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Post by Kyle »

Gorn Federation

Marshall Dexxtrus had been readying his forces for some time. Maybe too long, the fossils opposing the PLC had been spendign the tiem he'd given them diggin in and trying to find foreign allies.

Those allies didn't worry him and Admiral Fresstan too much though. He was confident of the PLCs ability to defeat the Loyalists as long as outsiders didn't interfere, and he was confident of the UTR and its allies abilities to neutralize any allies the loyalists might find. Now with Ffith Fleet and its Alliancee support in orbit he was ready to begin the process of digging the loyalists out.

The first stage of his offensive was going to involve taking back the capitals theater defense shield so Fresstans Fleet could provide him with orbital fire support. Plus you couldn't overstate the propaganda importnace of holding the capital without opposition.

Issthan had a Division forted up around the capitals Defense Command Center. They had the advantage of the defensive position so Dexxtrus planned to counter that with numbers. He had three elite Divisions ready to go on his command.

"Begin the artillery bombardment. And ready the armor companies to move into any breaches."

The Gorn Civil war had begun in earnest.
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Post by Vohu Manah »


TO: Chief of Staff (Ordinance and Supply), UVP Military
FROM: Lady Protector Armaiti II

SUBJECT: Production Capacity

As you are probably well aware of, since you have access to the same communication intercepts as I, galactic war is on the horizon. Given this fact, I am ordering an immediate increase in production to wartime levels. I will be meeting with Parliament tommorrow to ensure funding (or dissolve them, I do have that right).

By my command,
Lady Protector Armaiti II
Commander and Chief, UVP Military
InnocentBystander wrote:Encrypted
To: Sabai, Sparata, Vigora
CC: Stuart Corporation
From: The Private Office of The Very Revered Mother Helena Sabrinaria
Subject: Protection of Western Trade Interets

The Blue Order will not stand by idly and watch the Corsair Republic annex the Stuart Corporation, which has done it's part in the construction of the Western Trade Lane, and the Blue Pointe Station. We call upon our partner nations in the west to act immeadiately so that the protection of the Stuart Corporation is assured. The ACIN condems the Corsair Republic and will back this up with warships. We highly reccomend the other western powers band togather, and defend our interests.
I am ordering the deployment of the entire Second Fleet to provide as much assistance as possible. This will slow progress on our hyperlane between Vigora and Blue Pointe, but I ultimately feel that the situation calls for this deployment. I will also open all facilities inside UVP territory to the Stuart Corporation and its allies for use.

Lady Protector Armaiti II

The Second Fleet is composed of 2 Raktavija-class Fleet Battle Carriers, 6 Kamaitachi-class Battlecruisers, 24 Ferentina-class Escort Corvettes, and 15 Scathach-class Planetary Assault Corvettes. Feel free to make up an Admirals name if you need to, I won't for now.

Outbound Force Status Reports
Ningyo and group: Recalled, ETA 10 hours. Official dispatch sent to KSE notifying them of change.
Nerthus and group: Awaiting arrival at designated point, escort at border.
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
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Post by InnocentBystander »

To: Sabai
From: Blue Order Parish of ACIN Affairs
Subject: Stuart Perdicament

The Blue Order is gravely concerned about the events surrounding the Stuart Corporation; we believe it is in the best interests of the west that we put an end to these troubles expediently. As these matters chiefly concern the Western Powers, we believe that it might be in the best interests of galactic stability of some sort of agreement could be made between the powers of the west to prevent such events from happening in the future. As the Stuart Corporation's closest contact, we feel that it might be best if the Sabai were to spearhead this.
Vohu Manah wrote:I am ordering the deployment of the entire Second Fleet to provide as much assistance as possible. This will slow progress on our hyperlane between Vigora and Blue Pointe, but I ultimately feel that the situation calls for this deployment. I will also open all facilities inside UVP territory to the Stuart Corporation and its allies for use.
Reply: The ACIN and Blue Order presently have enough manpower in the Blue Pointe region to maintain parts of your Trade Lane for a limited amount of time. Long enough, we hope, for this situation to be solved.
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Post by Thirdfain »

-: Gorn :-

The dark skies of the homeworld of one of the oldest nations in the Galaxy, Gorn had survived over 300 years of warfare with tenacity and resolve. This history was cast aside, and the ancient world was turned to a tempestous storm of light, noise, and fury as the massed forces of the rebels struck the fortified Loyalist positions. General Isstan was at the center of the conflagration, inside the heavily fortified Defense Command Center. It had been taken in the bloody minutes of his counter-attack days earlier, launched before the rebels could take full control. With it, he commanded much of the city's defense networks, and the all-important theatre shields which made precision orbital bombardment a non-threat, along with the powerful air defense sensor arrays and, most importantly, the city hypercomm suites.

His soldiers were loyal- after all, they had stood by him, gunning down the junior officers who had attempted to knife him in his sleep, rather than standing by stupidly as so many others had. They knew the stakes, and the dangers. They had clustered around the comm-units, listening as first one power, and then another, had placed it's support behind either the loyalists or the rebels. As the Fenari and other local nations joined arms against the rebellion, their hearts had flooded with hope. As the PLC broadcast it's lies, and the UTR made it's position known, resolve hardened in the hearts of those lucky few who were not gripped by fear.

General Isstan was one of those lucky few, and his strength lent itself to those around him.

The tac-displays bathed his scaled face in pale red light, and his huge gold eyes flickered as his nictating membranes clensed them of fear-sweat.

"General, the enemy strikes from all directions. We are outnumbered heavily, initial estimates count two, maybe three divisions."

He inclined his snout in acknowledgement.
"The men know what to do. We will fight, as is our duty."

The bunker shook. Impacts against the shields lead to rolling power-surges as the facility's mighty defense generators struggled to hold off the brutal attack. The crack of artificial lighting filled the sky as dug in flashcannon point defense weapons extended hungry particle beams to rip the incoming shells out of the sky. Their efforts could only stem the tide, not stop it, and the structure shook again and again as it's defenses flared with effort.

