Crossover Universe

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Adam Reynolds
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Crossover Universe

Post by Adam Reynolds »

I was browsing the internet and I found this site
it has several indescrepencies in Star Wars and I was woudering what you guys had to say about it

1) lack of stormtrooper accuracy

2) lack of stormtrooper armor

3) AT-AT armor and the fact that the snowspeeders can destroy the walkers after triping them

4) the fact the Luke survived both of his craches in ESB and that the X-wing was able to fly afterwords

5) the fact that the technicians on the Death Star had to carry the crate of scanning equipment since that on cloud city the could use a repulserlift

6) the fact that Luke had didn't use the Force in several parts of ROTJ

7) the fact that lightsabers could not penetrate Vader's armor in ESB when they could penetrate everything else and that Luke's saber had trouble slicing the guards on Jabba's Sail Barge
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Post by Stark »

This is so funny.

1) what armour? Its prominent: its the iconic SW armour. Its right there.

2) All the times they miss, they're letting them escape. Like with the homing beacon, leaving the MF unguarded in ANH, etc.

3) specific targetting? lack of return fire? shielding?

4) X-wings rule. He survived, therefore X-wings are safe to crash into a swamp. He didn't even need to fix it: quite a robust plane.

5) Wow, thats important. They have entire repulsorlift landing platforms, but you want the scanning crate to be repulsor too? :) Maybe they were on punishment detail!

6) He's really not very good. Not alot of training, you see.

7) In ESB it was a glancing blow. How is that inconsistent? Vader wouldn't even have felt it if his armour totally deflected it. I never noticed the ROTJ thing you mention.
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Post by VT-16 »

the fact that the technicians on the Death Star had to carry the crate of scanning equipment since that on cloud city the could use a repulserlift
They used some kind of platform to carry the crate to the Falcon´s frontdoor (remote-controlled even), then carry it inside. We don´t see the platform, but I´m betting this is because they couldn´t afford to make it move in mid-air.
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Post by Mange »

VT-16 wrote:
the fact that the technicians on the Death Star had to carry the crate of scanning equipment since that on cloud city the could use a repulserlift
They used some kind of platform to carry the crate to the Falcon´s frontdoor (remote-controlled even), then carry it inside. We don´t see the platform, but I´m betting this is because they couldn´t afford to make it move in mid-air.
Well, there's a whining sound at least.
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Post by Jay »

3) If you look very closely the AT-AT, once tripped, is exposing an unarmoured gap in the walkway between the head and the body, which is normally covered when the walker is upright. The snowspeeders blasters hit that spot.

I'm reasonably sure of this, but some screen caps would be nice if anyone can oblige.

5) Because it would be wasteful. I could have my rucksack levitate behind me on a repulsor sled...but it would be a monumental waste of time, space, energy and technology because I can just carry the fricking thing. Because stormtroopers are not lazy!

6) can we have some examples of where the force would have been useful, but Luke neglected to use it?

7) I seem to recall Lukes lightsaber cleaving Vaders arm off. You could argue that his arm was not so well armoured I suppose.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Actually two points. The novels states the AT-AT literally self destructed, what ever the Rebels thought they did, were just surprised that the Walker was destroyed.

And the Vader point is piss poor red herring, given that Luke cut of the wrist versus, slashing of obvious SHOULDER armor.

The rest is just yabbering.

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Post by dragon »

Ok what about the sail barge where Luke hit the people pretty hard with the light saber and it doesn't cleave them in two. Suppose it could be from armor but those things cleave battle droids in half.
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Post by Tribun »

dragon wrote:Ok what about the sail barge where Luke hit the people pretty hard with the light saber and it doesn't cleave them in two. Suppose it could be from armor but those things cleave battle droids in half.
Well, he built that thing himself, using instructions from a book left behind by Obi-Wan. Likely that he hadn't built a perfect saber.
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Post by Elheru Aran »

dragon wrote:Ok what about the sail barge where Luke hit the people pretty hard with the light saber and it doesn't cleave them in two. Suppose it could be from armor but those things cleave battle droids in half.
Actually, despite the glow surrounding it, a lightsaber's blade is so fine that it basically just cuts very deeply, very thinly-- the heat from its passing cauterizes the wound, but not before the struck person has been dealt a fatal blow. You can see this in TPM, where Darth Maul at first looks intact but falls apart while tumbling down the shaft.
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Post by dragon »

