The Exodus

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Post by darthdavid »

I sense that there shall be much conflict in whatever galaxy they enter into. :D
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Post by Tribun »

I can think which galaxy that will be.
Boy they will get from bad (the Borg) into worse (assuming that it is the SW galaxy).
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Post by SpecWar826 »

well what ever it is this story kicks ass
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Post by Admiral Felire »

I have to agree, this story does kick ass. It is getting better all the time. At first, I thought it was going to be a cop out (which confused me considering the name of the story), but then you make a 360 degree turn for the better.

Keep it up, cause it can only get more interesting.
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. It is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we becomes victims of the darkness."

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Post by Robert Walper »

SpecWar826 wrote: well what ever it is this story kicks ass
Admiral Felire wrote:I have to agree, this story does kick ass. It is getting better all the time. At first, I thought it was going to be a cop out (which confused me considering the name of the story), but then you make a 360 degree turn for the better.

Keep it up, cause it can only get more interesting.
I'm just beaming with pride right now. :)
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Post by DarkSilver »

very interesting brian....

can't wait to read more

a good substitute for JME's BoBW
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Admiral Felire wrote: but then you make a 360 degree turn for the better.
A 360 degree turn would mean it end up poniting the same way it started numbskull.
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Post by Admiral Felire »

A 360 degree turn would mean it end up poniting the same way it started numbskull.
oops, didn't mean it like that. Anyway, I'm a history major not a math major. lol

Still, it mad a 180 degree turn for the better.
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. It is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we becomes victims of the darkness."

-Justice William O. Douglas
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Post by Robert Walper »

Crazedwraith wrote:
Admiral Felire wrote: but then you make a 360 degree turn for the better.
A 360 degree turn would mean it end up poniting the same way it started numbskull.
You think in such two dimensional terms. Since this is a science fiction fanfic, there's a high probability that a third axis still allowed a completely new trajectory. ;) :P
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Post by brianeyci »

Stardate 233175.2

" don't trust me. Trust yourselves. Ask yourselves whether you wish to be part of a lost cause, or the salvation of sentience. Every ship that stays will increase the chances of survival. I am sending you the data, to analyze yourselves. You'll see even with the most optimistic projections that the Alpha Quadrant and the galaxy at large can't be saved." Hansen paused. "I ask each of you to remember your training. Respect the chain of command. To the crewmen and junior officers, the ultimate decision on the fate of a ship must lie with its master. To the flag officers, I ask that you consider the evidence carefully and consult with your crew before making a final choice. The choice is this. Die defending the doomed Federation, or carry the banner of the Federation beyond the reach of the Borg." Hansen shifted in his chair. "I expect all decisions to be made by oh-nine-hundred hours. Hansen out."

Hansen's ready room door was trashed. He needed some privacy though. "Computer, simulate a door." A holographic door appeared where the debris was. Hansen stood up to get a coffee. The doorbell rang.

"Watch yourself though, there's some sharp pieces on the floor."

"Admiral, may I have a word with you."

"Of course Commander. You're here for some answers. And if you don't get them, you're going to shoot me."

Hansen waited, his back turned to the door.

"Admiral. You're betraying the Federation. You're asking us to abandon it."

"Why don't you sit down, unless you want to shoot me now."

Hansen walked back to his desk, and took a seat behind it. He took off his communicator, and put it down on the desk. "Tell me what you see in that."

"This isn't time for metaphors Admiral. Tell me what the hell is going on. As your executive officer, I didn't want to confront you in front of the crew."

Hansen pressed a button. The bust of a snarling, large eared hairless brown creature with razor teeth floated above the table, startling Hernandez. "Tell me what you see in that."

"It's a Ferengi. Are you telling me they have something to do with this?"

Hansen tapped his fingers. "Have you ever heard of..."


"Stop going around in circles James. I don't know what money is and I don't care. I want to know why you're asking twenty thousand ships to plow through Borg space facing certain death."

"So you would rather we go back and die?"

"Yes!", shouted Hernandez. "Yes, I would rather we go back and die! I would rather we be in orbit of Earth, defending the Federation to its death! You're a traitor! You've betrayed your uniform, your oath, and the billions of lives that depended on our success in this campaign! Hernandez raised her phaser and pointed it at Hansen's face. "I should kill you right now."

"But you won't Maria. Not until you've heard why I've done this. Not until you've heard it all.", said Hansen.

Hansen clasped his hands around the phaser. "You won't shoot me."

"Don't make me choose James. Don't make me choose.", whispered Hernandez.