Communications began to arrive from the fortified positions stashed throughout the city. Comm-feeds brought the brutality of the opening assault to Isstan's immediate attention.

From every direction, the enemy came. Advancing in smooth, leap-frog formation, the soldiers of the Rebel forces moved. Incendiaries roared, turning strong-point after strong-point into a chaos of flash-cooked flesh. Fire leapt from prepared positions, ripping reptilian flesh into shreds as ambushes were sprung, cutting down the attackers and leaving the wounded to flop, limbless and maimed, in the streets of the war-torn city.

Gunships swooped low, hurling precision-guided munitions to demolish dug-in IFVs at the call of Rebel spotters, only to be annihilated in a microsecond burst from an air-defense P-Beam.

In the north and south of the city, the positions were reinforced by units of the Councilor's Guard, elite soldiers with the finest foreign equipment. Here, in their powered armor and advanced command-nets, they held with warrior's resolve. Company after company of rebel soldiers were devoured by their precise fire and disciplined combat style. Elsewhere, the battle did not go so well. Though well dug in, the loyalists were outnumbered. Though the city air defense networks ensured their small aerospace force supremacy, they could not hold, especially when it seemed there was no hope for relief.

In the west, along the broad avenues which made up the government district, the Loyalist position was at it's weakest. The Rebels held a considerable part of the area already, and the wider, more open roads were harder to defend than the dense tangle of the other regions. It was here that the Loyalist defense showed it's cracks. Block after block fell before Dexxtrus' legions, and Isstan's men turned and ran as the first units of armor showed up on the scene, their training failing them at the sight of the armored behemoths.

It was then that Isstan arrived himself. At the head of a his own meager vehicle group, a squadron of light tanks and IFVs, Isstan brought his small mobile reserve to the fore. Supported by loyalist aircraft, he pressed back, eroding the Rebel assault of it's momentum.

It was not enough. The Rebel attack parted around Isstan's small group like water, and without the support of the routing troops, he would not be able to hold for long.

It was then, as Isstan lay on his muscled stomach in the torn ferrocrete of a command foxhole blasted into the side of a commercial walkway, that hope arrived for the beleaguered Loyalist soldiers.

"General! General Isstan! On the line, sir, on the line! Tightbeam, coming out of hyper- Word! Reinforcements, sir, the Fenari are coming! ETA 30 minutes, sir. We must hold the line!"

Isstan rose, then, snout dripping sooty rain-water and filth. He thumbed his comm-set, and broadcast to the battered soldiers of his formation.

"Hope, brothers! From Fenris, from across the Cygnus sector, comes hope! The Fenris Resolution rides to our aid. A fleet of warships, bearing the flags of a dozen nations, comes to aid us in smashing this rebellion. We must hold, brothers! We must hold! Just half an hour more, and the enemy falls before the weight of our just allies! The Fenari come, to ensure our freedom from foreign rule! We will not fall, brothers, like the Klingons. We will stand strong in the way of this monstrosity, this treachery, and we will emerge victorious!"

Roars rang from thousands of throats, and resolve tightened. The line, thin and tenuous, firmed around Isstan's blood-soaked salient.

It was all a matter of time, now, for the future of the Gorn Federation.


Kyle, if you have any problems with the post, I'd be glad to work them our with you.

I'm assuming that the Fenris Resolution vessels left some time before the UTR fleet (Right after the Fenris declaration of support), but that they also have a less clear path. The Fenris should be arriving only shortly before the UTR, a matter of minutes, rather than hours.

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Rogue 9 wrote:NRS Black Prince

Black Prince was Fifth Fleet's Dauntless class battleship and she was slightly out of her element; made for heavy assault, she was not built for pursuit of fleeing destroyers. Still, her oversized engined allowed for considerable thrust as she surged in pursuit of a fleeing interdictor, her escorting destroyers fanning out ahead to attempt to box it in.

Commodore Greyson stood up from his command chair. "Prime Archer missile tubes. Fire missiles 1 through 100 at the target on my mark." He paused for a moment. "Mark."

The missiles leapt free of their tubes and surged forward, accelerating to nearly half the speed of light. They rippled against the interdictor's shields in rapid staccato. The last few ruptured against the hull plating.

"Comms, give the mark to the frigates."

"Aye, Commodore." The communications officer quickly relayed the order to the half dozen Bandit class frigates in the escort force.

NRS Sherwood



"I heard it, Comms. Helm, bring us about to bearing 330 mark 20 and accelerate to flank speed. Torpedo room, Conn. Confirm Mark 610s in tubes one through three."

"Conn, Torpedo, confirm Mark 610 torps," came the response over the intercom.

"Torpedo, Conn, aye. Stand by to fire tubes one through three on my mark."

"As ordered, Conn."

Scattered shots from the interdictor, until now concentrating all guns on the heavy destroyers moving to flank, began to reach out for the frigates as they rapidly closed the distance, massive engine blocks flaring blue as they strained. Too little, too late.

"Mark. Fire one. Fire two. Fire three. Reload with heavy torpedoes."

"Tubes one through three fired, reloading with boomers, aye."

The three torpedoes streaked forward, rapidly closing the relatively miniscule difference between the frigate and her prey. The rest of the gunners on the interdictor opened up too late as the ship's captain realized his peril. Multiple torpedoes prematurely blew as they were met with point defense fire on the way in, and frigates began taking withering hits that they could not withstand for more than half a minute at most.

Fortunately, they didn't have to. Four torpedoes survived and hit the interdictor. Rather than exploding against the hull, arcs of energy and ion bursts went from the torpedoes to the ship's hull. The interdictor quickly went dark, and continued hurtling through space unpowered and unguided, her weapons falling silent as they lost power.

Captain Horton grinned. "Comms, Conn. My regards to Commodore Greyson. The target has been neutralized and may be captured at leisure."

