More Rallying for Creationism

SLAM: debunk creationism, pseudoscience, and superstitions. Discuss logic and morality.

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More Rallying for Creationism

Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Evangelical Christians, buoyed by the re-election of Republican President George W. Bush, are turning American schools into a battleground over whether evolution explains the origins of life or whether nature was designed by an all-powerful force.

In at least 18 states, campaigns have begun to make public schools teach "intelligent design" - a theory that nature is so complex it could only have been created by design - alongside Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

"It's pretty clear that there is a religious movement behind intelligent design," said Steve Case, chairman of the Science Standards Committee, a group of educators that advises the Kansas Board of Education. The board will decide later this year whether to include intelligent design in biology classes.

Some scientists who espouse the theory say intelligent design does not question that evolution occurred but how it occurred: they believe more was at play than random mutation and natural selection. The theory, they insist, does not support the religious concept of a creator.

Those who advocate giving it equal treatment in schools have a different interpretation.

"Intelligent design promotes a rational basis for belief in God," said John Calvert, managing director of the Kansas-based advocacy group Intelligent Design Network Inc.

Americans' resistance to evolution is nothing new.

In 1925, Tennessee high school biology teacher John Scopes was prosecuted for teaching evolution in violation of a state law favouring creationism in one of the most celebrated trials in US history. Scopes was convicted and fined $US100 and the Tennessee Supreme Court overturned the verdict on a technicality.

Critics, civil liberties groups and many biology teachers, see intelligent design being used as a version of creationism - the theory that God created the world as described in Genesis. The US Supreme Court barred public school teaching of creationism in the 1980s for violating the separation of church and state.

Push from Bush voters

They say the push for intelligent design in America's schools comes from evangelical Christians, a group key to Bush winning a second term last November.

Supporters have proposed laws in state assemblies, campaigned for new policies at state and local school boards, and placed stickers in textbooks saying evolution is controversial and that students should consider alternatives.

The Dover Area School Board in Pennsylvania now requires that ninth-graders are told there are "gaps" in the theory of evolution, and that intelligent design is an alternative they should consider. The American Civil Liberties Union has challenged the policy in court as unconstitutional.

A bill in Missouri would require public school biology textbooks to contain a "critical analysis of origins" and highlight controversial topics "such as biological evolution."

According to the National Council for Science Education, a pro-evolution group in Oakland, California, other states considering legislation on the issue include Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Texas. Other state or local school boards debating the teaching of intelligent design include Ohio, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Kansas, Wisconsin, Maryland, Michigan, Tennessee and Alaska.

Most Americans believe in some form of creationism, according to a CBS poll conducted ahead of last November's election. 55% of Americans believed God created humans in their present form and a further 27% believed humans evolved, but God guided the process.

65% of all Americans favoured schools teaching creationism and evolution while 37% wanted creationism taught instead of evolution.

The poll found greater support for teaching creationism among Republican voters - 71% of Bush voters favoured teaching creationism alongside evolution.

One noted proponent of intelligent design complicates the debate by arguing it should not be taught in high school.

John West, a senior fellow at the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, which pioneered intelligent design research, said the theory was too complex to teach at high schools and was better suited to a college setting.

"There is a concern that intelligent design has been hijacked by people who don't really know what it says," he said. "We don't think it should be a political football."

Many biology teachers, such as those in Pennsylvania who refused to read the school board's statement on intelligent design to students, say the theory is not scientific.

"Intelligent design is a religious doctrine," said Wayne Carley, executive director of the National Association of Biology Teachers. "There is no research to support it, and it is clearly religious in that it posits a higher being."

Carley conceded the battle against the teaching of intelligent design is a hard one to win because proponents approach the issue as one of faith rather than rationality.

"We can argue that it's bad science but people don't want to hear that," he said. "They are coming from a much more basic gut level."

A reminder of disturbing trends towards religion as science. I bolded the second paragraph because it was especially unsettling... how long until all those state courts have to deal with this?
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Well, I thought I bolded the second paragraph, anyways.
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Post by Mitth`raw`nuruodo »

Hm. 18 states... I wonder what they are; or if there's anything going on in my state.
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Post by Chmee »

Can we get some of these nutjobs to show their faith that Gravity is only a theory by jumping off some rooftops?
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Post by Obloquium »

Here's an exercise. Take it as given that ID will continue to spread through the nation's schools with no judicial interference. What are you willing to see happen in order to prevent Creationism from being taught in public schools all together or, at the very least, in a science course?
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

I'd be willing to see school board members removed from office, teachers fired, and thorough science standards being used in exit exams and standardized test. Education is enough of a joke in this country already, we need to step up and reverse the bullshit or we'll find ourselves behind the global power curve.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Intelligent Design is just creationism with some big words.
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

I wonder what that giant sucking sound is.
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Post by felineki »

Evangelical Christians, buoyed by the re-election of Republican President George W. Bush, are turning American schools into a battleground over whether evolution explains the origins of life or whether nature was designed by an all-powerful force.
Once again... when will these people learn that evolution has nothing to do with how life originates?
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Post by SPOOFE »

Oh, jeepers. Imagine being a teacher that has to choose between teaching this bunk and keeping their jobs. I would certainly hope that those schools with level-headed administration would at least explain how ID is just a fringe idea, not even a real theory... contrasting it with the theory of evolution, not comparing it.

