Are the Prequels Imperial Propaganda?

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Re: Are the Prequels Imperial Propaganda?

Post by Stofsk »

Crown wrote:Personally that's the image I had in my mind too from Obi-Wan's spiel in ANH about the Clone wars.
The weird thing is, we know it's supposed to be Clone Wars. Meaning 'more than one'. So far the PT has clearly depicted just the one war.

Unless there were 'succession' wars after the first Clone War, and Clone Wars 2 was meant to be Palpy consolidating his power? Or power-factionalism between the implied 'clone masters'? That could be an interesting avenue for the EU to explore.
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Post by Crown »

I totally agree. It is one of my main gripes about the PT, but I just tend to not focus on it, as it just tends to upset me a little.
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Re: Are the Prequels Imperial Propaganda?

Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Vympel wrote:As for "the EU is ignored" ... the EU hardly deals with the PT era, and for good reason- George Lucas didn't want EU stories interfering with that part of the continuity. It's his story to tell and he has never and will never have his creativity restricted by the work of his licensees. So where does this claim come from?
What's weird is that he keeps making claims such as this (from the ARC-170 thread):
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Kartr_Kana wrote:I can by that, but it still does not make me happy that GL is really screwing with all previous mentions of the clone wars.
Dude, there was virtually nothing mentioned about the Clone Wars before the Prequel Trilogy came around because Lucasfilm had a bloody gag order concerning that era...
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Re: Propaganda?

Post by Kazuaki Shimazaki »

EU novels hint at Imperial Propaganda - the Death Star was really a Rebel invention, and the Emperor himself gave his life to stop their diabolical plot. But again, if that's the baseline level of Imperial media, the OT is a crappy job of countering it.
Sometimes, subtle propaganda is superior to blatant propaganda in that people are less likely to suspect it as such. If it turns out, as an example, that the OT was propaganda, it succeeded on you for one. You don't feel it is propaganda because it isn't blatant enough, so you ingest it as truth, and in doing so you ingested their bias. That's way better than them giving you a piece of stronger propaganda, but one that you won't ingest.

As an aside, The Emperor's story was actually quite unblatant. Compare the two versions of Endor:
1) An elite Imperial Fleet and an elite ground battalion with a substantial firepower superiority somehow fell to a bunch of teddy bears and a bunch of converted liners that is short of supplies (read: short on such niceties as live weapons training).
2) The traitorous Rebels create a threat to the Empire and set up a numerically superior fleet (numerical superiority - ever the stereotypical hallmark of the villain). Elite Imperial forces use their superior training to destroy the enemy, but Palpy gave his life somewhere in the process.

While 1 was the truth, really, as an Imperial citizen, I'd find 2 much more plausible than 1, all else being even.
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Re: Propaganda?

Post by Captain Cyran »

Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote:Sometimes, subtle propaganda is superior to blatant propaganda in that people are less likely to suspect it as such. If it turns out, as an example, that the OT was propaganda, it succeeded on you for one. You don't feel it is propaganda because it isn't blatant enough, so you ingest it as truth, and in doing so you ingested their bias. That's way better than them giving you a piece of stronger propaganda, but one that you won't ingest.
If you are seriously using "It's propaganda because it worked on you" as proof that it is propaganda, I must say that it is possibly the most retarded argument I have heard thus far in my time on this board.
As an aside, The Emperor's story was actually quite unblatant. Compare the two versions of Endor:
1) An elite Imperial Fleet and an elite ground battalion with a substantial firepower superiority somehow fell to a bunch of teddy bears and a bunch of converted liners that is short of supplies (read: short on such niceties as live weapons training).
2) The traitorous Rebels create a threat to the Empire and set up a numerically superior fleet (numerical superiority - ever the stereotypical hallmark of the villain). Elite Imperial forces use their superior training to destroy the enemy, but Palpy gave his life somewhere in the process.

While 1 was the truth, really, as an Imperial citizen, I'd find 2 much more plausible than 1, all else being even.
And your point is? Yes, 2 is more plausible, but it's one that happened. You have yet to prove that what the movies show is actual propaganda.
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Re: Propaganda?

Post by Lord Revan »

Captain Cyran wrote:snip
I think he's talking about "what if..." situation.
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Re: Propaganda?

Post by Kazuaki Shimazaki »

Captain Cyran wrote:If you are seriously using "It's propaganda because it worked on you" as proof that it is propaganda, I must say that it is possibly the most retarded argument I have heard thus far in my time on this board.
Lord Revan got it right, and you wrong. Another way of phrasing my point might be to say "If it was propaganda, it was darn skilful, because most people would not have suspected it was."
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Re: Propaganda?

