Assassin X wrote:Yep, mutiplayer the biggest reason i dont download games. If you know where to get them everything else works fine and it stripped down, but if you dont know where to get them there all stripped down and their crap.
Amen to that - a few games occasionally are uploaded in ful to give the downloaders every facet available, but a low of abandonware providers go with the absolute working minimal and hold back a lot of the things that make a game interesting. Case in point, Classic Gaming Archive's copy of
Descent II - I downloaded it after playing the original for a while and having played the demo when I was younger, and while the "game" was fully available, the uploader had done something to the game so that you couldn't see any of the cutscenes, not even the level-ending escape through the exit tunnel. Abandonia's copy of
Descent also has a minor snafu in that the game crashes every time I try to poke around with the multiplayer options.
Others still upload copies of the game that simply won't work without the need for some fancy add-on
despite the fact that the very same game ran years ago on the very same system. Classic Gaming Archive (I honestly hate their guts) did such a thing with
Tactical Fighter Expariment, uploading a copy of the game that required DosBox to play because the transplanting of the installed game caused it to go bugfuck upon execution. Rather than upload the installation files, which would have made things
far more easier, they instead force us to use this resource-munching add-on that runs hidiously slow despite the perfect conditions exhibited by the original game (which I had back on CD a while ago, but was lost when the CD got broken somehow).
As far as music goes, I personaly have no problem whatsoever with downloading and storing music. It's not as though I'm in turn selling them for a profit (which I
am opposed to) and it's really the equivilant of taping a song off the radio, just in far better quality. You also have to take into account the availability of the material in question - you might be searching for a single song amongst hundreds of CDs and still not be able to find it, and even if you do find a disc that has it, it also may contain a bunch more that you don't want, yet are forced to purchase anyway.
Television, I'm not so sure about, but movies I'm definetily against - as was said before, half of the experience is being in the theater to watch it in the first place, and DVDs can sometimes have interesting extras - PLUS, for those of us who are scraping by with the basic minimals or don't have the funds on-hand to upgrade - take by rust bucket, for instance - it's an impossability in the first place.
EDIT: Going back to games, I'd also like to point out that in the area of emulation, a great number of the most popular games people play are either impossible to find in a working condition or in a condition in which things can be understod - many of the games that I emulate are for the old Nintendo and Super Nintendo systems, and are more often than not straight Japanese dumps or copies that somebody has taken their good time and resources to translate and make a patch fr.
Final Fantasy II and
III for the NES and the
Romancing SaGa,
Ys IV and
Shin Megami Tensei I and
Seiken Densetsu III for the SNES - you either can't find them in a working condition, or if you do, one in which you can understand the story and action without having to learn the language.
This has been another blunder by you friendly local idiot.