Kirk Starkiller (working title) A B5/TOS Crossover

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Post by Col. Crackpot »

*casually bumps threads for reasons that may or may not have something to do with the GSDA's
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Post by brianeyci »


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Post by Uraniun235 »

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Post by paladin3030 »

Uraniun235 wrote:GSDAs?
The Golden Star Destroyer Awards

Something I would nominate this fic for if the SOB got off his A$$ & updated the fic.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

paladin3030 wrote:
Uraniun235 wrote:GSDAs?
The Golden Star Destroyer Awards

Something I would nominate this fic for if the SOB got off his A$$ & updated the fic.
well i was reluctant to post this here, as it is sort of rough, but demands are demands... writer's block is a bitch

Sharlin Cruiser Brilliant Star: Flagship of Star Riders clan

Dalek was beside himself. He rocked back and forth slowly as he viewed the display that spread out before him. Many under his command wanted to send more probes through the wormhole before launching the attack. He, of course dismissed the idea. Whatever lost band of Earthers was on the far side of the wormhole needed to be caught off guard. A probe would have alerted them. Surprise was paramount, and surprise would be achieved.

Surprise had achieved next to nothing. His fleet was being pounded. The small base was reinforced by tiny yet potent ships and was now firming up it’s defenses. The enemy has presented him with a wall of ships spewing deadly fire and was now launching deep slashing attacks into his formations at will. Despite the best efforts of the Star Riders, their attack had been blunted and the heart of the greatest of the warrior clans was now being cut to pieces. There was one avenue of retreat available…

“Signal all ships to reform at the following co-ordinates” and pray to Valen that it is not a trap
Dalek added mentally.

“Sir!” a young subordinate broke his concentration “ Formation of enemy ships breaking through our screening vessels and moving to attack us sir. The vessel known as Enterprise is leading the attack!”

“Kirk…” That human was responsible for this. True, another had fired the opening shots in this newly expanded war against the mysterious lost earthers. He has proven himself a most capable foe. The Brilliant Star shook violently “All defensive batteries FIRE!”

Beams of yellow death sprung out from the Brilliant Star’s guns and blasted the Soyuz class ship, Lake Armstrong to component atoms. Surging through the fireball was the Enterprise, her shields aglow and she was letting loose with all she had. Her most stalwart defender, the Yeltsin was knocked off course and spun wildly out of control. However angry red death had found its way to the intended target as the former flagship of the oldest clan of the warrior caste broke in half and disintegrated into nothing.

“Nice shooting Mister Chekov! And it would seem our friends have taken the path of least resistance. Spock ETA of Commodore Sheppard?” Kirk turned to his old friend.

“Twenty seconds Admiral. I am also detecting a second group of ships inbound from Earth at warp four. Five ships led by the…. Excelsior, sir. Both groups will arrive in unison.”

“Very well. Uhura standby to transmit the rally signal.” Kirk paused. “Did you say Excelsior is inbound, Spock?”

“Indeed I did, Admiral.”

“Well” Kirk shifted his weight in his command chair “This is about to get interesting. Lets see how these barbaric bastards deal with this. Now, commander Uhura.”

USS Bismarck, Flagship, Panther Squadron

“Tactical officer, commence warp strafing and standby to drop out of warp.” Sheppard had some special toys prepared for the Minbari. Heavy torpedoes had been stripped of deuterium and filled with double loads of antimatter. The dense crystalline hulls of the shieldless Minbari warships would feed the reaction and effectively nearly double the torpedo yields. The residual Antimatter and radiation from the dirty blasts would handle the survivors.

The dreadnaughts cycled their launchers through two full salvos. Fifty-six torpedoes streaked ahead a warp speed toward their targets. Several light minutes away the not quite fully functional starship Excelsior and her four Belknap class escorts fired two salvos of their own. Twenty eight additional torpedoes would add to the maelstrom.

Of the eighty four torpedoes fired, sixty nine found a target. Sharlin and Tinashi class cruisers began to inexplicably explode in violent blasts of light. The expanding balls of gas and debris struck still more ships and fighters. The Minbari fleet was now not only without it’s commander, but it’s back was broken. Capital ships and fighters alike were now colliding with strands of stray antimatter. Damaged ships were absorbing antimatter radiation which would spell certain death for all life which resided within.

The torment of the Minbari did not end. The fleet of newcomers dropped out of warp and attacked. Phasers struck deep into crystalline armor. With a renewed vigor Kirk’s remaining defensive force and Green’s remaining supply force pressed the attack. With all hope at victory dashed, the remaining Minbari broke formation. Eight cruisers made a beeline for the wormhole. Their numbers were cut in half before they reached their goal. Six more war weary vessels opened jump points and decided to take their chances in federation space. Three succeeded. An invasion force of over three hundred capital ships was now reduced to seven, scattered and defeated.

Dozens of Minbari fighters and flyers remained. Trapped in Federation space and resigned to their fate many launched suicidal attacks on their captors. Still others merely sat and awaited their inevitable capture.
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Post by SpecWar826 »

That wasn't bad I thought it was a fitting end to the battle.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

SpecWar826 wrote:That wasn't bad I thought it was a fitting end to the battle.
Still, too rough in my opinion. I have ideas on where I want to take the story, but a writer I am not.
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Post by NecronLord »

I have the feeling the feeling that the Minbari are going to be suitably surprised when they're captured and horror of horrors, not tortured. Well, unless Shep gets them.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

Yes, Shep. Shep is the perfect shade of grey. And a rather dark shade of grey at that! Kirk is a smart fellow. If he were to figure out what the good Commodore has in his possesion and who he killed to obtain it..... :twisted:
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Post by Falkenhorst »

Well whatever you do, Crackpot, don't give up writing this story. As long as you roll out new chapters, I'll be waitin eagerly in the wings for a good read.

BOTM 15.Nov.02

Post #114 @ Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:44 pm

"I've had all that I wanted of a lot of things I've had
And a lot more than I needed of some things that turned out bad"

-Johnny Cash, "Wanted Man"

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