Elheru Aran wrote:
dragon wrote:Ok what about the sail barge where Luke hit the people pretty hard with the light saber and it doesn't cleave them in two. Suppose it could be from armor but those things cleave battle droids in half.
Actually, despite the glow surrounding it, a lightsaber's blade is so fine that it basically just cuts very deeply, very thinly-- the heat from its passing cauterizes the wound, but not before the struck person has been dealt a fatal blow. You can see this in TPM, where Darth Maul at first looks intact but falls apart while tumbling down the shaft.
Ok I get that explains why they can cut metal in half but not people.
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Post by Drooling Iguana »

Stark wrote:This is so funny.

1) what armour? Its prominent: its the iconic SW armour. Its right there.

2) All the times they miss, they're letting them escape. Like with the homing beacon, leaving the MF unguarded in ANH, etc.
Except for the shootout in the Mos Eisley hangar. There was no reason for them to be trying to miss there.
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Post by dragon »

Drooling Iguana wrote:
Stark wrote:This is so funny.

1) what armour? Its prominent: its the iconic SW armour. Its right there.

2) All the times they miss, they're letting them escape. Like with the homing beacon, leaving the MF unguarded in ANH, etc.
Except for the shootout in the Mos Eisley hangar. There was no reason for them to be trying to miss there.
Also did they tell every stormtrooper to miss on the deathstar or was the transmitter just a back up plan
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Re: Crossover Universe

Post by Praxis »

Adamskywalker007 wrote:I was browsing the internet and I found this site
it has several indescrepencies in Star Wars and I was woudering what you guys had to say about it

1) lack of stormtrooper accuracy

2) lack of stormtrooper armor

3) AT-AT armor and the fact that the snowspeeders can destroy the walkers after triping them

4) the fact the Luke survived both of his craches in ESB and that the X-wing was able to fly afterwords

5) the fact that the technicians on the Death Star had to carry the crate of scanning equipment since that on cloud city the could use a repulserlift

6) the fact that Luke had didn't use the Force in several parts of ROTJ

7) the fact that lightsabers could not penetrate Vader's armor in ESB when they could penetrate everything else and that Luke's saber had trouble slicing the guards on Jabba's Sail Barge
Okay, this is way too easy. This guy has no idea what he's talking about.

Oh yeah....those Stormtroopers are great shots. What about on board the Death Star when they were going after Luke, Han, Leia, and Chewie? That part where Han chases a group of them into a dead end, and they all open fire on him, forcing him to retreat? That was like a whole squad of troops.
Gee, I think the guy who wrote that missed the part where DARTH VADER WANTED THEM TO ESCAPE WITH THE HOMING BEACON ON THEIR SHIP!

You don't put a homing beacon on their ship if you intend to kill them and not let them leave!

And no stormtrooper is going to want to be the person who accidentally shoots Luke or Leia when Darth Vader ordered them not to. *force choke*...
They all open fire, and not one of them hits Han? You would have to be TRYING to miss him!
Duh, they were.

Luke did make it clear that you can hardly see in it. (Which may account for their lousy aim.)
Incorrect, Luke was not tall enough for the armor.

The armor can't stop a blaster shot, that's for sure . . . so no help there. Well, it must protect them from other types of injuries, right, blows to the head, falling down, and what not? Nope! That part in Return of the Jedi where Leia smacks that one Biker Scout in the head with a piece of wood? It wasn't even that hard a hit, and it apparently knocked him out cold. (And if you look carefully, she doesn't even really hit him in the head, she just kind of glances off his shoulder and it brushes against his head.) And what about when the Ewoks are beating up those Stormtroopers with sticks and rocks and bolas? Not being able to stand up to blaster fire is one thing . . I can understand that to some extent. (Although you would think it'd be within the best interests of the Empire to at least make it somewhat blaster proof . . . I mean of you're going to wear armor anyway, why not, right?) But apparently, the armor isn't even strong enough to protect them against rocks and sticks.
Blaster shots are pretty dang powerful, watch when they blow apart HUGE chunks of the hangar in ANH.

