"You're ruining my movie!"

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Sith Marauder
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Durandal wrote:
Galvatron wrote:And Kershner has dogs like Never Say Never Again and Robocop 2 to his credit. How does that change the fact that Kurtz and Kershner were both integral to the success of TESB?
Robocop 2 was great. I'll still stop whatever I'm doing to watch it if it's on TV just for the scene with the two Robocop 2 prototypes going batshit.
Yeah, my favorite scenes take place in the museum of OCP and the prototype testings.
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Sith Marauder
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Post by Mange »

VT-16 wrote:Mark Hamill said in a recent interview that while on set for ANH or ESB Lucas joked about needing him back in 20 years to do more. None of them seemed to take it seriously, so I guess it was an on/off serious/nonserious thing.
Oh, yes! Lucas said that Hamill would be needed "around 2011". I'd forgot about that.
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