"Conn, Comms, aye."

NRS Long Island, RSC Assault Ship

"Conn, Comms, new orders," called out the comms officer. "We are to cancel our capture run and move to assist the Hub corvette Peacekeeper, currently disabled, out of control, and losing life support, without delay. The corvette is currently bearing 112 mark 10."

Muttering under his breath, Captain Brrashik nodded his furred head in acknowledgement. "Helm, Conn. Set new course 112 mark 10 and move to intercept the Hub corvette. CAG, reoutfit a flight of Pelicans for board and rescue and prepare for launch."

"Aye, Captain."

The kilometer-long assault ship fired it's engines and heeled over to the new course, rapidly accelerating towards the stricken vessel.

"Comms, Conn. Attempt to establish contact with the Peacekeeper, ask for a damage assessment and docking instructions.
NRS Fortitudo, RSC Assault Ship

"Acknowledged, Commodore. Fortitudo out." Captain Grrasskir let a predatory grin spread over his furred face, or as well as it could with his mouth oriented downwards as it was. "Helm, Conn. Acquire and pursue Sierra-7, she's been disabled and we're to make the capture."

"Aye, Captain," acknowledged the helmsman as he smoothly slid the annunciator up to flank speed. "Pursuing."

"Stand by for boarding action, all Marines to boarding action stations."

Forward hangar bay

Marines and fully suited ODSTs scrambled into Pelican drop ships. When they were aboard, the large doors to the rear drop bay sealed shut; they would egress through the forward boarding airlock into the enemy ship.

Command Master Chief Kyle-012 rammed a magazine home into his battle rifle and looked up. The first successful SPARTAN supersoldier, he was literally raised to be a combat special forces infantryman. Today, he would lead a squad in his first combat mission against live hostiles. He strode over towards the lead Pelican, filled exclusively with ODSTs, his armored boots clanking on the deck plating as his power armor responded to his every movement. He nimbly hopped up into the drop ship and sat down in one of the jump seats. Lowering his helmeted head to his rifle, he jacked a round into the chamber and then looked around at his men, who were checking their equipment and donning their own helmets. The door to the drop bay closed and they were sealed inside the ship.

"You all right," he asked gruffly without turning his attention from his rifle.

"We're good, Chief," responded a petty officer, similarly checking his equipment.

"Right, strap in."


"Looks like she was moving at a pretty good clip when they zapper her, sir."

"Angle to intercept. Any active enemy vessels nearby?"

"None, sir. They're either running or scrap right now."

"Very good. How long until optimum time for launch?"

"32 seconds, sir," came the answer from the holographic projection stand near the captain's chair as York, the ship's AI, manifested himself. A countdown appeared simultaneously on a secondary screen at the front of the bridge. The aerospace controller watched it intently, finger on the comms button to the hangar.

"Open hangar bay doors." A pause. Zero. "Boarders away!"

Pelican Charlie-35

Kyle listened to the rumble of the hangar bay doors opening, the containment field holding the atmosphere in. Wouldn't be long now, he thought.

Then he felt the Pelican lift under him abruptly before accelerating forward. The roar of it's engines suddenly dampened as it passed through the field at out into space. Though none of the special forces squad could see them, more drop ships followed. "Hang on, Marines," said the pilot over the intercom. Nobody bothered to correct his mistake, for a second afterward, the ship suddenly decelerated and then a low clang rang through the hull. "Damn, York was right on the money."

"Surprises you?" The copilot chuckled as the emergency airlock they'd hit started to come open underneath the hull cutter ring. "Go, go, go!"

The ODSTs and lone SPARTAN quickly moved forward to the airlock. Petty Officer Michaels nodded to the CMC and twisted the safety ring off of a large canister. The lock came open and the SPARTAN quickly and smoothly moved forward. He seized the ring lock on the inner door and twisted. It spun open, a feat impossible for an unaugmented human to accomplish so quickly, and swung inwards. He jumped back, activating his energy shield as he did so, and the gas canister flew out past him, hitting the floor and releasing clouds of smokey knockout gas, able to put most carbon-based life forms out cold in moments and keep them that way for two hours or more. The fully suited commandoes came out of the airlock in pairs, covering each way down the blackened corridor of the powerless ship, helmet nightvision systems activated.

"Clear left."

"Clear right!"

Kyle turned around and strode to the airlock, swinging the door shut and clamping down the lock. "Charlie-35, clear."

"Roger." There was a slight shudder as the drop ship broke it's seal on the ruined outer door and soared off. Seconds later, another thud sounded as a second drop ship clamped onto the airlock. Without cutting to do, the airlock swung open and a squad of Marines piled through, compact breathing masks in place to protect against the gas.

"Right, move it out. Bridge is this way," ordered a petty officer. "Reynolds, Jordan, take rear. Chief, you got point?"

Kyle-012 nodded and strode forward, rifle up. Where were the pirates? Power was out all over the ship, but surely they would have sent people to secure the airlocks before now. He activated his helmet radio. "Command Master Chief to Fortitudo, are we sure the crew didn't abandon ship?"

"Negative, Chief. No escape pod launches detected, nothing left the hangar bay."

"Roger. No contact with the enemy so far. Proceeding to the..."

*Tink, tink*

He didn't even think. As the grenade bounced around the corner, he bent his knees, leaned back, and launched himself backwards down the corridor. He was still in midair when the grenade went off with a loud thud at where his feet used to be, and fragments sparked off his shields as he landed on his back and slid a short distance, shields sparking like mad against the deck, before coming to a stop with his head jutting around the corner right in front of Spacer Mattingly's boots. He rolled up and hopped to his feet in a second and pulled out one of his own grenades as he did so. Pulling the pin, he waited a moment before throwing it down the corridor and bouncing it precisely off the bulkhead to bank into the corridor where the first frag had come from. It went off immediately, to the accompaniment of a pair of screams from the corridor.

