What do you use to secure your computer from Viruses/Malware/Theft whatever?
I am going to do a small list of what I do.
First off I use WinXP and you LINUX guys can knock it off rite now, it works just fine for me and that is what is important for me.
First off all computers all disks I have is encrypted with CompuSec A nice program that encrypts the computer BEFORE it loads any OS, thieves cannot get anything out from my comp even if they steal it and remove the disks.
All servicepacks and updates for XP.
I use a LONG password to login ~30 chars.
My wireless connection is secured with WPA-PSK and a long passkey.
I have windows built-in firewall active, might as well ignore it when I have a router but it’s small in don’t take munch resources.
I use AVG anti virus to keep the wiri out.
A separate anti Trojan app is a must for me TDS-3 is great
All browsing is done with Firefox
And mail is Thunderbirds domain.
To keep the crapware out I use.
Microsoft Anti-Spyware
Spybot Search & Destroy
To encrypt stuff I don’t want anyone else to read but still be transfeble I use
To store and generate misc passwords all over the web I use
This is an minimum to have in a Windows setup for me so I feel reasonable secure when computing
So am I paranoid or do anyone have me beat?