"well you see Mr. Park, we are realitvely new at this diplomacy business, so the question is, what would you want from us and at the same time offer us."Agent Fisher wrote:While the SC embassy was being built, embassy staff was living on their vessel.
Currently, Mr Park was meeting with representative of the 12 republics.
"So, tell me. What can you offer the Sparata Confederacy, if we agree to an alliance?"
STGOD 2K5 Main Game
Moderator: Thanas
- Cabwi Desco
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 427
- Joined: 2004-11-15 10:13am
- Location: Bridge of the SSD Triumph
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The South may rise again, but the North will just kick their asses... again.irishmick79 wrote:Gun Bunnies should, under no circumstances, be given access to the force.
- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
"Well, we would want access to all of your space. Since your technology is lower than ours, we could offer you samples and blueprints to some of our weapons. In return we would ask for some of your resources. Ore and things like that."Cabwi Desco wrote:"well you see Mr. Park, we are realitvely new at this diplomacy business, so the question is, what would you want from us and at the same time offer us."Agent Fisher wrote:While the SC embassy was being built, embassy staff was living on their vessel.
Currently, Mr Park was meeting with representative of the 12 republics.
"So, tell me. What can you offer the Sparata Confederacy, if we agree to an alliance?"
- Cabwi Desco
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 427
- Joined: 2004-11-15 10:13am
- Location: Bridge of the SSD Triumph
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"All of our space? Surely you must be joking all space implys even our military installations and that simply will not do, neither will the fact that with such you could occupy our system with your entire fleet and that simply would not do for either of us. Also while our weapons are not not as advanced that doesn't follow suit with our Shield systems, they in fact are quite advanced. We can give you a moderate trade agreement for resources to tech, we could use replacements for the old HoloNet trancievers on our naval vessels."Agent Fisher wrote:"Well, we would want access to all of your space. Since your technology is lower than ours, we could offer you samples and blueprints to some of our weapons. In return we would ask for some of your resources. Ore and things like that."Cabwi Desco wrote:"well you see Mr. Park, we are realitvely new at this diplomacy business, so the question is, what would you want from us and at the same time offer us."Agent Fisher wrote:While the SC embassy was being built, embassy staff was living on their vessel.
Currently, Mr Park was meeting with representative of the 12 republics.
"So, tell me. What can you offer the Sparata Confederacy, if we agree to an alliance?"
The South may rise again, but the North will just kick their asses... again.irishmick79 wrote:Gun Bunnies should, under no circumstances, be given access to the force.
- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
"Yes, even your military bases. What good would it do, if you are in a fight, and my ships are helping and need to repair? And your base is closest? And why would I want to occupy your system? Any such actions would be a waste of resources and Sparatas time. And I see no evidence to indicate that your shields are advanced. Lets face facts. You are using outdated tech. With Sparatas help, you could jump up the tech ladder quite quickly."Cabwi Desco wrote:"All of our space? Surely you must be joking all space implys even our military installations and that simply will not do, neither will the fact that with such you could occupy our system with your entire fleet and that simply would not do for either of us. Also while our weapons are not not as advanced that doesn't follow suit with our Shield systems, they in fact are quite advanced. We can give you a moderate trade agreement for resources to tech, we could use replacements for the old HoloNet trancievers on our naval vessels."Agent Fisher wrote:"Well, we would want access to all of your space. Since your technology is lower than ours, we could offer you samples and blueprints to some of our weapons. In return we would ask for some of your resources. Ore and things like that."Cabwi Desco wrote: "well you see Mr. Park, we are realitvely new at this diplomacy business, so the question is, what would you want from us and at the same time offer us."
- Cabwi Desco
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 427
- Joined: 2004-11-15 10:13am
- Location: Bridge of the SSD Triumph
- Contact:
"Very well i guess we could allow all space open to you. but you do insult us when it comes to our shield technology you have never seen a ANN vessel in action and while most of our weapons are weak our shields are strong and sturdy. plus I dont think you'd want to see the effect of our 'little gutter' weapon, unless you would and we can arange for a demonstration on the Borodin. In the mean time we can negotiate on weapons communication and shield(to an extent, we admit nothing) tech for raw materials. as you may as well know an ANN fleet element has recently head out from our systems to expand the republics and bring in more sources of raw materials for us, this could yield the very materials you so seek."Agent Fisher wrote: "Yes, even your military bases. What good would it do, if you are in a fight, and my ships are helping and need to repair? And your base is closest? And why would I want to occupy your system? Any such actions would be a waste of resources and Sparatas time. And I see no evidence to indicate that your shields are advanced. Lets face facts. You are using outdated tech. With Sparatas help, you could jump up the tech ladder quite quickly."
The South may rise again, but the North will just kick their asses... again.irishmick79 wrote:Gun Bunnies should, under no circumstances, be given access to the force.
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
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- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
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Outside Stuart space, somewhere on the trading route to Blue Pointe
The Fast Destroyer Nyx was on her very first cruise, her shakedown cruise. Her interior was pristine and everything just felt fresh.
A warning appeared in the minds of the crew. "Warning all hands. Prepare for maximum acceleration test in 20 seconds."
The crew quickly made for their couches and lay down. They knew that they were only present as biological backup, should some accident happen to the ship; given the redundancy Stuartian ships were constructed with in regards to the control structures, this was a very thin chance. They held ranks only as some traditional leftover from former times.
The ship, like any Stuartian ship, was controlled by its sentient AIs and the various minds of its crew, amalgamated into the Consensus. In fleets, the ships formed a bigger fleet consensus. It was of course connected to Datasphere via the powerful hubs of the ship, though special care was taken that the Consensus would not be terminally hampered by the loss of the connection.
As all the crew were seated, a faint hum grew. The ships overpowered grav torch lit fully up. So far it held. Behind the ship a massive disturbance in space time formed at the sheer brutality with which the drive attacked it. Few ships would be able to catch them now.
The communication sub-Consensus suddenly spoke. "Emergency call detected. Sabai freighter under attack. We are in intercepting range."
Consensus quickly decided; a jump was calculated and excecuted. It was only a small hop so they could do it in one jump.
The Nyx appeared instantaneously at the desired coordinates, though several minutes had passed for the ship itself.
The Sabai freighter, a bulky contraption made for heavy lifting was in front of them, mere two light seconds away.
The pirate ship was close by, peppering the freighter's failing shields with laser fire.
"Pirate vessel," the Nyx called out, "surrender or die."
The pirate swung around and targeted them. The shields shrugged off the weapons fire. Calculations were made and the powerful weapons of the ship opened fire. The first salvo was crippling, the second outright annihilated the ship.
"Do you need assitance, Sabai ship?"
After some small repair help, the freighter was limping to its destination, and the Nyx was ordered to stay along, just in case.
The Fast Destroyer Nyx was on her very first cruise, her shakedown cruise. Her interior was pristine and everything just felt fresh.
A warning appeared in the minds of the crew. "Warning all hands. Prepare for maximum acceleration test in 20 seconds."
The crew quickly made for their couches and lay down. They knew that they were only present as biological backup, should some accident happen to the ship; given the redundancy Stuartian ships were constructed with in regards to the control structures, this was a very thin chance. They held ranks only as some traditional leftover from former times.
The ship, like any Stuartian ship, was controlled by its sentient AIs and the various minds of its crew, amalgamated into the Consensus. In fleets, the ships formed a bigger fleet consensus. It was of course connected to Datasphere via the powerful hubs of the ship, though special care was taken that the Consensus would not be terminally hampered by the loss of the connection.
As all the crew were seated, a faint hum grew. The ships overpowered grav torch lit fully up. So far it held. Behind the ship a massive disturbance in space time formed at the sheer brutality with which the drive attacked it. Few ships would be able to catch them now.
