As you mention, if their crimes against other people are our justification for invasion, then we should be invading Canada tomorrow because of their support for the IRA.
You are this <-------> far away from getting the point, the fact is its not the only reason, you discount it as a valid reason out of hand, your logic is terrible and you can't seem to grasp the diffrence between say the US Invading Iraq or Iran for Terrisom support or Say Invading Canada for its support, Or NOT invading as is the flip side, you can't seem to grasp that
Resolution 2131 - "Declaration on the inadmissability of intervention" read about one of our violations here
Also, we are guilty of preventing UN actions agains Israel for its no less than 68 seperate violations. A list can be found here
You were saying, Bean?
BZZZZZZZT Sorry try agian, Remeber the question is what UN resoultions have WE Violated, We Being the US, Not we Being Isreal, And you found one, Woop DE, And who broke it? Why then President Clinton, The man who attacked without support of the House and Senate, It was obvious from the start what his inital aim was, This is the same man remeber who has now over 2 Million Dollers in Unreported "Gifts"(Free Stock or Stock Options counts under gifts) that he collected as President he is no longer in power and don't try to pretend it as such
Secondly Isreal is an entirly seperat situation, It is FUBAR, It infact should be classifed as the Defintion of FUBAR in all Military Textbooks and you'll find that a great many people of this board agree with me and also agree that we have no business supporting Isreal to begin with
So you admit that the only possible use of the bio-weapons he has is against civilians, and he can't do that because we would be forced to retaliate with at least equal force. In other words, he poses no threat whatsoever to us. Also, you never adressed my point about development of bio-weapons being a reasonable action to take against an overwhelmingly powerful opponent who hates your guts. Concession accepted.
Don't Twist My Words Data its not polite, The point I was attemting to get across(And you so clearly missed) is that even though they are completly useless aginst most Modern Militarys they are quite effective aginst less tecnologly capable Armys such as Saudi Arabias and Iran's and he has the means to use them as such if not the nessary Military Might to do them as such that Isreal could not take apart, The point agian is that one does not use Chemical and Biolgical Weapons aginst the Military, they are intended to be used aginst Civilian Popluas of which Saddam has quite a few to choose from, and don't tell me he's not thinking Long Term, he was smart enough to hold off using them because he knew that he would not come out of the Gulf War intact if he did, Not only that he managed to talk the UN into perserving 5 Square Miles of Underground Facilites as being "Inspector Free" between 91 and 2002
Strawman. I listed no less than three seperate factors for this war, none of which has anything to do with national security or justice.
Ahh but you said
Which is what this war is really about, even more than oil. Daddy's little boy wants revenge.
What this war is realy about? Thats sound like one reason to me, or a main reason, and Oil is your second reason(Already disproven, more oil= Poorer Bush not Richer one) so whats your third reason?
(Since you consider the Fact Saddam is a dicator and has engage in the murdering of his own people plus the Kurds for quite a few years now as being completly irrelvent)
Israeli military agents? How reliable...
Aurgly the second best in the World with the Death of the KGB, unless you want to back up that statment concided the point
We use far more oil than we actually need. We don't need to have cars and SUV's using millions of barrels of oil daily, we don't need to have a power infrasturcture whose primary fuel is oil, we could try developing an efficient mass transit system in most major cities, we could try actually taxing oil like they do in other countries so as to limit consumption, but we don't because we are ensured of a upply of oil far in excess of what our nation actually needs because we rule the world. The one-tenth figure was an exaggeration, but the point is that the fact that we have more oil than we need now does not mean that oil companies wouldn't be able to sell more
Ahh I see your aurgment rests on the fact that we don't need Cars and SUV's tell me can you produce numbers for how much more SUV's waste than cars? Or prehaps you are refering to the fact that we don't need cars at all and we could all make due with Bikes, or prehaps Pogo-Sticks to get around
And you second point.... Our Power Structer? Do you relise the costs of ripping all that out and rebuilding it would be roughly enough to buy all the Oil of the Middle East with some left over for Russian Oil as well? Your talking about Trillions of Dollers of Equipment and we should just throw it away and use somthing else? I think your underesmate exaclty the problems faced in switching of a partily oiled based system as we have today
Your appeal to ridicule only demonstrates the apalling immorality of your position. What you have just said is that you support invading a country whenever it doesn't do what we tell it to, regardless of its human rights violations or lack thereof, regardless of the threat it presents or lack thereof, simply for not following our orders when we have no right to give them orders anyway because they are a SOVEREIGN nation. In simpler language Bean, you are saying that you support an American dictatorship of the entire world.
F U C K I N G BS, I can't belive you could sit there and type that, completly ignorate of fucking casuse and Relationship, You sit there and twist my words so much its sicking you take me critsing you about the fact that your ignoring cause and effect and sevrity, I point out by your logic we SHOULD be invading everyone everywhere as everyone has done somthing bad at some point or another, from the UK to India by your logic we should start a gobal war, How about China? If one wants to rant about Human Rights Violates why not pick the Country that invented half the tortures outlawed everywhere else.
Lets say this agian very slowly so maybe you can understand this time
Iran has bent over backward and agree to do pretty much anything we want,
We are talking with North Korea now, Pakistan is also being talked with though they won't give up thier nukes because of India, India Likewise, however both have agreed to cease testing of Missles that have any greater range then the ones they have now, Meanwhile Iraq has activly pursuded Nuclear Material, and Devlvery devices that can reach as far as Britian and might be weeks, might be months, but is definatly within a year of a Nuclear Device after which he can hold us at arms length at will, Nuclear Blackmail becomes a very real Possbility
And lastly your horrendece language with the stuble comparsion to Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia(Dicatorship of the world?) woudl imply that I at some point said the President should have absoutle power, something I'm afriand you won't be able to find, unless of course you want to twist my words more than you have already and sink to absoutle fabrication
Perhaps someone should have explained that to our ambassadors before they exceeded their authority...
I think you'll Also find that Ambassadors don't have the right to delcare war or ok war either....