Wonder-Con 05

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Wonder-Con 05

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Spoilers for Serenity, Fantastic Four, and Batman Begins

So I went on Saturday, spent the whole day. I didn't have a camera, so all the pictures were done by my friend or by me using a camer I had no idea how to use.

First off: It was awewsome. Not too many hot fangirls, but a fair number. After we got there, we wandered around a while until I found the first goal on my list:


The man is gianormous. If you ever have a chance to meet him, shake his hand, its a humbling experience. Here he is next to someone of normal size:
It doesn't seem impressive until you realize he's bent low and the woman was 5'11. And, I got my first prize of the day:
That's right, bitches. Autographed.

And who should be right next to Mr. Mayhew? Why, none other than lovely model and bounty hunter Michonne Bourriague
Very friendly gal, I think she was bummed everyone was lining up to see Ray Park. I have no pics of him, as I am not a super-fan.

Across the way we had some Super-friends, and I got a picture of one:
Yes, its Jack O'Halloran, General Zod's henchman Non from Superman II. Still big, still scary, but slightly more articulate as you may judge from the fact that he's being interviewed.

They also had the guy who played Jimmy Olsen, being ignored. Margot Kidder was there, and I almost took a picture, but figured it was better to remember her as she was. Time beat her silly. I also saw the Big Guy from Ocean's 11, don't know his name:

When I got there, I was bummed, because I found out that not everyone got to meet the Serenity cast. They were having a drawing, you had to pick a ticket with a mark on it. So, I waited in line for 20 minutes, then when I got there, I cheated. I admit it, I looked into the thing to get the ticket. But, it was worth it. I got my Serenity DVDs autographed by Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin, Summer Glau, and Joss Whedon. These next pictures are bad for 2 reasons:
1. They were moving us through fast.
2. I was so nervous I forgot my friend was taking my picture.

Here's me with Adam Baldwin, a funnier man you won't easily find. Except Nate Fillion. He looked super-tired, but was still nice. No pictures of him came out.

Here's me meeting Summer Glau. The woman is so very, very small I wanted to pick her up, but I'm sure the security guys would have stopped me.

Here's me, scarring Summer when I asked her how old she was. I was curious, since she looks 12 or so. She said nervously "I'm... over 18." She feared I was a filthy old man, I believe.

And then I got to meet Joss. Also very, very funny guy, you can tell by the way they all interact that they couldn't help BUT make an awesome show.
One thing that sucked, was that I put down my autographed cast-poster to put back my DVD labels, and when I wasn't looking someone stole it. :( At least I didn't pay money for it.

Now, I'll talk about the panels I saw.

Serenity Panel
It was awesome. Nate is a very funny guy, and both Nate and Adam together kept cracking on Summer and at once point made her turn bright red. Folks got to ask questions, and here's one I remember:

Q: If you had a choice, what other character would you play, and what would you change about that character.
Adam: I'd be Inara, but blonde. So I could get some more often.
Summer: I'd be the captain, so I could be in charge and wear even tighter pants.
Nate: I'd be River, so I could run around naked and be crazy more than I already do.

Another time Nate was asked what was the hardest thing Joss ever had him do: "Well, there was the time I was out in the desert naked, and then there was the time on the show, too."

Best Fillionism, though:
Q: How do you find the darkness for your character? I mean, he's not a nice man.
Nate: Well, I look deep into my sould, into a dark, dark place. Primal, really. I find that dark place, and then... I kick it in the nuts, and I'm good to go.
Turns out we WILL see Reavers in the next movie, and Joss had no idea there existed in the dark ages a group of cannibalistic scottsmen called the reavers, it was just a coincidence. He based them LOOSELY off the Native American of American Apache folk-stories as the terrible killers. We got to watch a short scene of the movie in which Mal, Zoe, Jayne, and River were robbing a place. River seemed to be able to control her mindreading pretty well.

Oh, and when I met Joss, I got to ask him my question, and found out Jubal Early lives on!

Fantastic Four
The trailer was pretty kickass, but Dr. Doom/Julian McMahon looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. An asshole of a guy, absolutely despised every autograph he signed. Total opposite of the Serenity gang. Anyway, it looks like the movie will either Rock or Suck, no middle ground. The Thing looks a little hokey, but overall good.

Batman Begins
First, an out-of focus picture of Christian Bale:
This guy will, I believe, define the role of Batman for all actors who come after. He never realized the Adam West show wasn't a spoof until '99, but he began to immerse himself in the part. From the beginning, he decided he would give the fans what they wanted, instead of a "visual feast". He gets it, boys and girls. He gets it.

He did most of his own fights, with a new style called Kay-si which looks pretty badass. Also, he liked that the cowell was super-tight and made him mad, because he used that anger in the role. The six-minute trailer kicked ass, beyond wildest hopes. We get to watch Bruce Wayne become Batman, though I guess "Batman Becomes" isn't terribly Grammatical.

Star Wars Panel
I was disappointed here, because there wasn't anything you couldn't get from Hyperspace. Seeing the special on modelling was cool, though. They showed the Wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk, a giant sinkhole city, and some kickass lava flows.

All in all, an awesome day, that I wouldn't have any other way. Questions?
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Awww... no one is impressed with my geekdom?
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
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Post by Stofsk »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Awww... no one is impressed with my geekdom?
You got to meet Chewie? Mere words cannot describe how impressed I am.

I really should go to cons. But I never seem to remember when one is on.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Do famous people go to Australia? I thought it was all criminals and stuff.;)
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
IRG CommandoJoe
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

Did you mean "scarring" or "scaring" Summer? :P

Also, you remind me both of Dr. Jones (Connery) or of some random German guy with that hat on and the beard. :lol:
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Post by Stofsk »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Do famous people go to Australia? I thought it was all criminals and stuff.;)

You have me wondering about something: you mentioned how a couple of the people you met were being 'ignored' by other con-goers. That strikes me as sad. (yeah, fucking duh...) I mean what's the point of going to a con if you don't meet everyone in it?

What's Peter Mayhew like, besides being big?

[edit] He looks like an aging rockstar, or hippy. But the cool kind of hippy.
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Majin Gojira
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Post by Majin Gojira »

I really should go to a con or two...
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Stofsk wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:Do famous people go to Australia? I thought it was all criminals and stuff.;)

You have me wondering about something: you mentioned how a couple of the people you met were being 'ignored' by other con-goers. That strikes me as sad. (yeah, fucking duh...) I mean what's the point of going to a con if you don't meet everyone in it?

What's Peter Mayhew like, besides being big?

[edit] He looks like an aging rockstar, or hippy. But the cool kind of hippy.
Well, not ignoring, but no one wants to pay $20 for Jimmy Olsen's autograph (well, not many anyway). I'm sure they got plenty of hello's and conversations, but Michonne Bourriague was selling only a fifth as many autographs as Ray Park. Its all for how famous you are.

And Peter Mayhew was very polite and well-meaning, but he's obviously a little disenchanted with conventions, having been doing them for almost 30 years now. I'd have to characterize him as "aging rock star" but not terribly substance-abused.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
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Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

That's all nice, but I won't be impressed with your geekdom until you come back with some B5 TMOS info and cast pictures.

And if you could get a picture of George Lucas in a Starfleet uniform and Vulcan ears, I will crown you the anointed king of geeks.
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Post by Raxmei »

Jesus Christ, I've met you in real life and didn't know it.
I prepared Explosive Runes today.
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