The communication sub-Consensus suddenly spoke. "Emergency call detected. Sabai freighter under attack. We are in intercepting range."
Consensus quickly decided; a jump was calculated and excecuted. It was only a small hop so they could do it in one jump.
The Nyx appeared instantaneously at the desired coordinates, though several minutes had passed for the ship itself.
The Sabai freighter, a bulky contraption made for heavy lifting was in front of them, mere two light seconds away.
The pirate ship was close by, peppering the freighter's failing shields with laser fire.
"Pirate vessel," the Nyx called out, "surrender or die."
The pirate swung around and targeted them. The shields shrugged off the weapons fire. Calculations were made and the powerful weapons of the ship opened fire. The first salvo was crippling, the second outright annihilated the ship.
"Do you need assitance, Sabai ship?"
After some small repair help, the freighter was limping to its destination, and the Nyx was ordered to stay along, just in case.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- Ace Pace
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- Location: Wasting time instead of money
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GalacticWhite Haven wrote:*snip*
Petrach flicked a switch, opening a wide band transmission.
Code: Select all
Now Listen here Pirate Scum, you have lost, you have been anahilated, surrender now and survive, attempt to flee, and die like the filth you are.
To our Allies, thank you for the help, we would have lost more ships had you not come.
To the Republic of Nashtar, we thank you for your speedy assistence, and your support.
On a short band transmission an encrypted was sent out, using commen galactic encryption
We must meet, and urgently too, we have recived disturbing information during the battle, we have had only now the time to analysis it, it threatens galactic peace.
Brotherhood of the Bear | HAB | Mess | SDnet archivist |
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
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- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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Western Space
SRS Cornelius
Blue Pointe Station and its accompanying hyper lane had quickly begun to attract a great deal of commercial attention. It was the first major hyper lane in the west to be commissioned in some time, and thus allowed a great deal of flexibility to ships within the lane. The lane promised to make travel between trading partners quicker and easier than before. The SRS Cornelius was a Sabai bulk transport in route to Blue Pointe station. Like the majority of Sabai bulk transport designs, it was armed only with a relatively capable point defense system. While arming a bulk transport was certainly possible and such designs existed, these modifications were expensive. It was not as simple as simply putting in the necessary weapon platforms, but the civilian grade electronic systems of the ship had to be replaced and military grade fire and control systems installed. What good was a weapon if you could not effectively utilize it?
The trading route to Blue Pointe station was relatively secure. Joint efforts between the Sabai and the Stuart Corporation had “trimmed” a handful of the most bold pirates in their local area of space. Furthermore, the Sparata Confederation had pledged a significant number of ships to patrol the hyper lane. It was believed by many that the trading route was as secure as it could get. It was due to this that when the alarms started ringing out across the command and habitation decks of the ship that many thought it was a malfunction rather than an actual problem. They had been mistaken.
The bridge of the bulk transport was awash with activity as the ship was torn from the relative safety of hyperspace and forced back to normal space. The sensation of being forced back to real space washed over the crew, a dizzying sensation that could turn a stomach upside down. Whatever thoughts of a malfunction had existed were washed away when their civilian grade sensors were jammed but not before a menacing shape was made out at moderate range.
“We are being jammed captain! And I am picking up an interdiction field around us.” The voice of the sensor and communications officer was tense. The captain’s response was immediate.
“See if you can get a message out, launch the beacons. Can we outrun them?” The captain spoke quickly, his mind aware that outrunning a pirate ship was likely wishful thinking. Even if they could jettison their cargo, his ships was a bulk freighter not exactly known for speed. Pirates on the other hand tended to fly frigates. They had speed and they had the teeth. Even as he spoke, two distress beacons were accelerated from twin launch tubes at a high fraction of C. Each beacon bore a great deal of similarity to a missile, designed to speed away from the ship at significant speed in the hope that it would gain enough distance from its mother ship to transmit a distress call in the clear.
“Unlikely sir. This jamming is playing hell with sensors, but I think the ship out there is a frigate. I am picking up a tight beam communication signal…” The officer paused for a moment before continuing. “We are being ordered to cut our engines and prepare to be boarded sir. They promise that if we do as we ask, no one will be harmed.”
The captain considered his options for a moment. His ship was straining to pick up speed, even if he could not feel it due to the inertial dampeners. The information was all before him, what intermittent data his perplexed sensor system could gathered offered all displayed before him. His ship did not have the acceleration to outrun the pirates, and the edge of the interdiction field was still over eleven seconds away.
“They are demanding a response captain.” The officer spoke softly.
“What outfit are they with?” The captain asked. The sensor officer had to pry for the information, and it quickly became apparent that the pirates on the other side did not wish to be giving the information. Finally, it seemed that they had relented.
“The Blood Razors sir…” The sensor officer went a bit pale when he spoke, that outfit had a reputation and it was not a good one.
“Fuck them.” The captain’s tone was soft, his head turning towards his navigation officer. “Do what you can to make their boarding as difficult as possible.” His right hand flipped a switch, his voice carried through the rest of the ship. “Everyone prepare for boarding. Blood Razor ship inbound.” The captain sighed softly. If these had been the Black Alliance, he would have surrendered his ship but the Blood Razors? He had been briefed on what had happened to the last ship that had done as they had asked, and he had no intention of allowing his crew to go through that. Not without a fight.
The response was predictable, the kiss of targeting systems on the hull of the bulk transport made the bridge whine with alarms. A moment later, the shields of the bulk transport felt the sting of the weapon systems of the Blood Razor ship. The Bulk Transport was equipped with relatively capable shields, but they had not been designed to keep at bay military grade weapon systems for a prolonged period of time. The engines attracted the bulk of the fire, and the aft shields were savaged mercilessly. The aft shields were reinforced with energy from the fore, auxiliary power was redirected. The captain utilized every trick in the book to delay the inevitable in the hope that a Sparata ship or a Sabai ship heard their distress beacons.
“Aft shields at fifty percent….thirty three percent…eighteen percent…” The sensor officer’s monotone was underlined with a host of emotions, chief among them being fear. The Blood Razor ship was just about done with their shields, and when that was done their engines would be crippled and they would be boarded. They were prepared for that, crew members had armed themselves and prepared to die gallantly in defense of their ship, but everyone knew that they would be no match for professional pirates. In the moment that their shields would be breached and their engines crippled, the pirate ship stopped firing.
The sensor officer along with the rest of the crew was puzzled by this, their aft shields stood at two and half percent strength. All it would take was a kiloton range contact nuke to breach them at that intensity. Their sensors were still being jammed, but not enough so to prevent a feint contact from appearing. The sensor officer blinked, what the hell? A moment later, he realized what had occurred as the jamming systems of the pirate ship were redirected.
“New ship in system captain! Pirates are redirecting their ECM towards them. I think…Its Stuart sir!” The sensor officer was jubilant, and with good reason. The Stuart were not known to be pirates, and fairly recently the Sabai and the Stuart corporation had formed an agreement of sorts. It meant friends had arrived.
”Change our course, so that we won’t be caught in the crossfire.” The captain’s words were neutral but a smile was gracing his lips.
The exchange between the pirate ship and the Stuart vessel did not last very long. Unlike the Blood Razor ship, it was under no compulsion to minimize damage to its target vessel. In their haste to attack the Stuart ship, the pirates had overestimated their resources and the staying power of their vessel. The utter destruction of the pirate ship was caught by those within the Sabai transport, and no one mourned their passing. A moment later, the Stuart message was answered almost immediately.
”Your arrived just in time Stuart vessel. My crew and I thank you.” The captain hesitated for a moment, his second transferring the damage overview to his console. “We did not suffer much actual damage to our hull Stuart ship, but our shield system is fried and we have had some electrical failures. We would appreciate any assistance that you may offer us.”
