandwagon and trying to fit in.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

No shit, vulture. The question does carry the subtle tones of being a rhetorical question, particularly from a mod who frequently complains of the moanings of the hangers-on and poseurs. But you just had to squeeze in some tenured, boorish condescension toward the hoi polloi, didn't you?
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Post by consequences »

RedImperator wrote:I don't know why people get their panties in a knot over Portal. It's a bad fanfic written to push an agenda, true, but I can find ten times worse on without even trying very hard. Nowhere near the "WORST FANFIC EVAH!!!11111!!1!shift+oneoneONE" label people try to slap on it.
I won't go that far. It is probably the worst non-lemon vs. fanfic I've ever encountered, and if not the worst, certainly one of the most memorably painful. But then, I don't go out looking for filth so as to inflict pain on myself. I will say this, he has the virtue of consistently shitting all over SW, Clash of the Titans can't make up its mind who is more powerful(Borg canonically crush Federation, 8472 trashes Borg, Borg don't die instantly against Empire, 8472 can duke it out with Empire, but 1 Defiant can slap around a Victory Star Destroyer).
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Post by Darth Wong »

Kane Starkiller wrote:Just found another Star Wars vs Star Trek site: ST-v-SW.Net
The superlaser effect theory? I started reading but I couldn't make heads or tales out of it. Does anybody here know about this theory? Is it accepted?
How old are you? Seriously, you don't appear to have any built-in capability for determining how intelligent or credible something is.
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Post by TurboPhaser »

NecronLord wrote:This is, incidentally, a fiction with a single phaser beam slicing through an Imperator's shields and picking off all its weapons while the Imperator can't do anything more effective than make rude faces at the Enterprise. This is his idea of the canon technology disparity, remember.
I don't want to start an argument, but I just want to point out many people here are of the opinion that a Star Destroyer can blow up the entire Federation fleet.

You and he have identical opinions, except they are reversed. Like two Rams (male sheep, not computer memory) headbutting each other, yet neither shifting.

And I have read 'Portal', I didn't find it such a bad bit of writing, but if you always think 'Thats wrong, wrong, that's not right', then I see how you could fail to enjoy it.
Voyager summed up in 1 quote:

Neelix: These people dont appreciate what they have! This ship is the match of anything in a hundred lightyears, yet what do they do with it?
(fake voice) Oh, well lets go find some space anomaly today that'll rip it apart!

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Post by Col. Crackpot »

NecronLord wrote:It has lots of good pictures. That's what I'll say in its favour.
his ship size comparason guide is fantastic IMO. You can put any Trek ship next to another for a side by side comparason. Pretty neat! Also, he doesn't fall into the usual trekkie trap of accepting non canon ships as canon. So many Trekkie sites have goddamn nonsense like 6 nacelle Connies with twin engineering sections or somesuch. gah!

other than that.....
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

He has articles on almost every ship seen more than once, and even brief descriptions/pics of the ones seen only once. Its articles on treknology are interesting, and its calculators provide hours of entertainment. Also, complete series guides are useful. There's a reason I have it favouritised.
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Post by Lord Poe »

TurboPhaser wrote:
I don't want to start an argument, but I just want to point out many people here are of the opinion that a Star Destroyer can blow up the entire Federation fleet.
All at once may be pushing it, but the numbers don't lie. There's no way a single Federation starship would last more than a couple minutes against a Star Destroyer.
And I have read 'Portal', I didn't find it such a bad bit of writing, but if you always think 'Thats wrong, wrong, that's not right', then I see how you could fail to enjoy it.
No, my enjoyment meter is hooked into my bullshit detector, so I don't enjoy idiotic fiction, sorry.

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:He has articles on almost every ship seen more than once, and even brief descriptions/pics of the ones seen only once. Its articles on treknology are interesting, and its calculators provide hours of entertainment. Also, complete series guides are useful. There's a reason I have it favouritised.
Yeah, keep in mind that he regards regular contributors like Darkstar and Mike Dicenso as credible...

