Will the OT ever be at the cinema again?

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Will the OT ever be at the cinema again?

Post by Gandalf »

With the release of RoTS closing up the saga, does anyone think we'll ever see the OT at cinemas again?

As it stands, I have yet to see it that way.
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Post by Panzer Grenadier »

Yeah at some point, probably not as big a deal as the special editions were back in 97, but nontheless I think people enjoy seeing the classic movies on the big screen once in awhile.

The theatre near were I live was having a old film festival playing older movies like Indiana Jones, 2001 Space oddessy, and A new hope a couple of years ago.
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Post by Vympel »

Probably when GL tampers with them in a serious fashion again. The DVDs are really good, but its obvious to anyone with eyes they could've done a lot better. The lightsabre bloopers and impurities in the DVD alone really piss me off.
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Post by Galvatron »

I'm sure they'll be altered to conform to the TV series and rereleased with all the original special effects replaced with cartoony CGI.
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Post by VT-16 »

Galvatron wrote:I'm sure they'll be altered to conform to the TV series and rereleased with all the original special effects replaced with cartoony CGI.
They´ll probably be re-released in 2007, all six of them in a marathon. With new effects. :P
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Post by Vympel »

Galvatron wrote:I'm sure they'll be altered to conform to the TV series and rereleased with all the original special effects replaced with cartoony CGI.
Meh, I like the CGI in the PT. Sometimes I do wonder what it'd look like if they did a full replacement ...
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Post by VT-16 »

Vympel wrote:Meh, I like the CGI in the PT. Sometimes I do wonder what it'd look like if they did a full replacement ...
CG X-Wings in ANH looked good. Mos Eisley and Cloud City got more atmospheric. Going by this there´s some potential for improving certain scenes, but it´s not absolutely necessary. 8)

I just think someone´s been looking at Ben Quadrinaros and Jar Jar one time too many. :wink:
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Post by Vympel »

The problem with the CG X-Wings was that some detail was lost in the process- in the original footage, the X-Wings had different markings on their wings to identify which wing they were (i.e. five marks for Red Five). Or so I heard, my memory of the original has gotten hazy what with eight years exposure to the Special Edition.
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Post by VT-16 »

Well, I never paid much attention to those markings anyway. Did hear about the markings on the CG Falcon in ANH being the same as on the CG and model Falcon in ESB. Once again, I don´t give a shit. :P
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Post by Dillon »

I sure hope he plans to bring them back to theatres again. Since I only became a SW fan in around '99, I've never had the chance to see them on the big screen.
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Post by The Vodka Vindicator »

the next time Lucas changes it around it will be back in theaters
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Post by Elheru Aran »

I remember when TPM came out, some places around here had their first showing of that at midnight-- they showed the OT SE, all three episodes, immediately before. Don't know if that was a common thing, though....
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Post by Firefox »

I'm wondering if a theater here in town will show all six movies in a row. Apparently it was done with Lord of the Rings when RotK came out, and supposedly, FotR and TTT were the extended editions.
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