The arriving Stuart mechanics and personnel were greeted warmly by the crew of the bulk transport. Each man and woman understood that in another minute or so, they would have been boarded, and fifteen minutes after that many of them would not be alive. The Stuart personnel worked quickly and efficiently alongside their Sabai counter parts, and two hours and thirteen minutes after it had all begun, the Sabai ship was capable once more of entering the relative safety of hyperspace. The grateful crew would make sure that everyone that was willing to listen, would hear the bravery and courage of people aboard the Stuart ship named Nyx.
SRS Cornelius
Blue Pointe Station and its accompanying hyper lane had quickly begun to attract a great deal of commercial attention. It was the first major hyper lane in the west to be commissioned in some time, and thus allowed a great deal of flexibility to ships within the lane. The lane promised to make travel between trading partners quicker and easier than before. The SRS Cornelius was a Sabai bulk transport in route to Blue Pointe station. Like the majority of Sabai bulk transport designs, it was armed only with a relatively capable point defense system. While arming a bulk transport was certainly possible and such designs existed, these modifications were expensive. It was not as simple as simply putting in the necessary weapon platforms, but the civilian grade electronic systems of the ship had to be replaced and military grade fire and control systems installed. What good was a weapon if you could not effectively utilize it?
The trading route to Blue Pointe station was relatively secure. Joint efforts between the Sabai and the Stuart Corporation had “trimmed” a handful of the most bold pirates in their local area of space. Furthermore, the Sparata Confederation had pledged a significant number of ships to patrol the hyper lane. It was believed by many that the trading route was as secure as it could get. It was due to this that when the alarms started ringing out across the command and habitation decks of the ship that many thought it was a malfunction rather than an actual problem. They had been mistaken.
The bridge of the bulk transport was awash with activity as the ship was torn from the relative safety of hyperspace and forced back to normal space. The sensation of being forced back to real space washed over the crew, a dizzying sensation that could turn a stomach upside down. Whatever thoughts of a malfunction had existed were washed away when their civilian grade sensors were jammed but not before a menacing shape was made out at moderate range.
“We are being jammed captain! And I am picking up an interdiction field around us.” The voice of the sensor and communications officer was tense. The captain’s response was immediate.
“See if you can get a message out, launch the beacons. Can we outrun them?” The captain spoke quickly, his mind aware that outrunning a pirate ship was likely wishful thinking. Even if they could jettison their cargo, his ships was a bulk freighter not exactly known for speed. Pirates on the other hand tended to fly frigates. They had speed and they had the teeth. Even as he spoke, two distress beacons were accelerated from twin launch tubes at a high fraction of C. Each beacon bore a great deal of similarity to a missile, designed to speed away from the ship at significant speed in the hope that it would gain enough distance from its mother ship to transmit a distress call in the clear.
“Unlikely sir. This jamming is playing hell with sensors, but I think the ship out there is a frigate. I am picking up a tight beam communication signal…” The officer paused for a moment before continuing. “We are being ordered to cut our engines and prepare to be boarded sir. They promise that if we do as we ask, no one will be harmed.”
The captain considered his options for a moment. His ship was straining to pick up speed, even if he could not feel it due to the inertial dampeners. The information was all before him, what intermittent data his perplexed sensor system could gathered offered all displayed before him. His ship did not have the acceleration to outrun the pirates, and the edge of the interdiction field was still over eleven seconds away.
“They are demanding a response captain.” The officer spoke softly.
“What outfit are they with?” The captain asked. The sensor officer had to pry for the information, and it quickly became apparent that the pirates on the other side did not wish to be giving the information. Finally, it seemed that they had relented.
“The Blood Razors sir…” The sensor officer went a bit pale when he spoke, that outfit had a reputation and it was not a good one.
“Fuck them.” The captain’s tone was soft, his head turning towards his navigation officer. “Do what you can to make their boarding as difficult as possible.” His right hand flipped a switch, his voice carried through the rest of the ship. “Everyone prepare for boarding. Blood Razor ship inbound.” The captain sighed softly. If these had been the Black Alliance, he would have surrendered his ship but the Blood Razors? He had been briefed on what had happened to the last ship that had done as they had asked, and he had no intention of allowing his crew to go through that. Not without a fight.
The response was predictable, the kiss of targeting systems on the hull of the bulk transport made the bridge whine with alarms. A moment later, the shields of the bulk transport felt the sting of the weapon systems of the Blood Razor ship. The Bulk Transport was equipped with relatively capable shields, but they had not been designed to keep at bay military grade weapon systems for a prolonged period of time. The engines attracted the bulk of the fire, and the aft shields were savaged mercilessly. The aft shields were reinforced with energy from the fore, auxiliary power was redirected. The captain utilized every trick in the book to delay the inevitable in the hope that a Sparata ship or a Sabai ship heard their distress beacons.
“Aft shields at fifty percent….thirty three percent…eighteen percent…” The sensor officer’s monotone was underlined with a host of emotions, chief among them being fear. The Blood Razor ship was just about done with their shields, and when that was done their engines would be crippled and they would be boarded. They were prepared for that, crew members had armed themselves and prepared to die gallantly in defense of their ship, but everyone knew that they would be no match for professional pirates. In the moment that their shields would be breached and their engines crippled, the pirate ship stopped firing.
The sensor officer along with the rest of the crew was puzzled by this, their aft shields stood at two and half percent strength. All it would take was a kiloton range contact nuke to breach them at that intensity. Their sensors were still being jammed, but not enough so to prevent a feint contact from appearing. The sensor officer blinked, what the hell? A moment later, he realized what had occurred as the jamming systems of the pirate ship were redirected.
“New ship in system captain! Pirates are redirecting their ECM towards them. I think…Its Stuart sir!” The sensor officer was jubilant, and with good reason. The Stuart were not known to be pirates, and fairly recently the Sabai and the Stuart corporation had formed an agreement of sorts. It meant friends had arrived.
”Change our course, so that we won’t be caught in the crossfire.” The captain’s words were neutral but a smile was gracing his lips.
The exchange between the pirate ship and the Stuart vessel did not last very long. Unlike the Blood Razor ship, it was under no compulsion to minimize damage to its target vessel. In their haste to attack the Stuart ship, the pirates had overestimated their resources and the staying power of their vessel. The utter destruction of the pirate ship was caught by those within the Sabai transport, and no one mourned their passing. A moment later, the Stuart message was answered almost immediately.
”Your arrived just in time Stuart vessel. My crew and I thank you.” The captain hesitated for a moment, his second transferring the damage overview to his console. “We did not suffer much actual damage to our hull Stuart ship, but our shield system is fried and we have had some electrical failures. We would appreciate any assistance that you may offer us.”
The arriving Stuart mechanics and personnel were greeted warmly by the crew of the bulk transport. Each man and woman understood that in another minute or so, they would have been boarded, and fifteen minutes after that many of them would not be alive. The Stuart personnel worked quickly and efficiently alongside their Sabai counter parts, and two hours and thirteen minutes after it had all begun, the Sabai ship was capable once more of entering the relative safety of hyperspace. The grateful crew would make sure that everyone that was willing to listen, would hear the bravery and courage of people aboard the Stuart ship named Nyx.
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
(ooc) My hull numbers will change depending on the mod's call on building times.
-:Desjardins Orbit:-
The Dreadnought Yards over Desjardins were some of the largest in the Rim. The facility was over a century old. There were barracks, storage facilities, and equipment bays in the vast tangle which predated the Commonwealth itself. It was this facility, the source of the Grand Fleet's power, which had been the target of the People's Navy fifty years before. The remnants of the CNS Isis, gutted in the opening seconds of the battle, were enshrined in orbit as a monument to that terrible conflagration. The frozen remains of thousands of Three Suns spacers were still lost deep in the twisted, melted superstructure.