Here's a couple classic Kennedy quotes:
>My webpage has various calculations regarding phaser
>output, and in general it looks like the Galaxy can
>put out around 100,000 Terawatts altogether. The 5.1 MW
>figure is a mystery, and is totally contradicted even
>within the TM itself. But that's a different issue...
>(P.S. - I don't think I ever said a Runabout could slag
>a planet, but it could certainly destroy an ISD since it's
>immune to the LASER armament. But we won't go there :)

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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Post by Crown »

TurboPhaser wrote:And I have read 'Portal', I didn't find it such a bad bit of writing, but if you always think 'Thats wrong, wrong, that's not right', then I see how you could fail to enjoy it.
Then you're an idiot;
Steaming pile of shit known as 'Portal' wrote:"There's one slight problem with that plan." Troi said.

"Oh?" He said sarcastically. "And what might that be?"

"The man with the phaser standing behind you."

He spun around in surprise. The instant the weapon drifted away from her midsection Troi kicked out with all her might, connecting solidly with his hand. The gun flew across the room, lost in a corner. Troi dived in at him, ramming a fist with all her might as he started to turn. She caught him under the ribcage and he collapsed to the floor with a cry.

Dax scooped up her phaser and held it on him. "Not bad." She said, half-smiling.

Troi winced as she rubbed her aching knuckles. "All the old ones are new here." She said "But it's been a long time since unarmed combat at the academy.

The Emperor sat up and raised his hand. A stream of intense blue lightning flashed out at Dax, hitting her squarely in the mid-section. It passed directly through her and hit the window, scoring a deep burn across the surface. Dax looked down at her untouched stomach in surprise. A long moment passed.

"I take it that was a demonstration of the Force?" She said finally to the Emperor. "If that's what it means to be an abomination, I'll take it." She shifted her aim and adjusted the phaser. A brief burst blew a gaping hole through the far wall; she reset it to stun and aimed it straight at his face. "This, on the other hand, is good old fashioned technology. It tends to be a bit more reliable - as you will discover if you so much as twitch before we leave."
Now for my edit, still conforming to his 'rules' about the Force and ST.
Steaming pile of shit known as 'Portal' with [i]some[/i] objectivity and realism added wrote:"There's one slight problem with that plan." Troi said.

"Oh?" He said sarcastically. "And what might that be?"

"The man with the phaser standing behind you."

He spun around in surprise. The instant the weapon drifted away from her midsection Troi kicked out with all her might, connecting solidly with his hand. The gun flew across the room, lost in a corner. Troi dived in at him, ramming a fist with all her might as he started to turn. She caught him under the ribcage and he collapsed to the floor with a cry.

Dax scooped up her phaser and held it on him. "Not bad." She said, half-smiling.

Troi winced as she rubbed her aching knuckles. "All the old ones are new here." She said "But it's been a long time since unarmed combat at the academy.

The Emperor sat up and raised his hand. A stream of intense blue lightning flashed out at Dax, hitting her squarely in the mid-section. It passed directly through her and hit the window, scoring a deep burn across the surface. Dax looked down at her untouched stomach in surprise. A long moment passed.

"I take it that was a demonstration of the Force?" She said finally to the Emperor. "If that's what it means to be an abomination, I'll take it." She shifted her aim and adjusted the phaser. A brief burst blew a gaping hole through the far wall; she reset it to stun and aimed it straight at his face. "This, on the other hand, is good old fashioned technology. It tends to be a bit more reliable - as you will discover if you so much as twitch before we leave."

Dax aimed the phaser at the Emperor and prepared to fire, but for a second she couldn't help to stop but gloat one more time. "Do you think that you can explain to us, in five words or less, how your Force is going to save you now?"

In response the Emperor straightened up to his full hight, his yellow reptilian eyes hardening as a smile creased the corners of his lips. Dax was going to ask if councilor Troi had managed to knock the old man into dementia, but she never got the chance. The last thing she heard was a screaching - like nails being drawn against the blackboard - and from above a guirder from the ceiling, solid transparensteele, and weighing a ton crashed down above her.

Troi opened her mouth to scream, but the shock had frozen her throat and only a small wheep of exhalled air escaped.

Walking over, almost like a spectre gliding on air, the Emperor came to a stop just next to the now flattened form of what was once Dax.

