That would be my first analysis. But then how would you explain that Obi got his butt kicked by Dooku (and mind you in the ep II dooku was just toying with Obi). However, anakin amanged to injure Dooku (according to the original script intended that was cut short due to lucas 2hr fetish.)Nick Lancaster wrote:If the ability to kill/kick-ass is superior to raw power, then:
Cant be concluded just yet. We have to find out how Mace died in ep III. If Palpy slayed Mace. I agree. If not, its questionable. Palpy might be alive cos he's smarter and more cunning and manipulative.Palpatine outranks Mace Windu. Palpy's still around, Mace ain't.
Outrank perhaps. Tie? I don't think so. I think Vader is pretty weak on the Jedi Power scale. Any standard Old Republic Jedi would have bested him. He's immobile like a rock and slow like a tortoise. His armor is his saving grace, but come on how many slices can take.Palpatine outranks or ties with Darth Vader; while Vader did toss him down the power shaft, Palpatine was slow-cooking Luke and did enough damage to fry Vader's circuitry (he had more or less recovered after being beat down by Luke ... but couldn't breathe and couldn't stand after Palpatine used him as a walking ground-fault-interrupt).
Agreed. Though we'll have to wait for ep III to really confirm.Anakin outranks Vader; it is theorized that the amassing of cybernetic parts greatly inhibited Vader's Force ability. On the other hand, as Martin Caidin suggested in Cyborg (the novel on which Six Million Dollar Man was based), the reduction in limbs could make the remaining midichlorian count/ratio that much greater, as Austin's cardiovascular system indirectly gained from not having to power two legs and an arm.
Obi-Wan (Ep. III) outranks Anakin (Ep. III); UNLESS Anakin chooses to fall into the lava. Lucas is awfully fond of parallels, and having Ben give Anakin the same, 'come with me!' offer that Vader gives Luke would fit right in.
Ok I know alot of pple is going to contest the issue of anakin injuring dooku that was cut from the movie, but if you observe dooku duels with obi and anakin, you can clearly see that obi is having a real hard time keeping up (observe his moves, his grunts, heavy panting, etc.), and contrast this with anakin fight where he hardly flinch. He lost a saber and a hand, but I attribute that to pure brattish cockyness (which I hope will be rectified in ep III to a serious evil no-nonsense dark jedi!!!) Also, the movie transcripts also describe the anakin as winning the duel with dooku for a time.
Ok frankly speaking, there seems to be alot of inconsistencies with Jedi power strength throughout the SW movies.