The former Capital of the Commonwealth glowed faintly, the vast scar of the superlaser wound still unhealed. Construction-droids of tremendous size, equipped with powerful terraforming equipment, roved across the far side as the slow process of reclamation and rebuilding continued. Eventually, the world would be the center of culture and commerce that it had been, Eventually, the thousand gardens would again bloom amidst the miles-tall starscrapers of Desjardins City. Eventually.
Now, Desjardins relied upon it's extensive orbital habitats. Even with the world itself a ruiuned mess, billions still crowded the vast clouds of space stations and L5 colonies. It was these men and women who made their living in the serried ranks of civilian and military shipyards that filled the dead skies of the old capital.
Desjardins Shipyards had flourished in the years since the People's War. The Dreadnought slips had been expanded again and again, as the influx of wealth form the Eastern Rim bought the Commonwealth the resources it needed to build up a fleet of capital warships which could stand against any Line of Battle in the galaxy. Not ten minutes had passed in which the Yards were not operating at full capacity.
Today was no exception. Four hulls lay in state, two of the Nike class, two of the Themis class. Construction was just beginning- they were still skeletons, vast ribs extending from their keels. The heavy bracings which would hold shiled generators, reactor clusters, and gun decks were just being set. Crews would work around the clock- word from the higher-ups was that the President wanted the next two sororai launched as soon as possible.
The galaxy was a dangerous place, and the Commonwealth clearly wanted to meet any threat well-prepared.
-:Desjardins Orbit:-
The Dreadnought Yards over Desjardins were some of the largest in the Rim. The facility was over a century old. There were barracks, storage facilities, and equipment bays in the vast tangle which predated the Commonwealth itself. It was this facility, the source of the Grand Fleet's power, which had been the target of the People's Navy fifty years before. The remnants of the CNS Isis, gutted in the opening seconds of the battle, were enshrined in orbit as a monument to that terrible conflagration. The frozen remains of thousands of Three Suns spacers were still lost deep in the twisted, melted superstructure.
The former Capital of the Commonwealth glowed faintly, the vast scar of the superlaser wound still unhealed. Construction-droids of tremendous size, equipped with powerful terraforming equipment, roved across the far side as the slow process of reclamation and rebuilding continued. Eventually, the world would be the center of culture and commerce that it had been, Eventually, the thousand gardens would again bloom amidst the miles-tall starscrapers of Desjardins City. Eventually.
Now, Desjardins relied upon it's extensive orbital habitats. Even with the world itself a ruiuned mess, billions still crowded the vast clouds of space stations and L5 colonies. It was these men and women who made their living in the serried ranks of civilian and military shipyards that filled the dead skies of the old capital.
Desjardins Shipyards had flourished in the years since the People's War. The Dreadnought slips had been expanded again and again, as the influx of wealth form the Eastern Rim bought the Commonwealth the resources it needed to build up a fleet of capital warships which could stand against any Line of Battle in the galaxy. Not ten minutes had passed in which the Yards were not operating at full capacity.
Today was no exception. Four hulls lay in state, two of the Nike class, two of the Themis class. Construction was just beginning- they were still skeletons, vast ribs extending from their keels. The heavy bracings which would hold shiled generators, reactor clusters, and gun decks were just being set. Crews would work around the clock- word from the higher-ups was that the President wanted the next two sororai launched as soon as possible.
The galaxy was a dangerous place, and the Commonwealth clearly wanted to meet any threat well-prepared.
Three Suns Commonwealth
Office of the Secretary of State
"Madame Secretary. The Ambassador from the United Terran Republic is here to see you." Sabine Erfurter, the Commonwealths Secretary of State leaned back in her chair and wondered why Anthony Hargreve had asked for this meeting with her.
"Madame Erfuter, a pleasure to see. I'll keep this brief as I'm sure you have a full schedule." He pulled a simple letter from his briefcase and placed it on her desk. "Please treat this letter as top secret, and to not divulge the information inside to anyone without the neccesary need to know. It involves your treaty duties."
(info in letter sent by PM)
Office of the Secretary of State
"Madame Secretary. The Ambassador from the United Terran Republic is here to see you." Sabine Erfurter, the Commonwealths Secretary of State leaned back in her chair and wondered why Anthony Hargreve had asked for this meeting with her.
"Madame Erfuter, a pleasure to see. I'll keep this brief as I'm sure you have a full schedule." He pulled a simple letter from his briefcase and placed it on her desk. "Please treat this letter as top secret, and to not divulge the information inside to anyone without the neccesary need to know. It involves your treaty duties."
(info in letter sent by PM)
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 3317
- Joined: 2004-10-15 08:57pm
- Location: Regina Nihilists' Guild Party Headquarters
Nua smiled as he heard news flow into his head. After months of ships falling to pirates, the sun was shining brightly over Shoom.
Pirate base found in sector 5469.45, included large fleet of pirate vessels. All were exterminated, minor casualties to our own battleforce. From forensic investigation, we believe this was the command centre of the pirates who have been raiding sectors 4000-5000 in the past 4 months. We believe that they will no longer be a threat to us.
Reclamation of System 56 has begun. It appears as though this planet was left intact by the Churran. We have uncovered 5 intact space-hulks and have towed them to Shoom Orbital Fleetyards for refitting. There appears to be high concentrations of minerals below the surface.
Construction of Battleforce Ascension has completed. We are ahead of schedule and have begun refits of old reclaimed battleships.*
Now Nua felt that his people were finally close to their goal of a place in this universe. Their empire was being colonised again, giving him new breathing room. The pirates were dead, giving him time to heal his wounds. New ships were built, giving him new hands to work with.
He sat triumphant aboard the Solidarity.
*Battleforce Ascension consists of:
1 Overseer, the Ascension
6 Eddise, the Judiciar, the Hammer, The Protestant, the Protector, the Righteous, the Governor
12 Guardian, P-1, P-2, etc.
Pirate base found in sector 5469.45, included large fleet of pirate vessels. All were exterminated, minor casualties to our own battleforce. From forensic investigation, we believe this was the command centre of the pirates who have been raiding sectors 4000-5000 in the past 4 months. We believe that they will no longer be a threat to us.
Reclamation of System 56 has begun. It appears as though this planet was left intact by the Churran. We have uncovered 5 intact space-hulks and have towed them to Shoom Orbital Fleetyards for refitting. There appears to be high concentrations of minerals below the surface.
Construction of Battleforce Ascension has completed. We are ahead of schedule and have begun refits of old reclaimed battleships.*
Now Nua felt that his people were finally close to their goal of a place in this universe. Their empire was being colonised again, giving him new breathing room. The pirates were dead, giving him time to heal his wounds. New ships were built, giving him new hands to work with.
He sat triumphant aboard the Solidarity.
*Battleforce Ascension consists of:
1 Overseer, the Ascension
6 Eddise, the Judiciar, the Hammer, The Protestant, the Protector, the Righteous, the Governor
12 Guardian, P-1, P-2, etc.
- Shark Bait
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 467
- Joined: 2004-04-30 01:05am
- Location: The Chum Bucket
sorry posted on the wrong thread 

Last edited by Shark Bait on 2005-02-25 07:47pm, edited 1 time in total.
All I want is a kind word, a warm bed, and unlimited power.
