Oh god... ooooooooooh,...hhhhhh
it was great sex girls, especialy the torture part, you're all beautifull & sexy but i need a drink and another day for another foursome, i would invite you for a kitchen bang Verilon, but your voice isin't right, and your hairy
butt gives me the creeps, and
IG-88E would be jealous of you, daddy and mumsy's cute lad.
Zaia please no appology needed, you were right and i was an
ass, if i came to you in the supermarket and said, Miss... oh miss, excuse me but you have beautifull eyes,.. & the most attractive neck i've ever seen,..............!!
What would you think and then reply to me?
taking in consideration that i'm not the english
retarted pavel from david's stardestroyer.net, and not bad looking .
And by the way, i like david's wife's body , i'm sure she's a great mom, and i wouldn't have the slightest chance of being with her as long as david lives.
Next Of Kin, the guarding angel.
Zaia wrote:Pavel wrote:Sorry Zaia, i hope that you will correct my dictation and grammar each time i submit a post so that i can be better in english in the future, but your hostility & bitchy attitude on my low english skill (which i agree upon) shows clearly that you were offended because you belong to the uglyography class of american women, fat & lowass, i hope that you r a sexy and attractive girl, but i hardly beleive so after i read your comment on me.
I apologize to you on my comments about your English skills. Once you have been around here for more than 25 posts or so, you will see how many ignorant American teenagers come in here and barely use English themsevles. Perhaps you will understand why I responded the way I did after you experience their kind of English.
As I have friends living in St. Petersburg, Florida, it is the first St. Petersburg I think of.
Again, I apologize for my hostility and bitchiness. Although I have never taken Russian, I have taken Hebrew and learning an entirely new alphabet is a nightmare so I appreciate the difficultly. Sorry for hastily jumping to conclusions.