Hansen let go of the phaser, raised his hands innocently, and sat back down in his chair. "Have you read any of the papers by Dr. Sokar of the Vulcan Institute, or Dr. Ra..."


"I suppose not. Do you know that they were incarcerated for several years? Apparently their ideas were too revolutionary for the Federation Science Council to accept. When they were released, they went to Vulcan, Andoria, all the core worlds trying to get support for their ideas. They were arrested by Starfleet Intelligence."

Hernandez took a deep breath in, composed herself, and put the phaser on the desk. She sat down opposite Hansen.

"What for?"


"What's money?"

"Money is a term used to describe the currency used by capitalist societies. The Ferengi value latinum."

Hernandez frowned. "James, I don't understand. Did they collaborate with the Ferengi?"

"In a way. The Ferengi economic model was one of their case studies in their papers. Here is the paper." Hansen tossed a datapad across the table to Hernandez. "It's quite extensive, and you won't have time to read it, at least not yet. The abstract is quite short though and you should be able to get the gist of the details..."

Hernandez's trained eyes darted across the datapad. "I don't understand what this has to do with the Borg."

"Are you familiar with a Dr. Soong?"

"Which one?"

"The one responsible for developing a positronic net."

"We learned about that when we were kids."

"A single man in an isolated lab managed to engineer what the combined scientific prowress of the Federation could not. Even to this day, our scientists cannot duplicate some of his feats. This is nearly two hundred years later."

"Dr. Soong was a genius."

"No, he was more than that. Dr. Soong was not constrained by the black box of the Federation Science Council. Dr. Soong did not have to worry about getting approval for every new idea in his isolated lab. Dr. Soong was free. Dr. Soong was free to think. Dr. Soong was free to innovate. Tell me," Hansen pressed the button bringing up the holographic Ferengi again. "What do you see?"

"I see a Ferengi."

"What else."

"They are not to be trusted."


Hernandez hesitated and recited off rote like an Academy freshman in front of a review board. "The Ferengi are not to be trusted because they follow the rules of acquisition and are dangerous."

"Would it surprise you to know that I've worked with Damon Targ for the past few years? In fact, him, Dr. Sokar along with two hundred and twenty two enlightened minds are aboard the Excalibur right now."


"We'll need their expertise."

"For what?"

"For the creation of a new Federation constitution of course, and the beginning of a new way of life."

"You've got to be kidding me. We're in the fight of our lives through the middle of Borg space and you're having delusions of grandeur. Maybe I should shoot you after all."

"You could, but then you'd need a new military advisor."

"I would be.. what?"

"You're going to be the interim President until things are sorted out."

"You have got to be joking."

"No, I'm not. Read over the datapad. It has more than just Dr. Sokar's research in it -- it has the evidence and analysis of thousands of free-thinkers, academics and brilliant minds all muzzled by the Federation. If the Borg hadn't come along, the Federation would have been swallowed in its own stagnation. If... when we reach the new galaxy, we'll have a chance to do it all over again. We'll have a chance to make it right."

"You're not joking."

"No." Hansen looked Hernandez in the eye. "I'm dead serious. You come from a long line of serving Starfleet officers. Your mother was in Starfleet. Your father was in Starfleet. Your great-great-great grandmother was one of the first Starship Captains. We discussed the possibilities, and decided that it would be better for the interim President to be a respected Starfleet officer to maintain stability while people were adjusting to the changes. A civilian could have worked too, but--"

"Admiral, I can't possibly accept this. You're out of your mind."

"Maybe. Why don't you head down to Deck 28, Section 42. Talk to Dr. Sokar and Damon Targ. See if they can change your mind."


"Dismissed." Hernandez looked as if she was going to say something more, then silently picked up the datapad with her left hand and the phaser with her right. She looked at the datapad, then the phaser, and placed the phaser back on the table. She turned to leave, and paused again.

"Yes Commander?"

"I don't understand any of this."

"Report to Deck 28, Section 42 Commander."

"Aye... Aye Sir." Hernandez stepped through the holographic illusion. Hansen picked up the phaser, tossing it into the replicator slot. The phaser took a few seconds to dissolve.

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Post by DarkSilver »


I like this more and more...

and such a quick update to...

can't wait to see what the Ferengi has to say...
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Post by brianeyci »

Thx for all the comments everybody. Not going ignored, just don't know how to respond to most of them except... keep writing.