"If they didn't know we were here before, they do now. Move." He trotted down to the hall with the ODSTs and Marines behind him, putting his back to the wall at the corner and ducking around it, rifle trained down the corridor.

Two mangled and burned bodies lay on the deck. Ignoring the mess, he signaled that the hall was clear and went around the corner. A head flashed around the right hand corner of the next junction at waist height, and started to pull back. Anyone else taking point would have let loose a burst too late.

The Chief did not. His rifle snapped around and the trigger depressed, almost as of it's own accord. The three 9.5mm rounds entered the unfortunate pirate's forehead. His forehead rapidly ceased to exist, along with the rest of his brainpan. Panicked yells from around the corner greeted the ears of the Marines.

"Fire in the hole!" A grenade whistled past Kyle-012's helmeted head and bounced around the corner as two ODSTs dashed to the junction. One dove and rolled across while the other hit the corner and snapped his rifle around it. He waved up a second later.

The Chief jogged up to the corner and looked around it. There was a blood trail starting fairly far down, but other than that it was clear.

"Ran away, sir."

"Huh," snorted a Marine corporal. "Chickens."

"They're pirates, Greeley," rumbled the Marine sergeant, walking up to the front. "They used to dealin' with scared merchant spacers. They're rats. Just you remember that rats bite when you grab 'em, though."

"Yes, sir."

"Now, they run down that way." The sergeant cast a veteran's eye on the tall, armored figure that he was now standing next to. "This is your first time in field combat, innit, Chief?"

"Yeah, Gunny."

"You doin' good, but tactics ain't all quick reflexes an' good aim. You need to start switchin' off point; I don't care how good one guy is, going one point to the next without another point man covering and switching out for ya leaves you vulnerable. Especially now that we know we got hostiles down there."

"Right." He looked back. "Ramirez."

The ODST addressed nodded his helmeted head and padded around the corner, putting his back to the wall and turning quickly to aim his rifle down the new corridor. He pulled back just as quickly as a pair of shots, one from a blaster the other some form of slugthrower, rang out.

“It’s a dead end, sir!” Ramirez yanked a grenade from it’s holder on his armored chest and pulled the pin, chucking it around the corner. A dull thud, gout of shards and smoke, and a scream later, Kyle-012 jogged up to the corner and, stepping around Ramirez’ crouched form, swung out around the corner.

There were two mangled bodies there, one moving and moaning a little with shredded legs and the other quite dead. The Chief sprung around the corner and was atop the man in a heartbeat, flinging away the weapons on the ground and standing over him, rifle aimed at his forehead. “Corpsman!”

The Marine corpsman came running around the corner, along with the squad sergeant. “See to this man,” ordered the Chief. He then stepped away from the wounded man and lowered his rifle. He then turned to the end of the hall, ten feet from the corner.

“Airtight doors.”

“Yep. Must have been stuck shut when they lost power. They can’t move troops around. Then, neither can we.”

Kyle-012 stepped up to the door and grabbed at the rims. When he started to strain against them, though, they wouldn’t budge.

“We’ll have to blast our way through.”

“You got it, Chief. Perez, can you move this man?”

“Wouldn’t want to Sarge, but its better than blowing him up again,” responded the corpsman as the prisoner continued to moan. He reached into his pack and pulled out a ultralight collapsible stretcher. “Greeley, help me out here.”

Corporal Greeley jogged up and helped Perez gingerly load the stricken pirate onto the stretcher before they picked it up and carried it away.

“Hawthorne, your show!”

“Got it, Sarge.” The squad demolitions specialist came up and examined the airtight door in front of them. “Right,” he mumbled to himself, rooting around in his equipment pack. He pulled out two round charges and a generous portion of detonator cord. He applied the charges to the meeting of the two double doors, one high, one low, and ran the cord around the doorframe. He then set detonators. “You wanna get back around the corner, Chief,” he said as he began running out wire to the detonators back around the corner. Kyle-012 and Sergeant Thompson followed.

Lance Corporal Hawthorne pulled out a triggering device and attached the wires to it. The Marines and ODSTs got back further in the corridor as the Chief stood directly behind Hawthorne with Thompson behind him.

“Fire in the hole!” Hawthorne twisted on the trigger and a resounding blast sounded out, accompanied by a gout of flame and chunks of blast door.

Kyle-012 snapped up his rifle and jumped around the corner to land in a crouch, aiming down the hallway. It seems those in the next compartment had noticed the grenades; there were at least five pirates in varying states of having been shredded by flying door parts, three of them actually trying to aim. Kyle depressed the trigger on his battle rifle, putting three rounds cleanly into the closest moving pirate. Thompson rolled to the corner and, bringing his rifle around, put a burst into another as the Chief brought his rifle a little to the left and shot the third.

He then began trotting down the hallway, rifle at the ready. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a movement.

One of the pirates, badly shredded and with a chunk of blast door actually through his left leg, had a blaster aimed directly at his chest. He began to twist out of the way, but he knew it was too late.

He did better than most would have. The shot caught him on the right side of his chest instead of center of mass, near the arm. He flinched away, reflexively expecting to feel the burn...

Instead, his shields sparked along their surface, a yellow static line shooting across his faceplate. Then a rifle rang out and his assailant dropped down and stayed there.

"Damn it Chief, don't do that!" Thompson was fairly red in the face as the Marines and ODSTs rounded the corner. "Bridge is one section more. C'mon."

Kyle-012 looked down at the body of the man who had just shot him. He shivered for a second inside his armor, then set off towards the front of the line.
Last edited by Rogue 9 on 2005-03-05 04:17am, edited 2 times in total.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Kyle »

Edge of Gorn Space
It was just one more empty area of space till Ffith Fleet appeared. Two Battlecruisers headed the formation.

TNS Pioneer -Armstrong class CV
Vice Admiral Muergens watched the sensor data streaming in to his battle plot. It looked like the Fenris Resolution Forces had got here first, and in larger numbers then anticipated. So be it.