"Your socks are high and your jell-o is carnavorous" ~ the diamond smuggler
A friend will call you in Jail. A good friend will visit you in Jail. A best friend will be sitting next to you in Jail saying..."THAT WAS AWESOME!" ~ Nick "God" Traxler
“Chief Director and demolitions expert for the Anti-Zombie Task Force”
"Your socks are high and your jell-o is carnavorous" ~ the diamond smuggler
A friend will call you in Jail. A good friend will visit you in Jail. A best friend will be sitting next to you in Jail saying..."THAT WAS AWESOME!" ~ Nick "God" Traxler
“Chief Director and demolitions expert for the Anti-Zombie Task Force”
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
We will be happy to comply with those requests, and welcome you to explore our culture and laws in order to improve our relations with each other. However clarification is needed on your third condition. We use divination spells for commnications, over long range these are assisted by the use of specialized conduits analagous to and compatable with your communications systems. Same with shipboard sensors. WOuld you be willing to make exception to such systems, provided we demonstrate theri function in some manner that satisfies your curiosity and understandable skepticism regrding our motives?
"You see already they seek ways around our laws!" Stephrinia cried.
"My lady, they are just seeking permission to speak to their government." Sir Wargun pointed out. He rubbed his head tirely, this debate had happened to often.
"So they say..." Vanion rumbled.
"We cannot make expection to the law my lord and ladies, this much is clear. I suggest that we require them to use another means of communcation. They do after all have allies who use techonlogy. Tell the mages we cannot make expection to the law, tell them to use a 3rd party if they are inept at any other means of communcation." The Lord of the Justictar declared. Eyes turned to the tired Grand Master Talen, between thses debates and the Aquaian Union he had been a busy man. He sat quietly for several minutes. Finially he nodded.
"So be it."
To: Federation of Thaumaturgist
From: The Realm of the Knight's Templar
There will be no expection to the law. If you cannot communicate amoungst yourselves non-magically then it suggest you turn to your allies that can.
Last edited by frigidmagi on 2005-02-25 08:26pm, edited 1 time in total.

- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
"Perhaps. I must communicate with my government to decide. Good day."Cabwi Desco wrote:"Very well i guess we could allow all space open to you. but you do insult us when it comes to our shield technology you have never seen a ANN vessel in action and while most of our weapons are weak our shields are strong and sturdy. plus I dont think you'd want to see the effect of our 'little gutter' weapon, unless you would and we can arange for a demonstration on the Borodin. In the mean time we can negotiate on weapons communication and shield(to an extent, we admit nothing) tech for raw materials. as you may as well know an ANN fleet element has recently head out from our systems to expand the republics and bring in more sources of raw materials for us, this could yield the very materials you so seek."Agent Fisher wrote: "Yes, even your military bases. What good would it do, if you are in a fight, and my ships are helping and need to repair? And your base is closest? And why would I want to occupy your system? Any such actions would be a waste of resources and Sparatas time. And I see no evidence to indicate that your shields are advanced. Lets face facts. You are using outdated tech. With Sparatas help, you could jump up the tech ladder quite quickly."
With that, he left and returned to his ship.
- Cabwi Desco
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 427
- Joined: 2004-11-15 10:13am
- Location: Bridge of the SSD Triumph
- Contact:
Adm. Tarkin turned to his aideAgent Fisher wrote:"Perhaps. I must communicate with my government to decide. Good day."Cabwi Desco wrote:"Very well i guess we could allow all space open to you. but you do insult us when it comes to our shield technology you have never seen a ANN vessel in action and while most of our weapons are weak our shields are strong and sturdy. plus I dont think you'd want to see the effect of our 'little gutter' weapon, unless you would and we can arange for a demonstration on the Borodin. In the mean time we can negotiate on weapons communication and shield(to an extent, we admit nothing) tech for raw materials. as you may as well know an ANN fleet element has recently head out from our systems to expand the republics and bring in more sources of raw materials for us, this could yield the very materials you so seek."Agent Fisher wrote: "Yes, even your military bases. What good would it do, if you are in a fight, and my ships are helping and need to repair? And your base is closest? And why would I want to occupy your system? Any such actions would be a waste of resources and Sparatas time. And I see no evidence to indicate that your shields are advanced. Lets face facts. You are using outdated tech. With Sparatas help, you could jump up the tech ladder quite quickly."
With that, he left and returned to his ship.
"I do hope they decide to give us a decent trade agreement, we could use the updates, and I am willing to bet they want the raw materials that our recent Colonization missions uncovered."
"Yes Admiral, I do believe you are right."
A third man runs toward them, he is wearing the uniform of the ANN Captain.
"Yes Captain?"
"A small group of shuttles has just returned from being assaulted by a pirate group not 5 LY from here!"
"Impossible!, ready my command ship and alert Adm. Desco immediately!"
"Sir, what shall I do in the meantime?"
"Lieutennant, send out the order that all civilian vessels are to be grounded untill further notice, no exceptions."
"What of the 3 Suns Commonwealth Delegation?"
"Tell them I was called away on business of a militial nature, and that i will be with them as soon as possible. and another thing, why havent they left their ship yet?"
"Unknown, sir, but I will send word immediately."
"Good, dismissed."
Adm. Tarkin thinks to himself *a pirate incursion this close to central system? impossible! but could it be?*
-||-Central System, Bridge of the ANS Triumph-||-
Already on the bridge of his ship GHA Desco surveyed the current situation, six pirate cruisers had jumped out well into Republican space and had harrassed a convoy of freighters, the freighters made it away but jumped blind, their shuttles on the otherhand made time to jump to the nearest ANN post and get out a message. they quickly recovered the location of the freighters and then went to work finding the pirates. Being on the edge of the great waste had a few advantages but still held the possibility for pirate incursion.
"Sir" that was the lieutennant manning the comm station. "we have got the location of the pirates"
"excellent, Helm, prepare for jump to the coordinates."
"yes sir"
"according to this recent call six reliant class corvettes have just engaged the pirates but are faring badly currently their group has suffered 4 fighter losses and the shields of one of the corvettes is weakening."
"Right, Helm, set course and launch"
He watched as space pinwheeled around them.
"yes sir?"
"I want shields full up the minute we enter realspace then procede to start using concussion missile salvos to get the pirates 'attention'"
"aye, sir, missile tubes 1-120 reporting full readyness"
"good, Helm, are we near the nav point?"
"yes sir, jumping out now"
quickly the pinwheeling stopped and they we're presented with quite a sight. one of the pirate vessels was already in flames and another two were quickly becoming awash in turbloaser fire.
"shields up sir, the Tripoli is already moving to assist"
"Admiral Tarkin got that thing out of drydock in time? amazing. Open up with the missiles tactical."
"Aye sir, firing."
he watched as 120 missiles streaked out of their tubes and smash against the pirate vessels like stingers in their hull and then explode to tear the vessel open to the emptyness of space, three of the pirate vessels were utterly destroyed in the ensuing explosions and decompression.
"Sir were getting a call from the pirates taht remain, they say their shields are down and their life support systems are failing, yet they arent surrenduring. And admiral tarkin is requesting to mop them up like the rest."
"Understood, what of the corvettes?"
"three were destroyed by enemy weapons fire."
"Damn, well in that case give tarkin what he wants, he can slag the pirates at discression."
"yes sir."
The South may rise again, but the North will just kick their asses... again.irishmick79 wrote:Gun Bunnies should, under no circumstances, be given access to the force.
- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
- Posts: 3466
- Joined: 2004-04-10 06:05am
- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Blue Pointe Station
Blue Pointe Station was a massive structure, partitioned into seven separte blocks, it a goliath from days past when men were men, women were women, and space stations were just fusking huge. On it's own the Command Pylon was a mamoth structure itself, in it's hayday it had a wide array of sensors, weapon pods, auxiliary power and shielding systems, along with everything the station crew needed to operate. Sections for VIPs and diplomats, cargo holds full of emergancy supplies, vast crew quarters, et al. While today it was a mere shadow, it was still an impressive sight. The C&C Deck was abuzz with activity as re-construction managers now worked on filling the station, the station commander sat in his office reviewing worklogs.
