Preferred Era

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Which is your favorite Star Wars Era?

Waaaaaay Old Republic (KOTOR, assorted comics)
The Clone Wars
Original Trilogy
Post OT
Total votes: 68

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Preferred Era

Post by SylasGaunt »

I got to thinking while I played Republic Commando and decided to ask this question.

Which is your favorite era in the Star Wars universe?

The waaaay old Republic: Depicted in assorted comics and of course KOTOR.

The Clone Wars: My personal favorite. The OT clearly has the better movies but the Clone Wars is an era I find on the whole more interesting.

Original Trilogy: Call it everything after the founding of the empire to the death of palpatine.

Post ROTJ EU: Writing playground of the greats such as Timothy Zahn.. but also the dreaded lurking ground of KJA, random superweapons, and bio-ships.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

The way Old Republic. It lasted for so long, there's an infinite number of stories to tell there, you don't have to focus on the same sort of people like throughout the other eras, where they seem to be involved in ALL the important things....
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

The Galactic Civil War period (OT).
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Post by Stormbringer »

The Original Trilogy era.
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Post by Vympel »

The Clone Wars- which I assume to be the PT era. I like the ships. I like the weapons, I like the soldiers. Soldiers like ... *thwack*

Sorry, was having a SST movie moment.

It's really close though. The Empire is still the coolest faction.
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Post by Gorefiend »

late imperial era and beyond ^^ for me
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Post by Sir Sirius »

OT by far.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:The way Old Republic. It lasted for so long, there's an infinite number of stories to tell there, you don't have to focus on the same sort of people like throughout the other eras, where they seem to be involved in ALL the important things....
For creative authors, there's actually an infinite number of stories in any of the eras. They're dealing with an entire galaxy with millions of worlds and a population so huge that it can't even be enumerated--but everything that happens is taken care of by the same dozen or so characters. Because most of the EU authors are not at all creative.
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Post by Gandalf »

I like the OT era, it has a nice feel to it.
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Post by NecronLord »

Well. The OT era gets my vote. The GE is by far the best of the SW factions I've seen.

*Glances at poll*

Humm. No surprise there then. :)
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Post by VT-16 »

Can´t decide between PT or OT. One segues into the other, so I´ll say: Both. 8)
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Post by Medic »

Post OT.

Even if it is the downfall of the Empire, it is actually the greatest showcase of stand-up Imperial warfighting potential, ie Grand Admiral Thrawn and the resurrected Emporer. I mean bejesus, you read enough EU and the impression that you get is that no rebel fleet is complete without at least a Mon Cal and an ISD. Plus my allegiance to the Empire is incresed further by the fact that what Jedi are in this era are half-trained wannabes that couldn't hold a candle to the Jedi of old. Let the Jedi-purge begin anew!
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

imp golden age here baby
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Post by Ace Pace »

Post OT, fine, theres shit, but the diamonds are still there.
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Post by Xenophobe3691 »

Waaaay Old Republic. I mean, it's funny seeing all these worlds that you know are gonna be destroyed or raped or just squashed on, oblivious to all that's gonna go on.

And it's interesting seeing the difference between the Jedi of Old and the PT Jedi. You can definitely tell how they screwed themselves over in that one.
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Post by Dorsk 81 »

Ace Pace wrote:Post OT, fine, theres shit, but the diamonds are still there.
What he said. Although OT comes a very, very, very close second.
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Post by Caius »

Post OT, still hung up on NJO loved that series
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Post by JME2 »

The Prequel era, but namely because like the older SW fans, I know what's coming and I'm happy to see these early years set the stage.
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Post by Lone_Prodigy »

Hmmmm.... OT, mainly from RotS to the end of RotJ. Long live the Empire! :twisted:
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Post by Stofsk »

Way old republic: Interesting scope and scale for storytelling. KOTOR is by far one of the most enjoyable and immersive computer role playing experiences I've ever had the fortune of enjoying. In addition, Tales of the Jedi had some cool adventure stories as well. I don't know if it is my favourite 'setting' however.

PT: I see it as squandered opportunities more than anything. That's not to say it has been all bad, or anything.

OT: It's the first, and has to be the best out of the lot. That's not to say it can't be better.

Post-OT: Interesting, because the scope and scale is ideal for the continuing saga, but like the PT I see squandered opportunities more than anything. Even gems like TTT have a few things going against them.

Of the four, it's a tie between OT and Way OR. Way Old Republic is a nice area to explore. But OT is the era we are most familiar with, and as such it is the area we have the most favourable memories of. That said I kind of like KOTOR better. The only thing missing in it is the large scale battles, but instead we see heroes do small scale actions while the big events take place in the background. I personally feel that's the way to go with storytelling.
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

OT because those seem to be the most Star Wars. Anything that takes place while the Empire is in control is great, but a lot of the authors who wrote post OT are mediocre. I like the Way old republic, but it seems to be very close tech wise to the OT which kind of bugs me(where are Xims warbots?). The PT really dissapointed me. warning: rant The movies are good movies in their own right, but the are not CLONE WARS, clones are supposed to kill each other in a series of wars. That is why it is called clone wars, this is just another civil war clones are not even the bigger army!!! Besides the Senate is not the usless thing that it is shown to be in TPM and AOTC. Remember the Imperial admirals are stunned when they find out that the senate was dissbanded, they wanted to know how control would be maintained! If senate disbanded = control lost then the senate must work. Who is going to be sad at the death of the jedi/old republic? I mean who cares they/it were useless anyway! Anakin becomes Darth Vader, big tragedy!! Not. The Emperor is evil and must be stopped watching TPM and AOTC makes me admire his skills and feel that his rise is a good thing! This and more leads me to belive that GL is actually showing us Imperial Propaganda not the true history of the Clone Wars.

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Post by SylasGaunt »

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Post by Tychu »

The Original trilogy always seemed to me that there were alot of behind the scenes stuff like you had the almighty opressive goverment, but you also had a good deal of criminal organizations, rebel cells, traders, smugglers

Old Republic, it was kinds like a lolly dah kind of feel of course you had Palpy running around but things were kinda put together

waaaay Old Republic had too many Jedi vs Sith wars
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