Renewed_Valour1 wrote:
Some variants seem to be kinetic but there has been no firm statement on that one. However there is the implication that some have warheads. The missile warheads Hunt ejected into the path of the Balance of Judgment were high yielded AP warheads. The three missile types carried by the Andromeda are DM-5s and Om-5s that are both kinetic and the OM-6 smart missile variants. The other is that the Than used an extended range missile with high yield AP warheads to shatter the asteroid the Andromeda was hiding behind in "Dance of the Mayflies". An asteroid that would make the ESB asteroids look like sand grains from the shot of it when the Andromeda was next to it hiding. In "The Shards of Rimni" two Commonwealth frigates using extended range antiship missiles with AP warheads attacked the Maru. In both cases extended range missiles are smart missiles and smart missiles are the only missiles on All Systems labeled as an antiship missile.
Ok, so they can. But the yield would arguably be less than a gigaton, since thats the upper limit capability of the Oracle's kinetic yield (if it were greater, the Oracle's ability would be kinda superfluous.)
That still puts them inside the range of the defensive missiles and offensive missiles at ranges well beyond the capability of the laser warheads.
Regarding the OM's - not really, since the OM's HAVE to contact to do damage. Range wise, the HV missiles have similar range to Andromeda missiles.
Regarding the DM's, while yes it does still put them within point defense range, but then it becomes a matter of whether the defensive missile can intercept the laser head before it detonates (remember that this will depend upon the HV missile's closing velocity, the velocity/acceleration of the defensive missile, and the actual range.) Simply "being in range" will not guarantee interception.
Hence why defensive missiles are fired out of the ELS tubes at a lower velocity and operate at lower velocities relying on higher acceleration to intercept the missile.
Fine, but if thats teh case, you're simply giving the missile a greater chance to get to a closer standoff distance before detonating. There's a trade off here.
The missiles anyway regularly do achieve nose to nose kinetic kills on missiles that are smaller and can accelerate faster than a Honorverse missile. It isn't a capability that we are inferring it is a capability that exists and that is used regularly.
And just how accurate is this "nose on" interception (ie how many missiles do they intercept out of a salvo, and at what ranges?)
Besides which, all that means is that if they can find the missile, they should have the ability to hit it. Neither size of the missile nor its "lower" acceleration rate guarantee that the defensive missiles will have an easier time hitting. (this is more than just EW - it incorporates the dynamics of the impeller wedges, the nature of the missile and its warhead, and will vary according to the distances between ships.)
Also, acceleration/velocity of the missiles only matters when the "interception time" is short (IE close range).
DM-5s are fired at slower velocities and rely higher accelerations and great maneuvering capability than an OM-5 or smart missile. They have no chance of catching smart missiles or kinetic missile from a tail chase or anything resembling on. In the case of "Tunnel at the End of the Light" the DM-5s Hunt fired were in all cases fired straight down the path of the incoming missiles and intercepted them nose on.
So basically "nose to nose" is a figurative term for intercepting incoming missiles. This isnt neccesarily a "difficult" thing - as I said, it will depend on the offensive missiles velocity, the range it was done at (what range was the missile fired at? a couple LS or tens of LS?)
And I thought visuals were questionable in andromeda, so why are you using them as justification of the "nose on nose" accuracy?
Large number of missiles in a salvo isn't that big of a concern considering how many smart missiles the GHC and the Shrikes could salvo. Exactly how large of a yield are we talking about here?
Rough guess? Defenses and all, it takes probably around at least 40 ("scores"), and quite possibly hundreds (IE less than a thousand) megaton-range laser heads (50-60 low end, 200-250 probable higher, since 50-60 MT seems to be cruiser-sized warheads). You also have to consider that a nuke is not a laser head - the latter deliver their energy in a far more concentrated form, which makes them harder for the sidewalls to diffuse (which is one reason why laser heads are used instead of nukes.)
Exact yield is going to be hard to say. I do think that megaton-range nukes (standard, not laser head) are generally ineffective against sidewalls, though (I think it was mentioned in Short, Victorious War)
The energy to penetrate probably is mid KT-low MT range (the rough yield per laser from a laser head. To achieve penetration, the detonations would have to deliver the same amount of energy to the same are, or greater.
Just how many AM warheads are we talking per salvo, for that matter, and what kind of yield.
The propulsion systems aren't gravity based but the GFGs do reduce the mass of the vessel to increase performance.
That still counts as part of the drive system. Without that gravitic technobabble mass lightening, they would not accelerate anywhere near as fast as they do.
I would also question the capability of those sensors when they aren't dealing with a disturbance as intense as a wedge or sidewall. They totally missed the presence of the Fearless in "On Basilisk Station" despite the fact that I think she was still using artificial gravity at the time but had her drives powered down.
Er... WTF? They have to use their silly AG tech to reduce the "mass" of the ship to accelerate faster - this same field apparently also is used as a defense against incoming missiles and to open slipstream portals (If I remember the science advisor's earlier comments, the AG field also provides a small "boost" to outgoing missiles and also is used to push aside interstellar debris)
While I agree that the signature of the fields probably aren't as large or intense as a sidewall (as I recall, they have no effect whatsoever on photons) - this is nowhere NEAR what you appear to be claiming (IE if its not as strong as a sidewall they won't detect a ship.)
And where did I say they would use the life support AG to detect ships? They use it in other ways. Aside from the problem that the artificial grav used in life support is internal (meaning the hull can probably shield its emissions) there's a VAST difference between "providing one or two g's of internal gravity" and the apparent gravity fields they use for defense, nav deflectors, or mass reduction (however the hell that works.) Incidentally, this applies to your example from Basilisk Station as well.
All Systems makes note of the fact that the High Guard uses low observablity technology in the hulls of their vessels extensively. It has been noted several times during the course of the show at different points. In the case of "D Minus Zero" the Restorians had to lure the Andromeda into a specific confined area and strike her with radioactive "paintball" missiles in order to get enough of a return off her hull to engage her with accuracy.
So their hulls are stealthed? They have low-signature materials for stealthing (as well as EW tech that can mask signatures, including to certain extent Impeller wedges) in the Honorverse as well.
I'm at a loss to see what this has to do with your earlier assertations about the personal EW generators or the supposed EW capabilities of the missiles - something can be heavily stealthed in the hull yet emitting enough to be targeted.
See my comments about the low observablity hulls and in addition All Systems lays forth some other active fenses. Using the radiating countermeasure generators and other equipment including the "chaff" that the writers have hinted at before a vessel can generate false targets of itself around to misdirect an attempt by active sensors to track it.
All Systems under Sensores:e
"ES/A-9R Electronic Support and Attack Measure Suite
Detects active sensor and communications emissions from hostile assets, including ships and missiles. The EA component of the package can be used to jam both types of signals, and in some cases to overload the hostile transceiver and destroy it."
All fancy words for sensor systems that either jam, mask, or deceive sensors via EW. As I already pointed out, the Honorverse has their methods of sensor deception/decoys in several ways (including the more recent ghost rider tech.)
They also have jamming systems as well.
Oracle and Janus sensor drones fulfill a similar role of guiding in and providing jamming support for swarms of missiles.