Assassin X wrote:Im sure Harry's already writing his reiview.
Isnt he amazing (assuming were all talkinabout the same Harry) that that site and it people see all these movies ahead of time. I want that job.
In the case of New Line, Harry probably is getting sneaks, since AICN is practically a subsidiary of New Line. The Facer showed how every movie released by New Line was given glowing reviews at AICN, except one and spoofed Harry's bullshit story about seeing AOTC in a hotel room.
AICN was kissing Tarantino's cock for months for even a crumb about Kill Bill when it was shooting, so the Facer wrote about how
he had been invited to China to the set and was given a look at the rough cut -an obvious parody of Harry Knowles' AOTC tall tale. Well because AICN are not only brownnosers and hucksters -they're
stupid brownnosers and hucksters, Harry went 100% apeshit and, not realizing he was being ridiculed- started spamming the websites that ran The Facer's review. He demanded "proof" that The Facer saw the movie! I wish I could find the review because it was hilarious. I did find this excerpt from Cinescape:
The Facer wrote:January 17, 2003... The mysterious and masked individual known as "The Facer" has landed a big exclusive, namely the first review of an early cut of Kill Bill. The Facer gave the work-in-progress a negative review, saying that he disliked the performance of the film's star, Uma Thurman, and felt that the film was a jumble of action sequences. Ultimately he was left disappointed with the movie and even in this early stage of post-production, feels that the completed film will not be well received by critics.
"If you want to see a better movie built around the concept of a string of fight scenes held loosely together by a plot, go rent The Warriors," writes TheFacer. "If you want to see a better movie built on the tired old plot device of someone battling bad guys who killed their family, go rent Mad Max. And if you want to see a better Kung Fu movie, rent an old Chinese one. Little smarmy white guys like Tarantino aren't the best ambassadors of Asian culture, despite what fat geeks at comic conventions tell him."