As for the Ewoks, watch the scenes in slow motion, the spears and arrows go in the black "body glove", aka the unprotected bits of the armor. The big rocks are large enough to kill a human and only knock stormtroopers down when hit directly in the head.

3) See other posts in this thread.

Shortly after that part, Luke is forced to make a crash landing in his Snowspeeder. How fast do you think that Snowspeeder was going? Pretty fast I would imagine . . .well over a hundred miles per hour I would think, at least. When Luke crashes, he doesn't glide down, or skip off the ground, or slide, or anything like that. He just squarely hits the ground, full impact. Now maybe those Snowspeeders are constructed so well that they can take an impact like that without being instantly smashed to pieces. But Luke came away from the crash without any injuries at all? Granted, he was wearing the safety harness, but the whiplash alone should have broken his neck in two.

And then the same thing happens again later on in the movie when Luke crashes his X-Wing into that bog on Dagobah. Except this time, he's going even faster, and falling from a much greater altitude. Granted, that water is a little softer than the snow. But at that speed and altitude? Water or snow, it's not going to make that much of a difference . . . that is going to be one hard crash. And this time, not only does Luke walk away from the crash uninjured again, but the X-Wing is still flyable afterwards. Boy, are those Rebel ships well built. And apparently, their inertia dampers work REALLY well too. (Or maybe Luke was using the Force to absorb some of the impact . . . who knows?)
Star Wars ships use inertial dampners, so he wouldn't feel the effects of the impact very much.
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Post by The Original Nex »

Drooling Iguana wrote:
Stark wrote:This is so funny.

1) what armour? Its prominent: its the iconic SW armour. Its right there.

2) All the times they miss, they're letting them escape. Like with the homing beacon, leaving the MF unguarded in ANH, etc.
Except for the shootout in the Mos Eisley hangar. There was no reason for them to be trying to miss there.
Listen to the order given. . .the Lead trooper says "Stop that ship! Blast 'em!"

They were trying to stop the Falcon. And in any case, everyone was already on boards except Han, who was relatively sheltered by the Falcon's hull anyways.
dragon wrote:Also did they tell every stormtrooper to miss on the deathstar or was the transmitter just a back up plan
Probably told them to herd the fugitives back to their ship. Tarkin and Vader had already concluded that Leia wouldn't tell them where the Rebel Base was, so this was their plan to find the Rebels. It was a risk, but a calculated one.
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Post by The Original Nex »

Has anyone already emailed this ignoramus about how stupid his shit is?
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Post by Praxis »

The Original Nex wrote:Has anyone already emailed this ignoramus about how stupid his shit is?
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Post by Tychu »

It always seemed to me that during the Battle of Hoth when the ATAT's were walking around the rebels couldnt penetrate thier armor, when they fell the SnowSpeeders always looked like they were shooting the "neck" of the walker and during hte battle we see the neck dosnet have the armor
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Post by Mlenk »

Praxis wrote:
The Original Nex wrote:Has anyone already emailed this ignoramus about how stupid his shit is?
What was his response?
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Post by Elheru Aran »

Mlenk wrote:
Praxis wrote:
The Original Nex wrote:Has anyone already emailed this ignoramus about how stupid his shit is?
What was his response?
Probably hasn't come in yet. If it ever does...
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Post by Praxis »

Nothing yet, he's probably still reading through it. I type too fast for my own good :lol:
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Post by Darksider »

One must wonder if they're even listining. According to their home page, their last update was three years ago......
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Post by Praxis »

I sent the email to two of the authors (Mark and Paul), Mark's email didn't even exist anymore.
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