Beep, "Telescope pod nine attached, Commander." the desk communicator flashed a red light.
"Thank you, please have them aligned as soon as possible, thank you." the station commander went back to his worklogs.
The highpowered telescopes similar to the ones used to divine the hyperlanes now established, would be used to help protect the travelers who used it. No one in the galaxy had enough ships to populate every parsec of the lane, it was just too long. Instead powerful telescopes would peer into hyperspace and watch for signs of danger. Combined with the standard patrols, they would greatly increase the security of the lane, of course, ships had to travel within the lane to be seen by the telescopes. Many smaller powers near the lane would, invariably, run into problems getting to and from the lane, but that was simply unavoidable for the time being.
Blue Pointe Station was a massive structure, partitioned into seven separte blocks, it a goliath from days past when men were men, women were women, and space stations were just fusking huge. On it's own the Command Pylon was a mamoth structure itself, in it's hayday it had a wide array of sensors, weapon pods, auxiliary power and shielding systems, along with everything the station crew needed to operate. Sections for VIPs and diplomats, cargo holds full of emergancy supplies, vast crew quarters, et al. While today it was a mere shadow, it was still an impressive sight. The C&C Deck was abuzz with activity as re-construction managers now worked on filling the station, the station commander sat in his office reviewing worklogs.
Beep, "Telescope pod nine attached, Commander." the desk communicator flashed a red light.
"Thank you, please have them aligned as soon as possible, thank you." the station commander went back to his worklogs.
The highpowered telescopes similar to the ones used to divine the hyperlanes now established, would be used to help protect the travelers who used it. No one in the galaxy had enough ships to populate every parsec of the lane, it was just too long. Instead powerful telescopes would peer into hyperspace and watch for signs of danger. Combined with the standard patrols, they would greatly increase the security of the lane, of course, ships had to travel within the lane to be seen by the telescopes. Many smaller powers near the lane would, invariably, run into problems getting to and from the lane, but that was simply unavoidable for the time being.
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
[ooc] Cabwi, the Commonwealth frigate's a star ship. It can't land on a planet. It doesn't have landing gear. I'll assume it's keeping station in orbit, and the reps came down in a pinnace,[/ooc]
The Commonwealth ambassador wiped his lips. "Thank you for the meal, Secretary. Which brings me to why I'm here. Simply put, the Commonwealth is interested in an exchange of embassies. We'll trade you some real-estate on Osiris for some space on Morevania to set up an embassy and consulate. If you are to enter the Galactic commerce community, I assure you that friendly relations with the Commonwealth will assist you in that respect."
The Commonwealth ambassador wiped his lips. "Thank you for the meal, Secretary. Which brings me to why I'm here. Simply put, the Commonwealth is interested in an exchange of embassies. We'll trade you some real-estate on Osiris for some space on Morevania to set up an embassy and consulate. If you are to enter the Galactic commerce community, I assure you that friendly relations with the Commonwealth will assist you in that respect."
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
Avalon system, Avalon Prime, Stuart Plaza
She looked out of the windows of the tower. It was a tall and huge construct, like the hundreds others atop of the vast city complex of Stuart Plaza floating peacefully in Avalon Prime's atmosphere. Just to the right of the city, they passed the Thunder of Zeus clouds, a vast storm system known for its beauty and deadliness.
Sometimes it was a joyful experience to see the world through the eyes of a simple human body. Some of her other minds were busy doing a plethora of things; but this mind chose to relax a bit.
That is, until she was disturbed by an urgent datavise call. The others must be too busy. Sometimes a multithreaded mind had its disadvantages as well she thought...
<<What is it, Davi?>>
<<I just wanted to inform you that we finished the contruction of the trading station for thie hyperlane project at the border. The military station isn't far behind.>>
<<Oh, good. Might as well inform the other factions.>>
<<Oh, and Davi,>> she continued, <<please contat Mayham. It would be nice if we could proceed with the Western Pact together with the Sabai.>>
Caladan system, Caladan science station
The system now had heavy Stuartian presence. Over at the main station in the atmosphere of the gas giant, the new city continued to grow. Soon the huge Gate, that had been towed in from New Jove would be completed and connected to the Gate system. Caladan would finally be completely integrated into the Corporations inner transportation system.
And there was of course one other important thing in-system.
The small station floated above the surface of the jungle world below.
The scientists and the system's science Consensus were busy tweaking and playing with the various species of the planet.
The most promising were a spider-like species, ten-legged monsters as tall as a human's hip, a species of huge dinosaur-like quadrupeds and a curious cat-like species.
They all had already been slightly altered, their genetics analysed and modified, so that they would one day become a useful tool for the Corporation to use. Already the fitting of Stuart cybernetics to the re-constructed animals were researched.
It already had proven worthwile, with the Ish'Qal and the telepathy that now was being slowly integrated into Stuartian gene pool. Who knows what this would bring?
She looked out of the windows of the tower. It was a tall and huge construct, like the hundreds others atop of the vast city complex of Stuart Plaza floating peacefully in Avalon Prime's atmosphere. Just to the right of the city, they passed the Thunder of Zeus clouds, a vast storm system known for its beauty and deadliness.
Sometimes it was a joyful experience to see the world through the eyes of a simple human body. Some of her other minds were busy doing a plethora of things; but this mind chose to relax a bit.
That is, until she was disturbed by an urgent datavise call. The others must be too busy. Sometimes a multithreaded mind had its disadvantages as well she thought...
<<What is it, Davi?>>
<<I just wanted to inform you that we finished the contruction of the trading station for thie hyperlane project at the border. The military station isn't far behind.>>
<<Oh, good. Might as well inform the other factions.>>
<<Oh, and Davi,>> she continued, <<please contat Mayham. It would be nice if we could proceed with the Western Pact together with the Sabai.>>
Caladan system, Caladan science station
The system now had heavy Stuartian presence. Over at the main station in the atmosphere of the gas giant, the new city continued to grow. Soon the huge Gate, that had been towed in from New Jove would be completed and connected to the Gate system. Caladan would finally be completely integrated into the Corporations inner transportation system.
And there was of course one other important thing in-system.
The small station floated above the surface of the jungle world below.
The scientists and the system's science Consensus were busy tweaking and playing with the various species of the planet.
The most promising were a spider-like species, ten-legged monsters as tall as a human's hip, a species of huge dinosaur-like quadrupeds and a curious cat-like species.
They all had already been slightly altered, their genetics analysed and modified, so that they would one day become a useful tool for the Corporation to use. Already the fitting of Stuart cybernetics to the re-constructed animals were researched.
It already had proven worthwile, with the Ish'Qal and the telepathy that now was being slowly integrated into Stuartian gene pool. Who knows what this would bring?

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- Cabwi Desco
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 427
- Joined: 2004-11-15 10:13am
- Location: Bridge of the SSD Triumph
- Contact:
((OOC my diplomatic personage on morevonia Adm. Tarkin was away, so im assuming you were speaking to a holonet projection at the time eh?))Thirdfain wrote:[ooc] Cabwi, the Commonwealth frigate's a star ship. It can't land on a planet. It doesn't have landing gear. I'll assume it's keeping station in orbit, and the reps came down in a pinnace,[/ooc]
The Commonwealth ambassador wiped his lips. "Thank you for the meal, Secretary. Which brings me to why I'm here. Simply put, the Commonwealth is interested in an exchange of embassies. We'll trade you some real-estate on Osiris for some space on Morevania to set up an embassy and consulate. If you are to enter the Galactic commerce community, I assure you that friendly relations with the Commonwealth will assist you in that respect."
