Rumours of Star Wars TV Series after ROTS? How true is it?

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Rumours of Star Wars TV Series after ROTS? How true is it?

Post by Rommie2006 »

In recent months,
From some assorted articles I've been reading on various SW website, it was rumoured that lucas said that Star Wars would not "die" after ROTS. Some even speculated that there would be a Star Wars TV Series.
Is any of this true? Perhaps any of you have heard more info that I have?
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Post by Crown »

I think that I've heard less than you, IIRC the only thing I've heard is that Kevin Smith is attached to the 'rumours'.

EDIT :: Errr, replaced 'project' with 'rumours'.
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Post by VT-16 »

Lucas has stated in recent interviews (read: last autumn), that he will have off-shoots on TV and DVD, just like books and comics.

Sources claim at least two series being talked about, one live-action, one animated. And you can bet your ass ILM will be all over the LA one. Basically, it seems he´ll simply be producing and others will handle the stories and directing (like SW:CW). Possibly made by Lucasfilm and then passed around various networks to see who wants to air it.
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Post by Mange »

In the survey that came online a few days ago over at the OS, one of the options to grade after interest was TV show coverage, so that's a pretty strong hint.
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Post by Rommie2006 »

Has there been any hints/rumours as to what the TV/Animated series will be about?
Star Wars has been pretty ok so far, I hope they don't screw up their series like what Trek did most of their incarnations.
I can't imagine a ISD charting spatial anomalies, or answering distress calls.
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Post by VT-16 »

Knowing the Empire, they´ll most likely blow up any anomaly. Or conquer it. Which ever comes first. :P

That´s the beauty of a potential SW-series, they can´t fuck it up with Trek-ism.

As for setting, some source claimed Mark Hamill and/or Harrison Ford were going to participate in a pilot, which would then set it at 20+ years after ROTJ.

Then there is the more likely setting of inbetween ROTS and ANH. This could work out well, since certain things in ROTS will set-up future events and organizations and the tv-series can expand on this. Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa would be a must, since he´s very well aquainted with television work, as would Ian McDiarmid for quest-appearances.

Lastly, some of the guys behind SW:CW dreams about making a Han & Chewie cartoon series, showing their adventures before ANH. Whether they get the chance to make such a series, remains to be seen.

Other than that, I have no idea. My personal pet-project would be an animated film detailing the last, galactic war before the Clone Wars, a thousand years before TPM. 8)
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Post by Gustav32Vasa »

I would love to see the formation of the Republic and the Jedi Order.
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Post by Aaron »

VT-16 wrote:Knowing the Empire, they´ll most likely blow up any anomaly. Or conquer it. Which ever comes first. :P

That´s the beauty of a potential SW-series, they can´t fuck it up with Trek-ism.

As for setting, some source claimed Mark Hamill and/or Harrison Ford were going to participate in a pilot, which would then set it at 20+ years after ROTJ.

Then there is the more likely setting of inbetween ROTS and ANH. This could work out well, since certain things in ROTS will set-up future events and organizations and the tv-series can expand on this. Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa would be a must, since he´s very well aquainted with television work, as would Ian McDiarmid for quest-appearances.

Lastly, some of the guys behind SW:CW dreams about making a Han & Chewie cartoon series, showing their adventures before ANH. Whether they get the chance to make such a series, remains to be seen.

Other than that, I have no idea. My personal pet-project would be an animated film detailing the last, galactic war before the Clone Wars, a thousand years before TPM. 8)
Someone posted an article a while back stating that part of the TV series will revolve around a young Boba Fett, as a teenager if I recall.
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Post by Gustav32Vasa »

Cpl Kendall wrote:
VT-16 wrote:Knowing the Empire, they´ll most likely blow up any anomaly. Or conquer it. Which ever comes first. :P

That´s the beauty of a potential SW-series, they can´t fuck it up with Trek-ism.

As for setting, some source claimed Mark Hamill and/or Harrison Ford were going to participate in a pilot, which would then set it at 20+ years after ROTJ.

Then there is the more likely setting of inbetween ROTS and ANH. This could work out well, since certain things in ROTS will set-up future events and organizations and the tv-series can expand on this. Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa would be a must, since he´s very well aquainted with television work, as would Ian McDiarmid for quest-appearances.

Lastly, some of the guys behind SW:CW dreams about making a Han & Chewie cartoon series, showing their adventures before ANH. Whether they get the chance to make such a series, remains to be seen.

Other than that, I have no idea. My personal pet-project would be an animated film detailing the last, galactic war before the Clone Wars, a thousand years before TPM. 8)
Someone posted an article a while back stating that part of the TV series will revolve around a young Boba Fett, as a teenager if I recall.
Oh great, a teenager running around the empire and kills people. CISWar
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Post by Aaron »

Maybe it'll focus on his training as a bounty hunter. I doubt that Jango could have taught him everything he needed to know in ten years. Especially if Boba is as uncontrollable as the Kaminoians said Jango was.
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Post by Gustav32Vasa »

Cpl Kendall wrote:Maybe it'll focus on his training as a bounty hunter. I doubt that Jango could have taught him everything he needed to know in ten years. Especially if Boba is as uncontrollable as the Kaminoians said Jango was.
Is there any canon story about what happened to him after AotC?
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Post by Aaron »

Gustav32Vasa wrote:
Is there any canon story about what happened to him after AotC?
Not to my knowledge, but I don't read the EU.
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Post by Rommie2006 »

VT-16 wrote:Knowing the Empire, they´ll most likely blow up any anomaly. Or conquer it. Which ever comes first. :P

That´s the beauty of a potential SW-series, they can´t fuck it up with Trek-ism.

