You know, I'm going to ignore everything else, and just point out that those weapons numbers of yours are based on the erroneous EU Super class star destroyer, which is less than half the length of the Executor as scaled from the movies. The same movie shows at least three hundred eighty plus HTL turrets where the ISD has eight.Cabwi Desco wrote:NO NOT TRUE not 100 times as many. the SSD has 250 heavy turbolasers, 250 turbolasers, 250 heavy ion cannons and 250 assault concusion missile launchers. A Imp Star Deuce 50 heavy turbolasers, 50 turbolasers and 50 heavy ion cannons. meaning it has 3 and a third times more firepower than the two Imp Star Deuces at the battle.Lone_Prodigy wrote:Cabwi Desco wrote:now why is the Lusankya battle wankery?
2 Isds
1 and a half squadrons
A load of freighters
Let me put it this way: An SSD has 100+ times the volume of an ISD, with an equivalent amount of guns and shielding.
That, and you couldn't even get the EU ISD weapons numbers right, that's supposed to be twenty Ion cannons on an Impstar deuce