Still... ::sigh::
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Post by HemlockGrey »

I kinda wish if instead of "pro-evolution group" the article had substituted "smart people". Being "pro-evolution" is like being "pro-gravity"; it's not a morale position, for Christ's sake, it's not like "pro-abortion" or "anti-abortion".
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Post by Kuroneko »

Actually, this makes me wonder why other theories of science are not suffering nearly as much... criticism... from the fundamentalists.
HemlockGrey wrote:Being "pro-evolution" is like being "pro-gravity"; it's not a morale position, for Christ's sake, it's not like "pro-abortion" or "anti-abortion".
The theory (!) of gravity is inherently immoral, as there is only one gravitational charge. The notion that like attracts like goes against traditional mores and is a threat to family values. It is nothing but a blatant attempt to promote homosexuality on the part of the scientific community. Down with gravity!
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Down with gravity!
Oh, very clever.
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Post by wolveraptor »

i hate these topics. they're so depressing. i mean come on, 2 in every 3 americans is a bullshitting fundie? i don't like to hear that kind of stuff. i probably know some of these insane nutjobs. that scares me.

[/quote]John West, a senior fellow at the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, which pioneered intelligent design research, said the theory was too complex to teach at high schools and was better suited to a college setting.

LOL. i'm in highschool, and i can refute ID. and i'm no genius either. otherwise i'd be in college, wouldn't i?
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Post by wolveraptor »

wel...i screwed that last post up :oops:
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Post by SPOOFE »

2 in every 3 americans is a bullshitting fundie?
Never attribute to malice (or bullshit) what can be attributed to stupidity. They're not necessarily "bullshitting" (they are, but it's a symptom), they've just been duped by nutjobs.
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Post by weemadando »

And once again I'd like to draw your attention to Australia where when the last time creationism/ID was raised as a possibility for study at schools it was literally laughed out of Parliament by everyone INCLUDING the religious right.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

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Post by Rye »

"Intelligent design promotes a rational basis for belief in God," said John Calvert, managing director of the Kansas-based advocacy group Intelligent Design Network Inc.
Interesting quote there, given one of the whole points behind ID was to not name the designer God.

JEsus, what the fuck is wrong with americans? How have the christreichers got so fucking powerful? Neocons, that's how, in a masturbatory effort to ensure their continuation, whoring themselves to these flat earthers to get white slimy votes, in the face. Stupid goddamned christreichers want everyone to be as stupid and deluded as them, may they choke on their own hate-filled bile when invoking their saviour that is nought but an idolised unfolded cube.

Rant over...

Do these schoolboards never get checked for quality? Goddamn, if I were a national body checking the efficacy of schoolboards, ID and creationism would be a litmus test for a board that needed to be binned. The sooner people understand that supporting this shit isn't socially acceptable, the better.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Goddamn, if I were a national body checking the efficacy of schoolboards
I don't even think the US *has* a national board which regulates cirriculum in any effective manner.
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Post by Petrosjko »

Rye wrote:JEsus, what the fuck is wrong with americans? How have the christreichers got so fucking powerful? Neocons, that's how, in a masturbatory effort to ensure their continuation, whoring themselves to these flat earthers to get white slimy votes, in the face. Stupid goddamned christreichers want everyone to be as stupid and deluded as them, may they choke on their own hate-filled bile when invoking their saviour that is nought but an idolised unfolded cube.
They've always been this powerful, man. It's just the overt nature of it, was I attribute a lot of to Pat Robertson and the CBN. I remember how he spooked me back in the eighties, because his rhetoric on just about everything was that it was a 'war'. Atheism, New Age, so on and so forth. They've derived a hellacious amount of funding from this sort of inflammatory rhetoric, and when you go out to the piney backwoods, usually the strongest and clearest broadcasts on radio and TV come from the various religious outlets, which further serves to perpetuate their agenda and its attendant financial muscle.
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

Kuroneko wrote:The theory (!) of gravity is inherently immoral, as there is only one gravitational charge. The notion that like attracts like goes against traditional mores and is a threat to family values. It is nothing but a blatant attempt to promote homosexuality on the part of the scientific community. Down with gravity!
Remember, gravity is a negative force! Do we want our children to be exposed to a force that is always opposite normal forces? For the love of God Jesus, won't someone think of the children?! :shock:
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Obloquium wrote:Here's an exercise. Take it as given that ID will continue to spread through the nation's schools with no judicial interference. What are you willing to see happen in order to prevent Creationism from being taught in public schools all together or, at the very least, in a science course?
I will fight with everything short of violence to make sure that never happens.
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Post by Petrosjko »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Obloquium wrote:Here's an exercise. Take it as given that ID will continue to spread through the nation's schools with no judicial interference. What are you willing to see happen in order to prevent Creationism from being taught in public schools all together or, at the very least, in a science course?
I will fight with everything short of violence to make sure that never happens.
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Post by Edi »

Petrosjko wrote:Uh, Aly? He's gone. He met the back hand of the Lex Animata on the way out the door.
When did that happen? I managed to miss it and didn't find anything with the search either. Or was it just the sum total of his idiocy that got him tossed out?

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