Fifth Fleet was a Rapier to the Battle Axe of Home Fleet, or Broadsword of the District Fleets. It looked like the Fenari where advancing on the planet, most likely in an attempt to land troops.

That couldn't be allowed, "Launch all fighters, but lets keep the fleet out of missile range for now." Ffith Fleet, especially with the attached Alliance ships was fighter heavy formation and Muergens intended to use that advantage.

He was here to support the Gorn PLC but there ships had never fought with the ships of the FSA and UTR before so he had no desire to join them in formation. Instead he planned to stand off and launch fighter strikes at the Fenari while the Gorn Navy and orbital defenses fought them head on.

"Send a message to Command. Opposition heavier then expected. Requesting reinforcements."
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Post by Dahak »

Avalon system

The Stuartian fleet waited patiently for the Corsair and Sabai to arrive. The fleet consensus was calm, but curious as what might happen. It seemed to it that outright warfare had been avoided, for the moment. And it decided it was a good thing.

The main Consensus had, of course, read all the messages from foreign people and the idea of so many strangers rushing into their territory was slightly too much for their normally xenophobic world view.
Still, they sent out a message to the rest of the galaxy.

"To all concerned nations," the slightly female voice of Consensus rang out, "we thank all nations for their interest in this matter, but the Corporation is sure to handle this situation to our and the Corsair satisfaction. You may stay home for the moment. Those already en route, or present, stay where you are. For the time being, all Stuartian assets are off-limits to any outsider and foreigner unless explicitly cleared." The voice paused for a moment. "And rest assured, despite possible claims of the Corsair, the Corporation is, as it has always been, firmly united and under the control of the Consensus and the CEO. The idea of 'rogue factions' is, if you had beginning knowledge of ourselves, laughable and completely impossible.
"Thank you for your support, it will not be forgotten."
The communication died down again.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

Nua looked over the reports. War was brewing. The Corsair Republic had been intimidated, but it woulde not lie forever. Terran ships were engaging the Fenari around the Gorn homeworld.

He sent a message out to the shipyards to step up production of Battleforce Thunder to maximum capacity. Quotas for fuel and mineral extraction were heightened ever so slightly across the Solidarity. But there were still a fw months to go until it was completed. But when war broke out, he would need all he had.

He went back over the data-files on this conflict over the Gorn Federation. He was sure that when Isstan needed his help, he would ask for it. He would not want to ruin any diplomatic chances by arriving in Gorn Space with a full battlefleet without any prior agreement or even notification. But when his allies called, he would be ready.
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Post by Thirdfain »

FROM: Gorn Council, Federation of Gorn
TO: Shoom
SUBJ: Assistance


"Oh, brave and enlightened people of Shoom. You have pledged your support to the cause of the true and duly elected government of Gorn. Even now, our forces, under General Isstan's compotent command, fight to hold back the tide of rebel soldiers. The Fenari and their allies may or may not be enough to ensure our victory. We humbly request your assistance in this endeavour, as you have pledged so often!"


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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Kyle wrote:"Send a message to Command. Opposition heavier then expected. Requesting reinforcements."
"Kzin Task Force Zed is transitting from Qo'Nos and will arrive as soon as possible."
"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
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Post by Thirdfain »

-: Gorn :-

Hyperspace broke in hundreds of places as the coalition warships burst from the aether, filling space with a thousand points of light as reality ripped and tore to allow the warships through on their appointed mission of violence.

The coalition fleet was divided into three sub-groups. Two walls of battle plunged towards Gorn herself. Battleships in colors ranging from the red-and-white of Nowy Lwow to the sleek black of the Fenari rotated along their axis, presenting brutal broadsides to the rebellious Gorn fleet sitting in orbit over the homeworld. Missiles ripped from their tubes as the coalition vessels opened fire as they closed distance, hoping to clash to gun-range where they could lay their enemies open.

Hanging back from the main fleet, headed by a quartet of Issatran battlecruisers, a third task force lay in wait.


Packmother's Fleet
CO: Alpha Packmother Slays-With-Plans

2 “Loyalty to the Packmother” Class Dreadnoughts (DN)
5 “Honor the Hunters” Class Battleships (BB)
3 “Furious Beta Female” Class Carriers (CVL)
8 “Fortuitous Hunting Expedition” Class Light Cruisers (CL)
80 “Beta Male Assigned To Protect The Flanks” Class Escort Frigates (FFE)
30 “Wise Hunter Who Attacks From Afar” Class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG)

Center Fleet
CO: Admirał Floty Pilsudski

2 “Wladyslaw Sikorski” Class Battleships (BB)
1 “Deva Rakshasa” Class Battleship (BB)
9 CAs (2 Lwowian, 5 Rakshasan, 1 Breen, 1 Nova Saidan)
10 CLGs (2 Lwowian, 2 Rakshasan, 2 Breen, 2 Thessalonikan, 2 Nova Saidan.)
6 CLs (2 Breen, 2 Thessalonikan, 2 Catalan)
8 CVLs, (2 Lvovian, 2 Rakshasan, 2 Breen, 1 Thessaloniakn, 1 Nova Saidain)
10 CVEs (various powers)
15 DDs
30 DDGs
100 FFEs

Support Fleet
CO: Darybod Lokmanya

4 “Battle of Issatra Dei” class Battlecruisers
1 Krisian BC
9 CLs (4 Issatran, 3 Mazapani, 2 Tertius Terran)
3 CLGs (2 Catalan, 1 Venician)
1 Venician CVL
20 DDs
10 DDGs
50 FFEs

-edit- Also, 4 divisions of the Fenari elite troops, in fast dropships.

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Post by Kyle »

The UTR was not treating the situation in Gorn Space lightly. The Kzins Task Force Zed was enroute, and should arrive very quickly from its position on the Qu'NoS-Gorn lane. Muergens hoped that command would be able to find more ships, but with the UTRNs commitment in Klingon Space the Navy was stretched thin.