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Post by Crazedwraith »

Robert Walper wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:
Admiral Felire wrote: but then you make a 360 degree turn for the better.
A 360 degree turn would mean it end up poniting the same way it started numbskull.
You think in such two dimensional terms. Since this is a science fiction fanfic, there's a high probability that a third axis still allowed a completely new trajectory. ;) :P

:D If he turned 360 degrees no matter what direction he'd go full circle. Assuming its one complete turn. If he went 100 degrees one way then 260 degress a different way it wouldn't be full circle but it'd be also inaccurate to say that it was 360 degree turn :P

Oh and nice chapter Brian but Damon (assuming you mean the ferengi rank) is Spelt: DaiMon
Last edited by Crazedwraith on 2005-03-02 03:10pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Lucifer »

I gave this some thought, but we've been thrown two twists so far...

-Feddies are gonna kick ass
Twist: Feddies are on the run
Twist two: Feddies are gonna kick ass (they're just gonna set up shop someplace else)

So it could be 360 degrees from that perspective. :)
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Post by brianeyci »

Stardate 233175.3

"How many are left?", said Hansen. He was standing with his arms crossed looking at his own reflection. How much had he aged since he had joined Starfleet. Grey hairs and wrinkles were easily dealt with, yet he could never bring himself to go through with a procedure purely cosmetic. Through the window, ship after ship was lined up in front of the transwarp conduit.

"We're down to thirty percent fleet strength and losing more.", said Hernandez. Hansen had expected the yeoman who had been taking his notes for a few minutes to answer. If Hernandez was behind him, it was a good sign that she hadn't decided to lead the crew to mutiny. This was her ship, and however much fame Hansen had throughout the Federation, he knew he could never undo the bond between a Captain and her crew. If Hernandez had decided to work against him, Hansen wouldn't have had a chance. Choosing another ship as his flagship was out of the question. The Federation Dreadnaught class ship was to be the saviour and leader of the new order.

"Dr. Sokar and Damon Targ turned you?"

"Not exactly sir. But I've decided I'll trust the little boy, for now."

Hansen smiled. "Little boy" had been his nickname in Starfleet Academy. Maria Hernandez was in her senior year when Hansen was just a sophomore.

"I wish I had more time to convert you personally Commander, but if Damon Targ and Dr. Sokar haven't had much luck, I won't try now. Now is not the time for the airing out of the Federation's dirty laundry. What about the sixth fleet?"

"The sixth fleet is on a holding pattern and covering the entrance to the transwarp conduit, along with the third and tenth fleets."

Hansen smiled. He had expected less than a tenth. With a third of the Federation fleet behind him, he might just pull it off.

"The Klingons? The Romulans?"

"Chancellor K'Vort's fleet has opened their own transwarp conduit into Klingon space. He sends his regrets. General Savar's forces are reinforcing the defense perimeter."

Hansen clenched his teeth. He had expected K'Vort's forces to be behind him. K'Vort was the political leader of the Klingon Empire. If he wasn't convinced, Hansen had just lost a third of his firepower. It was a good sign that Savar hadn't left yet, although that could just be because she hadn't recieved orders from Romulus. Savar was a field general, and although she still retained contacts in the Romulan Government, at the most Hansen had expected a few carriers from the Romulans.

"Admiral, as more ships enter the transwarp conduits, we'll start losing our defense perimeter."

Hansen paused. "Will we have enough ships to maintain it?"

"Doubtful. Almost the whole fifth fleet is gone. With the departure of the Klingon fighter wings, we are dangerously exposed Admiral. I'm surprised the Borg haven't decided to attack us yet."

"The Borg can't get within a hundred light years without their transwarp drives shutting down. We'll have advance warning of their approach." Hansen away from the window to face Hernandez. "Send to all ships, continue covering the transwarp conduits as best as they can. A few more hours and we'll be on our way."

"Admiral, why don't we just leave them."


"Admiral, you said so yourself. They're going back to fight a lost cause. We should just leave them behind."

"No. We're not leaving them behind to be picked off by Borg patrols. As soon as the ships which have decided to return to Federation space are gone--"

"There's no way we'll be able to hold the perimeter for long. Fighter cover is getting dangerously thin. If the Romulans too decide to leave, it could be an entire day before we're on our way. Already our scouts have detected increased Borg activity in the vicinity."

"We're not leaving them behind."

"James, they're leaving us behind."

"Since when do you address a superior officer by their first name?" Hansen grinned. "You've already committed two infractions Captain Maria Hernandez, violation of Starfleet Code of Conduct Section 54B."