"Works. Just. Like. Gravity ... Bitch" He replied.
Last edited by Crown on 2005-02-17 12:41pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by nightmare »

TurboPhaser wrote:And I have read 'Portal', I didn't find it such a bad bit of writing, but if you always think 'Thats wrong, wrong, that's not right', then I see how you could fail to enjoy it.
Aside from the blatant disregard for physics, canon and basic structure for making a good fic, such as evening the field, he's not even true to characters. I might forgive him for not doing SW characters correctly, but his Trek characters also look like parodies of themselves. It's easily the worst piece of fiction I ever read, as far as I bothered to read it, that is.
Star Trek vs. Star Wars, Extralife style.
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Post by Lord Poe »

nightmare wrote:Aside from the blatant disregard for physics, canon and basic structure for making a good fic, such as evening the field, he's not even true to characters. I might forgive him for not doing SW characters correctly, but his Trek characters also look like parodies of themselves. It's easily the worst piece of fiction I ever read, as far as I bothered to read it, that is.
He can't even decide to stick to his own premise; that being the Force doesn't work in the Trek galaxy. If the Emperor's Force lightning actually worked, and it burned a wall, why wouldn't it harm Troi? If his Force lightning works, why not his precog? But that's just the tip of the fecal pile.

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

Lord Poe wrote:
Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:He has articles on almost every ship seen more than once, and even brief descriptions/pics of the ones seen only once. Its articles on treknology are interesting, and its calculators provide hours of entertainment. Also, complete series guides are useful. There's a reason I have it favouritised.
Yeah, keep in mind that he regards regular contributors like Darkstar and Mike Dicenso as credible...

Here's a couple classic Kennedy quotes:
>My webpage has various calculations regarding phaser
>output, and in general it looks like the Galaxy can
>put out around 100,000 Terawatts altogether. The 5.1 MW
>figure is a mystery, and is totally contradicted even
>within the TM itself. But that's a different issue...
>(P.S. - I don't think I ever said a Runabout could slag
>a planet, but it could certainly destroy an ISD since it's
>immune to the LASER armament. But we won't go there :)
Hey, I don't defend any of his deluded visions of STvsSW. I sarted reading Portal, but... Gah.

And most of his calculations don't take into account the 'phaser effect', but it doesn't matter since it basically would refer to 100,000 terawatts vs light materials.
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Post by nightmare »

Lord Poe wrote:He can't even decide to stick to his own premise; that being the Force doesn't work in the Trek galaxy. If the Emperor's Force lightning actually worked, and it burned a wall, why wouldn't it harm Troi? If his Force lightning works, why not his precog? But that's just the tip of the fecal pile.
The horror, I'm actually starting to remember parts of it. Please excuse me while I find a spoon (to carve it out with). Yes, it's painfully obvious that he only wrote it to spite "warsies", but even aside from that, it's awful. I doubt I could write that badly even if I tried.
Star Trek vs. Star Wars, Extralife style.
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

nightmare wrote:
Lord Poe wrote:He can't even decide to stick to his own premise; that being the Force doesn't work in the Trek galaxy. If the Emperor's Force lightning actually worked, and it burned a wall, why wouldn't it harm Troi? If his Force lightning works, why not his precog? But that's just the tip of the fecal pile.
The horror, I'm actually starting to remember parts of it. Please excuse me while I find a spoon (to carve it out with). Yes, it's painfully obvious that he only wrote it to spite "warsies", but even aside from that, it's awful. I doubt I could write that badly even if I tried.
Even when I look back at my first fanfic, a ST/SW/SG-1/W40K, which I regard as a horrible mess now, it's superior to Portal.

Now, there are certainly worse fanfics out there, but Kennedy's ranks as both:
The worst ST/SW fanfic I have yet to read. Most of them just kind of bore me, or aren't interesting.

The worst by a known, respected internet pseudo-celebrity. Check out his links page. 12 fucking pages of awards he's gotten.
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Post by Darth Servo »

Lord Poe wrote:
nightmare wrote:Aside from the blatant disregard for physics, canon and basic structure for making a good fic, such as evening the field, he's not even true to characters. I might forgive him for not doing SW characters correctly, but his Trek characters also look like parodies of themselves. It's easily the worst piece of fiction I ever read, as far as I bothered to read it, that is.
He can't even decide to stick to his own premise; that being the Force doesn't work in the Trek galaxy. If the Emperor's Force lightning actually worked, and it burned a wall, why wouldn't it harm Troi? If his Force lightning works, why not his precog? But that's just the tip of the fecal pile.
Another example of his not sticking by his own rules. He states straight out that he ONLY considers film material valid for SW and claims that is all he uses in Portal yet he insists that SW reactors are all fusion based, a claim that has ZERO basis in the films.
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