But until then Fifth Fleet was basically on its own. The Gorn Navy was tied to the planet and its defense but Fifth Fleet was free to act as it felt best. "That last Task Force seems to be hangin back in some type of reserve role. If they're willing to surrender the advantage of keeping up with their heavy battle line we shuld oblige them by takeing advantage of it. Vector the Fighters and Bombers in on them."

"Yes sir. Medium fighters are armed for the Wild Weasel Role, Heavy Fighters are armed for anti-shipping and the Light Fighters are configured for CAP. All bombers are equiped with the heaviest ASM they can mount."

The fighting near Gorn was growing fierce as the Fenari invaders closed in. The Gorn Navy had known this battle was coming though and had managed to gather a core of 12 Battleships over the planet, most of the Navies surving cap ships, supported by 30 Cruisers and around 200 Frigates. Backing the Mobile forces up were three Orbital Fortresses with firepower equal to a pair of Battleships each and with defenses three times stronger then a single Battleship.

Minefields of bomb pumped X-Ray Lasers flaoted around the planet as a last ditch defense designed to back up the Fortresses. The Fleet was hanging back in missile range of the Orbital Forts and trying to stop the the Fenari from getting too close.

The Terran fighter swarm was closing in on the trailing Resolution Task force in a complicated defensive manuver that seemed to be made up of random jinks, spirals and twists by tthe individual fighters. But was in reality a finely honed formation designed to confuse point defense.

Almost seventy five hundred fighters and bombers were in on the combined Terran-Alliance carrier strike. The Medium Fighters equiped with jamming pods and HARMs were at the front. Behind them were the Heavy Fighters and then the Strike, Attack and Assault Bombers, with the Light Fighters mixed in throughout the formation and protecting the more vulnerable bombers. All of the bombers had there internal ECM systems pumping out as much confusion as possible to blind the Resolutions targetting sytems.

The decision had been made to concentrate the strike on only a few vessels, the idea being to destroy or at the very least mission kill those ships. The targets were two of the Issatran BCs and the lone Krisian BC, though if any of those ships were destroyed before the bombers were out of weapons the other two BCs had been designated as secondary targets. If those were also taken out the Cruisers were next on the targetting list.

The Medium Fighters were tasked to concentrate on the Escorts that would try to stop the bombers, and the Heavy Fighters would be freed up for strafing runs on the escorts once they'd expended there ASMs on the BCs. The Light Fighters would take care of the few fighters the Resolution would be able send to attack the incoming fighters.

"Order our carriers to fall back with the Alliance Carrier Groups, and tighten our formation up. I want our ships to reach missile range of the Resolution Task Force at about the same time our bombers reach the battlecruisers."
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Post by Cabwi Desco »

-||-Republican Space-||-
GHA Desco looked at all the screens around him, they all showed chaos in the south. As he watched he also wondered, 'Did Nua get my message?', 'what of the gorn situation?', 'does Stuart Corp. not require the help of the 13?'. He hoped for now that Nua did infact recieve his message and knew how to take it. the gorn situation looked hopeless but he hoped that after it was all resolved that they would take the thirteens offer for munitions. Stuart Corp. looked in alright shape and the corsairs were in fact backing off for now so maybe his message wasnt neccesary.

one last thought haunted his mind. 'when will tarkin get that trade agreement with the sparata confederacy finalized?'
irishmick79 wrote:Gun Bunnies should, under no circumstances, be given access to the force.
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Post by InnocentBystander »

High Level Military Encryption
Tightband Hypercomm

To: Sabai
From: Blue Order Parish of ACIN Affairs
Subject: Concerning the Gorn, Fenari and Galactic Trade

The galaxy has stood by too long, watching imperialistic UTR gobble up free star nations. If we are to take an active roll in maintaining stability in our galaxy, we must pursuade the UTR to stop it's campaign against the Gorn, and beyond to worlds such as Fenris.

It should be of considerable note to the Sabai that after the fall of Gorn, the Fenari will be next. Such an event would seriously impact both local and galactic trade. The Blue Order STRONGLY urges the Sabai to join with the ACIN, other western, and eastern power, and protest the deplorable actions of the UTR.

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Post by Thirdfain »

-: Osiris :-

Delacroix looked up at his secretaries and assorted assistants and sycophants.

"The Fenari declare war upon the UTR? That's torn it. Send the message and the document to Jaquiline. She'll take the fastest courier we have. I want it delivered to the President in person."

It was not long before the fast shuttle burst from Hyperspace over Terra.

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Marcao »

To: Corporate Sector Relations Department
From: Sabai Ruling Council
Subj: Re: Stuart Corporation

The location and history of the Corporate Sector is something that we of the Sabai are well aware of and the current developments within Stuart Corporation space are of profound interest. It has been only recently that the Stuart Corporation and our nation have taken formal steps to declaring an alliance between our nations. However, the Stuart Corporation has been a respected member of our local area of space since the formation of the Sabai nation.

We are working closely with the Stuart Corporation as well, as the stability of our own area of space is of great interest to us. We are pleased to be informed of your intentions not to encroach on Stuartian sovereignty. We have deployed naval assets to assist the Stuart Corporation during these trying times. Although we do not foresee the need that the situation will require military intervention, we are prepared to defend our ally from those seeking to take advantage of the current situation.

The possibility of a favorable trade deal between your nation and ours pleases us. Unfortunately, due to recent UTR actions in the galactic south, it may prove difficult to make such a deal a reality. Sabai public opinion against the UTR may bleed to other members of the Entente, and as such we cannot guarantee that a deal irregardless of the benefits both economical and political that could accompany such an agreement. We will nonetheless, give any offer you have in mind the necessary attention it will require and hope that some arrangement may be reached.

