ARC-170 (Spoilers)

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Post by VT-16 »

I thought the final version only had one rear turret?

And from the back the exhaust ports looked tiny compared to the X-Wing's, maybe the engines themselves have a great output, I dunno...
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Post by Ace Pace »

SPOOFE wrote:It looks like a K-wing.
I'm confused, what Does a K-wing look like? I've read the trilogy where they appear over and over yet I can't make a picture.
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Ace Pace wrote:
SPOOFE wrote:It looks like a K-wing.
I'm confused, what Does a K-wing look like? I've read the trilogy where they appear over and over yet I can't make a picture.
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Post by Gorefiend »

yes the good old k-wing -.-" star wars starfighters really dont get any uglier then that thing :roll:
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Post by Spartan »

I've always had the impression that the S-foil 'variable geometry wings' just spread apart to increase the surface area for heat radiation. TIE's have huge radiator fin's stands to reason that and X-wing, or Arc-170 should dedicate an even larger amount of space to radiators.

By the way wasn't there a TIE fighter that had S-foils as well. I kind of remember it, but can't find any reference.
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Post by VT-16 »

The TIE Raptor?


Then there´s the Actis-class fighters (Anakin and Obi-Wan uses several in this film). They appear to have TIE-panels that spread out from the wings when they attack.
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Post by Mange »

Stark wrote:It'd be good if it was a bomber - the 'B-wing is a bomber' thing always made me laugh, given its retardedly small size and 'cockpit, engine and some wingy bits' structure.

Does the ARC-170 have two rear guns? A second one appears to be pointed aft from somewhere near the engines. And those huge guns (with the little guns on it) had better be shown doing something hardcore: they're similar size to the DS1 air defence guns we see in ANH.
According to the toy preview over at the Official Site, ARC is an acronym for Aggressive ReConnaissance.

+ ... 50302.html (not a Hyperspace artice).
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Post by Aaron »

Mange the Swede wrote: According to the toy preview over at the Official Site, ARC is an acronym for Aggressive ReConnaissance.

+ ... 50302.html (not a Hyperspace artice).
That doesn't make much sense, why would a recce fighter be so heavily armed?
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Post by VT-16 »

Aggressive being the key word. :P

Seems they´re meant to be sent on special missions, like the elite Jedi fighters, only for normal pilots.
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

Further bridging the designs of the prequel and original trilogy is the Republic's mighty ARC 170 starfighter, with splayed S-foils that should trigger powerful memories in long-time Star Wars fans. This particular illustration was completed by Ryan Church in August of 2002, only a few months after Episode II was released.
How does this resemble an X-wing? If you want something that looks like the X-wing and is from the Clone Wars use the Z-95 it is Supposed to be the X-wings predecessor.
It is a nice looking ship, but how does it tie the PT ships to the OT ships? I hate this Palpatine Propaganda that comes from GL and his people. The movies are good pieces of cinematography but horrible star wars.

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Post by Lord Revan »

Kartr_Kana wrote:How does this resemble an X-wing? If you want something that looks like the X-wing and is from the Clone Wars use the Z-95 it is Supposed to be the X-wings predecessor.
It is a nice looking ship, but how does it tie the PT ships to the OT ships? I hate this Palpatine Propaganda that comes from GL and his people. The movies are good pieces of cinematography but horrible star wars.
the nose and wing resemble both Z-95 (which is a pre clone wars design) and the T-65 X-wing. Also the ARC-170 and Z-95 are used in different roles, the Z-95 is space superiorty fighter, but is starting get really old by time of the OT (it's a pre-TPM design). The ARC-170 is a Recon/assault craft. so it's possible Imcom need Space superiorty fighter to replace the Z-95 they looked at the ARC-170, but modified it (based on Z-95 design) to fit it's new role, so what you is the T-65 (aka the X-wing).
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

I can by that, but it still does not make me happy that GL is really screwing with all previous mentions of the clone wars.

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Post by VT-16 »

but how does it tie the PT ships to the OT ships?
It´s built by Incom Corporation, same company that made the Headhunter and the X-Wing. You can see a certain resemblence to these two designs, only it´s much bigger and fills a different role. Like for instance the B-Wing fills a different role to the A-Wing.
I hate this Palpatine Propaganda that comes from GL and his people. The movies are good pieces of cinematography but horrible star wars.
Geez, if you don´t like it, nobody´s forcing you to watch.
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

I like the movies, infact I like them a lot. What I dislike is that they are star wars. They and the new EU do not maintain continuity with the old movies and EU. That is all that I am complaining about.