*Adm. Tarkin returns from sortie*
"ah yes, a diplomatic exchange of embassies would do well for us, you can expect an embassy built in three days, in fact i must go tell the Sparata Envoy that their embassy is finished, but for now i would be gald to set up plans for your embassy."
-||- Elsewhere in the central system-||-
"sir according to recent intercepted transmission from our clandestine probes in the eastern galaxy a group of minor powers could be preparing a move against us."
"I can't honestly understand why they would come all the way out to the West just to fight us. we are of no real tactical advantage other than the fact that we stand in the way of anyone moving to take the Stuart Corporations Holdings on this old and dangerous I might add trade route."
"Yes sir but all the same they seem to be moving."
"Right, signal the shipyards, the Norfolk Class will have to bumped up in schedule to the top of the list, i want those new cruisers guarding our borders immediately. also prep the light cruisers with EmpIon mines, i want anything that tries to come into our space without clearance to wish they hadnt tried."
"Aye sir, ill send those messages right away"
-||-to the west of the central system, the colonies-||-
"Admiral, the planets Adumar, Drepovin, and Turingerov are now under our controll."
"Excellent, what were our losses on Adumar?"
"Two groups Thundertroopers and a marine landing vessel"
"Good, in fact better than expected"
"Yes sir, and with the other four planets already taken this makes the rounded out number seven."
"yes seven planets rich in new resources, and one with minimal industry all ready for us to use. Have the colonists move in and start patriating the planetary communities, and get those industries on Adumar running, i want those missile factories running full capacity"
"aye sir"
(ooc the SC code was easily broken, our slicers found it a piece of cake)
The South may rise again, but the North will just kick their asses... again.irishmick79 wrote:Gun Bunnies should, under no circumstances, be given access to the force.
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
- Contact:
TSC territory
The Sabai ambassador did not feel apprehension as her hover-limo sat down and she emerged from its protective cocoon. She admired the view for a moment, but Osiris had been her de facto home for over a decade she knew most of the sights the city offered. Nonetheless, that did not mean that she did not have the time to appreciate them once more. The state building was not grandiose at all in the scheme of things compared to other existing structures both within and without the TSC, and for those that were not acquainted with its history seemed almost as if it was somehow out of place.
She took a deep breath and held it for a moment before she walked and was guided to where she needed to be. As they moved, the Sabai ambassador was attentive, her eyes darting through every corridor and passage. The meal which was served was excellent as expected, the TSC was not known for disappointing. Nonetheless, she understood that all that had occurred during the meeting were simple pleasantries. The TSC secretary of state, Sabine Erfurter had something on her mind and she knew she would be hearing what this was soon.
When she spoke of the meeting being more than a social call, the Sabai ambassador merely bowed her head in silent understanding. She remained silent as Sabine elaborated. She was right of course, the western rim trade route held great promise it was this reason that had demanded the participation of the Sabai in its forging. When she spoke of the breaking of the trading relations she nearly spoke, but thought better of it at the time. She did not wish to interrupt the train of thought of the secretary of state, and thus she merely memorized what she wanted to say and waited for her turn to arrive.
She did not have long to wait before her time arrived, and with dignified grace she seized the moment. Her mind considering all her options before her lips parted and she spoke.
“Madame Secretary of State, Your nation is the oldest partner which my people know. The first embassy which was crafted by the Sabai, is on this very world itself. At the time of our first meeting, we fully expected that the privileges which those that had come before us enjoyed would not be easily granted to us in turn. We waited patiently, aware that only time would ease worries and cement the relationship between our nations.” She paused for effect, before continuing.
“The break of trading relations between our nations was a difficult one and it is not a situation that my people took lightly. However, many within our government believed that it was a necessary step for two reasons. The first reason being that as a power in the western rim of space it is our obligation to support the growth of smaller fiefdoms in our area of space. Unfortunately, due to limitations which existed before the establishment of the new trade route, luxury goods coming from your nation were the most affected by our concentration on our own backyard as it were. Secondly, some members of my government believe that over the years, the TSC has taken its relationship with our people for granted. Although we have traded with each other for decades, we have never enjoyed the same level of trust or incentives as the Indashani.”
The Sabai were a relatively young power, and they saw themselves as worthy successors to the Indashani. Nonetheless, the TSC government had never entrusted them with the economic privileges which the Indashani had enjoyed. It was a wound that had widened with time, until the point where many politicians within the Sabai believed that the TSC would never fully embrace their people and society as they had done to the children of Indas.
The Sabai ambassador understood that the TSC was in some ways flexing their economic muscle. After all, the implication was clear. With the formation of Blue Pointe Station, the ERTC was in a position to make western goods difficult to reach their markets. The secretary of state was also likely aware, that trade between the Sabai and the Entente had its ups and downs. Unlike the TSC, the Sabai were not recognized by the Entente. The demand for Sabai goods in Kzin territory for instance was so low as to border on the non-existant. The situation was a bit different with the SKS and the UTR, but by and large the Sabai economy was in the hunt for new markets. This was part of the reason, why it was suddenly focusing on the smaller powers within the western rim.
“The Osiris treaty is an intriguing idea Madame Secretary.” She paused for a moment, her mind considering her options. “And while I will have to consult my government in order to finalize any settlement, I can say that my view towards the treaty is favorable.” And as such, she would likely make this known back to her government. The fact that her nation would be granted favored nation status would likely be the point that would push the treaty over the top back home. It was the vindication that the Sabai had been looking for well over a decade now.
Her head turned, glancing towards her ACIN counter part. Her mind wondering what the ACIN had to say on the matter…
(post was a bit rushed, so smaller than I wished. It should be adequate though. ^_^ I apologize for the typos!)
The Sabai ambassador did not feel apprehension as her hover-limo sat down and she emerged from its protective cocoon. She admired the view for a moment, but Osiris had been her de facto home for over a decade she knew most of the sights the city offered. Nonetheless, that did not mean that she did not have the time to appreciate them once more. The state building was not grandiose at all in the scheme of things compared to other existing structures both within and without the TSC, and for those that were not acquainted with its history seemed almost as if it was somehow out of place.
She took a deep breath and held it for a moment before she walked and was guided to where she needed to be. As they moved, the Sabai ambassador was attentive, her eyes darting through every corridor and passage. The meal which was served was excellent as expected, the TSC was not known for disappointing. Nonetheless, she understood that all that had occurred during the meeting were simple pleasantries. The TSC secretary of state, Sabine Erfurter had something on her mind and she knew she would be hearing what this was soon.
When she spoke of the meeting being more than a social call, the Sabai ambassador merely bowed her head in silent understanding. She remained silent as Sabine elaborated. She was right of course, the western rim trade route held great promise it was this reason that had demanded the participation of the Sabai in its forging. When she spoke of the breaking of the trading relations she nearly spoke, but thought better of it at the time. She did not wish to interrupt the train of thought of the secretary of state, and thus she merely memorized what she wanted to say and waited for her turn to arrive.
She did not have long to wait before her time arrived, and with dignified grace she seized the moment. Her mind considering all her options before her lips parted and she spoke.
“Madame Secretary of State, Your nation is the oldest partner which my people know. The first embassy which was crafted by the Sabai, is on this very world itself. At the time of our first meeting, we fully expected that the privileges which those that had come before us enjoyed would not be easily granted to us in turn. We waited patiently, aware that only time would ease worries and cement the relationship between our nations.” She paused for effect, before continuing.