The deployment of a CSDF task force to the region is noted and appreciated. It is our belief that such ships will prove to be unnecessary, but in the interest of cooperation and prudence we will accept their approach. We ask you to not penetrate Sabai space in your approach. Due to the tension in the galactic south and west, Sabai naval assets have been mobilized and exclusion zones erected to military vessels not directly allied to our nation.

Sabai Territory

Ana Rosario Yu was the highest ranking Sabai diplomat in the world of Indas full time. The Acheron himself spent a fair amount of time in Indas, but the entire diplomatic directorate was her post. The Knight Templar invitation to the ritual of blessing and cleansing was received promptly and answered almost immediately. The Knight Templar were an interesting people, and Ana hoped that ties between both nations would only grow with time.

She chose to craft her reply by hand, a rare choice given that Sabai society was dominated by high technology. She could have a suitable response crafted in a myriad of ways, but she chose the most personal one. The proper paper found before she began her writing in elegant and graceful cursive.

To: Sir Kurik, Ambassador of the Realm of the Knights Templar
From: Ana Rosario Yu
Subj: I accept your invitation

Sir Kurik, it is my pleasure and privilege to accept your offer of invitation to the ritual of blessing and cleansing. You may rest assured that I along with two guests will join your proceedings at the appointed date and time. I look forward to learning more about your culture, beliefs and ideals.

Ana Rosario Yu

Stuart Corporation Space
Avalon System

The fourth fleet hovered in the void, its Corsair and Stuart counter parts well within sensor range. Since their arrival to the Stuart system, all three sides had begun to negotiate. The Corsairs had been forced to back down beneath the unprecedented mobilization of forces in the area. It had been a response that had not been anticipated by the Sabai, that nations outside of the west would attempt to intervene in the behalf of the Sabai and the Stuart Corporation.

Nonetheless, the Sabai had talked with all involved parties and attempted to limit the interruption of current proceedings by the arrivals of more foreign warships. The Corporate Sector diplomatic team was viewed cautiously by the Sabai, but they were also aware that it was not their place to make those reservations known. The Sabai expected that the Stuart Corporation would choose the right path to take, and concentrated on further negotiations between the three nations.

To: Blue Order Parish of ACIN Affairs
From: Sabai Ruling Council
Subj: Stuart Situation

The Sabai share in the concern of the Blue Order with the current events surrounding the Stuart Corporation and assure the order that we are indeed spear heading negotiation efforts at this time. It is our hope that an arrangement shall be reached that will satisfy all involved nations. The Stuart Corporation is of great importance to the stability and prosperity present and future of our local area of space. As such, we are taking every effort in making sure that the end result of current negotiations are adequate. We have dispatched the fourth fleet in its entirety to this end.

In regards to the current situation developing in the galactic south, we are inclined to agree with the assessment of the Blue Order. We are greatly concerned about recent UTR actions which have shattered galactic stability to the south, and threatens to directly affect trade to the west. The actions of the UTR are not helpful. Upon inspection of your attached document, we have chosen to sign it.
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Cabwi Desco wrote:
Agent Fisher wrote:
Cabwi Desco wrote: To:Sparata Confederacy
From:ANN HQ, Diplomatic Office
Done. Would You alsothrow in Communications Tech for 1/20th? if so done on that one as well.
We would glady throw that in. For access to your shield tech.
To:Sparata Confederacy
From:ANN HQ, Diplomatic Office
Mulling... Mulling... Allright. but we also get one squadron of your fighters for testing and other scientific ventures, surely you can part with a squadron? (im speaking of 12 fighters) Remember you would be getting our shield tech, which would radically improve yours.
We will agree to your terms. We are sending a ship carrying the basisics of our weapons tech and comm tech. As well as a squadron of JACKAL interceptors.
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Post by Thirdfain »

-: Terra :-

"This is diplomatic courier Swiftsure, requesting permission for landing. We have Senator Jaquilie S. Juste aboard, requesting a meeting with the President. This is extremely urgent, traffic control.


Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Kyle »

World Tower - Office of the President

Weeichman looked across his desk and spoke to his Secretary of War. "This is getting out of hand. We need to end it this, quickly."

"I know. I'm trying to get the situation under control."

"Good. Whats it look like in Klingon space right now." The President asked as he activated a holo display for Secretary Howard to use.

"Things are looking much better there, then they are in Gorn space right now. We now hold fifteen Klingon systems, that leaves them with only four worlds left, and those are all minor planets, primarily agricultural worlds with little to no military value. To be honest the war is about over there. Anyone of those worlds will fall to a single Task Group. The Navies job is about done there."

"Good then I think we should go with Contingency Plan Beta-2, option 4."

"I like it Mister President. I'll send orders to Vice Admiral Mainar and Admiral Worthintun, telling them we're going with Beta-2. I'll also inform Admiral Sexton that we're going with Option 4."

"Alright. With the Fenaris decision to declare war I know have control of the national Budgetary Surplus Fund* and am authorized to use it for measures involving national defense. I'm going to authorize the contruction of four Dreadnaughts and six Assault Carriers with some of that money"

"That should help us out a lot then, once those are online, along with Seventh Fleet, but of course that won't be anytime soon. Right now though I think we're doing the best we can with what we have."

OK, enought about the Navy. Are we giving Marshall Halburton all the support he needs?"

"Yes sir. He has the four full armies under his command. He has more then enough troops to handle the Klingons, almost a hundred million men"

"Alright then. Lets getting move on it. Send those orders."

*The UTR constitution has all kinds of interesting little clauses in it. One of them is that the UTR must maintain a balanced budget, and is actually required to make a small surplus. That surplus is then invested. Thats the Budgetary Surplus Fund, it also spell out what that money can be used for.
Last edited by Kyle on 2005-03-03 01:57am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kyle »

Thirdfain wrote:-: Terra :-

"This is diplomatic courier Swiftsure, requesting permission for landing. We have Senator Jaquilie S. Juste aboard, requesting a meeting with the President. This is extremely urgent, traffic control.