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Since the EU sucked ass, that's not really a problem. Oh noes! The VSD, I love thee such....
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Kartr_Kana wrote:I can by that, but it still does not make me happy that GL is really screwing with all previous mentions of the clone wars.
Dude, there was virtually nothing mentioned about the Clone Wars before the Prequel Trilogy came around because Lucasfilm had a bloody gag order concerning that era...
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

Spanky they tell us exactly what the dreadnaughts are and can do. They tell us exactly what the Z-95 and cloakshape can do, the same for the VSD, the YT-1300 is from the Clone Wars or before. So we have information about the Clone Wars you just have to look for it. And these ships that I mentioned are clone wars vintage but are still competative with newer ships not equal but not just anchient pieces of crap either. Yet the ships that have been unvieled in the movies completly outclass these ships and in some cases rival GCW era ships. The Acc. for example can lift off and land on planets the largest ship that could do so previously was the Blockade Runner(Correlian Corvette). The Acc. is almost as fast as fighters in deepspace and has torpedo launchers that would scrap an cap ship it hit. I calculated that the Acc. with all the ground combat vehicles (Gunships, walkers, Sphats etc.) replaced by fighter craft could carry 8 or more full fighter squadrons.

The V-19 torrent has a hyperdrive, shields, proton torpedos, at least 2 lasers and is very fast and manueverable. gunships could slag AT-ATs with out a problem their mass dirver/missile launchers were enough to bring down a starship.

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Post by Lord Revan »

Kartr_Kana wrote:Spanky they tell us exactly what the dreadnaughts are and can do. They tell us exactly what the Z-95 and cloakshape can do, the same for the VSD, the YT-1300 is from the Clone Wars or before. So we have information about the Clone Wars you just have to look for it. And these ships that I mentioned are clone wars vintage but are still competative with newer ships not equal but not just anchient pieces of crap either. Yet the ships that have been unvieled in the movies completly outclass these ships and in some cases rival GCW era ships. The Acc. for example can lift off and land on planets the largest ship that could do so previously was the Blockade Runner(Correlian Corvette). The Acc. is almost as fast as fighters in deepspace and has torpedo launchers that would scrap an cap ship it hit. I calculated that the Acc. with all the ground combat vehicles (Gunships, walkers, Sphats etc.) replaced by fighter craft could carry 8 or more full fighter squadrons.

The V-19 torrent has a hyperdrive, shields, proton torpedos, at least 2 lasers and is very fast and manueverable. gunships could slag AT-ATs with out a problem their mass dirver/missile launchers were enough to bring down a starship.
first of an VSD (c. 900m) can land and lift of from planet a think it's bigger then the BLocade Runner (c. 150 m) or Acclamator (700 m (IIRC)) and I think you're wanking the PT ships to make your point (the LAAT/i have not (IIRC) destroy a warship (or civilian ship for that matter) with firepower alone (all that I can remember is a hit fuel tank support of a civilian ship).
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

They aimed above the fuel tanks, and the VSD cannot land in atmosphere it can only operate in atmosphere, such as hovering over a city and burning it off, flying through and manuevering in atmosphere but it cannot land. I am trying to find stats for the Xwing/Ywing and the other GCW craft right now so that I can compare numbers with the PT ships.

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Post by Lord Revan »

Kartr_Kana wrote:They aimed above the fuel tanks, and the VSD cannot land in atmosphere it can only operate in atmosphere, such as hovering over a city and burning it off, flying through and manuevering in atmosphere but it cannot land. I am trying to find stats for the Xwing/Ywing and the other GCW craft right now so that I can compare numbers with the PT ships.
yes it can dammit and also entering lower atmosshere is a similar feat to landing the gravity won't change that much).
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

They aimed above the fuel tanks, and the VSD cannot land in atmosphere it can only operate in atmosphere, such as hovering over a city and burning it off, flying through and manuevering in atmosphere but it cannot land. I am trying to find stats for the Xwing/Ywing and the other GCW craft right now so that I can compare numbers with the PT ships.

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Post by Lord Revan »

What's with double post (your point ain gonna get better, if post twice)
They aimed above the fuel tanks
yeah at suppports of fuel tankl or didn't you see that they fell of the ship after that hit.
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Post by Kartr_Kana »

My internet connection is not steady.

Can you see two or three xwings doing that in a single volley?

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Post by Meest »

This is all incredibly nitpicky, details that don't impact the story much. The galaxy is a huge place, there's plenty of room for multiple designs that ended up being used by lesser forces. Look at is this way, Canada has "advanced" frigates, but when you see an American navy taskforce that they are supporting are you going to notice them?

There's still a 20 year gap also, yeah it may not be technically the Clone war era, but the Empire still built up and still has insurgency problems, so the history changed abit, everyone know Lucas does that. There's so many nods to the OT that it's making the galaxy seem so small already.
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Post by Lord Revan »

Kartr_Kana wrote:My internet connection is not steady.

Can you see two or three xwings doing that in a single volley?
taking into account what they did in ANH I think single X-wing could do the with out torps said craf was unshielded.
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