“The break of trading relations between our nations was a difficult one and it is not a situation that my people took lightly. However, many within our government believed that it was a necessary step for two reasons. The first reason being that as a power in the western rim of space it is our obligation to support the growth of smaller fiefdoms in our area of space. Unfortunately, due to limitations which existed before the establishment of the new trade route, luxury goods coming from your nation were the most affected by our concentration on our own backyard as it were. Secondly, some members of my government believe that over the years, the TSC has taken its relationship with our people for granted. Although we have traded with each other for decades, we have never enjoyed the same level of trust or incentives as the Indashani.”
The Sabai were a relatively young power, and they saw themselves as worthy successors to the Indashani. Nonetheless, the TSC government had never entrusted them with the economic privileges which the Indashani had enjoyed. It was a wound that had widened with time, until the point where many politicians within the Sabai believed that the TSC would never fully embrace their people and society as they had done to the children of Indas.
The Sabai ambassador understood that the TSC was in some ways flexing their economic muscle. After all, the implication was clear. With the formation of Blue Pointe Station, the ERTC was in a position to make western goods difficult to reach their markets. The secretary of state was also likely aware, that trade between the Sabai and the Entente had its ups and downs. Unlike the TSC, the Sabai were not recognized by the Entente. The demand for Sabai goods in Kzin territory for instance was so low as to border on the non-existant. The situation was a bit different with the SKS and the UTR, but by and large the Sabai economy was in the hunt for new markets. This was part of the reason, why it was suddenly focusing on the smaller powers within the western rim.
“The Osiris treaty is an intriguing idea Madame Secretary.” She paused for a moment, her mind considering her options. “And while I will have to consult my government in order to finalize any settlement, I can say that my view towards the treaty is favorable.” And as such, she would likely make this known back to her government. The fact that her nation would be granted favored nation status would likely be the point that would push the treaty over the top back home. It was the vindication that the Sabai had been looking for well over a decade now.
Her head turned, glancing towards her ACIN counter part. Her mind wondering what the ACIN had to say on the matter…
(post was a bit rushed, so smaller than I wished. It should be adequate though. ^_^ I apologize for the typos!)
- Shark Bait
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Processor after processor in the Federation cast their vote in agreement, the political climate of the galaxy was changing and the Federation would need more allies. Their long standing trading partners and fiends in the Federation of Thaumaturgist were attempting just this but were having trouble with some individuals who did not agree with their use of magic. Now the Federation of Sentient Androids knew they must act and attempt to help their friends while perhaps gaining a new ally.frigidmagi wrote: To: Federation of Thaumaturgist
From: The Realm of the Knight's Templar
There will be no expection to the law. If you cannot communicate amoungst yourselves non-magically then it suggest you turn to your allies that can.
To: The Realm of the Knight's Templar
From: The Federation of Sentient Androids
Greetings on behalf of the FSA we would like to extend an offer to help with diplomatic relations concerning the Federation of Thaumaturgists. We understand your refusal to use their magics to communicate and would like to offer our aid in conveying communications between your two nations. Additionally we would like to extend an offer of diplomatic relations as well in hopes of possibly exchanging diplomats to increase communication and possibly trade between our nations.
All I want is a kind word, a warm bed, and unlimited power.
"Your socks are high and your jell-o is carnavorous" ~ the diamond smuggler
A friend will call you in Jail. A good friend will visit you in Jail. A best friend will be sitting next to you in Jail saying..."THAT WAS AWESOME!" ~ Nick "God" Traxler
“Chief Director and demolitions expert for the Anti-Zombie Task Force”
"Your socks are high and your jell-o is carnavorous" ~ the diamond smuggler
A friend will call you in Jail. A good friend will visit you in Jail. A best friend will be sitting next to you in Jail saying..."THAT WAS AWESOME!" ~ Nick "God" Traxler
“Chief Director and demolitions expert for the Anti-Zombie Task Force”
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
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- Location: The Deep Desert
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From Federation of ThaumaturgistsThere will be no expection to the law. If you cannot communicate amoungst yourselves non-magically then it suggest you turn to your allies that can.
To Knights Templar
RE: Communications
Our ambassador has informed us of an offer by the Federation of Sentient androids to serve as a third party intermediary for the purposes of communications.
We understand your concerns over the use of divination spells, and hope that we will be able to have fruitful diplomatic relations
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
Terran Network News
The News you Trust
Navy to Expand
Today the Terran Senate voted to approve the new Naval Expansion Act. Under this act the UTRN is authroized, and funded, to create a new Seventh Fleet.
Seventh Fleet will be assigned the responsibility of protecting terran trade beyond the borders of the United Terran Republic. In keeping with this mission the senate has also authroized the Terran Navy to establish three Fleet Stations in unclaimed galactic terriory at strategic locations neccesary to protect terran trade effectively.
Terran Network News
The News you Trust
Terran Network News
The News you Trust
Gorn Federation Protests Invasion
In a surprise announcment today the Gorn Federation attacked the UTR for its invasion of the Klingon Empire. It said that it can not standby and let a nation that it has been friends with for centuries be trampled underfoot.
The Gorn Federation has expelled all diplomatic personell of the UTR, FSA, IWF and TSC from Gorn space and has also said to no vessels flying the flag of any of those nations would be allowed to enter Gorn space.
Terran Network News
The News you Trust
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
-: Earth :-
"Mister Secretary, a letter has arrived from the Commonwealth embassy. Ambassador Grimnebulin says it's of the utmost importance."
"Thank you, just leave it on my desk."
Monsieur Secretary,
The recent declaration by the Gorn Federation is completely unnacceptable. The Commonwealth can not brook the closing of one of our most vital trade routes. The cost on Commonwealth shipping, I'm sure you realise, will be tremendous.
This being the case, the upper echelons of my government are moving immediately to rectify the situation- through any means necessary. A threat to our polity this severe can not and will not be ignored. No options will be left unavailable. We hope that we can count on UTR support of any actions we may take in protection of Commonwealth interests in the Cygnus arm.
The Commonwealth also re-affirms the ancient agreement held between our powers, in which the Cygnus Arm region of the pre-war UTR lies under our sphere of influence. Of course, the Gorn Federation lies in this region. Should the recent developement in Gorn space lead to any sort of further military operations by the UTR, we will expect that sphere of influence to be respected. Violations of that sphere will be seen as a violation of the sacred trust which has allowed our nations to live in peace for so long. The Devly/ Von Braun political relationship may have been contentious, but we are certain that you will honor the agreements made during that administration.
Respect and Honor,
Sabine Erfurter,
Secretary of State in the Service of the Commonwealth
"Mister Secretary, a letter has arrived from the Commonwealth embassy. Ambassador Grimnebulin says it's of the utmost importance."
"Thank you, just leave it on my desk."
Monsieur Secretary,
The recent declaration by the Gorn Federation is completely unnacceptable. The Commonwealth can not brook the closing of one of our most vital trade routes. The cost on Commonwealth shipping, I'm sure you realise, will be tremendous.
This being the case, the upper echelons of my government are moving immediately to rectify the situation- through any means necessary. A threat to our polity this severe can not and will not be ignored. No options will be left unavailable. We hope that we can count on UTR support of any actions we may take in protection of Commonwealth interests in the Cygnus arm.
The Commonwealth also re-affirms the ancient agreement held between our powers, in which the Cygnus Arm region of the pre-war UTR lies under our sphere of influence. Of course, the Gorn Federation lies in this region. Should the recent developement in Gorn space lead to any sort of further military operations by the UTR, we will expect that sphere of influence to be respected. Violations of that sphere will be seen as a violation of the sacred trust which has allowed our nations to live in peace for so long. The Devly/ Von Braun political relationship may have been contentious, but we are certain that you will honor the agreements made during that administration.
Respect and Honor,
Sabine Erfurter,
Secretary of State in the Service of the Commonwealth