As for setting, some source claimed Mark Hamill and/or Harrison Ford were going to participate in a pilot, which would then set it at 20+ years after ROTJ.

Then there is the more likely setting of inbetween ROTS and ANH. This could work out well, since certain things in ROTS will set-up future events and organizations and the tv-series can expand on this. Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa would be a must, since he´s very well aquainted with television work, as would Ian McDiarmid for quest-appearances.

Lastly, some of the guys behind SW:CW dreams about making a Han & Chewie cartoon series, showing their adventures before ANH. Whether they get the chance to make such a series, remains to be seen.

Other than that, I have no idea. My personal pet-project would be an animated film detailing the last, galactic war before the Clone Wars, a thousand years before TPM. 8)
20 years after ROTJ? Man I hope its not going to be the Yuuzhan Vong extra-galactic invasion. I would hate to see SW contaminated by biotech(yucks). Low chance of saber fights also since there is no sith.

And it's not a bad idea to have it thousands of year with the the PT and OT SW movies. Personally, I think a TV series on the legendary Sith wars would be great. Thousands of Jedi, endless number of sith rising after one falls, big fleet battles.... drooll......
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Post by Praxis »

Low chance of saber fights?

NJO has TONS of saber fights...

They'd have to do it just right though. NJO has potential to be very awesome on TV, but it also has the potential to be horrible.
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

I think he means against other Force-sensitive, lightsaber-wielding opponents.

Anyways, I'd also love to see the ancient Jedi vs Sith wars and the formation of the Old Republic thousands of years before TPM. I'd find a show about a teenaged Jango Fett to be too much like a normal TV show and would have much more potential to become boring shit. I'd like to see an animated series about Han and Chewie before ANH, provided only that Harrison Ford does the voice acting for Han. :P

Finally, one acceptable idea (and preferable) for the live action TV show would cover the transitional phase from the Clone Wars to the Galactic Civil War. It would follow the lives of a group of young friends who join different branches of the Old Republic military (officers, pilots, grunts), sort of like in Starship Troopers. They all survive to see the rise of the Empire. They then get split up after seeing the horrors of the Empire, some remaining in the Empire while others join the Rebel Alliance. I'm not sure which would be better though; having them face each other inevitably or having them all defect to the Rebel Alliance. Having to face each other would probably make for more dramatic episodes, and you'd definitely get both Imperial and Rebel perhaps that's a better alternative.

This would be a good show because it would show the war from the officer's perspective, the pilot's perspective, and the grunt's perspective. The series would culminate at the Battle of Endor. Not sure how, but what I do know is that all of the friends would meet each other together for a final time. The great thing about this series is that we'd see many more scenes of the prequel and OT battles and from many more different perspectives. It could start off with a battle or two between AotC and RotS, include the battles of RotS, have a bunch of battles in between RotS and ANH, somehow sneak in the Battle of Yavin (not sure how...maybe an Imperial officer or pilot or someone evacuates the station before it blows), show the Battle of Hoth, cover a bunch of EU battles and completely original battles/skirmishes in between the OT movies, and end with the Battle of Endor.
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Post by VT-16 »

Cpl Kendall wrote:Someone posted an article a while back stating that part of the TV series will revolve around a young Boba Fett, as a teenager if I recall.
No, that was the fanboy rumor mill running off with one off-hand comment about "Boba Fett might be one of the villains".
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Post by Mange »

I'm so, so sorry to bump such an old thread, but I thought it would be more appropriate to do so than starting a new thread for this information (especially since it's not official, I thought it would suit this thread better). According to an article over at IESB, the rating of ROTS has an influence on the upcoming TV series:
IESB wrote:The live action TV series will be catered to adults and not to children. Lucasfilm is planning for more of a drama with great special effects then a wam bam sci-fi action TV show. It will be more character driven then any of the previous films, but that George does not want Star Trek style series.
If legit, this would be awesome (especially the fact that GL doesn't want a Star Trek style series). Read the article at:
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Post by Glimmervoid »

I would be all for it so long as they respect what the novles have allready laid down.
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Post by VT-16 »

Well, safe to say we might get a few EU cameos in this. (Ships, characters, planets etc...)
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Post by UCBooties »

Ever since I was little reading the rogue squadron books, I wanted them on tv. Just for some of the awesome battles like when the Lusankya rips out of Coruscant.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

I personally don't want to see ANYTHING like the fucking ideas fans have come up with. I want something that's actually God damn original and intersting.

No fucking "Han and Chewie Show" or "Coruscanti Nights" for me, thank you very much...
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Post by Butterbean569 »

I love Joe's idea personally...after reading the novel I really wanna know how everything plays out prior to ANH.
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Post by Darth Wong »

It could be good as long as they don't get soap-opera writers to do the scripts. If they ever have a show like this, it should have two big signs hanging over the writing staff's desks:



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Post by Wicked Pilot »

I have my reservations about this. Sometimes it is best to quit while you're ahead.
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Post by JME2 »

Wicked Pilot wrote:I have my reservations about this. Sometimes it is best to quit while you're ahead.
I share the feeling. The books are one thing, this is quite another and I'm perfectly content to keep live-action Star Wars limited to the big-screen (will will only be applicable until a month from now :wink: ).
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