Coming from you, that's a compliment (no offence fgalkin)Pavel wrote:You're a disgrace on russia,
[funide] Believe! BELIEVE![/fundie]i hardly believe you are from st.petersburg, or russian at all,
When, exactly, did the Web become alien grounds?stab your brother in the back on alien grounds?
This isn't a war, you fucking drunkass lamebrain. On second thought, scratch that, it is a war. All of us vs. you.what if i acted like a jerk, you should always stand up with your countrymen in battle,
Like he's supposed to feel some kind of bond with you, simply being in the same you kick your brother if he got into trouble with strangers on the streets? even if he is the one to blame, your duty is always to stand up with him, no matter what. (but i think trators are everywhere and you've proven to be one)
I like how you make that misspelling so obvious.Trator