What are Stormtroopers

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Post by Bellator »

George Lucas just doesn't give one damn about the EU, despite official canon policies. He'll go his own way regardless.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Bellator wrote:George Lucas just doesn't give one damn about the EU, despite official canon policies. He'll go his own way regardless.
Bellator just doesn't give one damn about the rules, despite official board policies. He'll resurrect dead threads regardless.

From February? I recommend giving the Announcements forum a good read.
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Post by mwm1331 »

always figured (untill AOTC) that stormtroopers were very much like the emperors privte guard(forget the name) in Dune, Ie raised from brith in amazingly harsh condtions to foster toughness and loyalty.
Based on the recent movies I feel the most likely scenario is........
The clone troops formed the core of the stormys, mixed in with the best of the Republic mlitary, the elite forming the basis of new clone lnes, mixed n with the offspring of stormies, rased on worlds dedicated to devolping, stormy's.
In other words a mixture of clones of the best, a breeding, lfelong indoctination program, with the best of the standard military being thrown in for fresh blood.
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Post by Lone_Prodigy »

mwm1331, didn't you notice how the very last post said not to resurrect dead threads? Then you resurrect one from four and a half months ago?! What is wrong with you?!
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Post by mwm1331 »

and you are?
I thought it was an interesting subject, dont like t dont click it.
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Post by McC »

[url=http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic.php?t=19888]Thread Necromancy[/url] in the Announcements Forum wrote:Please, if no one has responed to a thread in WEEKs let it die in peace.
RTFM. :roll: You don't like the policy? Good for you. You want to post here? You had better abide by it.
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Post by Sam Or I »

Just throwing a tid-bit into the mix. The only part of the OT that would suggest that Stormies are clones would be Leias comment in ANH. Something about being a little short to be a Stormtrooper. I know it is not solid proof, but it does give an idea that stormtroopers have to meet some type physical equirements.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

They are clones. See Pax Emperica. This has been done to death, use the search function, the end.
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Post by Vympel »

Is this a record?
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