Swiftsure, this is Terran Traffic Control. You are cleared to land a shuttle on pad six, World Tower. And of course no weapons will pass through the Universe Shield.
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Post by Cabwi Desco »

Agent Fisher wrote: We will agree to your terms. We are sending a ship carrying the basisics of our weapons tech and comm tech. As well as a squadron of JACKAL interceptors.
Excellent, we'll be sending out a trade convoy of Mamoth heavy cargo haulers with a Reliant class escort group (four Mamoths and four Reliants). they will head directly to your system and you can take it from there. Once your done offloading the cargo (goods and a shield generator) I'll call back the Mamoths and the Reliants.
irishmick79 wrote:Gun Bunnies should, under no circumstances, be given access to the force.
The South may rise again, but the North will just kick their asses... again.
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

FROM: Gorn Council, Federation of Gorn
TO: Shoom
SUBJ: Assistance


"Oh, brave and enlightened people of Shoom. You have pledged your support to the cause of the true and duly elected government of Gorn. Even now, our forces, under General Isstan's compotent command, fight to hold back the tide of rebel soldiers. The Fenari and their allies may or may not be enough to ensure our victory. We humbly request your assistance in this endeavour, as you have pledged so often!"

From: The Solidarity
To: Gorn Council
SUBJ: Assistance

We will not back down from our duties. Our fleet will reach you in a few hours time.

::End Transmission::

Battlefleet Shoom was activated immediately. From across Shoom space, ships turned and calculated the hyperspace jump required. Within seconds, they jumped in unison, bound for Gorn space.

*The Solidarity
*2 Overseer-class dreadnought
*6 Shoom-class battleships
*20 Ralpha-class light cruisers
*25 Harmony-class destroyers
*100 Guardian-class corvettes
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Cabwi Desco wrote:
Agent Fisher wrote: We will agree to your terms. We are sending a ship carrying the basisics of our weapons tech and comm tech. As well as a squadron of JACKAL interceptors.
Excellent, we'll be sending out a trade convoy of Mamoth heavy cargo haulers with a Reliant class escort group (four Mamoths and four Reliants). they will head directly to your system and you can take it from there. Once your done offloading the cargo (goods and a shield generator) I'll call back the Mamoths and the Reliants.
Very well. We shall await your shipment.
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Post by Cabwi Desco »

(ooc i have nothing to do and noone has posted for several hours)

-||-Near Sparata Space-||-
Captain Levinson Watched as the stars faded around him as they came out of hyperspace. Sparata was an uncommon sight to many a republican and allied naval officer. not just recently had a trade agreement been signed between members of the Admiralty and the leaders of the Confederacy. It was a new moment for all their people.
"sir we're being queried by a Sparata Border Patrol"
"understood, send word that we're the convoy bringing the trade goods to sparata and ask their commander if they would allow us an escort through their space."
"understood sir sending transmission."
"Also tell them we have our ambassadors onboard to start construction of our embassy"
"message sent, sir"
"good now we wait for them to respond"
irishmick79 wrote:Gun Bunnies should, under no circumstances, be given access to the force.
The South may rise again, but the North will just kick their asses... again.
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Post by Thirdfain »

-: Gorn :-

The central wall of battle closed rapidly with the defending Gorn warships. The Resolution fleet, while outugnned slightly in terms of capital vessels, had a superior escort and cruiser wall, including a number of escort and light carriers. Eight light carriers and ten escort carriers released their swarms of assorted strike craft, ECM boats, and interceptors.

The UTR had always preferred a "Quantity over Quality" method in their carrier designs, fielding small, mass-producable vessels with limited capacity. None of the powers present on the Resolution side adhered to that design concept- even the trio of Nova Saidan escort carriers could have gone toe to toe with a solid dozen of the comparatively tiny UTR "Elfs."

The UTR's vessels were not the target of the central fleet. The carriers disgorged their dangerous cargos, and a strike force consisting of literally dozens of different designs sped towards the Gorn line.

A trio of three Gorn battleships made the center of the Gorn fleet. It was at these three capital ships that the fury of the Resolution assault was targetted. Even as the fighter strike washed over the three capital ships, a carefully-timed missile barrage arrived. Shields flared and fluctuated as a storm of missiles exploded. Space was lit with a million points of light as the stabbing fingers of PD lasers ripped missile after missile from the sky. On other planes, hypermissiles danced and struck, sending waves of colourless energy expanding through the aether. The full fury of the fleet focused on ripping a hole in the center of the Gorn fleet, weakening the wall so that, when battle joined in earnest at gun range, it would have the advantage. With their advantage in missile cruisers and carriers, it seemed they just might gain that advantge- and once the Gorn fleet was riven, there would be only the fortresses and the vast mine-field between them and the planet.

Behind the main fleet, the swarm of UTR fighters rushed towards the exposed battlecruiser squadron. Response fire lashed out, as a volley of capship missiles streaked out towards the mass of Republican fighter craft. Rather than taking the precious opportunity to fire a volley of capship missiles at the Republic carriers, they instead fired anti-fighter cluster missiles. Many of the STL birds were spoofed or shot down, but those that made it amongst the wave of strike-craft would blossom into a storm of anti-fighter seeking submunitions. It was clear that the Issatran force was intent on surviving as long as possible rather than inflicting heavy losses on the Republic fleet.

The surviving fighters, somewhat crippled and weakened, enveloped the capital ships of the battlecruiser squadron. Munitions erupted, blasting gaping holes in the hulls of the targetted vessels. The Krisian BC, venting atmosphere and bodies from a dozen wounds, fell out of formation. Her aft reactor was breached, turning a quarter of the vessel into a hell of radioactive waste and screaming, melting bodies. One of the Issatran BCs erupted as well, her spine broken by the rolling attacks. Twelve escort frigates succumbed as well, along with six destroyers. Five other destroyers and four other frigates, wounded, dropped out of formation.


Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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