Post by Captain Cyran »

Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote:
Captain Cyran wrote:If you are seriously using "It's propaganda because it worked on you" as proof that it is propaganda, I must say that it is possibly the most retarded argument I have heard thus far in my time on this board.
Lord Revan got it right, and you wrong. Another way of phrasing my point might be to say "If it was propaganda, it was darn skilful, because most people would not have suspected it was."
Yes, if it was propaganda, for some insane pot smoking reason, yes, it would be good...

But it's not propaganda anyway. Now is someone going to post proof that the OT and PT are propaganda pieces or are you going to continue to be wishy-washy about it?
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Post by Kazuaki Shimazaki »

Do you see me seriously contending it is?

This is the way I see it happen: Someone proposed that it isn't propaganda on the grounds it ain't blatant enough. I pointed out that subtlety can work better, so that isn't grounds for saying it isn't. That's all. I did not say it was propaganda, just that this was a lousy reason for saying it isn't.
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

My reasoning for the PT being Imperial propaganda is that the Jedi are shown as superpowered characters who do not care for the common people. Example: In TPM Qui-gon is willing to use Anakin without freeing him, he only seems really interested in Ani after he finds out that he is the chosen one. Obi-wan refers to him as "another pathetic lifeform". Also the Jedi do not allow him to go find or free his mother and they do not allow him to fall in love. So here they are depriving him of his humanity and feeling contemptous of "normal" people. Anakin is the only one who understands what it means to be human(Used in the broad sense not the speicial sense). We know that Palpantine will become the evil emperor, but if we were galactic citezens we would not know that, we would also not know that he is Sideous. So by showing him as the strong commpassionate leader, determined to restore the Republic to its former glory, but opposed by greedy senators and corperations. He is portrayed as the peoples champion and Anakin is his strong right hand.

The clone wars as portrayed by HTTE,DFR,LC shows a galaxy intent on ripping itself apart different aliens trying to kill each other with clones, some of the Jedi go mad lots of the clones go mad. Humans are united by Palpatine and the empire is formed, the Imerator-class vessels rip through all opponents nothing can stop them. Elite stormtroopers quickly subjagate worlds in the name of the emperor the conquerors(humans) create rules that make aliens third and fourth class citezens.

Republic->Clone Wars->Darktimes(clone madness)->Empire.

The other way as shown in the movies: Greedy corperations backed by cloaked warriors/manipulators, trying to oppress the peoples. These corperations are well equiped with powerfull weapons even by OT standards. It is an uphill fight for the valient forces of "good" trying to bring peace and justice to the galaxy, while being opposed by not just greedy corps. but also by greedy republic members and their backers the jedi not wanting to lose their elite status also try and stop the "good guys".

Having said this I am feeling better about the movies because I just saw the trailer for Ep.III, and they have Juggernauts which are EU. Which makes me happy.

At a guess he's refering to one line in the TTT where they mention 'clone masters' unleashing clones on the galaxy hence; The Clone War.
Personally that's the image I had in my mind too from Obi-Wan's spiel in ANH about the Clone wars.
Same for me I just thought about it to much and it upset me.

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Post by Lord Revan »

Kartr_Kana wrote:snip
Well we do not know how much (of very little we got) is Imperial misinformation and the Jedi while somewhat out touch with the common man are far from what true propaganga depic them to be they're Heroes they just need a kick in proverbial butt to do anything. And finally Darth Sidious is not a public figure (Palpatine has kept that connection secrect from everybody but his closest allies), if we use the SOD we should think that EU is incorrect (by intent or by accident) and the films correct in case ot a counterdiction (not the other way around).

IIRC we have no direct info on the clone war apart Kenobi's line (and the PT), all the rest is from either from Imperial databanks and/or from the Memories of a Clone.
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

You forget that Talon Karrde inhereted his organization from Jorjj Car'das who survived the Clone Wars and a mad Jedi. The same Jorjj Car'das who is obssesed by information so I think that we can assume that what he and Karrde have to say is acurrate.

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Post by Lord Revan »

Kartr_Kana wrote:You forget that Talon Karrde inhereted his organization from Jorjj Car'das who survived the Clone Wars and a mad Jedi. The same Jorjj Car'das who is obssesed by information so I think that we can assume that what he and Karrde have to say is acurrate.
assuming they don't lie intentionally, also unless very high up command chain of the Republic or CIS their POV isn't so good no matter how obsessed they're information. Also in PT EU there's mad Jedi (one being even a Jedi council member). If go by the SOD the movies are considered either something see with our own eyes or documentary "filmed" when happen (AKA truth and nothin but the truth but nessery the whole truth(for example if something isn't in the movies it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.)) so this couterdicted by the EU , the EU loses or must explained. So Talon Karrde either lied on purpose (what ever that purpose was is irrelevant) or was wrong (possible as he's only human).