"I'm about to commit another. Along with you."

"We're not going to just throw away Starfleet, or the Federation."

"We're abandoning the Federation right now."

"No. We're withdrawing from the death throes of a doomed civilization. We'll rebuild the Federation."

"You mean you'll rebuild the Federation."

"No. As soon as we reach the other side, I'll be resigning my commission. Command of the fleet will be handed over to the interim government."

"And me."

"Does that mean you've accepted?"

"Let's say I'm giving it serious consideration."

"You'll have to resign your commission too."

"I know." Hernandez walked closer and put both her hands on Hansen's shoulders. Hansen jerked back. Hernandez laughed. "How long has it been?"

"Been since what?"

Hernandez stood at attention like an academy cadet. "I regret to inform the Admiral that another violation of the Starfleet Code of Conduct is about to take place." Hernandez's hands went up to her ponytail. Her hairclip fell from her hands. She shook her head. Her dark brown hair framed her glistening face.

"Vulcan. Since Riley died."

"Riley... that snot that you hung out with all the time?"

"I'm surprised you don't remember him better. We shared an apartment with him."

Hernandez took a step closer and suddenly grabbed Hansen. It was awkward, just like the first time many years ago. Hernandez was much shorter than Hansen, and nearly tripped Hansen after bringing his face to hers. It lasted only a few seconds before Hansen pulled back and laughed. "Remember you had to stand on a box?"

"It was so long ago. We were kids."

Hansen grabbed Hernandez and lifted her up, placing her on the desk so that her face was at eye level. Hernandez took the communicator off her breast and undid the front of her uniform. Hansen had been in command all his life -- as a child, in the academy, in Starfleet. Nothing however compared with this. Hansen put both his arms around Hernandez. She yielded, arching backwards on the table and placing her hand behind her to support herself. Hansen tugged at Hernandez's chest, trying to undo her uniform. She complied, jutting her chest out and arching herself even further. Hansen ran his hands up and down her slender back and toned arms.

"Admiral.", said a disembodied voice.

Hansen sighed. "Go ahead."

"Borg warp signatures approaching our defense perimeter."


Hansen lifted Hernandez off the table and put her on her feet. Hernandez hurriedly buttoned up her uniform and slapped on her communicator. Hansen composed himself and walked out the door.

"We'll have to violate regulations another time."

"That's what you always said."

Hansen grabbed Hernandez's hand and tugged her with him out the door.

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Post by Crazedwraith »

awwwwwww sweeeeeeeeeet.
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Post by Kruk »

more more more
[quote:c986e33691]Comparing and basing weapons strengths based on movie special effects isn't an accurate way of judging firepower. Simply because those effects are the results of what the producers and directors want to see on screen.[/quote:c986e33691]
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Post by Robert Walper »

Hey Brian...perhaps some juicy tidbits on the fall of the Federation when it happens? Earth falling, cubes carving up the surface of planets. Essentially, show some of the horror and ruthlessness of assimilation. 8)

Good so far.

Edit: Expect extreme nipicking and accuracy issues from me on the Borg though. :P ;)
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Post by Tribun »

Robert Walper wrote:Hey Brian...perhaps some juicy tidbits on the fall of the Federation when it happens? Earth falling, cubes carving up the surface of planets. Essentially, show some of the horror and ruthlessness of assimilation. 8)

Good so far.

Edit: Expect extreme nipicking and accuracy issues from me on the Borg though. :P ;)
Yes, that would be cool!
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Post by darthdavid »

Good work.
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Post by Darth Lucifer »

Aww...just when he was about to get some... :twisted:

More, please!
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Post by DarkSilver »

ain't it always the way

the big guy was about to get a peice, and the Borg show up

good chapter, can't wait for more...

and yes, show some of the Federation's Downfall
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

seeing the returning feddies being eaten as well would begood.
This day is Fantastic!
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Post by Robert Walper »

Brian, if I may, some (including myself) have requested tidbits on the Borg assimilating what's left of the Federation (hopefully we see some of this! :D). My main concern would be you capture the essence of the Borg when they conquer a civilization. There's no malice or ill will, no wasted effort or resources. The Borg are more like a force of nature, they conquer and assimilate what they desire, and despite the Federation's humanity and will to fight the inevitable conquest, the Borg have no such will or intent. The Federation is simply there to be consumed like a city would be by a hurricane. Portray that accurately, and you capture one of the aspects that makes the Borg so fearsome. Lack of emotion or real concern about what they are doing. It just happens. :D
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