Cabwi Desco wrote:this is like office space in here or something, ten people telling me what to do!
I (one person) said "no." But then you whined instead of offering a realistic defense of your notion or simply acquiescing to the order. There are two mods in the game (Marcao and I). If one of us makes a moderating decision, it is gospel. If you feel it is unfair, you're welcome to tell one or the other of us, and if you can come up with a good enough argument, the decision will be reversed.
"You're biased because you play the Kzin, and it's been in my OOB for a while anyway!" is a shite argument for a number of reasons.
1) I do my best to prevent bias from creeping into any decisions of mine. I've moderated several of these games and this is the first time I've had a complaint of this sort.
2) The Kzin aren't going to attack your power any time soon because they don't waste their time and effort on one-horse nations 50,000 light years to the other side of the galaxy who have never so much as sneezed in the general direction of the Patriarchy.
3) It doesn't matter how long it's been in your OOB. Gamey bullshit does not improve with age. I don't read every letter of every order-of-battle, nor do I fancy that Marcao does. These things can be dealt with as they come up, and most often are.
Finally, my one-sentence dissertation entitled "Why Your Superweapon is not Allowed":
There are no called hits in STGOD. This is a cardinal rule. There are two phases, in the first you call your attack, in the second your opponent declares what was hit. If either person tries to cheat on this system the mod takes care of it. This has worked for a while. You wanted a weapon that allowed you a free kill on a capital-class vessel. Not a chance.
Now, let's not make me spell this all out in such painstaking detail again. I am not trying to fuck you over so that I can win at some silly internet game where I play the King of the Cat-People. We are all here to have fun, nobody is running a con.