My point is this, the Movies are our most objetive source of information and any counterdictions with the EU mean that the EU source is wrong (either by intent or accident).
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

But could these eye-witnesses be correct and the PT propaganda? This is my whole point the PT is not maintaining continuity with the EU. Granted a lot of the EU sucks but the best stuff as in the TT is being ignored and called incorrect. Can these novels and the other good ones in the EU, novels/Comics/computer games/etc. that were approved by GL and his people info that has made its way into the Databank at, can this be discredited so quickly just because the movies contradict them?

BTW does any body know Obi-wans age in TPM and ANH?

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Post by Lord Revan »

Kartr_Kana wrote:But could these eye-witnesses be correct and the PT propaganda? This is my whole point the PT is not maintaining continuity with the EU. Granted a lot of the EU sucks but the best stuff as in the TT is being ignored and called incorrect. Can these novels and the other good ones in the EU, novels/Comics/computer games/etc. that were approved by GL and his people info that has made its way into the Databank at, can this be discredited so quickly just because the movies contradict them?

BTW does any body know Obi-wans age in TPM and ANH?
since only stuf that is directly counterdicked by higher canon is considered incorrect, the rest is is C-level canon. (think about it this way if you a non propaganga film about WWII filmed during that era and read about the same incident from a history book would conclude that the book was correct and the incorrect and if not so would conclude that whole book was full of shit or that description of that event was incorrect.)

we don't dismiss the if counterdictions just the that counterdict higher canon (as most happen either before of after the clone wars most of their storyline would unaffected by the PT (unless they counterdict the OT also).
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

Lord Revan I could not understand what you were saying.

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Post by Lord Revan »

Kartr_Kana wrote:Lord Revan I could not understand what you were saying.
I can say it finnish if you want :wink: , but for in english and some what shorter. If EU is counterdicted by higher canon, only those parts that counterdict (from the EU source) become N-level canon (AKA non canon) the rest is still C-level canon.
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Post by LordShaithis »

Kartr_Kana wrote:Can these novels and the other good ones in the EU, novels/Comics/computer games/etc. that were approved by GL and his people info that has made its way into the Databank at, can this be discredited so quickly just because the movies contradict them?
Yes. Them's the rules.

Also, trying to cast the films themselves as in-universe propaganda has to be one of the dumber things I've heard lately.
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

History is written by the victors. The Empire won so the history we are seeing is what the empire wants us to see. It is acurate for what it shows but it does not show all of the clone wars.

In AOTC Yoda says that the clone wars have begun, how would he know it was the Clone Wars if this was the first/only war and only one side uses clones why would he call it that? Perhapes the clone wars had started shortly after TPM but the Republic was not drawn in untill AOTC when one faction in the clone wars (the seperatist) attacked the republic. The Republics Clones are not insane like the clones used by other factions because their growth has not been rushed like those of the factions we do not see.

So AOTC is actually the begining of the end of the Clone Wars, and ROTS is the "darktimes" obi-wan mentioned in ANH when the Jedi were hunted down and right before the Galactic Empire was created.

TTT mentions the other Wars that form the Clone Wars, TTT is acurate, but does not deal with the Republics part of the Wars.

BTW how old is Obi-wan in ANH?

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Post by Crazedwraith »

Kartr_Kana wrote: In AOTC Yoda says that the clone wars have begun, how would he know it was the Clone Wars if this was the first/only war and only one side uses clones why would he call it that?
A very nice theory but Yida siad:
'begun this clone war, has.'

War. singular.
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

begun this clone war has. this implies more then one.

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Post by Captain Cyran »

Kartr_Kana wrote:begun this clone war has. this implies more then one.
Except you're using Yoda's grammer as a marker. On top of that the emphasis was "Begun this Clone War has."
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

Yes "begun this clone war has". Yoda knows it is a Clone War he implies that there has been others and it sounds to me like this is the first clone war the Republic has had to fight, but not the first that has been fought.

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Post by Captain Cyran »

Kartr_Kana wrote:Yes "begun this clone war has". Yoda knows it is a Clone War he implies that there has been others and it sounds to me like this is the first clone war the Republic has had to fight, but not the first that has been fought.
I don't see where you are getting that he is implying that there have been Clone Wars before this. I repeat, his emphasis was "Begun this Clone War has." Now I haven't read the novels which may say differently, but I definately do not see any extrapolation of that quote to mean that there have been multiple Clone Wars.
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

begun this clone war has. If there were no clone wars before that then it would have been "begun the clone war has". See the difference one is singular the other is plural.

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